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7142251 No.7142251 [Reply] [Original]

I know this has probably been talked about on here, but has anyone fell for the door to door meat salesman? I cant believe my parents did, they even let the creep in the house. Now they have 200 bucks worth of shit, its not even good. How do people fall for this?

>> No.7142262

They find gullible people who like to be cheap. Once they find the people, they pounce and don't let go.

Sorry, OP.

>> No.7142263

I could see if it was just expensive for what you get, but this was legit awful, terrible taste terrible texture, and when my parents told me the rant he told them i was pissed

>> No.7142264

I've had that stuff before. For every good one, there's 20 terrible ones. My grandparents fell for that Omaha shit and it's awful. The one I tried typically sold to restaurants and it was pretty good.

>> No.7142270

this wasn't Omaha, the guy basically said he had prime cuts that he was delivering to a local resteraunt a good one he name dropped, and say they were over capacity, and had to unload these for bargain prices instead of driving back an hour to drop them back off at the plant. He said it was cold and winter, and they would get plenty use out of them etc...

>> No.7142279

Yeah that sounds like a scam. When I had it, I was at the restaurant he was delivering to.

Sorry for your loss (of freezer space)

>> No.7142281

I wish I was home when that scumbag ran his game on my parents

>> No.7142282


They obviously aren't really delivering to a local restaurant. It's all lies.

They stopped by my office one day a couple of years ago. I started to chase the crook off but one woman at the office was interested in what they were selling and made me leave them alone. I walked away shaking my head.

If they actually give you the name of a restaurant, call the restaurant up and ask them if they really buy such crappy product from crooks liie that.

>> No.7142289

even if it was just an ok cut but over priced i would be like ehh whatever, but this was literally like frozen food quality mystery meat steak, truly disgusting

>> No.7142295
File: 32 KB, 500x404, inadecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get a gross mail order ham and a shitty calendar every Christmas from your insurance company

>> No.7143283
File: 54 KB, 400x376, adopted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>door to door meat salesman?

My nextdoor neighbor, a young guy and new homeowner, fell for it this past summer;

NEIGHBOR: “Hay, have you ever bought meat off one of those door-to-door trucks?”
ME: No way! It’s probably spoiled or poisoned or from cows raised in Chernobyl, lol!”
NEIGHBOR: “Oh… because I just got $100-some worth of steaks from one…”
ME: “Well…. I’m sure the guys you bought them from aren’t… scammers.”

>> No.7143289

>If they actually give you the name of a restaurant, call the restaurant up and ask them if they really buy such crappy product from crooks liie that.

I wouldn't even bother. No self-respecting restaurant owner would buy meat from some shady door to door salesman selling out of the back of their pickup.

>> No.7143760

My folks didn't fall for the door to door meat salesman because that's retarded

However they are retarded enough to fall for the encyclopedia salesman

>> No.7143774

I fell for this once,huge mistake the meat was awful.on the bright side my freezer was packed as fuck