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File: 36 KB, 384x384, images (51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7140014 No.7140014 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: meme beers

>> No.7140033
File: 16 KB, 220x259, stone-brewing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many pounds of hops did you throw in

>> No.7140034

>itt: meme whatevers

Fuck off.

>> No.7140036
File: 4 KB, 161x90, douchebag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah I drink it because this douche bag drinks it

>> No.7140051

What do you think a meme is?

>> No.7140058

I just love how mad you still are about that guy who appeared for 11 frames in a grainy advertisement from 2013

>> No.7140086

Heady Topper
bourbon county
Three Floyds

>> No.7140095
File: 40 KB, 300x300, Lagunitas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.7140106
File: 11 KB, 232x217, rhine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a meme can for you

they're really good beers though

>> No.7140118


>> No.7140183

Sam Admas is what I order for yuropoor visitors that think America can't into beer. easily the best macrobrew in the country and a damn good beer when compared to other countries. I'm proud it's our standard bearer for the current state of American brewers

>> No.7140189

Where are you even going where you can "order" samuel adams? The olive garden? The cheesecake factory?

>> No.7140196

You can buy Samuel Adams in Europe you passportless fuck.

>> No.7140202

It's not that common though, at least not in Germany.

>> No.7140222


Yes you can, because it is simply a better option than the local yuro dogpiss, so USA wins again, schnauzer

>> No.7140225

>Implying Americans don't also fork over tons of money for local yuro dogpiss.

>> No.7140226

its pretty fucking tough to find any good beer in central and southern europe

>> No.7140229

Dunno. You can buy it in Tesco in England.
It's a fucking awful beer though.

>> No.7140232

You wouldn't know you non passport flyover.

>> No.7140234

can you even find good beer in Europe outside England and Belgium?

>> No.7140236

Czech Republic

>> No.7140237

I am sure a lot has changed in the 6 months since I have been in Europe.

>> No.7140239

slightly less shitty light lager =/= good beer

>> No.7140306

Czech beer is actually really good.

>> No.7140391
File: 21 KB, 236x350, Stella_Artois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect example

>> No.7140417

>good beer

Choose one.

>> No.7140420

A meme food or drink isn't automatically bad. It just means it has an overblown reputation.

>> No.7140463
File: 345 KB, 960x1280, SweetWater-Hop-Hash-Package-960x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the only brewery doing this shit

>> No.7140466

wow, what?

>> No.7140468
File: 10 KB, 200x278, 1368816285639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back motherfucker

>> No.7140497

Isn't this supposed to be pretty good?

>> No.7140508

>hooped beer
>add oak because oak oak oak the oak flavored oak!

>> No.7140544

Oak, eh? Okay!

>> No.7140569

It's pretty good if you get it fresh.

It's usually past the "best by" date in my area.

>> No.7140572
File: 4 KB, 275x183, Her majestys finest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good beer in.....England

How to make English "beer".

1. Take any shitty brand of beer you desire.
2. Let it go flat.
3. Add water to reduce flavor
4. Bring it to room temperature and serve.


Pic related: English "beer".

>> No.7140579


>> No.7140580
File: 1.89 MB, 300x200, crippled doggy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fancy bars serve Stella and Peroni because WA LA LA
Easiest way to tell that a bar is just overcharging and doesn't give two fucks about the booze it serves.

>> No.7140800


Well at least you mentioned Belgium. Germany and Czech Republic are great for beer.

Stella, Heineken, and Corona are three examples of beer that is intentionally skunked before its imported to the US. If you don't believe me, an easy test is to take a green bottle of Heineken and drink it, tastes like skunk piss right? Well maybe it just sat on the shelf too long and got hit by too much light. Now take a CAN of Heineken, which should be far less vulnerable to skunking. Still tastes like skunk piss. Now you know that Heineken skunks their shit before it leaves the plant

>> No.7140950
File: 91 KB, 400x671, Yuengling_plaque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samuel Adams isn't really that good, dude. Pretty much any German macro brew beats it other than Lowenbrau or something.

The best American Macro brew I would say is Yuengling.

>> No.7141136

Dogfish Head

>> No.7141158

This nigga know whats up. PA represent. Drinkin' some Yueng right now, nectar of the gods.

>> No.7141175

desu lagunitas is fucking great senpai everythings consistent granted after awhile all similar tasting but still great consistency and all drinkable

>> No.7141252


Sam Adams is one of the best balanced American beers on the market.

Most U.S. beer is either over-hopped, or underhopped, and made with adjuncts that reduce malty flavor profiles.

>> No.7141262
File: 70 KB, 900x506, ray-inspects-daniels151-img_0036-4x5_wide-0136a79021f33b3f47e13242c41d9c8a9c6a891b-s900-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I moved to the east coast in the late 90s everyone was saying OH MAN YOU GOTTA TRY THIS STUFF

That was around the time I realized beer was boring and beer people have terrible judgment and will just go along with the crowd

>> No.7141765

I actually really dug their IPA....

>> No.7141775

Sam Adams>PBR>Yeungling

>> No.7141776

>any alcohol that isn't 30%+ ABV

glad you learned your lesson anon

>> No.7141837

>enjoy pretty much every sam adams seasonal
>thing boston lager tastes like dirt

Seriously what the fuck why is boston lager so shit?

>> No.7141854

>he hasn't had Fuller's or Samuel Smith's

>> No.7141859
File: 16 KB, 250x250, Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>PBR better than anything, yet alone Yeungling.

Nigga, you trippin

>> No.7141875


Fuck you, I once deliberately missed a flight because the airport bar had Yuengling on tap. that is a damned good beer poured in a pint glass

>> No.7141888

Literally nobody drank this filth until Hollywood started using it in their DUDE WEED LAMO films

>> No.7141894

I drink PBR because it's cheap

>> No.7141942

Im fucking triggered. And I know thats what you want. And I dont want to let you win. But im deeply angered.

>> No.7141949
File: 71 KB, 188x375, OFallonHempHopRye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7141957
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>> No.7141979

Overrated, too.
Two Hearted is way better.

>> No.7142046

>Im fucking triggered. And I know thats what you want. And I dont want to let you win. But im deeply angered.


English beer is absolutely atrocious, and makes U.S. mass produced beer seem like Belgium craft beer by comparison.

Low carbonation, so it seems like you're drinking flat beer compared to the rest of the world. Little to no hop characteristics in either taste, or aroma, and amazingly enough, they've managed to almost eliminate any good malty flavors as well. And to top it off, you niggers serve it at room temperature so that it warms up and gets worse, unless you drink the shit fast like an alcoholic.

Asians make better beer than you fags.

>> No.7142067
File: 197 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mead will be the meme beer of 2016. It's already getting huge in California and by extension Texas, it's been popular there for a while, and soon it will spread like a disease.

>> No.7142077


Just to confirm, which English beers have you tried?

>Low carbonation
So you dont enjoy porter either? Because porters have equally low levels of carbonation. You arent comparing equivalent drinks. One style of drink is supposed to have more carbonation than another.

>Little to no hop characteristics
Jesus. Why are Americans so determined to over hop every single beer? Just because the drink isnt dominated by hops doesnt mean it lacks flavour. This IPA meme needs to die. Let me guess, you love bacon, ride a single gear bike and have a beard too right?

>Served at room temperature
This is incorrect. It should be stored at cellar temperature, around 12 degrees centigrade, not room temperature.

>> No.7142092

It started getting popular years ago boy-o. The mead fad has already came and gone, the only ones who are still hyped about it are the ones that actually like brewing it, and the people just learning about it and thinking it's a cool viking drink.

>> No.7142101

>thinking yuengling was new or unheard of in the 90's

>> No.7142155

Any beer that has pictures of hops on its labels. Red flag for style over substance EXTREME IPA BRO shit

>> No.7142217

>Just to confirm, which English beers have you tried?

The shit they sold in the pubs of London, anon.

Ass. Pretty much all of it was ass.

Germany, France, Belgium, and the Czech's know how to make a beer, but the English can't brew for shit.

>> No.7142230

>the English can't brew for shit.

Niggers can't cook for shit either.

>> No.7142245

>I literally cannot name a single English beer

You dont even own a passport do you.

>> No.7142293

>Asians make better beer than you fags

Hey man, Asian beers aren't all that bad. Tsingtao was founded by Germans, and Japan's love-hate relationship with the West means that they've had over a hundred years of beer brewing experience.

>> No.7142302

>You dont even own a passport do you.

Nigger, I've worked on 4 of 7 continents, and the only reason I didn't name a shitty English pub beer, is because none of them were worth remembering.

I sure as fuck remembered Chimay, Erdinger, Schneider and Sohne Aventinus, Pilsner Urquell, Duvel, and a lot of other beers actually worth remembering though, and I still look for them today.

If I want an English brew, I'll just buy some PBR, let it go flat, add a little water to it, and drink it at room temperature.

>> No.7144026



Mi familia!

>> No.7144040


>our beer is very bland, shitty, and boring.
>fuck it let's just throw hop sap into it and sell it as our brand new Hoppity Hop Hop Peter Cottontail Quintuple, the stupid hipster fucks will buy literally anything with the letters "IPA" on the bottle

>> No.7144435

Any beer that prides itself on having lots of hops is a meme. So many IPA's are shit because of the shit trend of adding more and more hops as if that makes beer better.

>> No.7145891
File: 121 KB, 505x313, allagash1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit, sours are the hipster meme beer of the next few years. Ive met many hipsters in my days and also live in california

>> No.7145894


that shit was 8 bucks for a six pack a few years back, its like 14 now

>> No.7146013
File: 94 KB, 800x1203, touch the cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good though.

>> No.7146022

It's always fun seeing people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, talk with the pretense that they do

>> No.7146066

>I named a bunch of foreign beers that are readily available in north america nowadays.

Yeah, this guy's never had an English beer in his life. Knock off the bullshit Brit-fag trolling dude.

I like German beer more than English beer too, but calling them all shit is retarded.

>> No.7147357
File: 357 KB, 444x600, memedog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringy as fuck

>> No.7147364

Nobody cares about Half in the Bag, make more Plinkett reviews you fat fucking hack

>> No.7147552


>> No.7147841
File: 455 KB, 595x622, Dont be intolerant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddenly, a white knight faggot appears

What do you think is easier to remember, white knight, some obscure local beer you had one night outside of Munchen, Antwerp, or Cherbourg, or the beer you had and can actually buy when you get back to the states?

Use your brain, white knight.

>> No.7147845

Isn't one an imperial ipa vs a regular ipa?

>> No.7147854

t. 15-year-old

>> No.7148062

the only reason PBR is ever acceptable is when it's on $1.00 draft.

>> No.7148065

A bar in town serves this shit. There are guys who order glasses of it and bro out with each other. I don't understand. It's like 7 or 8 bucks for a 6 oz pour of 20% ABV honeywater. Does not taste good.

>> No.7148101

PBR is at least better than shit like Bud and Yuengling

>> No.7148112

That's like the difference between a 1/10 face and a 3/10

>> No.7148115


>> No.7148154

I heard only hack frauds drink that beer.

>> No.7148188
File: 37 KB, 371x495, harmonCoors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an availability thing combined with regional pride and not a little insecurity from a state that has little going for it.

Probably most of you aren't old enough to remember the 80s, but in the 80s Coors was the beer for people like that.

I remember we had these neighbors who moved in from some place where they had Coors (we didn't), and the dad would always brag to my dad about how great Coors was. So growing up I thought Coors must be this great beer, well, we all know how that turned out.

Anyway for a while Leinie's was that for people who moved away from Wisconsin, now it's Spotted Cow. Spotted Cow is definitely better than Leinie's but the way they talk about it you'd think it was the Virgin Mary's golden piss.

You get a little of the same thing from Texans and their Shiner Bock, another beer which is pretty drinkable but hardly as good as the local retards make it sound.

>> No.7148222
File: 91 KB, 400x533, Wisconsin belgian Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who drink a lot of craft beer aren't that into Spotted Cow, but Middle aged people who have drank Miller Light/High Life their entire lives, and underaged kids used to cheap beer fucking love it. It literally outsells Bud Light in Wisconsin, no other state has a craft brewery that outsells Bud Light

Hell, my grandparents drink Spotted Cow now, and New Glarus has an excellent price point with their 6 packs often going for about $7.20.

New Glarus's other beers are often excellent though, all the Spotted Cow they sell allows them have stuff like this in every grocery/liquor store and most gas stations in the state

>from a state that has little going for it.
I lol'd at this though

>> No.7148502
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, New-Glarus-Milk-Stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking one of these right now

>> No.7148618

The seasonal Sam Adams brews are always good. Summer and Winter are my favorite. I got a case of the Blueberry ones once, but I can't find them anymore.

>> No.7148633

How is it?

>> No.7148641
File: 80 KB, 750x1000, Central-Waters-Bourbon-Barrel-Stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good, definitely worth a buy if you are in Wisconsin and like stout (and if that is the case you should also buy this which I drank earlier tonight)

>> No.7148645

Good to know, thanks. I'll keep my eye out next time I'm grocery shopping.

>> No.7148653


i also thought of the same + the younger version, when the phrase "meme beer" came to mind

>> No.7148809

They had their Brewery shut down for a little while because of a 420 party.

>> No.7149398

Really? Maybe I'm jaded because there's a bottling plant in my area which makes it cheap as fuck. Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty ok beer but not good enough to miss a flight over.

>> No.7149402

For me a like pbr more because nostalgia but I think yuengling tastes better. To each their own though

>> No.7150367

Is that ironic, or are they being serious? Because fuck me that's pretentious as fuck

>> No.7150393

Eurorich here. At least get them Sierra Nevada.

>> No.7150412

Yes you can find it at least in Britain, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden. Holland has a Trappist brewery too so I'll include them as well.

>> No.7150470
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Just look at that happy little skel.

>> No.7150513
File: 12 KB, 192x263, Jupiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From experience, domestic Heineken is horsepiss, and 'kinda drinkable' in the US. Felt like a relief after bud lite at least.

True fedora beer

Pic related, meme'st beer of NL.

>> No.7150547
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>> No.7150582

this is definitely the worst part about the brewery.

The beers are okay, but the brand aesthetic is just embarrassing.

>> No.7150690

I like it. I don't take it seriously and I always get a little grin on my face when I read their texts. I think their only mistake was their company stock scam. Their TV show was also a bit too much but at least it was educational.

>> No.7150718

gross, that's the beer in vending machines

>> No.7150742
File: 317 KB, 1280x1280, north-coast-old-rasputin-ris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant contain all these newfags

>> No.7150751
