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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7141581 No.7141581 [Reply] [Original]

>coming into a restaurant ten minutes before it closes
God fucking dammit as a cook this shit drives me up the fucking wall
/ck/ rage thread I guess

>> No.7141606

Most of /ck/ has no restaurant experience, let alone cooking experience... Shit, most of /ck/ doesn't even go out to eat anything other than fast food.

All this thread is going to get are childish responses/trolls, same as any other tipping thread.

>> No.7141608

The first chef I worked for yelled at us when we complained about that. He said if you don't want the job we should quit. He later had a nervous breakdown.

It's really the job of the hostess to tell those people to fuck off. You should be mad at her (I'm assuming it's a woman)

>> No.7141614


The hostess should be taking orders from the chef, first and foremost.

It's her job to control the flow of tickets into the kitchen before making sure all the servers are getting their tables.

>> No.7141617

>I'm assuming it's a women
Correct you are my friend

>> No.7141619

I don't think this really happens except at trashy places

Why would you go out for a nice dinner knowing full well the staff will be having an anxiety attack over getting home?

The only logical conclusion is op doesn't work at a nice place

>> No.7141631
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Assholes don't care if it's a shitty dive or a high end steak house. Usually when we get these types they tip well because they know they put a strain on an already closing kitchen, so whoever is serving them puts up with it.

Carryout fixes this problem

>> No.7141639

Walk ins happen in very nice restaurants. In many places the business is seasonal and you are never fully booked during slower months.

>> No.7141653

I work at a higher middle end Italian restaurant
>found out from a server they're BR
well that explains it. Least the fuckers enjoyed their food.

>> No.7141656

>they're BR
I don't know what this means

>> No.7141681


>> No.7141686
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>lobby closes at 10
>niggas rolling in at 9:59 and ordering for here

>> No.7141709

I wont even order a pizza if its past 8pm.

>> No.7141815

A hostess is by definition a woman

>> No.7141831

Yeah, that's why I used the word hostess

>> No.7141989


I've done this a few times, and I'm always super guilty about it and tip well.

But when you're out drinking and you're trying to get some food in yourself before every place closes up you've got to do it to prevent a hangover.

The city I live in has some late night joints, but less than what you'd think.

We're getting some food truck too which stay out til like 4 AM and it's pretty amazing.

>> No.7141998

If you're open, you're open. If you absolutely have to be out the door at close of business, the food service industry isn't for you.

>> No.7142054
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>close at 11
>group of 5 come in at 10:55
>manager let's them stay
>they're there until 11:50
>mfw I had an exam the morning after

>> No.7142114

Not sure if troll but ask anybody who's worked in restaurant service and they'll tell you all about how much they just LOVE when people come in last second before closing. They'll serve you, yeah and they'll more than likely give you good service, but they'll be wishing they could also slap your shit the entire time. You clearly dont know dick about the food industry

>> No.7142123

Why don't restaurants just put up a sign saying 'last seating at X:00' and have it be earlier than the usual shift?

>> No.7142126

OP here. I have no idea my man. Are there places that do that?

>> No.7142132


Some fancier places.

Usually really high end restaurants are not weird about turning people away though.

>> No.7142141

Why do restaurants have trouble turning people away at the last minute? The customer isn't always damn right, people need to get home and shit.

>> No.7142150


People would go on Yelp and Facebook and shit and blow up about how horrible the service was, and how rude the staff was and how "IF YOU DON'T WANT CUSTOMERS AT 9:50 WHY DOES YOUR SIGN SAY OPEN TIL 10PM!!!"

>> No.7142179

Then get your restaurant to change the opening hours. My previous job had closing times at 10, I didn't complain like a little bitch and punched out at 1130, sometimes 12. If I have to cook for 2 people and get paid an hour and a half more, so be it.

>> No.7142195

Fuck you, I do my job and I do it well but I'm allowed to vent when a situation via bullshit
You're using 'back in my day' as your argument platform

>> No.7142198

*is bullshit
Fuck autocorrect

>> No.7142214

Well this one is not so much of a rage story but more of a WTF story. From my old job working at a shitty little tavern in my home town a few years back.
>Kitchen only big enough for two. I'm washing dishes and doing apps. Coworker cooking everything else.
>Suddenly weird guy barges into kitchen
>Looks like Andrew W.K on heroin
>Talks million mph with bugged out eyes
>Points to my coworker hoping it he snaps they get killed first
>Coworker patience of a saint
>Dude whips out a thing of hot salami
>from his pants
>Dude wants us to cut it up for him and serve it to him
>I'm convinced that the Bartender clearly hates us
>We agree to do it just to get him the fuck out of there
>Coworker remarks that the salami is body temperature warm
>Try my best not to puke
>We're feeling nice. Cut it up into little bites, stick little toothpicks in it, whole nine yards.
>Also play waiter. I have to serve it to him.
>Creepy motherfucker starts going around the bar trying to get people to try his hot salami
>Customers rightfully annoyed
>Hope he chokes on 98.5 degree salami
>He gets pissed drunk on wine and falls asleep at the bar
>Happens to be sitting next to my dad and uncle
>Well known best bros for life
>Dude starts talking shit about my uncle
>Nobody talks shit about my uncle
>Dad punches him in his face
>Throws him out of bar
>Cheering and drinks were had

I've only seen him come again once. He was acting like he was very sedated. Then never saw his punk ass again. He is known to this day as the Hot Salami Guy.

>> No.7142221

not reading thread not green texting but this was me tonight... telling every living soul in the restaurant that the fish special is 86'd yet I get 4 more orders for the fish special. Are you all fucking retarded?!? Rage...

>> No.7142244

You reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, don't you? Tell me to fucking leave if it's such a problem. This honestly sounds like a beef you should take up with your manager if they're letting people come in and order food 10 minutes before your shift ends. People need to eat and your sign says OPEN; don't try spinning this off like it's all the customer's fault when you have several different options for turning them away.

>> No.7142294

> dont open until a certain time
> people outside waiting to come in
> when you open the doors they make remarks like 'oh haha I must have gotten here before you!'

Bitch there is one entrance and it is nine fucking am opening time not 8:55 shut the fuck up and get the stupid shit you need and fuck off.

>> No.7142432

>spraying down the kitchen mats at the end of the night
>guest who's leaving comes up and says "will you wash my car while you're at it?"
I've heard that 'joke' so many fucking times.

>> No.7142443

There's this really nice old man that sometimes come near closing time but he's been coming to the place for a few years now. No one knows why he comes near closing time, maybe it's when he gets off of work but he always gives the kitchen staff some money for taking care of him. Haven't seen him in a while though.

>> No.7142449

There should a last orders time, surely? There was when I worked in a kitchen last.

>> No.7142456

Cook of six years here.

Get over it, OP. The restaurant is open til 10 or whatever, and that means that people come in until 10. It's your job to feed them, stop being such a pissy baby about it.

>A bloo bloo I have to wash the sani off my hands and make a single order

>> No.7142457

If your hours run until 10, don't bitch when people come in before 10 and expect to be seated. Your last seating is considered to be your closing time unless otherwise explicitly stated.

>> No.7142461

I worked at a fine dining restaurant for a while. We'd have people come in at close sometimes and I'd always cook their ticket, even at 10 past. Fine dining is typically strict about the time (not closing the kitchen early), whereas the trashy/shit restaurants will turn people away at 10 til. It has to do with management and how seriously people take their work.

OP is being kind of a bitch desu... it's not a big deal it's what you get paid to do...

>> No.7142465


i dont think you understand what that anon was saying. it isnt about your little feeeeeelings, its about the restaurant being open. and if it's open, it's fucking open. i hate working with children who complain about orders coming in near closing time. it's a fucking restaurant people tend to buy food during the hours of operation

>> No.7142472

his argument is relevant in the current year as well... what a dumb way to refute his point.

a restaurant seating and serving people who come in at 9:50 isn't "bullshit" its called doing your job. the problem here's isn't external- it's that you cant regulate your emotions well enough to deal with a small hiccup in your day.

>> No.7142478



I hate that servers are so fucking incompetent and if you ask them to TELL THE OTHERS WE'RE OUT, you get an order for the 86'd item THREE FUCKING HOURS LATER THERE WAS TIME FOR YOU TO COMMUNICATE WITH EVERYONE.

>> No.7142485

It's not even the case, m8. Most cooks don't leave the second the kitchen closes. You have to wipe the shit down, put the food away, mop maybe. The time you leave depends on how busy it was up until close. They're just complaining because "muh entitlement".

>> No.7142489

If the restaurant is open til 9 people will come in and be seated til 9... what is the big deal????

>> No.7142492

Then turn in your fucking apron and get out. A chef's duty is to feed people, that is our creed. Just like how a doctor's duty is to save lives regardless of race or social background, our duty is to make sure hungry people get a meal at our establishments. If you're not willing to do that then get out and find another job.

>> No.7142508

>go to mexican restaurant
>have waiter who's doing his damndest to channel Hyde from That 70's Show
>just turned 21 about a month ago, basically trying whatever beer sounds interesting
>order Lagunitas, figuring hey, it's a Spanish name
>they're out
>order two other beers, they're out of those too
>also the tap isn't working
>order Sierra something (Nevada? Leone? Dunno)
>waiter gives this little chuckle with his 'Okay' that says he's got all kinds of mental greentexting regarding my choice going on
>explain I'm just turned legal, ask what he recommends
>he gets me the local brew every hipster in the city drinks and presents it like it's some crazy cutting-edge shit

>> No.7142544

>work as a waiter at a small town restaurant
>table comes in about 10 minutes before close
>kinda pissed but dont show it
>treat them like any other
>they're apologetic and nice
>when they're done eating the table gives me a huge tip and thanks me for waiting on them so late
>one of the people at the table buys me a drink

they're not ALL bad

>> No.7142549


The trouble of it is, a hostess is usually hired because she's young and cute. Why this is, I don't fucking know. Younger women do no know how to say no in those social situations. They get nervous and "fuck off" isn't in their mentality.

>> No.7142553

If i had a hostess kicking people out at 9:50 id be kicking her out with them.

>> No.7142554

>laughing at someone ordering Sierra Nevada
I hope he dies alone and screaming
They put out a good product

>> No.7142555


You REALLY don't know why companies prioritize hiring pretty young women for positions that involve interacting with customers?

>> No.7142558


I didn't feel like insinuating the purpose of it.

When my city used to have an Arctic Circle the whole place was filled with blonde girls from around 18-27 or so. I wasn't complaining.

>> No.7142571

don't you fuckers have something called last order? like if a place closes at 10 last orders are at 9.30.

>> No.7142576


They probably work at a chain or something. Last order is only a thing when a restaurant doesn't answer to a corporate office.

>> No.7142579

Go to bed elliot

>> No.7142590

Most places I've worked at have a last seating time and you're there until the table leaves even if they come in one minute until you stop seating. It's part of the job and sometimes you get the 5 minutes til close folks and you deal with it.
That being said, anyone who has worked in a restaurant knows it's a shitty thing to do. You'll be served and get the same service as you would at any other time but it's still bad etiquette.

>> No.7142639

Happened to me tonight OP.
>Woman shows up literally at 9:58 (We close at ten).
>Orders stuff we already put up. Inconvenient but w/e
>"Do you have any pastries?"
>"We already gave them to the donation pickup, ma'am."
>"When do you close?"
>"10:00 (now), ma'am."
>"So you don't have any pastries?"

Another car sees her ordering and pulls up behind her.

>"I apologize, but we're closed."
>"Oh. My. Gosh."
>"Sorry about that."

If you want to eat so damn bad just show up literally any other point during our O3

>> No.7142690

>about to leave, just sweeping + mopping
>server brings down a bus bin full of dirty dishes
>"There are still people eating upstairs"
Tough shit, kitchen's closed, those dishes are going into a bin to soak until tomorrow. If I had to wait around for everyone in the fucking restaurant to bring me their dishes, I'd be gone at 2 every fucking day.

>> No.7142697

>Sierra Leone
im laughing here

>> No.7142704

In most civillized countrys they have a cut off time for last orders.
Why do you people not get this concept? I'm assuming it's because you're stupid?

>> No.7142720

We've had people come in at 10 and just not leave. We can't kick them out (management won't let us) so we've had people just chilling in the dining room 'till 10:30, and we usually finish our closing shit by 11.

>> No.7142722

>Doesn't chill with anybody making the food.
I get your point but damn do people always want to bitch at the line when they show up super late, especially if we're out of something.

It's like we're open 15 hours a day, if you decide to wait until the last 15 minutes of that 15th hour, you forfeit your right to complain about things not being in stock.

>> No.7142737
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Here is how you handle it:

Taking orders stops 1 hours before the restaurant closes.

Closing: Doors close to entry, but not to exit.

Last guests leave: Their tables can be cleaned, and the more scent heavy floor wash can commence

>> No.7142738

Management will never allow that.
I work in a more fast-food sort of place so it makes less sense to do it where I work, but still.

We are required to serve 5 minutes before opening and 5 minutes after listed closing time.

>> No.7143004

9:50 is doable.

It's when customers literally show up within the last 3 minutes of closing and then don't know what they want and place their order at 10:00 or 10:01

Yeah I'm irritated; at 10:00 on the dot I should be in full "close this line up" mode, not fucking around with another order for an SUV full of people.

And then when our cool manager is around that lets us actually turn down orders from 9:58 to 10, people are like "But I got here before ten!"

Two minutes is the difference in a clock being improperly calibrated; don't come wanting 6 full meals at 9:59. Ten means butts out the door (customers) and lines shutting down. If you can't reasonably expect your meal to be on your table by the posted closing time, please do not order.

>> No.7143024

Posting in a troll thread aside I do honestly feel this way too

If you're open to 10 you're open to 10

If you secretly wanted to only be open until 9:30, OK. That's OK. Just put a sign on the door that says 9:30

Except then you would get buttmad if people came in at 9, so you'd have to change the sign to 9, then 8:30, then 8, ect.

I know going home a whole fifteen minutes early is a real nice carrot on a stick to the sort of shortsighted burnout that works in a kitchen but does it really fucking matter? Fifteen minutes. In between you and your couch to smoke pot on. If you actually really cared, really really cared, you'd have gone to college and gotten a real job at a real company where 9-5 is guaranteed every day.

But you don't. You won't. You probably even can't. You just throw a little prima donna fit over having to do your fucking job and make me food fifteen minutes before you're done serving (what the 10 on the door actually means, not "all the cooks want to go home at 10 liked they aren't responsible for cleaning up their own messes like big boys") because you want to get home and play halo and just generally waste your life until you have to come back to work and complain about having to do your job.

>> No.7143057

Nobody said anything about bitching about people coming in 30 minutes before closing you fucking mong.
I'm talking about the people who come in less than 10 minutes before closing and their order comes in two fucking minutes before we're supposed to be closed
If you come into a restaurant and your order prints out right before or right after we're supposed to be closed, you're a piece of shit. End of fucking story.
I'm still going to make your selfish ass the best god damn food I can because I'm not an asshole but you sure as fuck are and there's no getting around that.

>> No.7143086
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Why not just ask your boss to close the restaurant 10 minutes earlier?

>> No.7143111

So you just fucking deal with it. If you're open until 10pm, you're open until 10pm to receive customers and are then obligated to do your fucking job and fulfill their orders.

When I used to work tech support, if I got a call 2 minutes before the end of my shift and had to stay for 30 minutes or an hour after my shift to handle it, that's what I fucking did. You just do your fucking job and don't act like a spoiled child about it.

>> No.7143116

>Change restaurant hours to close 10-15 minutes earlier than normal but tell staff to actually clean up on the hour

Why is this not a thing?

>> No.7143123

What kind of bizzarro kitchen do you work in where the dishwasher tells others what to do?

>> No.7143144

But in the real world many places don't pay you for time spent working after closing hours.

>> No.7143146

That's something they should take up with the local labor board then. If you require people to work overtime, you are also required to pay them for it.

>> No.7143152

Nah nobody actually honors that or cares about that in DA REAL WORLD. They know you wont sue either. Too much hassle.

>> No.7143154

The imaginary kind that doesn't exist.

If a dishwasher back-talked anyone like that, the only result they would get is being fired.

Dishwashers are easily replaced.

>> No.7143155

Hey, if people are dumb enough to allow employers walk all over them and treat them like slaves then they deserve to not get paid for working overtime.

>> No.7143169

What "real world" are you in?

>> No.7143185

Worked in a butcher shop and had this happen all the time. We were open until 9, but started cleaning at around 8. When I say cleaning, I mean cleaning and sanitizing everything. Every once in a while you'd have someone come in at 8:45 asking for custom cuts, which meant not only cutting their order, but it meant re cleaning anything that was used.

I won't say I loved it, but it got done every time, and the customers really did seem to appreciate it more if it was near closing. I had one woman come back the next day with fresh baked cookies for me.

>> No.7143191

No, that happens. Our management makes it very clear that the dish guy is no longer washing dishes after 10:15 (We close at 10).

If you bring a shitload of dishes back at 10:30 he's already clocking out and management will sagely nod as he tells you to fuck off and clean them yourself.

>> No.7143202

So you could have avoided all this discussion if you had merely noted that the server was new and didnt know the rule.

>> No.7143212

Gonna play devils advocate here.
>anon goes to labor board and tells them what's up
>labor board investigated restaurant so they clean up their act for as long as it takes
>as soon as the investigation is over the restaurant goes back to normal and the manager is looking for the whistle blower so be an fire him.
>sue the restaurant
>owner has way more money than you and just jams your ass up in court.
>it's actually very possible that the case never even goes before a judge because by using certain tactics they can make it prohibitively expensive.

>> No.7143217
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I fucking DO deal with it. Do you not realize that I merely made this thread to vent about something that some people might relate to? It's irritating but I'm not gonna quit my job over it or complain to my boss about it because yeah, it's my job and I'm paid to do it but I'm still allowed to be upset. I'm not shitting myself in anger over it. But I'm pretty close to that point when it comes to dealing with you.

>> No.7143218



i dont understand why we stopped giving these types of jobs to rude french men in their 40s who laugh at you when you try to get last minute reservation and look at you with disgust when you show up with sneakers and jeans

>> No.7143221

I'm a different Anon. I'm talking about my place, no his.

>> No.7143245

>we dont want walk ins at 9:59 so lets just say we close at 9!
>8:59 walk ins
That wouldnt solve anything

>> No.7143282

Reread it. Say you close 15 or so minutes before you want to actually be done and leave to ensure the staff can leave them. That way if there is a 'last minute' order you have time for it.

>> No.7143293
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> 4 years ago, work at a Starbucks inside a target while in college
> 30 minutes after close an older couple walks in demanding drinks
> inform them that we're closed and I've been cleaning up for the past 30 minutes
> tell them there's a standalone Starbucks half a mile down the road that's still open
> they make a big fuss saying they want a drink from this Starbucks
> apologize again and tell them I'm the only one working & I've cleaned out most of the machines and can't prepare drinks
> they go away
> 5 minutes later they're back, now with the target store manager
> the manager demands I make them drinks
> both order large decaff vanilla lattes
> they proudly inform me that they need to wake up early the next morning because they're going on a big road trip tomorrow
> I had already emptied the decaff espresso from the espresso machine
> don't give a fuck at this point, give them both regular espresso in their drinks
> send them on their way
> mfw I ruin their big trip the next day

>> No.7143372

Who the hell orders decaf espresso anyway?

>> No.7143404

What was the interaction between you and the manager afterwards?

>> No.7143415
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>> No.7143438

He just walked away, he was never hands on with the Starbucks because he was busy managing the actual Target store. I'm assuming the customers threatened to never shop at that target again or something like that to get him involved in the first place.

I never received a complaint for that particular incident. I ended up quitting mid shift a few months later anyway, while I was the only one working. Didn't even tell anyone, just walked out to my car and left, felt good.

>> No.7143464

this can be avoided if the restaurant posts a sign when the last time to order is. jesus.
customers and restaurants are handling this issue in the most autistic way possible.
restaurants can either extend working hours 1 hour pass closing time to accommodate late customers or point to a sign saying we dont take orders 30 minutes before closing time.

>> No.7143490

This thread is a whole lotta shit that's never happened. All restaurants lock their doors 15mins before closing and politely have a hostess unlocking and locking the door back as customers leave.

Please stop calling yourself "chefs" and "disherwasher" when you really just wash plastic trays and microwave precooked burgers

>> No.7143576

>be 22:50
>hungry with my GF
>go to the local pizza parlor which works until 23
>come in and apologize for coming this late and ask them if their kitchen is still open
>they reluctantly say yes, we order out
>come home, the pizza is half baked
I never ever went there again.
As far as this is concerned I think that it is indeed rude to come and ask for food if the kitchen is already closed. But you can always ask and the reply could be yes please we can make something really fast or we're sorry but no we can't make anything. There is no need to be rude about it or do it and then complain.

>> No.7143581
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>> No.7143591
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Because restaurant employees are fucking replaceable whining pieces of shit, don't like it? Enjoy McDonalds instead then you worthless trash.

>> No.7143593

This just happened to me. I am rage

>arrive at work for shitty and meager 5-9 shift
>manager gives me a look and says I was supposed to get a text telling me not to come in

For fuck sake, 9 1/2 hours in one week is fucking bullshit.

>> No.7143605

Sounds like someone is about to get fired

>> No.7143620

>you've got to do it to prevent a hangover.
Just drink water if you want to avoid hangovers. Food doesn't help.

>> No.7143651

Having worked in good restaurants since I was 13 (dishwasher first), I'm 50/50

If you're a cook (which I have been) or a full time bartender/waiter or whatever, I think last minute walk ins are annoying, but fine. It's your job.

But on the customer's part it is kind of a cunty move considering most people who work front of house have other shit going on. For example I'm a food runner in university and I've lost so much cumulated study time because some fuckhead walks in 5 minutes before closing and just fucks about for an hour which means I won't get out for an 1.5 - 2 hours past when I'm supposed to be out

>> No.7143670

Food contains salts and minerals your body needs to recover.
Stop posting utter shit, you thick cunt.

>> No.7143677

you know what else contains salts and minerals?


>> No.7143682

Lol don't spend that check all in one place

>> No.7143683

Nothing prevents hangovers. It's a medical fact.

>> No.7143708

I have only ever done this once and i got food poisoning

Fuck you shoney's fuck you so hard.

>> No.7143999

Stop projecting, senpai

>> No.7144028
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Restaurant staff are completely disposable. No cares what you think, how you feel, or that you are whining about paying customers who can afford to command your labor. You are an ambulatory food appliance, now go make me a sammich.

>> No.7144038


yeah you fucking retard it used to be a "medical fact" to put leeches on your balls and fucking eat fencing tar but thats goddamned retarded now shut the fuck up when your stupid ass "medical facts" fly directly against actual useful common knowledge that anyone old enough to drink (NOT YOU) knows

>> No.7144070
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>work at sea food shack by the beach
>spring break
>waters and fish tacos all day
>had tacos returned because they're too fishy
>too fishy

>> No.7144125

Kek what

>> No.7144248

Except you are wrong.

Don't be embarrassed.

>> No.7144613
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>Group of dudes talking, drinking, bullshiting for 3hrs straight
>5 minutes to close, everyone but the group of dudes is gone
>they announce they're ready to order food
And another time
>Business was slow all day
>A few more minutes to closing, main dining area is clean
>Group of dudes comes in, they get seated
>Tracked in a FUCK TON of dirt
>Have to clean the floor, again
We would refuse these people, if we could afford to.

>> No.7144704


>[X]failed to provide any contradictory evidence
>[X]failed to provide any actual personal experience
>[X]failed to contribute to debate or discussion in any measurable way
>[X]pathetic attempt to project own feelings of embarrassment and inadequacy
>[X]revealed to be mental age 12

its not so bad buddy just dont post, the stinging in your eyes will go away soon and you'll be able to come back without the heat rising in your ears kid