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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7144708 No.7144708 [Reply] [Original]

I know many of your have food aversions, either because you're sheltered, weren't exposed to other cultures, are manchildren (female neckbeards also post here)...so let's start slow.

What vegetables do you find repulsive? I don't want or need a reason or story behind why you don't like them, I want to know which vegetables you find the least delicious.

>> No.7144732
File: 255 KB, 817x588, parsnips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parsnip. But probably only because they were pan roasted to hell.

Anybody has a good, simple parsnip recipe I could try?

>> No.7144739

There's like at least 100 different ways to cook any vegetable. That being said, I find kale to be hit or miss, depending on how it is prepared. But desu that goes for any food.

>> No.7144744

parsnips are supposed to be like a sweeter carrot, you can oven roast them with potatoes or maybe make fries with them. maybe try them in a soup?
green bell pepper, the red and orange are awesome but fuck the green ones

>> No.7144754


Bell peppers taste exactly the same, the color is due to genetic engineering.

>> No.7144770
File: 15 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kale...fad veggie...honestly it tastes like dirt. I love almost all veggies. and this is no BS. If someone offered me chocolate or steamed broccoli with a bit of melted butter, sea salt and fresh ground pepper, yes my friends i would chose the broccoli every time. Also not sure about fiddleheads...i tried them once and they also tasted like dirt but maybe i didn't cook them properly...oh and ocra i only like it in gumbo not on it's own

>> No.7144773

Fucking hate bitter melon

Tastes like ass

>> No.7144780
File: 991 KB, 500x252, tumblr_ma52qzVsRo1rvwttvo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a fucking idiot
green is ripe, yellow becoming even more ripe and red totally ripe which is sweeter

>> No.7144783


Kale is just cabbage in Ireland...

>> No.7144784

ah so you like to rim ass eh faggot

>> No.7144788


Unless it's the permagreen variety...

>> No.7144790

another fucking idiot joins the thread!!!
cabbage is fucking cabbage you moron
especially in Ireland

>> No.7144791

texture-wise, boiled carrots are not high on my list.
almost all veggies taste like ass by themself without preparation, imagine a meal consisting of just shredded cabbage or raw broccoli. boiling and little salt does wonders to most though.
repulsive? celery and saurkraut.

>> No.7144793

>daily picky eater thread
>this time don't even try to explain yourself, just post foods you're picky about and we can keep this on the first page all day!

/ck/ is going to shit.

>> No.7144796

why on earth would you buy genetically modified fruit or veggies? you must shop for your produce at Walmart

>> No.7144808

I can't think of any vegetable I dislike desu. Closest thing would be avocado but that's a fruit.

>> No.7144817


Do you think it's avoidable unless you're a farmer?

>> No.7144823

saute sliced green peppers, carrots, celery and onion till al dente...the original mirepoix....fantastic!!!!

>> No.7144829

>Disliking avocado

>> No.7144833

same here b/ro love mexican food but not a fan of avocado

>> No.7144838

it's avoidable if you live somewhere other than Merika and buy organic

>> No.7145268

Not a big fan of cooked carrots unless they are in a Recipe.

>> No.7145284
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>> No.7145302

The flesh of any bell pepper.

As in, the flavors the impart have no affect on me, but actually biting in to the flesh is extremely bitter to me. Red pepper is the only only one I can slightly tolerate the flesh of and use it in place of any other when cooking.

>> No.7145312

What's a Recipe?

>> No.7145319

egg plant is the only one i can think of
i still eat it though i just dont like it that much

>> No.7145354

>refuse to eat
>immediately ask for recipe

>> No.7145359

Eggplant is a fruit

>> No.7145363

so are you

>> No.7145365

certified organic in the us guarantees non gmo shitlord

>> No.7145366

I seriously hate bell peppers, and I think they ruin the taste of any dish they're added to. Their flavor is just so strong, it overpowers everything else.

>> No.7145368
File: 79 KB, 400x268, Turnips_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally worse than Hitler.

>> No.7145369

I don't hear you refusing to eat me though.

>> No.7145373 [DELETED] 

This is the average poster in this, "cooking board"

>> No.7145376 [DELETED] 

He's right
They're the same vegetable. The color is related to ripeness

>> No.7145378


>> No.7145380

Do you hate stew?

>> No.7145381

Chop thinly and sauté in olive oil with chopped red onion and add chopped garlic when it turns mushy. Turn off the fire when it finally turns rich brown color. Eggplant is delicious when cooked correctly.

>> No.7145425

I don't find any vegetable too repulsive to eat but I don't really like asparagus.

>> No.7145446

i dont taste celery in stew.

>> No.7145597

top bantz tbqh

>> No.7145604

I cannot stand parsnips, but I've never had them in a restaurant.

>> No.7145640

I tend to have them one of three ways: braised in butter with caraway and caramelised onion (as a side dish), in corn-and-crab chowder (as a stew veg) or boiled 1:1:2 parsnip:carrot:potato, mashed and whipped with bacon grease as the starch part of a dinner plate.

I've also had them as a bisque-like soup and drizzled with paprika oil as well as made into a pancake-like food with ramsons and potato.

>> No.7145674


I haven't run into a veggie I don't like, desu senpai.

>> No.7145685


>> No.7145688


I thought hitler was good, seeing as /pol/ can't seem to fuckoff from here these days.

Nothing against turnips though desu. You just need to put them somewhere where their bitterness will be balanced.

>> No.7145835

Pickles. Thank you McDs.
I really enjoy bell pepper but hate the fact that I keep it burping out for 3 days on a row after eating it

>> No.7145842

Really? Nobody posted brussel sprouts? I'm really not a picky eater, but brussel sprouts is one of the most disgusting vegetables out there when it's cooked/overcooked. I'd eat it raw though, not a big deal, but my god is it fucking gross when its boiled in water. Smells like the holocaust I'm glad that vegetable isn't a fucking meme because im sure nobody would consider eating something that smells like a dead woman's pussy.

>> No.7145851

Do you buy produce that isn't harvested from the wild? If so, you buy genetically modified produce.

>> No.7145945

Peas green beans and celery. Have tried all three cooked multiple ways. Can't fucking do it. They all taste like piss.

>> No.7145952

cucumbers and beansprout

>> No.7145997


>> No.7146001

make dressing

>> No.7146006

Olives and mushrooms. I got food poisoning from mushrooms when I was young, and they make me feel sick when I eat them to this day, so I don't. Olives are just straight-up disgusting.

>> No.7146017


raw red pepper is good, but I don't like any other variation of them.

>> No.7146024

I don't eat green/red/yellow pepper, it's one of the few things I just can't stand.

>> No.7146037

Bell peppers and Cucumbers
Also lettuce

>> No.7146038

yams/sweet potatoes

I find them nearly inedible in most forms

the unpleasant sweetness combined with the absolutely vile texture(lessness) is too much

>> No.7146046
File: 253 KB, 1000x669, kale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy pretty much every vegetable, there are some I have no fondness for but will concede they're edible (jicama, taro, okra) - the only vegetable I actually dislike is kale. I've eaten kale cooked or used in all the popular ways and it's never good: kale in smoothies is vile, 'roasted kale' is apparently made by balling up wads of notebook paper, dipping it in green paint, then rubbing it in dirt; and whenever kale is used (in place of delicious spinach or other greens) in a soup or filling it's sure to be unchewable and taste like the underside of a shoe.

>> No.7146232

I tried making kale chips once because memfopd, gotta try it once and all that

they burned in under half the time the guide said and the whole house stunk for days

it's pretty much the worst thing ever and I'm convinced people are lying to themselves when they say they like it

>> No.7146235


>> No.7146273

Bell peppers goddamnit, I'll never understand why people put them on EVERYTHING. Always ruins perfectly a good pilaf.

Other than that I'm pretty versatile. Almost every veggie is good if you put a little salt on it imo

>> No.7146277

bell peppers are like apples to me

>> No.7146302

so many people saying capsicums (bell peppers) itt, dont know how. They don't taste of much at all and I eat them mostly for the texture

>> No.7146315

Lentils and soy, eveything else is alright, although I'm not a big fan of brusselsprouts

>> No.7146316

I don't eat beetroot. I was force fed beetroot as a child and as much as I often tried to like it, I hate it.
I used to hate goats cheese, but I'm warming up to it. It hilarious because a common hipster entree is some sort of goats cheese and beetroot salad and it's my absolute nightmare.

>> No.7146341

Kale, beets, and sweet potatoes are all atrocities to mankind.

>> No.7146344

Brussel sprouts. God knows I've tried. Added bacon, almond flakes, hazelnut...still tastes like arse. And I'm not fixed in my tastes. I used to gag at pumpkin, now I love it. Sprouts still taste like jock itch.

>> No.7146352

I only eat them in my soup.

Vegetables are really soft food as in most of the vegetables don't have a distinctive taste. It's all matter of preparation.

>> No.7146359

>Sweet potatoes
>Green bell peppers

>> No.7146364


Cilantro. Fuck cilantro and everyone who likes cilantro.

>> No.7146403


To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a genetically engineered bell pepper.

The color of bell peppers is from their ripeness.

>> No.7146410


Looks like I'm wrong. There is a GMO Bell Pepper. It was done in China for the purpose of resisting infection by cucumber mosaic cucumovirus.

>> No.7146426
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, DNLIVcch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck celery, onions, and raw tomatoes (though is that a fruit?). I'll eat virtually any other vegetable, though.

>> No.7146430

Brussel sprouts roasted until they are just brown on top are great. They have a toasty-nutty flavour. But if you overdo them even a little they become as bitter as your mother the night I told her I couldn't come over.

>> No.7146442

Why don't hipsters make their IPAs out of turnips? They seem to go wild over bitterness above all other flavors.

>> No.7146445

It's because 4chinz is a nip board now, and nips hate bell peppers.

>> No.7146510

I despise zucchini. When I was at school, I always had to eat there too, but the cooking was atrocious and the peak of it's awfulness was a zucchini creme soup. Everytime I tried to eat it I almost puked. And now I can't eat zucchini without thinking of that soup and that's why I hate it.

>> No.7146516

As long as you prepare the vegetable properly they are all good.

>> No.7146522

I just don't like cauliflower, despite the delicious looking and sounding recipes I see and hear about. Zucchini is fine, but people generally overcook it to hell. I can stomach most varieties of squash, but not a fan generally.

>> No.7146529

The only thing that gets me picky anymore is big fucking chunks/slices of raw tomatoes.

It's just very unnerving to me when you get a sandwich/burger or even a salad and now I'm tasting like 80 percent tomato in a bite because someone didn't want to slice it thinner.

Tomato is fine in small doses, you want some acidity in your food. But don't overpower the damn thing.

>> No.7146580


Sugar dirt.

Fuck beets

>> No.7146762

I really hate the taste of Dasheens and Eddoes.

>> No.7146764

The texture of avocado causes me to gag and it makes my tongue itch. Fuck em.

>> No.7146786


Doesn't the term capsicum cover all peppers, not just bell peppers?

>> No.7146788

Kale, but I wouldn't say I refuse it outright. If someone else prepared it in a meal I'll at least try it. Sometimes it's bearable enough to eat for polite company. Usually I can't stand it. I never buy it.

The most bearable way I found it is when my sister made it. Mixed in with mostly other greens in a salad and a good dressing. But even then all I could think was "still taste the dirt, just not as much dirt".

Can't think of any other vegetable I don't like.

>> No.7146795

None, because I'm not a huge faggot.

>> No.7147201

Hmm you should try it stewed in cream and with honey glaced ham and taters.

>> No.7147203

I can't think of any vegetables I find repulsive. Hell, I even like bitter melon. But given the option I'll avoid:

sunchokes/Jerusalem artichokes
iceberg lettuce
sweet corn

Not because I dislike these vegetables, they're just the last ones I would choose of other options are available..

>> No.7147206

Let me add alfalfa sprouts to that list.

>> No.7147355

Cauliflower is just shit. I'll eat it if it's covered in cheese sauce but it's the most bland uninteresting vegetable. Don't really like beetroot as well but I've only had it jarred not fresh.

>> No.7147393


bell peppers have a weird crispiness/crunchiness i just don't like.

and i can't explain the aversion. i like crunchy cucumbers, water chestnuts, and carrots.

why do i hate crunchy bell peppers?!

>> No.7147408

You need to try them roasted with butter garlic and a little bacon. Trust me it's like you're entering a whole different world.

>> No.7147413

If you won't eat a certain vegetable, it's because it has not been properly cooked, not because you have a negative bias towards it. Find someone who can cook it right and watch your opinion change entirely.

>> No.7147415

This is what happened to me with regard to every vegetable I used to think I didn't like.

>> No.7147449

I like every vegetable I've tried. I avoid iceberg lettuce because it's bland, but I'll still eat it. Bell peppers are only good when they're still a bit crunchy. Mushy bell peppers are not fit for human consumption.

I know they're a fruit, but cranberries are a little bit whack. You know it's shit when it has to be loaded with sugar to be edible. Please tell me nobody actually eats raw cranberries, or drinks 100% cranberry juice.

>> No.7147458

Not a big fan of asparagus.

That's about it though.

>> No.7147562
File: 110 KB, 800x675, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink 100% cranberry juice sometimes I like it better with a little sugar tho but not to much

I absolutely hate fennel I have only had it a few times but there hasn't been a way I have liked it yet I like any other veggie

>> No.7147604

Bell pepper. The smell makes me nauseus. It just stinks so bad. Some chili peppers have a slight hint of that smell. Habaneros or thai chillies don't. No idea why.

>> No.7147620

I fucking love vegetables, I really do. But fucking celery is just stringy water sticks, they taste like NOTHING and when its in soups its like little chunks of NOTHING flavor. Eating them raw is torture.

celery is bullshit and anyone who uses it in anything is a fucking idiot

>> No.7147625

Red is ripe friendo

>> No.7147628

Raw cucumber smell makes me gag for some reason.

Onions, no matter how hard I try, I just gag whenever I feel it in my mouth.

Cauliflower smells bad.


I tend to prefer green vegetables though. I fucking love greens except cucumbers.

>> No.7147629
File: 49 KB, 656x436, Kohlrabi..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Kohlrabi. It smells so funky to me.

>> No.7147646

Fucking confetti lettuce.

>> No.7149428

I haven't found one. I do like peas however bargain boxed pea soup was so terrible even dogs wouldn't eat it, if that counts.

>> No.7149605

I've never tried it, but I suspect that natto might do it.

>> No.7149629


how do you know the difference between a raddish and a fart?

pls respond

>> No.7149640

It's not that their bad, it's just that there better alternatives.

>> No.7149777

yeah -- i'll eat anything, and i've even had these when they were in my CSA, but damn that it wasn't fun or tasty in any way.

>> No.7151313

>fad veggie

>> No.7151338

Raw tomato. Been trying to force myself to eat it, I doesn't make me nearly vomit anymore. I can see myself enjoying it in the future.

>> No.7151347

I dislike Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Squash and Zucchini.

I like Celery, Green Beans, Peas, Radishes, Spinach and Collard Greens.

>> No.7151356

Fuck sweet potatoes. "Sweet" and "potato" do not belong together at all. Absorutery disgustingu

I also don't care for broccoli, zucchini, and bell peppers. But those three I can eat if cooked right. I tried sweet potatoes again the other day and felt nauseous, almost puked.

>> No.7151364

Cauliflower for me. Especially with white sauce.
Not sure why I don't like it, I'll eat just about anything else.

>> No.7151367

>not liking vegetables

Fuck off

>> No.7151479


Have you tried sweet potatoes with sour cream and chives? It's god tier, at least for me

>> No.7151483



This. Fuck this shit. Tastes like toothpaste.

>> No.7151525

Thanks I thought I was the only one who didn't like that nasty shit
Guacamole is great but straight up raw avocado is gross
I could also live without okra

>> No.7151653

Sounds like you're allergic desu senpai, although I get the same way with raw apples even though I can eat apple pie with no problem.

>> No.7152287

>I love veggies
>with butter and salt

>> No.7152288

Any vegetables you don't like can be more easily handled if you add a flavour you like to them, for me that's a simple Knorr stockpot rub and bunging them in the oven.

>> No.7152315

>that fucking texture

>> No.7152319

Pumpkin and sweet potato are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I don't like tomatoes by themselves but they're good on a sandwich.

>> No.7152322

Just split peas and their shitty soup. Pretty much any terrible vegetable can have their flavor covered up with the right sauce.

>> No.7153878

cut them into pieces and put them into a pot or pan with some butter, add salt and fresh parsley( wait a bit withe the parsley so it stays green), wait til they are cooked.
fucking delicious

>> No.7153889

also tried it with different butters, soy butter was the shit

>> No.7154015

I can't stand that garbage either

>> No.7154061

Broccoli and cauliflower. Both activate my gag complex and make me vomit I am so adverse to their tastes.

Used to dislike peas as well but over the years grown to quite like them - especially mushy peas with melted butter and a bit of salt along with some fries and fish.

>> No.7155737

Fuck cucumbers

>> No.7156028

Spinach, mushrooms, eggplant, celery, squash,zucchini, Bok choy, asparagus, bamboo shoot/root, any sea vegetables.

>> No.7156042

I feel like the only vegetable I hate is broccoli.

And I'm a vegetarian. I'll eat a plate of sautéed kale but fuck broccoli.

>> No.7156082

>raw celery
>olives even though they're a fruit fuck olives

>> No.7156157

There aren't really any vegetables I can think of off the top of my head that I find truly repulsive. However I do not particularly care for either celery or cucumbers.

>> No.7157206

All vegetables are awesome.

>> No.7157211

I'd pick plain broccoli over chocolate. Just ate a bowl of frozen-microwaved a few minutes ago.

>> No.7157220

I hate olives.

>> No.7157238

water chesnuts
Fuck them
they taste like nothing important happened while they were growing
they ruin every single chinese dish they are in with their shitty texture

Water Chesnuts could disappear and literally nobody would be affected, unless you count the glorious boon we would all feel with their sweet, sweet riddance