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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7135105 No.7135105 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a diet coke version of food, where its a little icky but sort of the same, and has zero calories? I'd be all over that shit because you'd get used to it quick

>> No.7135126

all non-starchy vegetables.

cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, spinach, green beans, lettuce, etc.

they have calories. but it's so goddamn small that it might as well be negligible. you'll completely fill your stomach after eating 100 calories worth.

>> No.7135138

Raw celery is a calorie negative food.

>> No.7135141

Peanut butter

>> No.7135142


>> No.7135146
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>now with 50% more aspartame

>> No.7135182


>> No.7135235

You have brain problems

>> No.7135660

You dont think theyll invent hacks for good food. Look how they pump ice cream full of air and make it half the cals but taste the same

>> No.7135851 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 400x533, Eden-Williams-mugshot-33662675.400x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fifty cal cheesecake.Look it up folks

>> No.7135855


>> No.7135859

pickles are pretty low in calories

>> No.7135862

global rule 13 newfag. stop avatarfagging around.

>> No.7135864

>zero calories

calories are by definition energy. Zero calories doesn't exist.

>> No.7135870

pepsi switched to erythritol, wonder if coke will too

>> No.7135877

"No Oodles Zero Carb, Zero Calorie Shirataki Noodles"

>> No.7135890

get you a low calorie salad dressing with some ice berg lettuce and your pretty close

>> No.7135906
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Fat free no sugar added ice cream is actually really good. They sweeten it with splenda usually. I put sugar free chocolate syrup on it. Quite addictive. I prefer it over regular ice cream, because it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable after eating it.

>> No.7135926

Maybe you could eat your own jizz.
You spend energy getting it out and your body uses energy to make it so its like it's negative calories.

>> No.7136049


Scooby coleslaw

>thank me later

>> No.7136057


>scooby coleslaw

Oh god, I remember watching that crap.

It's basically ja/ck/ tier, if he lost the shirt, shaved his chest, and took lady pills to grow out his man boobs to the point where he couldn't see the fucking counter and just spilled shit everywhere.

>> No.7136083

If you ever insult the puzzlemaster again I will skateboard squat you to death.

>> No.7136095
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Shocked nobody has posted this shit yet...

>> No.7136106
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Arctic Zero ice cream is pretty okay, you can eat the whole damn carton for 150 calories.

>> No.7136351

>zero calories
All that aspertame must be giving you a brain tumor.

>> No.7136682
File: 608 KB, 600x331, Pasta Zero Spaghetti New and Improved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pasta zero is gods gift to low carb dieting. You can literally eat two bags of this and a jar of spaghetti sauce for about 10 carbs and 200 calories

>> No.7136692
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>> No.7136693

>10 carbs

>> No.7136751

diet coke and coke zero are really unpleasant to drink.
Like, normally with soda you get some amount of gas, yeah, but with these it feels like the drink refuses to foam until it's within my throat, and pushes at all the sides like dry rice in a birdsbody.
I've basically just made the switch to soda water and tonic water only.

>> No.7136753

why does it say serving suggestion right next to a single forkload of pasta?

>> No.7136770
File: 378 KB, 800x800, soylent[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the closest you'll get to that, OP.

>> No.7136780


>> No.7136789
File: 88 KB, 600x182, nasoya-shirataki-nutrition-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why shitpost on ck? there is 8 carbs in a bag, and 6 of those are fiber, which most people would discount as a total of 2. the whole friggin bag, which is a lot of food, is only 30 calories

>> No.7136795

>30 Calories.

Mathematically speaking, that is infinitely greater than zero, since 30 is a quantity, and zero is not. OP asked for zero calorie foods, not infinity calorie foods.

>> No.7136840
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>> No.7136887

Posting to say I fucking *LOVE* diet Coke. I don't think there's any other liquid I like as much. Annoying that it's hard to get outside of the West (if you can find it anywhere else in the world, it's imported specifically for Western tourists).

>> No.7136891

This doesn't apply if they're cooked, right?

Because eating raw broccoli or cauliflower with no dip is pretty unsatisfying, but it can be pretty OK steamed (but I figure that makes them easier to digest and increases their effective calorie count)

>> No.7136894

I blast a lot of spaghetti squash and leafy greens. shits pretty filling and low in calories

>> No.7136913

>no energy
>no calories

Pick 2. Jesus, this thread started out dumb and is getting dumber.

>> No.7136914

Speak English, retard.

>> No.7136955

Your body actually needs calories to function; don't cut them out. Just learn to manage them and you'll be A-okay hunky-dory-Hawkeye san. Also, products like "diet" coke are being linked to cancer and other really bad health issues ( from minor cosmetic issues to serious horrors ) more and more these days and are really as bad for you as saccharin so your body will thank you in the long-run if you cut them out.

>> No.7136959

the key to controlling weight is to abstain from fat and simple sugars. nutritious complex carbs and lean protein and fiber is what you need.

>> No.7136964

Thank you, fitizen

the video is a little cringe but the slaw is on point and you can legit eat pounds of it for almost net zero kcal

>scooby 4lyfe
>scooby 4eva

>> No.7136967


but those aren't Vlasic, you have failed at life

>> No.7137165

this the chocolate and pancake syrup is pretty good. the other shit is meh.

>> No.7137166

pretty expensive though

>> No.7137190

they have low calorie counts because there's barely anything there besides vitamins and dietary fiber. steaming ain't gonna release some secret cholesterol locked deep in the depths of the broccoli. even if it frees up a few extra calories via breaking down what carbs do exist, it still has less calories than basically all non-vegetable food by a huge margin.

>> No.7137494

Mushrooms. If you cook them right they are delicious, and they have hardly any calories.

1kg of mushrooms for example, which would be about 5 plate fulls, would only amount to 220 calories.

>> No.7137508

I'm on caffeine free diet coke.
Once I tried it I got more hooked than regular coke.
One large glass a day and my weight loss has nearly stopped.
Touche, Coca Cola.

>> No.7137518

I'd rather just exercise daily and be able to eat whatever the fuck I want.
Used to be a fatfag too, 30 mins jogging daily works.

>> No.7137607

But that wastes time, and then you have to shower every day.

>> No.7137631

Little fyi, companies are allowed to put something as zero calories if it is 5<

>> No.7137687

>abstain from fat
Fucking DROPPED.
Dumb niggers ITT.
Your body NEEDS fat.
Fat is literally essential to live, unlike sugar no matter how "complex" it is sugar is 100% unnecessary.
Fat is also good for you.
If you ever hear some dumb nigger say or read anything that says "Fat free" like it's some kind of feature, turn and fucking run because that person or product is fucking shit, just pure shit.

>> No.7137753
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>the key to controlling weight is to abstain from fat and simple sugars.
never post again. please kill yourself and your silly veganish beliefs. stop dispensing wisdom you learned at jamba juice.

>> No.7139464

>0 egg

>> No.7139796

somewhat this
you need fat but realistically not that much
far too many people in the west get many times multiple their needed intake

>> No.7139800

You in denial, fatty?

>> No.7139880

What OP wants:
>tasty food with no calories

What you offered him:
>calories in a form that isn't tasty food

It's literally the exact opposite.

>> No.7139930

"Ah, poor dogsbody! Here lies poor dogsbody's body."

Literary references aside, I find the diet colas foam up a lot more in the glass than the sugary ones, but I prefer the taste of them.