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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 353 KB, 1000x1000, 1446183610238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7145430 No.7145430 [Reply] [Original]

1. Your country

2. Are you proud of its cuisine?

>> No.7145438

Midwest US


>> No.7145440

Take your pick

>> No.7145443


Food is good if you don't live in the fucking mountains. I grew up hating my countries food because my mom came from the mountains and food is terrible there. After moving out I discovered the wonderful world of city life.

>> No.7145485


Yes, I like it a lot

>> No.7145487


Why they fuck would I be proud of something I or someone else didn't do on a personal basis? This shit about countries as a whole having the best food available is stupid.

This isn't fucking /pol/ and I'm tired of shitheads pretending it is.

>> No.7145495

>makes a decent thread related to the board
>told to leave
who's the cancer?

>> No.7145505

what the fuck is wrong with you retards?

>> No.7145530


>> No.7145538
File: 16 KB, 470x313, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck yeah cunt

>> No.7145544

Because being proud of something just because you happen to live there is dumb. Wow, your parents fucked in the US or France or something, your retarded ass was shat out 9 months later. 20 some odd years past and its


>> No.7145567

This. Our food is fucking great.
Love a good pav mate.

>> No.7145600


>> No.7145613
File: 60 KB, 550x370, 58501716387be5b8_sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. USA
2. Yes I love American cuisine

>> No.7145628
File: 545 KB, 712x516, Beef_Mushroom_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. It's not Italy/France/Mexico level but I love a good meat pie.

>> No.7145666
File: 27 KB, 480x319, duck-andouille-gumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Louisiana. Food's pretty good here.

>> No.7145771

United states.

Yes and no. We have many great things, but also many things I'm not proud of. Even if we have a lot of things that are excessive or disgusting, we've still married different cuisines in many interesting ways. I think perhaps the bad will come with the good, a necessary evil for the new and interesting foods we can develop.

>> No.7145781

pretty much the same for me. i feel like the usa is the best and worst.

>> No.7145787

>making a meat pie for dinner tonight


>> No.7145809

Is that picture for real? It seems awfully dangerous walking around like that, you get more visibility walking while looking down at your cell phone. Do women ever cross the street over there?

>> No.7145814

Also does the burkah thing come from arrogant women who think all men are going to want her or insecure ugly men who are afraid to lose their wives?

Well I suppose by reading the Koran you know that Muhammad married some pretty young women when he was an old fart so I guess he wanted to keep them covered so he would never lose them.

Why do ugly people and pompous people have to ruin everything?

>> No.7145821

Southwest United States

Not really, no.

>> No.7145832
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Boudin_blanc_truffé.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to going home for the holidays to eat some of these whores.

>> No.7145839
File: 115 KB, 1279x765, tourtiere-shot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright. I'm on the boring end of the country though, most of the good food is french canadian. The entirety of my exposure has been some winter festivals where we had a bunch things including breakfast pancakes and bacon and eggs and all that, pâté chinois (shepherds pie), tourtière (meat pie), and fucking maple syrup on a stick.

Kraft Dinner is apparently a contender for our national food, so that's a little weird. And sad. Nah I'm just kidding I love Kraft Dinner.

>> No.7145852
File: 105 KB, 500x677, Boudin_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boudins are the shit. The perfect sausage.

>> No.7145853 [DELETED] 

you know how you can see out of busses with signs on the windows, but from the outside it looks like a picture? i imagine it's kind of like that. pull your shirt over your eyes right now. i can see out of mine, and their face covers are probably much thinner.

>> No.7145861
File: 65 KB, 700x350, surf-and-turf-poboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Po boys too.

You know what. I'm making this my Louisiana circlejerk thread.

>> No.7145862
File: 134 KB, 705x397, an-ode-to-the-chip-butty_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Ohio, USA
2. its the same shit everywhere, we take cuisines and make it better or worse. I enjoy it, so i guess that's all that matters really.

Also, can a British person explain to me why french fry sandwiches are a thing in the UK, called chip butties.

>pic related

>> No.7145863
File: 236 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lm5fciXEeN1qjex8wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you fucking plebes have seen a proper Louisiana crawfish boil before.

>> No.7145866


A butty is a sandwich.... that's it.

>> No.7145887

OMG for a hot second I thought you were posting a picture of maggots, and I was thinking thanks a fucking lot, I just swallowed a shot and saw that.

>> No.7145899

Go back to facebook.

>> No.7145908


I thought they came from Earthworm jim, and had pickles in them.

>> No.7145909

I once paid to have boudin put on dry ice and mailed to the Hudson Valley. If I ate one more kielbasa, I was going to flip out.

>> No.7145914
File: 36 KB, 1582x1526, 1368079708213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw other louisiana negros in this thread

going to the best stop tomorrow for some boudin and cracklin's.

>> No.7145928

OMFG for a medium minute i thought you were straight, and I was thinking thanks a fucking lot, I just swallowed a hot cum shot and thought you killed my partners boner.

>> No.7145933

Wtf southwest is the second best food region

>> No.7145943

yeh mate, our grub is tops

>> No.7145967

1. greece

2. its tasty and hard to hate but its all so boring

>> No.7145985

so what else do you guys eat besides larvae and faggot bread?

>> No.7146003

Try using google, dumb cunt

>> No.7146004





>> No.7146247

yes, best food in planet earth imho

drinking mojito is haram

>> No.7146249

1. Afghanistan
2. Yes. We cook as well or better than Iran, Pakistan or India. My mother, whose face I have never seen, is a great cook. I just wish she stopped speaking in such a muffled voice.

>> No.7146485

Yeah, sure, it's bretty good.

>> No.7146666

> southern bbq
> not the best

Honestly what the heck are you doing, going to McDonald's every day?

>> No.7146746


>> No.7147925

What happens to the water they're boiled in?

>> No.7147949

they bath in it

were do you think cajuns get their odor from?

>> No.7147952

It's just a hoagie with fried seafood.

>> No.7147976


Eh, most of our cuisine involves:
>Stuffing anything we can into a pasty
>Lots of intricate desserts
>Appropiating other cultures food and then reinventing it

The most English dish I can think of is Tikka chicken with bacon buttie stuffed with chips, rice pudding with cranberries and your local bottle of cider to wash it all down.

>> No.7148105

why would you be proud of your cuisine lmao

>> No.7148116

2 points for Midwest and no.

>> No.7148118

>Take your truth to /b/!!!!
Fuck off.

>> No.7148120

I know you got satan trips, but what the fuck is that picture of?

>> No.7148124

>Proud of
Considering I didn't create any of it, I don't care.

Washington state, USA.

>> No.7148127

read the filename

>> No.7148247

Hong Kong

It is pretty good, the only street food that rivals it is Singapore

>> No.7148262

>Puerto Rico

>Yes, duh.

>> No.7148303

Have you been to Vietnam? Particularly HCMC. That was the best street food experience I had when I toured Asia.

>> No.7148580

>dat pic

Not a Brit here but to me that only seems/sounds worse than it actually looks or I imagine it would be. Although instead of ketchup I would like it with bbq sauce, as I don't like ketchup on sandwiches but I do like bbq sandwiches and burgers.

>> No.7148596

Crawfish is more work than its worth. And I'm not even talking about catching and cooking it. I mean just eating it is a fucking chore, not unlike sunflower seeds with the shell on... but in the case of crawfish, its like 80% shell. Sure some people suck the brownish/greyish shit looking "brains" out of the neck area, but wow that is fucking gross shit. Hey you know what? fuck crawfish. Its all shit, really. Shrimp wins in every way.

>> No.7149106


Fucking love it

>> No.7149146


Of course. Our cuisine may not be particularly varied, but nobody puts meat inside of pastry like a brit. If we're counting beer as part of culinary legacy Britain has many styles particular to it due to our relative isolation from the rest of Europe. We also seem to have an obsession with overly flavourful sauces as well, having gifted the world with horseradish, english mustard and marmite.

>> No.7149169

They're pretty much 'I'm twelve, I'm hungry and mum isn't home from work to make me dinner' tier. I don't think anyone over the age of 15 would ever eat a chip sandwich.
More to the point I tried making one once, fucking hated it

>> No.7149190
File: 129 KB, 1200x675, smK2oBw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horseradish is slavic, and was made popular by the germans. Marmite is shit, english mustard is fucking incredible. No mention of the full english breakfast? You beer weak as shit but great for session drinking.

>> No.7149199

Horseradish was popularised by the germans brits and scandis.
>your beer is weak as shit
There are there are about 6 styles of beer native to britain, two of them are traditionally low alcohol, the rest are all fairly strong.

>> No.7149347

How do you eat solid foods in a burka?

>> No.7149352

I give up. How?

>> No.7149353


Yea its pretty up there

>inb4 rhino and tiger dick

>> No.7149366

You put the food on your nose, shake your head slightly so that the food slides down to your mouth, and then wipe the food trail off your face.

Repeat until the meal is finished.


>> No.7149368


>> No.7149374

oh ahhahhahha I actually looked it up

Good part starts at 5:15

> "all the extra coverage is going to keep you from ... exposing your cheek"

jesus, the lady is literally covering everything except her eye slits. She's even wearing black gloves.

>> No.7149378

but poutine is awesome

>> No.7149380

1 Italy
2 Best food in the world(imho)

>> No.7149403


It's pretty good. Doesn't deserve the terrible reputation but it's not the best in the world.

>> No.7149406

what goes through the mind of a person like this

do they ever stop and think about what they are doing?

>> No.7149408

1 The netherlands
2 Its alright.. i rate 7/10

>> No.7149487

"Whatsh for dinner Merel?"
"mushed vegetables with sausage and more mashed vegetablesh Lars"
"Oh yah my favourite 7/10"

>> No.7149499


I wish that video was made as a joke, and have a hard time believing that it wasn't.

>i'm actually wearing another mask under my mask

It reached straight up Naruto levels of ridiculousness at that point, and only went downhill.

>> No.7149505



>> No.7149506

US I guess then. Upper midwest

>> No.7149508

You underestimate the creativity of a Dutchman armed with a deep fryer.

>> No.7149511









>> No.7149520

Is it just me or do people gloat about Creole food and Louisiana foodways on here to seem special on here and they are like from Arkansas or Mississippi?


As a prime example. We it crustaceans that are spiced, same with Sweden. It's not that big of a deal.

>> No.7149521


Its decent enough, we're far better at making alcohol though.

>> No.7149534


I like every part of every animal and I like vegetables with tons of oil and dairy products, so it's pretty good. Don't know if proud is the right word but I like it.

>> No.7149800

Same here. I like funnel cakes, but thats it.

>> No.7149811
File: 95 KB, 525x350, SteaméDOg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Québec
> Oui

>> No.7149824

Are you the malaka posting on /hoc/ and calling desharnais desharnais?

>> No.7149827


1. germany

2. pride is not something you can feel towards a country or a countries cuisine

I like german cuisine with some exceptions

>> No.7150310


I fucking love it. I love all the meat dishes and all of the desserts. My favorite one would be "tandır" and "künefe" as dessert.

>> No.7150313

>El Salvador
It's nice. Probably not good for you *at all* but I like it.
>Moved to Canada
I like poutine. Don't know what else we have.

>> No.7150334

Northern Ireland
I guess potato bread is pretty gr8? I don't think we have any unique food that we axctually came up with, just Irish or stuff from GB.

>> No.7150341

1. India

2. Of course I am

>> No.7150346

PNW America. Yes. We care about what goes into our bodies enough to make some pretty damn good food.

>> No.7150349
File: 33 KB, 500x333, pastie-supper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out the pastie is actually something we came up with, I definitely not proud of it what so ever but they are delicious. Champ, dulse and soda bread are also all god tier.

>> No.7150360

1. the greatest country on earth
2. of course, I'm not a commie

>> No.7150374


>> No.7150387
File: 403 KB, 950x515, slide1-matts-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. hot dishes are fine but im certainly not "proud" of it.

this shits p good though

>> No.7150389

English mustard is shit. I got some Colman's a few weeks ago. Where's the vinegar? It's bland, and it's not even that hot.

>> No.7150402

>El Salvador
Is it true that Salvadoran people eat French bread with everything?

>> No.7150435


Me and my countries cuisine can never part; it's all in my arteries.

>> No.7150453

Bread can be added to almost everything we eat but I've never heard of it being french bread ins specific.

>> No.7150503

>overcooked sweet corn

>> No.7150510

>english mustard

Did you put the tiniest possible amount on or something? What do you consider good mustard, dijon lol?

>> No.7150555


>what do you consider good mustard, dijon lol

Fucking bongs, with the cheapest travel accommodations to Western Europe, staying in their provincial little villages, thinking they're cultured, and that their food is actually something anyone else in the world envies.

>> No.7150559

I ate a spoonful tbqh
I prefer mustard with vinegar

>> No.7150564

My mom is always saying stuff like "In my country we always eat this with pan francais" or "That would be good with a little pan francais".

>> No.7150745

1. Poland

2. Yes, however I don't think it's very good. Polish cuisine is hearty stick to your ribs food. Lots of grease and oil used. Lots of dumplings and meat. But ultimately it lacks on flavor. It's boring. It's bland.

In my house I started cooking early because my parents only knew how to cook Polish food and the only spices in the kitchen they had were salt, pepper and marjoram. I like my food spicy or well seasoned.

Having said that, from time to time I like having Polish food. Especially in the winter when it's cold outside and I'm eating a nice warm cup of bigos or some dumplings. Perogies are fantastic obviously but I don't actually eat them often and desu I prefer Asian dumplings.

>> No.7151148

I understand none of the things you are saying,

>> No.7151161

>I mean just eating it is a fucking chore, not unlike sunflower seeds with the shell on
wtf, you just press it or bite it sideways and it comes off

>> No.7151259


Shit yeah, it's all great, the Chinese-American candied meats and the authentic entrails and chicken feet

>> No.7151626

Was it gone off? I just can't imagine how anyone can call english mustard bland.

>> No.7151652

Fucking field corn.

>> No.7151654

it's not that he can't figure out how to open it... but it takes a long time