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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 179 KB, 1500x1125, 20150324-fast-food-awards-22-in-n-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7139176 No.7139176 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else on /ck/ proudly fat. I would rather die early than live a life without feasts everyday, of carbonara, fried chicken, pizza, chinese fod, whatever the fuck.

>> No.7139201

That's like being proud of mental retardation. You can try to rationalize it any way you want but at the end of the day you're just a disgusting piece of shit with no self contro.

>> No.7139217

Do you lack self control because you go on 4chan? It's only lacking in self control if you want to control that thing. If he wanted to be skinny but was still fat, that's a lack of self control. What OP has is just gluttony, a completely different thing.

>> No.7139221

>tfw eat junk food everyday but still exercise and not fat

Feels good not to be opie

>> No.7139229

Being fat is a negative attribute to have, op is justifying his lack of self control by crying "I didn't want to live longer anyway"

>> No.7139231

that's like being proud of being hiv positive

>> No.7139234

no one wants to be a disgusting fat piece of shit that's going to die at 38. have some self control and better yourself.

>> No.7139258

skinny people aint getting the full experience of /ck/. I assume you fagets eat cabbage all day

>> No.7139261

I eat garbage all the time, yet I'm skinny still. Guess you have shitty genes and a lack of self control

>> No.7139263

why didn't you respond to >>7139221

>> No.7139266

I am proud to be an American,
Where I can always eat freely

>> No.7139268

All you need to do is lift and you'll gain muscle eating like this, It could honestly be as easy as 30 mins a day if youre not too serious and youd still be fine

>> No.7139271


Fuck off you disgusting cunt and take a walk.

>> No.7139277


And I'm proud to be an American where I know I can be fat.
And I won't forget the men who died, who let me do just that.
And I'd try to stand up next to you and eat more from the buffet.
‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.

>> No.7139279 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7139282
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>I would rather die early than live a life without feasts everyday, of carbonara, fried chicken, pizza, chinese fod, whatever the fuck.

Why not just take care of yourself and NOT eat those every day? There are weekends, holidays, and birthdays.

Ever meet someone who eats shitty food every day without getting any exercise? It's a slow and painful death.

>> No.7139284 [DELETED] 

Ahh, physical fitness, whatever. You know, whatever. You do what you like to do, I do what I like to do, ok? 'Cause you're a sucker, you're being fed this line about how, like, you're going to live forever or whatever. You're going to die, someone will kill ya'. Someone will kill you with a knife. Make sure your abs are fricken ripped, you got some good guns. You wanna look good for when you get stabbed with a knife. Sorry, thats how it works

>> No.7139288
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>Why not just take care of yourself and NOT eat those every day?

Who gives a shit? You? Really?

Let people do what they want, just don't force anyone to take care of them if they develop health problems as a result and everything is all square.

>> No.7139291

It's not about the death. I gained alot of weight once after a surgery due to the medications. How do fat people live? Constantly out of breathe, moving is literally just more difficult, sweating in the heat, it's fucking gross

>> No.7139295

>How do fat people live?


>> No.7139296

the way you're typing rn is devastatingly obnoxious

>> No.7139301

Isn't eating like that more of a once in a while treat, or at least shouldn't it be? Yeah we all like stuff like that but doesn't eating like that every day just take some of it away? Plus you must feel like shit all day every day

>> No.7139303

>fried chicken
>chinese fod
I feast on that stuff every day and I still have ripped abs, it's not that difficult

>> No.7139307

i eat like shit and im chubby but i still workout, if i didnt id be like 300 pounds

>> No.7139318

You can eat to your heart's desire and not being a gross slob who embraces gluttony and poor health at the same time. I would bet my life that you certainly don't have a gf or probably any real ambitions in your life, so you're using food to fill the empty hole in your existence. And every time you realize it, you start eating again and entering a dangerous cycle. It's no different than any kind of addiction.

Also enjoy all the health problems you'll start getting around your 40's.

>> No.7139328

Yeah I remember being 18-23 also. Good times.

>> No.7139335

i like the way your posts are punctuated. for each period i see i imagine you taking a long, abrupt pause to inhale, exhale deeply and wipe the sweat off of your turgid, fleshy protuberance of a brow, not unlike simply sara. only you aren't able to mute yourself as you hurry to hit people with your devastating truths.. what they don't want to hear

>> No.7139340

wait. Is this /fit/?

>> No.7139341

>getting fat once you turn 24
Did you get married anon?

>> No.7139352

Not op but im pretty big and have a gf, we both eat pretty bad

>> No.7139354

>getting fat when you turn 24
Did you get married anon?

>> No.7139360

>tfw the opposite, im completely emaciated

rather be bigger than smaller desu

>> No.7139369

Just wait until fatty liver disease, diabetes, and gallstones kick in, OP. You'll be singing a different tune then, I guarantee. Those will kick in long before you simply drop dead of a heart attack, and your life will be miserable.

>> No.7139377

>Also enjoy all the health problems you'll start getting around your 40's.

If you're a glutton, a sloth, and/or an addict, this is where your train ride starts getting VERY bumpy.

>> No.7139390

I eat whatever I want and am not fat at all. But I usually just eat a small lunch and medium-sized supper, no snacking, and don't drink sugary drinks (although I do drink a lot of beer which is as bad I'd imagine).

>> No.7139393

>implying anyone in his sane mind would want to live beyond 40 in this shity world
fuck off, slave.

>> No.7139396

...I'm 32 BTW.

I also vape 24/7 which I suppose helps with the appetite control / makes it easy not to snack.

>> No.7139397
File: 2.37 MB, 1214x908, potato soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have MS at 25
>tfw 5'6" 195 lbs
>tfw can't weight lift like I used to because my symptoms flare up
>tfw constantly on meds that cause increased appetite and weight gain
>tfw restricted to being inside my home due to limb/motor function problems
>constant pain for months even with prescriptions (unless I take 4x the dosage)
>opiate shits
>urinary hesistancy
>live alone

at least my mommy makes good food. I drive to her house which is just a few minutes away for good noms and she gives me leftovers. I buy food with food stamps, like fruits and veggies to eat raw at home, raisin bran with low sugar is my favorite cereal. Lots of frozen dinners with veggies. She cooks some of the food I buy because I don't have a functioning oven and handling stuff on the stove is a painful task that has ended in many burns and dropping of food.

>tfw disability claims are shit and take forever

My life is shit compared to yours, be thankful for your health and don't take it for granted. An hour of walking a day will help you keep off weight. I have a cane and still walk to get my exercise. What's your excuse?

Oh well. pic related, tonight we had potato soup and cornbread muffins :> Two pieces of bacon and a small amount of shredded cheddar which looks like a lot more because the soup spread it out. Dollop of sour cream underneath. Tasty stuff is about all I can live for nowadays.

>> No.7139399
File: 168 KB, 600x900, Fat+people+hate+these+pictures_84ee4f_5572765[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ride can end even sooner if you're fat and female

>> No.7139401

damn thats sucks :[ im 5'6 and 190 but 15% bf

>> No.7139402


Hahaha, no. I'm a property owner, I don't work for other people, they pay me.
Also, life beyond 40 gets wonderful, assuming you're in good shape. Youth is wasted on the young, as George Bernard Shaw said.

>> No.7139409

That sucks.

If I had some chronic disease I think I'd dedicate my life to trying to (selfishly, I guess) cure it. Have you ever thought about becoming a medical researcher?

>> No.7139411

dunno i see tons of fat 60+ bitches

>> No.7139423

True, that being said aformentioned fat old ladies inevitably get check-up from their doctor very frequently and take horse doses of insulin, blood thinners and statins to keep themselves alive

Being fat increases your risk of blood clots Oestrogen increases risk of blood clots
Birth control pills increase risk of blood clots
Fat young women have far higher levels of oestrogen than old women and are far more likely to be taking birth control pills than fat old women, therefore fat young women can actually be at a higher risk of dying of blood clots than fat old women

>> No.7139461
File: 207 KB, 997x748, chicken noodle soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally broke to the point where I have been selling my childhood memories away on eBay. Power Ranger stuff... gone. SNES including Chrono Trigger... gone. A $400 watch my grandpa gave me before he died... gone (and it didn't sell for that). I keep my computer and monitor and have an internet subscription. No cable. I don't heat my house because it runs on propane and is too expensive, so I just wear a jacket and keep my door closed. Neither of my parents wants me to live with them because I have two cats. I don't live in a state with medical marijuana, so I can't get any of that to relieve my pain (which actually fucking works). Depression is really an understatement.

I have nothing to live for except food and preventing my family disappointment via suicide. I'm an only child. A ginger. A manlet. Very color blind, not just red-green. I take ten different medications a day, 11 if you count the temporary prednisone, and my mind is just fucked in a haze. I can't concentrate on anything. I try to read things and nothing gets absorbed. I tried learning Spanish which failed miserably. I sleep maybe 2 hours and then wake up in sweat and can't fall back to sleep. I get maybe 4-5 hours of sleep a day. I can't afford school. I can't even get approved for a credit card because I have no credit. I am on my dad's insurance for another 8 months, but after that I will have nothing.

Here's some more tasty soup.

>> No.7139465


>> No.7139467
File: 319 KB, 1255x940, second winterfell gulasch30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the "Wintefell Gulasch" recipe I made a long time ago when I was more capable in the kitchen.

>> No.7139468
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A question for you and all fatties

When the world ends and it's really hard to find a cow to grind beef up into a quad bacon burger what will you do

What will you do when you have to find twelve potatoes to cut yourself and fry because you are a Fatty Patty who needs it

What will you do
When there is no more potato

>> No.7139472
File: 420 KB, 1209x908, smoked chicken1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using the smoker during summer used to be so fun... Boston Butts were a big favorite to do along with chicken.

>> No.7139479
File: 389 KB, 1258x944, pizza on baking stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandpa just gave me eight 5-gallon buckets of potatoes. I mainly just let my mom have them since my oven is broken and I can't bake them any more.

Cooking used to be fun..

>> No.7139480

Not fat but a couple of hundred pounds of flour, a few gallons of oil and some multivitamins can keep an adult man alive and relatively healthy for years

>> No.7139482 [DELETED] 

Eat your skinny ass

>> No.7139484

We'll ration appropriately, and have the advantage of more fat reserves to live off. You're the one who'll be starving sooner.

>> No.7139485

Make your own lactofermented vegetables.
It's easy, and worth a shot.
Lots of diseases have a gut health basis, new research is finding.

>> No.7139486
File: 386 KB, 1208x906, guinness beef stew3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy foods...

>> No.7139487
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That looks like my kind of stew.

>> No.7139494
File: 280 KB, 1260x946, creamed corn and bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lactofermented vegetables
I hate cabbage, it tastes like shit. I've had dog shit in my mouth before and that's what it reminds me of. There are occasional exceptions, but stuff like kimchi is just not for me. I've tried to like it, I'm not a picky eater, I just really hate cabbage. People hate cilantro, I can hate cabbage. But my diet has definitely improved over time. I'm the only one in my family with MS and my neurologist says it's idiopathic, meaning they have no fucking clue what caused it.

>fresh corn from the garden outside of my house
>all neighbors have gardens and are beekeepers with good honey reserves
It's a combination I really like(d)

>> No.7139500
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>ration appropriately
>be fat

>> No.7139501
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Onions and garlic used to be my favorite thing to grow... I would eat it nearly every day... basil and parsley were my favorite herbs

>> No.7139505

I'm 33 now and have lived a fairly healthy lifestyle up until now.
Started doing nightshift work and my health has gone to shit.
I get home at early hours of the morning and drink while the sun comes up, I can't be fucked cooking so I just eat frozen pizzas and shit, the only food place near work is McDonald's.

The money is good but it seems I'm slowly dying. Or quickly dying however you look at it.

>> No.7139508

Make your own lactofermented salami then senpai

>> No.7139512
File: 373 KB, 1209x907, rk backstrap3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother and I found some warm roadkill deer so we snatched it up. She gave me the backstrap (my favorite) and I fried it the way I like it. Hot sauce an egg mixture, well-seasoned flour, delicious crispiness.

>> No.7139515

Bro you can lactoferment pretty much any vegetable.
Seriously just do it. It's easy, dead easy, and cheap, so fucking cheap.
It is literally the single most healthy thing anybody can eat.

>> No.7139524
File: 377 KB, 1257x942, staek8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all dying Anon. Don't worry, the ride ends for everyone.

I don't have the money shot but this came out medium rare. I'm pretty good at telling how done a steak is. I weighed ~150 when I made this, like I said I used to work out. Bigger portions for bigger gains?

>> No.7139530

Also I'm guessing his experience with sauerkraut and kimchi are from store bought off the shelf shit.
Store bought stuff pales in comparison to homemade for two main reasons:
1. Pasteurization. Off the shelf sauerkraut is pasteurized to make it shelf stable. This kills all the beneficial bacteria effectively destroying all the benefits of eating a lactofermented food. You can get unpasteurized in specialty stores but it costs an arm and a leg.
2. Taste. It's just going to taste better made yourself. Companies add adulterants and who knows what else for consistency.

>> No.7139533
File: 235 KB, 1210x908, butter chicken14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what that is and Google isn't helping. Is it all this nasty pickled shit? I can take some things pickled but this seems way beyond me and I don't think it would be tasty. And lactofermented salami, I don't even know what to say. I'd give it a try.

Fuckin A! This was some good butter chicken and the first time I made it. Fresh cilantro is a must.

>> No.7139540

Normal salami is lactofermented senpai, although the cheap stuff that you get on pizza is usually pasteurised

>> No.7139542
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I live in a hick state in a hick city and I'm too poor to move. I have Wal-mart and Kroger and Aldi to choose from for groceries, i.e. shit products. Also I've had decent sauerkraut on a reuben before, but the kimchi I tried a couple times at local Asian restaurants and it was... well, I spit it out (and not due to the heat).

This shit right here... god damn... I don't know if it can be topped for comfort food. White beans with ham, bacon on the side, cornbread... fuck yes.

>> No.7139544
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Do you know if the supermarket kimchi here in Korea is pasteurized or not? The bag-king like at bottom?

It's a hell of a lot cheaper than from a market stall or whatever.

>> No.7139546

Lactofermenting is pretty much the opposite of pickling, health wise.
There's tonnes of new research indicating poor gut health to be implicated in causing a whole bunch of diseases, diseases that are seemingly unrelated to the digestive system even.
Everybody needs to make their own lactofermented vegetables. It's been done for thousands of years, we should celebrate it just like beer and wine, if not more so. It's literally the healthiest thing you can eat, I can't stress that enough. Your gut is the biggest factor in your health, people need to take of it.

>> No.7139551
File: 418 KB, 1261x943, chuck eye steak11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like salami more than pepperoni. Nowadays I eat way more veggies on pizza, spinach is a god-tier topping for me, olives, mushrooms, all peppers, onions, gimme gimme.

I remember when chuck eye used to be cheap, then hipsters spread it all over the Internet and drove the price up. Bastardos.

>> No.7139556

The kimchi and sauerkraut that's in the cold section is possibly unpasteurised, the kimchi and sauerkraut that isn't in the refrigerated section is almost definitely pasteurised

>> No.7139562
File: 370 KB, 1213x909, spatchcock chicken7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you link me some recipes or something? I can't find anything with Google that looks good. I'm not against trying something I've never had, I just can't put a lot of effort in to anything. My hands are in incredible pain and I have a horrible grip and butterfingers.

I loved to spatchcock chickens. They cook so well. Leg quarters are my favorite. Yes the portions look crazy, I didn't eat it all. Of course there were leftovers.

>> No.7139565
File: 210 KB, 906x869, spatchcock chicken9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw nobody to share food with...

>> No.7139569
File: 404 KB, 1255x942, brisling avocado8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sardines are still good with avocado. Hard to beat that! Thankfully very little handiwork involved. I mainly just eat on crackers with avocado and hot sauce, maybe lemon juice if I have any.

I'll stop posting now. Sorry for hijacking your thread OP. I'm a fatty too and enjoy food more than any thing else. Living takes a surprising amount of effort.

>> No.7139591

>there are people posting on here now who cannot do 10 push-ups

>> No.7139619

>implying you'd actually enjoy those foods
>implying you'd actually love their taste
>implying fat people can be actually happy, ever

Source, I was fat. Now I'm not.

A single girl's mires is worth more than any pizza, aside from the truffles/pecorino/honey/walnuts pizza they make at that place I go.

>> No.7139634

former fatty here. unfortunately it cost a relationship with a girl who helped turn my life around. now i'm at a healthy weight but am single and miserable.

if you decide to be skinny again, be careful and keep in mind it's a life changing event and people are going to perceive you way differently .

>> No.7139637

I'm 30, was an athlete when I was younger, then got really fat, now still fat but at least I'm really strong. I don't give a shit if I'm fat. I love food too much. Perma dirty bulk. But I try not to overeat too much. I still try to stay around 2k calories a day so sometimes it means I only get to eat 1 meal a day if I go hard.

Worth it though.

>> No.7139648

>the fundamental laws of physics change depending on your age

>> No.7139658

I'm the "best" of both worlds. I'm overweight but I stay active and play lots of sports. I don't make any of my own food but I don't completely gorge myself on meals. My main thing is alcohol. If I cut out beer, I'd lose weight.

It's not healthy but it works. Eventually I'll cut out alcohol when I need to.

>> No.7139665

Holy christ, talk about getting dealt out of life. I'm truly sorry for your lot, but you made me feel grateful for mine.

Come to bongistan, you should have a couple years before the tories completely destroy our health system.

>> No.7139693

There's a difference between appreciating the taste of good food and stuffing your face with whatever is served to you, fucking lardass.

>> No.7139699

I don't gorge on everything and anything because I want to enjoy my food. I want good food, not stuff full of sugars, salt, oil, and grease.
Junk food has its time but if it's too much and too often it's disgusting

>> No.7139903
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>tfw became vegetarian because didn't like meat besides buffalo wild wings and cheeseburgers
>not just one cheeseburger I would order like 5
>and a whole pizza
>and wings
>and 5 more cheeseburgers

I'm literally a cheeseburgerholic. I just stopped eating meat because I accepted I can't just eat ONE because I literally have no fucking control over it.

I'm enjoying my new life though, I've lost weight and I don't get sick every morning anymore from acid reflux.

>> No.7139906

I used to be 50 pounds overweight but I cut out all sugar soda drinks and switched to green tea only.

Now I weigh 160 and I am in a healthy BMI range.

I eat whatever I want, and I have all kinds of good food.

It was the empty soda calories that made me fat not all the food I enjoy.

>> No.7139916

i eat all these things too and i'm not fat. you're probably one of those people who think vegetables are "rabbit food" unless it's a small amount on top of meat and cheese

>> No.7140061
File: 1.32 MB, 2922x1644, 20 inch doner pizza stuffed crust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just take steroids so you can bulk up and still look kinda of ok?

1 gram of tren costs me 180$ a month using a premium supplier, it ain't much at all.

>> No.7140063

I'm the same but with booze. It's a lot harder to quit than soda unfortunately.

>> No.7140091

I'm a little fat (20 lbs over the perfect weight for my height), because I don't bother with excersize, but at least I can recognize that it's not the healthiest.
Also I can recognize that the foods you eat would probably be a lot better for you in moderation, not even for the sake of being skinny, but for your heart, digestive track, endocrine system, basically everything inside your body.

Also I don't know how some people can eat pizza and other shut ALL THE DAMN TIME without getting sick from it. My freind went to the US and the family she stayed with ate pizza usually 2-3 times a week. By the time she got back, she couldn't even look at pizza for months.

>> No.7140136

My mom almost died from one of these at around the same age and wasn't fat at all. Blood clots can be caused by obesity affecting the heart, but they're mostly case by a family history of heart related problems regardless of weight.

>> No.7140148

sucks to have an overweight mom/parent,
does she at least tip with a rip?

>> No.7140168
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>not knowing about intermittent fasting

>> No.7140177

She's not overweight (she's not the skinniest though, I want to say 130 lbs and 5'4). She actually goes to the gym several times a week because she had a heart attack last year.
It was completely unexpected because of her lack of weight and age (42), but my grandfather had one when he was 35.
Shes quit cigarettes now so that's good

But that means I had better quit and start getting to the gym now while I'm still young since chances are it'll happen to me as well.

>> No.7140180
File: 110 KB, 300x223, 1436684650694-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7140181

>no self contro
bitch please. diets are for pussies. hit the fucking weights and do some running you useless pieces of shit

>> No.7140184

>self control
more like you lack motivation you fucking wanker, eat like a pig and then lift and you'll become huge and not a pussy like your stupid bitch ass

>> No.7140257

Too bad your minimum wage earning ass does not pay taxes retard.

>> No.7140263

Fucking retards this a quote from Carl from Aqua Teen I wish youngfags would leave 4chan.

>> No.7140269

>Addicted to meat

No you were addicted to carbs you dumb shit. Why not just eat a steak or some chicken you will get full off it faster.

>> No.7140300

>being a muslim
fucking kill yourself you terrorist

>> No.7140313

>Intermittent fasting
You mean I can have all the health problems of being overweight but also the poor body image of being a skinnyfat DYEL skeleton? It's the best of both worlds!

>> No.7140315

>in n out
Into the trash you go

>> No.7140339

You won't just DIE. You'll prob get diabetes and heart disease, maybe some cancers too. It'll be a slow way to go most likely.

>> No.7140422


This won't mean much or anything but my heart really goes out to you dude, I hope things look up for you and keep on trucking.

>> No.7140444

Ex fattie here now a /fit/ faggot
I had major regrets on my former lifestyle of gluttony because of the damage it did to my self esteem and to my health, specially those stretchmarks that will never go away when its already a decade old.

The bad thing with having daily feasts is not just the calories that stack inside you, but the loss of that feeling of enjoyment that you have with the food. I'd rather eat healthily for weeks and then go out with friends for a night of good food and fun. The memories associated with it would make the food more satisfying.

>> No.7140825

I'm not fat but I agree with you. I'd rather enjoy a short life than live a mediocre life that's 10 to 20 years longer.

>> No.7140837

Surfeit of food: eat up while you have a chance.
Deficit of food: scale back consumption and take advantage of your foresight.

This is how nature works. This is why the body stores fat in the first place.

>> No.7140846

>>I would rather die early than live a life without feasts everyday

>hating yourself and the people around you this much

I bet you're a very good liberal. Fat acceptance, hooray!

>> No.7140864

I used to be fat then got totally shredded 6 pack etc... and shit didn't change for me didnt get more girls etc.... so i just started eating again, im chubby as fuck now. to me it wasn't worth the 5 day gym, the strict diet etc... fuck it

>> No.7140986
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>> No.7141036

Thanks mates. Good vibes always appreciated.

Tonight we are having quesadillas! I hope there are veggies involved. Chicken and jalapenos are definitely going to be in there, I've got my gas mask prepared.

>> No.7141135


>> No.7141180

yea, and only about 5 years before labour has another chance to destroy the economy

>> No.7141200

where do you get it from? i've been looking for a legit source for ages

>> No.7141208

I prefer to be able to fuck non-land whale girls

>> No.7141212


why are vegans so fat lmao?

prolly cause all they eat are french fries


>> No.7141244


Because lean animal proteins are the best proteins and vegans eat way too many simple carbs

>> No.7141271

>Proudly fat

Fuck off scum back to tumblr, you're cancer

>> No.7141288

I eat all of those but I also lift so I don't get fat but instead build muscle.

Only downside is the cuts every now and then. But shit, three lean months a year are worth the delicious bulks.

>> No.7141292

Because most tumblr-tier vegans have no concept of calories vs. calories out. They think that since they're diet is mostly veggies they can't get mass even if they, in reality, eat 3000 calories a day.

>> No.7141294

calories in vs. calories out*

>> No.7141327


If james bond took steroids, he'd be called -muscle bond-

I can't believe dumbass 15 year old yolos are smart enough to get roids but you aren't.

>> No.7141337

I'm /fit/ now but used to be fat.

You know how good pizaa and all that other shit tastes? It's 10 times better if you eat right.

Once or twice a month I'll have a cheat day and eat whatever the fuck I want and I don't feel bad about it and it tastes so fucking good.

>> No.7141416

OP are you the fat guy from that one episode of House?

>> No.7141443

Don't start if you're not willing to commit to roids. A few cycles won't do you any good and when they start working you pretty much need to either keep using them until whenever or lift your fucking ass off to keep your gains.

>> No.7141474


shut the fuck up with your pseudo-science

>> No.7141541

285 pound fatass here, probably stuffing my face with b8.
Kill yourself. For the love of all that is holy fucking kill yourself. And I'm not saying die a 30 year long death thanks to all the shit you shove in yer mouth, I'm saying go to McDonalds, put a gun to your hambeast skull, and pump yourself with .357. You are an absolute embarrassment to yourself, and others who are gravitationally challenged.
Being fat, 9/10 times, is a motherfucking choice, and I'm unhappy with that choice. I want to go back and slap my mother in the fucking face for encouraging a life of lazy gluttony, kicking myself in the nuts for going along with it. Being fat is not at all something you should accept, nor encourage, or even be fucking proud of. It's a self-inflicted disease; never pretend it isn't.

>> No.7142210

Weekends, holidays, birthday, it's not enough. If you can eat delicious junk for every meal every day, why wouldn't you?

>> No.7142227

you know some people eat 5,000 + calories a day and still stay thin and fit; start working out hard anon. and you can have the best of both worlds.

>> No.7142248

OP here, lol, you are only 285? Get to work bud, im 350.

>> No.7142254

you would have to train amazing and with complete intensity 5 days a week to even get near that

>> No.7142255

>proudly fat

I thought this shit was reserved for tumblrtards. Why would you be proud of being fat unless you had a tumblr-tier mental disorder?

You could have daily greasy feasts and still be fit if you did the exercise to match it.

>> No.7142288

get some self control you disgusting lard

>> No.7142379

You all seem to think I cant control it. I def can control it, but I choose to eat because it's one of the only joys there is in this world.

>> No.7142397
File: 211 KB, 327x316, 1446490789445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You all seem to think I cant control it. I def can control it, but I choose to eat


>> No.7142529

Time to stop shitposting kid.

>> No.7142612
File: 285 KB, 1188x713, 4-chan-this-is-where-i-keep-my-genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, you just gotta have good "genetics" that's all, otherwise you'll end up like jason blaha.

Cause clearly working out burns SOOOO much fat (it really doesn't burn as much as you would hope it would).

>> No.7142621

Terrible thing to be proud of.

Hit the gym, eat healthily, cherish the rich foods you eat less often that much more.

Plus being fat is offending everyone who has to look at you.

>> No.7142623

>you're gonna get stabbed
>thats how it works

so you're fat and stupid

>> No.7142824

>greatest civilization in human history
>not the Roman Empire at its peak

>> No.7142848


>I'll eat what I want ans expect pills to do the hard work for me, instead of investing effort into maintaining my health I'll just throw money at it hoping it's going to work itself out

I hate fat people so fucking much.

>> No.7142903

Poor Dugan, even Ryan Gosling can save you now.

>> No.7142927

>all the health problems of being overweight

What's the logic here? One of the best things about IF is that you lose weight very quickly on a deficit. I lost 14 pounds in a little over a month. I'm close to finally seeing my six pack.

>> No.7143040

fat but not proud but not exactly ashamed of it either. but are you sure you fall under the fat category and not obese? i too rather enjoy my life then restrict it but its hard to say when heart attack happens.

>> No.7143071

>Implying even a shit hole modern western European country couldn't beat the Roman Empire

Guns and planes change the game and the world kept everything good they had

>> No.7143827

there's nothing to be proud of about being fat. without covering yourself with clothes you look absolutely disgusting and you stink like shit and caked sweat. i eat delicious food all the time and i'm not fat since i have some self control and self discipline. fuck off.

>> No.7143983

You dont respect yourself.

>> No.7144129

No I just do not adhere to typical standards of beauty that you see in magazines. No one can live up to that.

>> No.7144168

tumblr please go

>> No.7144198

yes, except im not actually overweight and if i do become overweight ill eat less for a bit and then go back to before

>> No.7144352

Michael phelps ate 11,000 a day while training.

>> No.7144368


I eat all that stuff and I'm still thin. Had Mcdonalds yesterday for breakfast, 2 doubles, a hash brown, and a burrito. For dinner I had chinese, Donuts for breakfast, bout to go out and get some dim sum right now.

>> No.7144380
File: 28 KB, 1071x473, biscuits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I eat too much shit especially biscuits

They are my single biggest vice. I love them because they cover all possible bases of food. You can have fruit biscuits, chocolate biscuits, soft biscuits, hard biscuits, plain biscuits.

I am 289lbs and the excel sheet shows the different biscuits I have bought from the local Sainsbury's supermarket in the past 1 month. I am currently working on a plan on how to cut down on these biscuits while allowing myself a few treats as you can see

>> No.7144389 [DELETED] 

You don't eat real food? Just snacks?

>> No.7144426

Nope. Aside from the health impacts, I feel like at some point you'd become over-saturated and food that tastes amazing will become common place and begin to lose their appeal.

Unless you get in the habit of eating overly salty/sweet/fatty food, you don't need to eat such unhealthy fattening food for it to taste good. It's like a heroin addict who slowly has to increase their usage to reach the same high.

>> No.7144439

thinkin the same thing myself

>> No.7144462 [DELETED] 

>wonders why he's fat and has to make an exact list of all the food he consumes
>still doesn't change his eating habits

>> No.7145686

are you the guy that did a spreadsheet of mcdonalds trips and analyzed each one

>> No.7145724

But exercise is self control you cunt. He's mocking OP for being a lard-ass and doing nothing about it

>> No.7145752

idk brah im on a dirty bulk so all that sounds great

>> No.7146563

it's metabolism, you stupid jabroni

>> No.7146564

>Eternally stuck between 215-220
>Eternally SkinnyFat/FatSkinny

I mean it could be worse

>> No.7146566

If you can catch me.

>> No.7146567

I would never be proud of gluttony.

>> No.7146571

>30 mins a day
gym shill please. To get a good workout takes at least an hour even more if you stretch and warm up

>> No.7146577
File: 129 KB, 563x364, 1448387832594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>british people call cookies "biscuits"

>> No.7146649

>people earning min. wage don't pay taxes

wow it must be nice to be this out of touch

>> No.7146796
File: 245 KB, 400x200, JAWRX6S[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are literally people browsing the 4chan.org imageboard and posting on the 4chan.org imageboard telling others to get some self-control

I'm havin a fuckin giggle good shit

>> No.7148607


>take all pain pills
>count my $4 dollars twice
>eat slavic feast


>> No.7148636

This. Its like being proud of being a retard because youre too simple to appreciate the good and bad parts of life, so you're just kinda less aware of everything.

>> No.7148640

Do you think you are cute when you do this?

>> No.7148644 [DELETED] 

>implying i wouldn't outsmart you
your skinny brain is so starved it started eating it's own brain cells.
Fat is necessary to build intelligence
Less fat=less braincells being born
Lol try again kid

>> No.7148649

Because I fucking hate grilled ass gross chicken and I hate steak why don't you read the post fucking moron fuck

>> No.7148789

this. i had this happen and started clean eating and now shit food is a whole lot less apealing

>> No.7149410

It's not so much thgat I'm proud to be fat.... but I am slightly over-weight and I don't care in the slightest. Id' rather enjoy food than worry about every little detail to be slightly more fit than I currently am.

>> No.7149432

What kind of pills, anon?

>> No.7151074

Are you le autismo?

But actually I like you.

>> No.7151095

I'm anti-fat
After I turned 27 I started gaining weight and I promised myself I'd never become fat so I cut my red meat consumption down to about 25% and I do cardio every day
I haven't had a hamburger for at least 4 months now

>> No.7151125

I'd rather live a healthy life and experience 25% of what /ck/ has to offer. Than be fat.
Fat people live miserable lives. The amount of negatives of being fat far out weigh(no pun intended) the short lived gratification of eating food that's killing you.

>> No.7151132

You need to do 30 minutes of good cardio minimum to stave off a regular diet
If you eat like a pig, you'll be spending a lot more time exercising.

>> No.7151197


>people like this are giving advice to people with MS

Fuck man I know you mean well but get real with your homeopathic shit. Even though fermented shit is great for your gut indeed it won't make any fucking difference for MS, or any autoimmune disease, or actually anything more than being sicklish. Next thing you'll be persuading people to drop the gluten to help with their cancer.

>> No.7151529

you're dumb bro he's on steroids and odds are he looks like a freakbeast.

>> No.7151552

enjoy your noms bro, food looks good!

>> No.7151569

Im a little overweight Im not proud of it but I do enjoy eating and going back to my gruling routine of eating healthy and working out when I was fit just seems too daunting anymore although I would like to be fit life is just too depressing now to do it.

>> No.7151923

Seriously OP, just post your tumblr.

>> No.7152130
File: 14 KB, 240x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucc... Lov u pal.

>> No.7152155

I have the fucking Beetis now and have to ocd my food intake and stick myself to with fucking needles and shit. Doc says if I become less hamplanet might not need to. Learn from me.

>> No.7152188
File: 60 KB, 570x380, 1384224243435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best sermon i've heard in awhile.

if you can't be somewhere else, man, glad you're here.

>> No.7152201
File: 265 KB, 2048x1447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being able to afford feasts everyday, of carbonara, fried chicken, pizza, chinese food, whatever the fuck.

>> No.7152218

Not that guy, but I think he was saying it's easy to make - so the dude might be able to manage the recipe on his own - while still having some very healthy qualities moreover.

I didn't read it like he was trying to cure his ms or anybody's specific conditions, just that he thinks it's an important food...

B cool man

>> No.7152275
File: 96 KB, 1887x376, anon is a fat fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7152279

>not working in a restaurant and getting free meals that people pay upwards of $25 for

>> No.7152540

I'm fat as fuck but i'm to lazy do do anything about it and more importantly my clan would kill me if Im not online

>> No.7152568

get a credit card br0

>> No.7152933
File: 43 KB, 415x382, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for burgers in installments

>> No.7152937
File: 33 KB, 408x439, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for burgers in multiple installments

>> No.7153001
File: 63 KB, 181x207, 1253859659396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for burgers on a monthly payment plan

>> No.7153035

because I don't have shitty taste in food.

>> No.7153037

The real problem isn't that you're a fatass with shitty self control, you just got shit taste in food m8

>> No.7153067
File: 121 KB, 951x654, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you this guy who went to my high school in pic related?

>> No.7153105
File: 113 KB, 1057x509, why_dont_YOU_mimic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mimic japanese diet

You must be full autismo! WTF!?
9/10 if trolling...

>> No.7153377


you are like an heroin addict trying to justify his addiction

>> No.7153381

Japs have one of the healthiest diets behind the Mediterranean. Rice is carb heavy but you don't have to eat a lot and it mixes well with vegetables.

>> No.7153476

You do realize that the term "Japs" is derogatory? Like calling a black individual a "Nigger." Not nice.

>> No.7153482

That's ok, I don't like either.

>> No.7153535

But you're not gonna do it. You're just gonna come back to /ck/ and die with us.

>> No.7153542

Gook is pretty bad, but still nothing like nigger. Abbreviations of the correct terms might be a little insensitive but they aren't horrific. People call British people Brits all the time.

>> No.7153556

Join a gym, go every day and you can still eat all that stuff and be thin. You won't be very healthy, but you'll still be presentable.

>> No.7153565

Im not talking about burning off calories but building muscle. And yeah a workout could take 30mins if you're not super dedicated and youd still gain muscle eating like this. Obviously lifting for longer would be better

>> No.7154375


You aren't Michael Phelps, you fat fuck. You struggle to walk down to the corner store every day for your candy bar.