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File: 1.76 MB, 600x450, homercereal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7149078 No.7149078 [Reply] [Original]

My friends are having a debate: do you pour the milk first or the cereal first? Please help


>> No.7150964

If you have friends who pour milk first, you need new friends.

>> No.7150970

You pour as much cereal as you want to eat, then add the appropriate amount of milk.

Are you even old enough to be here?

>> No.7150987

I know this is a "gib upboats pls"-tier answer, but it's correct. If your friends do that, you have stupid fucking friends.

>> No.7151006

Used to be that people that poured milk in first weren't served at the same counters.

>> No.7151012
File: 7 KB, 350x251, the-classic-virus-puke-pic-vomit-1516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7151016

ikr, bear cum is the only option for me

>> No.7151105

You've literally got to have some kind of mental condition of you do milk first

>> No.7151109

I used to do milk first
I would pour my milk, then pour cereal. Then I'd eat the cereal. When cereal gone I'd pour more cereal and continue and repeat
That way when I got to the end of eating cereal, the cereal wouldn't be soggy

>> No.7152516

How does pouring the milk first help the cereal not get soggy?

>> No.7152520

I pour the milk first but I also wipe my ass before I take a shit (to make sure the gangway is clear).

>> No.7152564

As a teenager I once tried pouring the milk first. I was thinking "I'm so fucking smart. Why doesn't anyone do this?"

Turns out, no-one does it because the milk goes fucking everywhere.

>> No.7152575

What kind of absolute fucking retard pours milk first?

>> No.7152599

I asked one, once: he pours milk first because he is incapable of gauging how much milk is in the bowl when there's cereal in in the way.

>> No.7152609

Cereal first.
Otherwise the milk splashes everywhere you fucking morons.

>> No.7152621

Milk first and then warm it up before adding cereal. I don't know how the hell someone makes a mess when adding cereal second unless they are trying to throw the fucking boxing in.

>> No.7152638

the majority of people here pour their cereal first? why? why do you like soggy cereal? are you going to vote for trump too, you fucking heathen?

>> No.7152687

What kind of manchild can't pour milk in a bowl without making a fucking mess in the kitchen?

The right way is: milk first, then add cereal in small amounts as you eat, so they stay crunchy all the way to the end.

>> No.7152724

>autist thinks he can convert the unstumpable

>> No.7152734

I will never understand how anyone can use milk instead of yoghurt, filmjölk or something like that.
Cereal with milk is inferior in every way.

>> No.7152742

>do you pour the milk or the cereal first
>do you wipe your ass before or after you take a dump

That's how retarded you sound, OP.

>> No.7152745

Used to do cereal first but then I wanted to minimize the soggyness while I'm putting the milk away so now I remind myself to do milk first.

>> No.7152746

this guy gets it

>> No.7152850

Are you serious?

>> No.7152881
File: 71 KB, 620x500, two compartment bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using a two-compartment bowl to dunk a spoonful of cereal into the milk before each bite.

All the taste, none of the sogginess.

>> No.7152973

Or just get 2 bowls you consumerist whore

>> No.7152980

>there are people actually arguing this as if there was an objective right answer and not just preference

>> No.7152981

>do you pour the milk first or the cereal first?
literally /ck/, the post.
Fucking idiots.

>> No.7152983

First the cereal then the milk...unless you want your milk spilling out...

>inb4 physics

>> No.7152985

This is the most autistic bowl I've ever seen.

>> No.7152998

I pour the milk in one bowl.
I pour the cereal in another bowl.
Then I pour them together into another bowl.
Makes it taste better for some reason.

>> No.7153019

>eating cereal

>> No.7153027

I carefully pour my corn flakes into the milk bottle, shake it around then pour it out. Makes it taste better for some reason.

>> No.7153028

>in this thread: retards who either have to put their hand on the cereal to keep it from floating out of the bowl or otherwise have to pour five thin layers on top instead of being able to eat start to finish in one go

>> No.7153033

I do this too

>> No.7153055

>have to pour five thin layers on top instead of being able to eat start to finish in one go

>> No.7153058

What is wrong with you people? What does it matter which one you do first?
You put the amount of cereal you want in the bowl, and you put the amount of milk you want in the bowl. Doing whichever first doesn't matter.

>> No.7153068

>thinks he's not an autist because he takes the Trump meme seriously

you need to reevaluate what is real and what isn't at this point

>> No.7153098

> What is wrong with you people?
Autism. It's obvious isn't it?