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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 325x325, caviar_prd_507_med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7131144 No.7131144 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, foods you simply don't "get".

>> No.7131152


Caviar is delicious. Acquired taste I suppose.

I don't "get" mayonnaise, just the texture of it alone makes my mouth salivate, pre-vomit.

You know that rush of saliva under your tongue right before you empty the contents of your stomach, yea...mayonnaise does that to me.

>> No.7131159
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>> No.7131174

I like basically everything. I like even the weirdest seafood. But caviar tastes like nothing but salt (at least the tinned stuff).

>> No.7131176

It's alright, but I don't understand why people think it's the best, tastiest food ever. Most pizzas I've had were pretty bland and boring.

>> No.7131186

Pizza is probably the most diverse kind of food there is. Saying "I like / don't like" pizza is meaningless: it comes in infinite varieties.

>> No.7131477

Hummus desu

>> No.7131488
File: 71 KB, 640x427, Vietnamese-Pho-Recipe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pho tastes like shit. Don't understand why this spread internationally.

>> No.7131490


Try a different kind of roe, salmon roe is really mild and quite delicious. Uni is exception as well.

>> No.7131515

Out of a tin?

>> No.7131516

Fuck black olives, they are disgusting.

>> No.7131518


You can extract it yourself if you buy fresh fish from a monger, or ask them to give you/sell you roe.

>> No.7131527
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>> No.7131546
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Expensive/weird/thick beer.

>> No.7131558

This desu

>> No.7131592
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I have never given a shit about yogurt

>> No.7131594
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No clue why people like these.

>> No.7131595


If I wanted to taste pennies in my mouth I'd put pennies in my mouth.

>> No.7131596 [DELETED] 



>> No.7131599
File: 21 KB, 640x360, 1429120202421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow dude nice

>> No.7131604

Quality post.

Upvoted. Subscribed. Followed.

>> No.7131754
File: 60 KB, 947x800, chicken_breast_raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you wanna be voluntarily disappointed?

>> No.7131756



>> No.7131778



>> No.7131807
File: 551 KB, 1536x1024, o-LOVE-PICKLES-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way they're described and look makes me thing these would be delicious but they're kind of disgusting when eaten alone. crispy, juicy and shaped like a phallus.

i remember throughout school the cafeteria/snack bar would always sell these and kids everywhere would be doublefisting these things.

>> No.7131828

My favorite kind of cake is birthday cake.

>> No.7131842


I've never had caviar but I can tell you salmon roe is nice enough.

Caviar, like most expensive foods, is likely overrated anyway. Lobster certainly is inferior to crab in my experience.

>> No.7131852

the problem is that most people cook the shit out of chicken because they afraid of salmonella so its dry af

>> No.7131864

Man why do you do that? Why call it uni? I don't understand. Unless you just don't know that 海栗 means sea urchin.

Also that shit is nasty.

>> No.7131866

There's pickles, and then there's pickles.

The tiny, crunchy, sharp, vinegary pickles you get with say, an antipasti board are lovely. The big ass American dill pickles are soft and nasty (IMHO)

>> No.7131869

i don't get fois gras. had it once at this fancy place I went to with my mom. it was ok but not worth all that I've heard about it

>> No.7131870

That's bait.

>> No.7131886


That's what it is called, never heard it called sea urchin roe where I work.

>> No.7131913
File: 2.25 MB, 2290x1527, oyster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with the texture but this shit tastes like nothing but saltwater.

>> No.7131931
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I could never be friends with you

>> No.7132027

+1 bro, those guys are fuck ups.

>> No.7132068


>> No.7132080
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>> No.7132118

That can be genetically influenced. I took a genetic test and was told I probably hated olives and brussell sprouts as a kid but probably love both now.

Both are true.

>> No.7132125


I like beer to taste as refreshing and close to water as possible

I mean like shit, who drinks it for the taste?

>> No.7132143

I love caviar but I fully agree that it's not worth the price.
It's mostly about the texture I guess. Feeling the eggs burst into salty goodness in your mouth.

>> No.7132171

Ground beef. You pay to eat literally 45% meat and 55% cartilage.

>> No.7132206

Based Rasputin!!!

>> No.7132229

This f͏͏a͏͏͏m

>> No.7132287

Greasy,filling,cheap and you get an assortment of toppings to choose from for variety.
>this is the appeal

>> No.7132293

translation : "i only eat chicken nuggets"

>> No.7132300

There's a reason their so expensive, that Rasputin will have you fucked up from a 4pack

>> No.7132304

Keep your shit taste to yourself.

>> No.7132309
File: 14 KB, 300x300, spanish-olives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7132312

Pussy. I definitely don't "get" any if you know what I "mean"

>> No.7132319

Eggs. Smell like shit, consistency of snot. Not sure why people willingly eat these.

>> No.7132320

take them with whiskey or hot sauce

i've always thought oysters had a very distinct, rich taste

plus, just the process of eating them is noice. therapeutic.

>> No.7132323

I agree with everything in this topic so far. But this is a personal insult. In Chile we eat avocados on hot dogs (+tomato +mayo), toasts (mashed and with a pinch of salt), sandwhiches, on salads, sushi, etc. It's a versatile and fucking lovely addition to some dishes.

>> No.7132333

Honestly, I don't see how. It feels like solid water and has a bland taste. It's not really good on its own. It's only mediocre when its been given spices. I don't see what makes people obsessed about it, either.

>> No.7132339

le superfood meme

but seriously, avocados are good as fuck for you, easy to prepare and versatile. i don't see how people don't like the fatty, buttery texture of avocado. it's absolutely delightful.

i wish i lived on the west coast so i could grow a tree.

>> No.7132345

You sick Japanese fuck. Its 海胆 in chinese. 海栗 isnt a word, its just Sea and Chestnut. I will have no hope learning nipponese.

>> No.7132346
File: 309 KB, 1600x1200, bacon cooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they put this literal cancer in and on everything.

>> No.7132351

Holybfazolis, wa la!!!

>> No.7132365
File: 188 KB, 800x600, Truffe_noire_du_Périgord[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7132431

>not delirium

>> No.7132695

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7132704


even bigger faggots.

>> No.7132722
File: 48 KB, 599x282, beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 times this

>> No.7133002

until the juices run clear, very simple.

>> No.7133047

Most "meme" foods.

Also curry, I really can't understand why people rave about it so much. A good braised beef stew is much better tbqh.

Mexican food is a bit overrated too, but for the most part it's pretty great

>> No.7133092

well if u notice, "meme" foods are on the more inexpensive side, sriracha, tacos, bacon, pizza, grilled cheese, etc. So it gets consumed more by our generation with generally speaking have lower budgets. And God knows, anything more than 3 ppl like, we have to hate.

>> No.7133102

Water and Eggs

>> No.7133128

yeah everyone is just faking. let's all just eat mcdonalds and roll in our own shit

>> No.7133133

Bud Light

it's disgusting

>> No.7133452

I agree w/ you actually. Never liked hummus

>> No.7133953
File: 198 KB, 500x373, 1419306026392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kill yourself holy shit

>> No.7133964
File: 1.05 MB, 4912x2384, oysters-kilpatrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oysters kilpatrick niggaaa now they taste like worcestershire sauce and bacon

>> No.7133981

You're supposed to cook them first you dingus

>> No.7133987

Salmon roe is delicious and sweet and salty. The orange ones. Deliciocious on sushi.

>> No.7134001

>gelatinous orbs of seawater with a hint of that bitter orange water that collects in the bottom of baby carrot bags

No thanks, senpai.

>> No.7134003

Not a food, but soda. Shit burns my throat going down.

Alcohol does the same thing.

>> No.7134009

What about semen?

>> No.7134011

Never had that before. Is it good?

>> No.7134341

Black truffles are shit, try tartufi bianchi senpai

>> No.7134359


Have you tried fresh mayo that's made with seriously good oil? I was just like you until a Belgium friend made me some mayo to 'prove' it was the only way to eat fries.

I disagree with him, but that mayo, so fresh, so light, so herby. It was phenomenal.

>> No.7134364


>have a tried fresh mayo

Yes, I don't like it.

That's like asking someone who is afraid of heights if they wouldn't mind jumping out of a really fancy personal jet instead of a run-of-the-mill single engined cessna.

>> No.7134387


No it's not, it's like asking someone who says "I don't like flying" if they've ever flown first class.

If you'd only eaten crap mayo and dismissed it completely then that's not really 'fair', but if you've tried decent stuff and still not enjoyed it then that's acceptable.

>> No.7134415

This familia

>> No.7135350

You and me both anon.it tastes so boring

>> No.7135362

Love you too babe

>> No.7135367


Sounds like you're doing it wrong. The broth is served fairly mild, but you are provided with a variety of very pungent seasonings (shrimp paste, hoisin, chili sauce) and a platter of veggies with all sorts of different textures. It's the very opposite of boring.

>> No.7135420

I don't get salmon
I love almost all fish & shellfish but salmon is lost on me & I almost feel like it's a meme food so many people like it

>> No.7135497


>> No.7135520

This all the way. I know that not all of them are spicy or use coriander, but for me curries are just shit tier food you eat with your right hand.

>> No.7135538
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Practically a bio hazard and banned from being taken onto airlines for being a potential danger. Yet people eat it and call it yummy.

>> No.7135589
File: 64 KB, 506x380, patechinois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood this bullshit Quebecers all seem to love. My mom was always making it, and I could stomach it, but it's just not good or interesting in any way. There are thousands of things you could do better with the same ingredients

>> No.7135917

>i don't like something so there's no way anyone else does either

>i have a child's palette but refuse to acknowledge it

>> No.7135928
File: 34 KB, 250x250, 1368498313993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7135987

this isnt a meme oysters are like eating cum

women and bi/gay guys love that disgusting gooey texture and salty taste

its like cum in a shell

>> No.7135990
File: 266 KB, 641x528, EL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does first class seating have to do with someone who doesn't enjoy flying?

Thanks for validating my own personal opinions about things I don't like.


>> No.7136136

I was forced to eat it a lot in Vietnam. It's just really bland; if there's any flavour that comes through it's soap.

>> No.7136154

>salmon roe is really mild and quite delicious
the first and last time i had salmon roe it was disgusting and sour

>> No.7136163

>A good braised beef stew is much better tbqh.
but that's what curry is

>> No.7136173

>Rasputin will have you fucked up from a 4pack
>fucked up from a 4pack

>> No.7136178


>> No.7136180

Anything Japanese including sushi.

>> No.7136184

>but you are provided with a variety of very pungent seasonings (shrimp paste, hoisin, chili sauce) and a platter of veggies with all sorts of different textures. It's the very opposite of boring.
So it tastes like fucking shit but you get some nice things to go with it?

>> No.7136191

man you people must have not had proper pho then, I've had a shitload here in vancouver and I can tell the difference between the garbage and good shit, a decent amount of it is dishwater tier but some places get it right, lots of 5 spice and star anise flavor with that little bit of sour/sweetness, quite flavorful. I'm actually under the belief that vietnamese food might be better here than in vietnam

>> No.7136196
File: 12 KB, 300x214, Mussels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pick. Fuck Mussels.

>> No.7136197


Because a four pack of breezers and a four pack of straight vodka would be the same strength, right?

>> No.7136201

Avocados are weird as fuck. The only way I have ever enjoyed them is by taking a spoon of avocado and then a bite of plain milk chocolate straight after.

>> No.7136206

Since when was a 9% beer straight vodka?

>> No.7136236

>beer tastes bad

>> No.7136246

Help me I want to like olives (green and black) but haven't been able to like the taste. What can I do??

>> No.7136259

Calm down, his analogy made sense goddamn. It's like you lost too many arguements when you were younger and are aggressively making up for it now.

>> No.7136279

Mr. Red's has some excellent Pho, but oddly I've found Calgary has the best Pho. Vancouver's pretty hit and miss, whereas Calgary is consistently excellent. Weird, given that Calgary has fuck all else going on for it, just a very large vietnamese population.

Banh Mi is everywhere in calgary btw, fucking excellent, only thing I miss about living there

>> No.7136287


You are retarded.

>> No.7136301

>i basically eat everything
>i like caviar but not mayonnaise
>i enjoy pizza but it's not the best

>getting legitimately triggered by these statements

Holy fuck you're beyond saving.

>> No.7136868

Fuck you. Mussels, in all their forms, are amazing.

>> No.7136871

Bahn mi is fucking amazing. That should be what Vietnam is known for, not shitty pho soup.

>> No.7137170

Fuck, now I want sushi with fried chicken, japanese chili and soy sauce.

>> No.7137172

As they should. I can feast on bacon.

>> No.7137176

It does. It's disgusting. The only beer-related beverage that's tasty is mead.

>> No.7137183
File: 341 KB, 1536x1024, o-GROSS-JELLO-HATE-JIGGLE-facebook[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant stand the consistency of jello, they give out free jello shots at the bar I frequent every time my football team scores, I'm an alcoholic and even I pass on them

>> No.7137328

>Why call it uni? I don't understand

Same reason everyone uses "umami" instead of "savory", because that's what's more commonly known.

>> No.7137332

So you're scared of mayonnaise, then?

>> No.7137345

Bland? Avocados? You're full of shit. I hate the autistic hipsters too, but avocado is fucking delicious.

>> No.7137357

You realize that umami=/=savory, right?

>> No.7137372

It literally DOES.

>Umami (/uˈmɑːmi/), a savory taste,[1][2][3] is one of the five basic tastes (together with sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness).

>A loanword from the Japanese (うま味?), umami can be translated as "pleasant savory taste".[4]

>> No.7137373


Gay hipster Persian detected

>> No.7137374

It's pretty easy to get why people eat those. They're relatively cheap, and have little flavor. So they can be used for multiple different things.

>> No.7137379

My nigga. Rasputin and I got a thing going on as well.

>> No.7137487

everyone knows what savory means. whenever someone asks what umami means you get a faggot hipster "educating" you

>> No.7138175

I'll be honest, I don't get tea. I mean, it just taste like hot water.

>> No.7138212


agree with all of these

>> No.7138218
File: 321 KB, 1280x720, ground meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7138229


if you guys like beer so much then why don't you pay 6 dollars for a bottle of alcohol free beer?

>> No.7138868

hah it's not even that I have never just "got them". I just genuinely find them repulsive. Wish I could like them though and I will try them more. Anything I haven't liked in the past I've made myself like by repeat exposure. A lot of these things strangely are now my favourite foods.

>> No.7138884

There is no alcohol free beer that tastes as good as beer with alcohol, junior.

Alcohol is a product of fermentation and is a significant part of the taste.

>> No.7138903

While I 100% agree with you, alcohol doesn't really have a 'taste' in my opinion, besides maybe 'feet'. After all, you are literally drinking a poison. Not being some straight edge faggot cause I like to drink, but that's the scientific fact. Of course alcohol isn't going to taste good. That's why they cover it up for girly drinks. Actually liking the taste of alcohol is a socially conditioned response.

That being said, because alcohol free beer is barely brewed/is hardly real beer at all, the flavor is far inferior. When you drink beer you're enjoying the taste of hops, anise, and whatever else was used in the brewing process. A good beer has a rich full flavor and mouthfeel, pairs well with meat like a red wine.

>> No.7138969
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>> No.7139314

Have you tried canned smoked muscles?

I just overpaid about 500% for a tin yesterday since they're not normally available in this country.

>> No.7139329



You mean your, and no... no amount of autism is going to convince my tastebuds to enjoy something I find disgusting.

Do you really have issues with other people not liking the things you like? That's awful.

>> No.7139332
File: 57 KB, 356x500, oatfield-irish-butter-toffee-150g-planetcandy-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, it's just disgusting.

>> No.7139365

I don't get drinking straight whisky / rye... or any other straight booze besides tequila. Everything else really should be for mixing imo.

>> No.7139778

>anise, and whatever else was used in the brewing process
what the fuck? i´m glad we have the german Reinheitsgebot. what ever you´re drinking, it´s not beer

>> No.7139969

its not eaten alone, but with sourcream, onions, etc put over some nordic style flatbread

I didn't like pickles until I was over 20. Now I like them with some foods, but don't really care about eating them plain.

>> No.7140087

Any kind of alcohol, tea, or coffee. I've never enjoyed any kind of any of these and feel like I've missed out on nothing

>> No.7140158


I want you to go out and get an avocado. When you get home put a few slices of bread in the toaster then spread avo over it and salt and pepper.

>implying it's not the food of the gods

>> No.7140173


>guise I'm so machewa bcos I drink 'big boy' drinks

Beer tastes like shit.

>> No.7140194


Reading comprehension failure.

Something that is salty can also be savoury. But something salty isn't umami.

>> No.7140235


>> No.7140327

What the hell are you?

>> No.7140598

No I havn't. Just seen a pic on another thread and the appearance is kind of off-putting. I liked the idea of blending them with cream cheese though.

>> No.7140640

>Autists calling regular people autists

Never change, 4chan.

Not either of the guys you respond to, btw.

>> No.7140920

smart cookie

>> No.7140922


>defending mayonnaise to this extent

Why don't women find you attractive enough to start a family with?

>> No.7141551

Are you a literal five year old?

>> No.7141555

Why call it sushi, and not fishy rice roll ups?

>> No.7141620

gag reflex

>> No.7141637

i dont actively eat avacados but at the same time i have sort of enjoyed the taste of them and understand that its kind of like a vegetable spread for rice crackers...

>> No.7141782
File: 110 KB, 591x326, beef-liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I alone on this? I tried eating it when I was poor as fuck because of the price... ended up vomiting that week's food money.

>> No.7141836

i use to hate olives. but you just need to try it on the right food or like me, be very hungry without any other food around and dig in.

>> No.7141994

Did you fry it with onions?

>> No.7142017

I don't care much for pizza either. It's okay, but I never really crave it or anything

>> No.7142318

I like beef liver w/ onions in limited quantities, but the taste is so strong I think it'd be hard to eat often.

You should check out pork liver (which you will find at an asian grocery store if not your regular white person grocery store). It's much much more mild.

>> No.7142335

>vietnamese food might be better here than in vietnam
you might not be wrong. I hear that from my viet friends who say the flavors are similar but american/canadian ingredients are superior
can't absolutely say for sure without going to vietnam but eh

>> No.7142454


What a sad life you must live. You do realize what burgers are made of, right?

>> No.7142502

Fucking thank you. My dad forces me to eat it and refuses to believe anyone could dislike it. It's not the worst thing I've ever eaten but it's extremely overrated

>> No.7142509
File: 47 KB, 550x366, saigon-street-eats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pho in vietnam always comes with a big pile of fresh greens you're meant to put in the soup. I don't get why you'd want fresh uncooked vegies in any hot soup.

>> No.7142513

Celery it tastes horrible and has such a distinct flavor that it can't be masked well. Fuck celery man

>> No.7142521
File: 110 KB, 1300x957, celery-cheese-sticks-spread-glass-milk-45854262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved pic related as a kid.

>> No.7142522

That goes for any hot noodle soup in Viet Nam.

It adds texture and different flavors that complement the noodle soup.

Don't be a pleb.

>> No.7142891

Not saying you should drink the shit, but the taste of pennies is the taste of seriously stale hops most of the time.

>> No.7142900

Fun fact: the belly of the pork is the most worthless and undesirable piece of the pig. Back in the early to mid 2000's, I believe, the pork industry was wondering how to increase pork belly sales. Know what they came up with?
>Make bacon a meme

And look how well it worked! Pretty sure places like thunkgeek have had entire bacon dedicated sections of sales since like 2007.
Every fucking dish has needless bacon
Every person you talk to about food meme spouts about bacon because
>le trendy fugging bacon!

>> No.7142902


I'm Irish, rashers and American style bacon have been common here for a century or more.

>> No.7142912

I'm not attempting to dispute that, but have you had "bacon culture" for that long as well?
Being unfortunately clapistani, I was only really referring to people and industry over here.

>> No.7142918

I'm 44 years old, American, and I can assure you bacon has always, ALWAYS been popular. Please stop pretending you were alive before the early to mid 2000s.

>> No.7142925

So popular that every single person and restaurant spouts off about it because of the meme?
People have always been using bacon toothpaste and soap?
People have always intentionally eating caffeinated bacon?
No, they haven't. Please quit pretending you have an education and drop the strawman, little boy.

>> No.7142926


Smoked pork belly is American though, it's a staple food even in Hollywood culture for the past century. Every 50s style movie I've ever seem where people eat breakfast the Father is always eating a plate of eggs with bacon and drinking coffee.

Does pork offend you that much?

>> No.7142928

Salt pork belly has always been a staple food in North America AFAIK.

The belly is considered the prime cut in Asia.

>> No.7142933

>So popular that every single person and restaurant spouts off about it because of the meme?
Spend less time on 4chan, and I have no idea what "restaurants spouting off" you are talking about, but I assume you mean "has bacon on the menu" which is pretty common for diners and such.
>People have always been using bacon toothpaste and soap?
>People have always intentionally eating caffeinated bacon?
They had caffeinated water in the 90s. They had jolt cola in the 80s. These are just temporary popular marketing phenomena that come and go, an opportunist selling bacon soap on the internet is just that. Please try to accept that it's ok for people to make money, making money is how your parents bought you that computer you shitpost from.

>> No.7142957

I really expected the post you were replying to to say "pussy."

>> No.7142963

triggered much?

>> No.7142968

translation: "You don't get to dislike what I like"

>> No.7142971

you are programmed to think alcohol tastes bad. you are delusional.

>> No.7144193

lol American style bacon isn't common in Ireland at all. Yea it is available but it's not popular at all.

Yea bacon is extremly popular in Ireland. A lot of people eat it daily for breakfast.

>> No.7144245

>rye bread
>few slices of tomato


>> No.7144254

chicken liver with onions and carrots is tasty but its not something that i would eat everyday

>> No.7144289

chocolate and fruit.
bananas are good, but anything acidic, like strawberries or oranges, apples, is not a combo that works for me. both clash hard.

also, lemon cake/muffins/etc

>> No.7144411

orange with anything other than other fruit (esp. does not pair well with meat or chocolate)
aniseed flavours
mint except where it is the dominant flavour

>> No.7144418

Ur mum tasted like shit the beer she brought me after I cummed in her was good though.

>> No.7144421

I can't see a number in the circle, am I color blind?

>> No.7145010

sushi is nice now and then but id never go out for it. like 10 dollars for 6 pieces fuck that

>> No.7145056

Why do you all hate black olives so much. I love them on pizza

>> No.7145064 [DELETED] 

Duck a l'orange

>> No.7145071

The first time I had that I was trying to act offhandedly cool like, caviar? This is my favorite. And then I gagged over and over. Smooth.

>> No.7145240

Your mum seems to think so

>> No.7145260

>he doesn't like chocolate oranges
Well fuck you buddy

>> No.7145269

Because they are faggots and also because they have only had one preparation of one variety in all their 12 years of experience on Earth.

>> No.7145321
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>> No.7145326

I thought you were describing black olives here and it took an entire minute to understand what was going on.

>> No.7145335

Oh fuck you I have the hardest erection just looking at this. God damn.

>> No.7145473



>> No.7145521

Are you female?

>> No.7145690

I could be for you.

>> No.7145718


>> No.7145744

I drink beer because it tastes good.

If all I cared about was getting hammered, I'd just drink vodka.

I know, because sometimes all I care about is getting hammered and I drink vodka.

>> No.7145764

leave it to xkcd to take "anyone who feels different than me is just pretending" to its smug conclusion.

>> No.7145766

Beef jerky. I think it's one of those foods you have to be drunk to enjoy.

>> No.7145767

That wobbly can... It tastes like the first time you make love, only if at the first time it sucked a lot.

>> No.7145770

I forgot to say. One eat it outside, at "barbecue" in the sommer.

>> No.7145786
File: 290 KB, 2560x1600, caviar-on-mother-of-pearl-spoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you guys actually are fucking retarded

CAVIAR refers to sturgeon eggs
CAVIAR is something most people will never try in their entire lifespan
CAVIAR sells for $4000 a lb, meaning a tin is worth half a grand at least
CAVIAR is a delicacy that is extremely rare and expensive to produce

your fucking neon orange salmon eggs that you get at a sushi bar is NOT caviar, you stupid fucks.

>> No.7145799

noun: caviar; plural noun: caviars; noun: caviare; plural noun: caviares

the pickled roe of sturgeon or other large fish, eaten as a delicacy.

>or other large fish

why you have to be mad? is only conversation.

>> No.7145803


>trying to get cute with semantics

don't even think about it.

calling salmon roe "caviar" is like calling fried beef liver a "steak."

just admit you have no idea what you're talking about and should fuck off back to a fast food thread.

>> No.7145829


>mother of pearl
>not horse bone

Sturgeon used to be raised in the estuaries of the Hudson Valley of New York, as the salt water from the Hudson Bay comes all the way North to around the Kingston area.

I live in Hyde Park, New York... sturgeon wash up on shore of the river here very regularly because of the artificially sustained fish population a few centuries ago.

Once found they're inspected for decay, if usable their roe is harvested.

I understand you're getting off on your little factoid, but a pound of caviar split between the dozens of people who would be eating it on Canapés isn't too far out of the realm of possibility. Maybe you associate with very very poor people, but $4,000/12=333.33....

$333.33 isn't too much to indulge in a very delectable delicacy. Especially with a nice Demi-sec or Sec to offset the saltiness and enhance the overall aroma of the roe.


>> No.7145830

>calling salmon roe "caviar" is like calling fried beef liver a "steak."
not at all, angry man

>> No.7145940 [DELETED] 

I could care less about this argument
But he's >>7145803 right

>> No.7145946

i've had two kinds of jerky in my time - slim jims and jack links. jack links reminded me of treats that i would feed my dog, fucking gross. slim jims are wonderful though. want to try oberto.

>> No.7145974

God I fucking love Delirium

>> No.7146000

I try so hard to like them but I can't

And my Mexican family refuses to believe that I don't like beans, they always "Forget" and make it 60% of my plate

>> No.7146019
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Smells like dirty butt.

>> No.7146549

Black olives are chemically altered to be as such.
Do you like kalamata olives?

>> No.7146551

stuff is the business
>this is coming from a vegan

>> No.7146627

If you're tasting soap, it's the cilantro. Vietnamese put it in everything. Most people aren't bothered by it, but to some people, anything with cilantro is going to taste like soap. Fucking genetics, man

>> No.7146675

There are freshwater sturgeon. The great lakes, pre-white-people, were utterly dominated by them. They're rare now in the wild, but they're farmed there still for caviar.

>> No.7146677
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One of many reasons I need to figure out how I can move to Africa permanently.

>> No.7146712

Don't order from the chain places. They're pretty shit compared to local stuff

>> No.7146724


its cheaper to fly to a caviar producing region and have it there while on vacation.

really, there is no fucking sense in buying this in the west unless you are a rich, idle cunt.

>> No.7146758

cartilage is good.

>> No.7146861

its a traditional food nothing more.

>> No.7146873

Make a tajine my friend

great way to start with olive

also pizza but meh tajine is 10 time better

>> No.7147004
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>tfw I like everything itt without exception

>> No.7147015
File: 65 KB, 800x450, 6d7569c2-879d-42ce-a32e-08db14734699[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking basic bitches and their stupid love for pasta salad. It always looks and tastes like shit and anyone who serves that garbage at parties is a fucker.

>> No.7147039


for fuck's sake i'm so fucking sick of this shit. umami is not the same as savoury. savoury is wayy more general than that.

>> No.7147063

right there with you
also potato salad and cold bean salad, shit's fucking disgusting

>> No.7147071

Why THE FUCK! Have they put them on ice when it's clear it's been in the oven?

Way to ruin them!

>> No.7147073

That trifecta of cold radioactive waste that plebs and soccer moms even dignify as a salad needs to fuck off.

>> No.7147074

>Picky Eater

Literally don't respect them or their opinions (on anything). Lmao

>> No.7147080

>umami is not the same as savoury.

But you're wrong, anon. One is just a foreign word for the other.

>>savoury is wayy more general than that.
It's an example of the typical flavor bro. The same way that salt is typical of "salty", yet many foods are "salty" yet taste of more than just salt (soy sauce, for example).

>> No.7147105


> It feels like solid water


>> No.7147107


no. that is a retarded test.

>> No.7147113


god damn never underestimate the power of 4chan to generate reprehensibly terrible analogies

>> No.7147129


>One is just a foreign word for the other.

no, it isn't, we never used 'savoury' to mean umami until the discovery of umami itself, it's a foreign discovery and concept. if savoury were our word for umami, and it predates the discovery of umami, that would imply we had some precursive understanding of umami itself, which we didn't. savoury was just a general descriptor for food that was tasty but usually not sweet. only now do we see that savouriness is strongly linked to umami. it's still a broader and more primitive concept than that.

>> No.7147132


>I don't get why you'd want fresh uncooked vegies in any hot soup.

every heard of herbs you mondopleb

>> No.7147236


i'm >>7147004

pasta salad is the only shit I dislike, but not because it's bad per se - my girlfriend makes a great one with rocket salad, goat cheese, cherry tomatoes, walnuts and a virgin olive oil based dressing - it's just the fact that people put so little fucking effort into pasta salads.

I've had to eat cooked pasta, mayo and canned peas, shit makes me want to projectile vomit everywhere.

potato salad on the other hand is amazing, sadly people don't make it like they're supposed to - you have to sautee some ham and diced onions, then add butter, vinegar and stock, then mit it in with potato and sliced pickles, it's by far the best side for a Wiener Schnitzel in the whole wide universe (and I love fries)

didn't even know "bean salad" was a thing, lmao

>> No.7147239


jesus christ are you serious? fuck

>> No.7147241

I generally enjoy a well made guacamole, but avocado on its own has always tasted like candle wax whipped with crisco. I don't get eating them on their own.

>> No.7147247

A bunch of jabbering gooks have invented a new word for savoury.
That is all.

>> No.7147253


oh fuck off you dumb faggot

as if any westerner would ever describe fucking dry seaweed as "savoury"

clearly it's something we didnt know of before. stop being such a cunt mayne. not even the fag you were replying to, either.

>> No.7147256


>tfw I scoop out an avocado with soy sauce/lime/salt & pepper pretty much every day

such a fulfilling experience imo, you're missing out

>> No.7147262


How do you what my finances are like, I broke it down into simple math for people like you. Get your friends together, pool your money and pretend to be fancy for one evening of your life.

You do come from a country that charges for ketchup packages in your fast food restaurants, so I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest that your poverty is a cause of the civilization (or lack thereof) that harbors you.

>> No.7147266


>pre-white people

I know, lean-toos and teepees, sweat lodges and hay house were the epitome of civilization at those times, shame we came and left the modern world in our wake.

>> No.7147271


>a reiteration of my original statement, with no supporting argument. that is all.

>> No.7147292

Breakfast cereal - Last thing I want to face first thing in the morning is sweetened processed grains in cold milk.

Chicken nuggets - Fried chicken is delicious, but why people eat fake fried chicken that's so flavorless it has to be dunked in awful sweet sauces is beyond me.

Cheese that comes shredded in a bag - it's almost always flavorless crap, and people seem to love as much as possible of it dumped all over everything.

Frozen pizza - I can't imagine why this seems like a good idea to anyone other than a stressed out parent of very fussy children.

Snack cakes - First off, why the fuck would anyone other than a landwhale eat cake as a snack, and second if you're going to eat cake why choose the worst cake you can find?

Ranch dressing on anything other than raw vegetables - It's not a half bad salad dressing, but why the fuck are people dunking pizza and chicken wings into it?

Canned tuna with mayo - People but tuna packed in water thinking it "healthier" than oil, then add mayo to it anyways. Why not just buy tuna in olive oil and save a step? It taste better, too.

Overkill foods - Taking something that's already delicious and kind of indulgent like pizza or a burger, then trying to "improve" it by piling on as much greasy stuff (bacon, extra cheese and the like) as possible until it becomes absurd. I can see how this might seem like a dream come true for a hungry teenager, but I have no idea why adults eat this stuff.

>> No.7147302
File: 115 KB, 500x378, 1422564644398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow dude those are all very much reasonable..

are you sure you wanted to post this on /ck/ of all boards? you realize this is the board for autism and flyover memes, right?

>mfw agree on everything

>> No.7147307


I don't like green olives either, but yep. Black olives are legit the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.

>> No.7147311


I totally get not liking oysters, but I love them. Like a delicious little taste of the ocean, with some lemon and hot sauce.

>> No.7147314

>wow dude those are all very much reasonable.
If that were true then why are all of them commonplace?

>> No.7147318

>not enjoying the smooth, meaty, tender taste of a fresh kalamata

>> No.7147328

Man, this guy is so played out. He's such a weeb dork, his comic sucks balls and he can go fuck off.

>> No.7147335


because - GASP - the fucking commoner has common fucking shit taste you retard

why is McDonalds famous? why do so many people watch Hollywood movies? why do so many people listen to top40 charts music? why do so many people appreciate IKEA-tier aesthetics? because most people have fucking shit taste, that's why

>> No.7147372

Prawn Cocktail. It's fucking gross, some bastard Amerilard just came up with it to justify his desire to eat heaped table spoons of mustard and ketchup.

>> No.7147380

Agreed. Also mushrooms

>> No.7147398

>the fucking commoner has common fucking shit taste you retard
Not buying that entirely. Sure. good stuff usually costs more, so if you grew up in a situation where you didn't have access to good stuff you don't know any better than shit, and have shit taste. But it's more than that. (I know a few well to do folks who eat at good restaurants often, but happily grab McDonald's on the run).

I think it's that when you're not really into something you just pick whatever the default choices are. Who listens to Top 40 music? People who really aren't that into music. Who watches Hollywood movies? People who really aren't that into film. Who buys IKEA furniture? People who aren't really into design.

I'm sure there are plenty of folks eating dodgy stuff not because they can't afford better, but because they just don't give that much of a shit about food, so they go with whatever the default food options are.

>> No.7148393
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>> No.7148749

They are gross to eat, but cooking with them is god.

>> No.7148761
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Miracle Whip or other "salad dressing". What the hell was ever wrong with mayonnaise that there needed to be an alternative?

>> No.7148777

>solid water

This motherfucker has been eating some weird shit thinking it's ice his whole life.

On the other hand, I've only tried avocado by itself twice and and it's not my favorite.

>> No.7148806

please enlighten us, o great dickbag of umami protectorate

>> No.7148829

When I was a kid my parents would sometimes make french onion soup. I would have to leave the house because the smell would make me vomit in my mouth.

>> No.7149041

mushrooms. i actually love them, i really enjoy eating them raw. i eat the stem raw too. unwashed, even, i don't give a shit. a lot of people don't like mushrooms, i want to understand why. is it the taste or the texture? did you puke from eating them on pizza as a kid or something? mushrooms4lyfe

>> No.7149064

i can only eat them pickled, i don´t why, the texture and the taste of differently prepared mushrooms is off-putting to me

>> No.7149079

>calling a 44 year old "little boy"

gas yourself

>> No.7149102

i put a shit ton of hoison sauce in mine, salty and sweet goodness

>> No.7149125

if you said faggy green onions with their gay peppers inside of them i would agree
but black olives are just little oily, salty bites of joy

>> No.7149514
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Smaller caviar is good but I can't stand larger egg caviar. The taste of it busting in your mouth is weird.

>> No.7149542

Have to agree with you on this one. Get stuck everywhere and it's overly sweet.

>> No.7149573

>I don't like it
>Obviously, millions of people are just pretending

Fucking tards.

>> No.7149589

This anon gets it.

>> No.7149669

based Deliurium

>> No.7149820

Go to hell you fucking nigger.

>> No.7149858
File: 22 KB, 400x267, 167172772_XS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grossest cheese with oddest texture. Who wants to eat soft cheese covered in a hard shell?

Overrated to be honest. It's nice here and there, but chocolate lava cake is fucking disgusting.

Bland or shitty. Use an actual dipping "sauce"


All beer usually taste like stale piss excluding Guinness, which taste like ashes and coffee?

>> No.7149884

>the commoner

Top fuckin kek.

>> No.7149887

You don't eat the shell.

>> No.7149890

That makes way more sense...

>> No.7149899

Punk IPA is so good.
You dont like beer btw, you like water and getting drunk.

>> No.7149903


>the most exotic cheese he's eaten is brie
>proceeds to give his shitty, picky eater opinions on multiple other posts as though anybody cares

>> No.7149908

>considers brie an exotic cheese
Try fried paneer faggot.

>> No.7149910


>44 and posting on 4chan

how have you NOT killed yourself yet? jesus christ

>> No.7149915


Neither of those are exotic/rare/etc., which was the point...

>> No.7149916
File: 365 KB, 496x708, 1430793129927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've seen some shitty opinions in my lifetime, but this one takes the cake

>> No.7149919

>paneer isn't exotic
>South Asian

Brie is pretty gross. There are so many other better cheeses that taste good.

>> No.7149923


>paneer isn't exotic

It's one of the blandest cheeses on it's own that exists, and it can be found in Indian restaurants virtually everywhere.

>> No.7149930

So then how are we defining exotic? Can't most cheese be made with milk, time, and experience?

>> No.7149931

Bro Paneer is literally cottage cheese. Sure it's tasty, but thanks to globalization there's nothing special or exotic about it unless you've never been to an Indian restaurant before.

>> No.7149934


Of course you eat the skin on soft cheese. It's the best part.

>> No.7149938

You have a point. Indian restaurants are almost everywhere.

>> No.7149945

Ive never ever seen someone become so butthurt about other people liking things he doesnt like.

Oh no, my god, someone utlizing the whole animal?? AND PEOPLE LIKE IT? THIS HAS TO STOP

>> No.7149980

Are YOU gay?
They are suppose to be an aphrodisiac

>> No.7150359

Why is every restaurant putting chipotle mayo on every damn thing all of a sudden?
I don't mind it, but damn, what's so great about it?

>> No.7150365

fucking agreed with mayonnaise

the texture, the taste, everything
just no....

>> No.7150372

awww shit, haven't had rasputin in ages

>> No.7150876

I've had it. Hated it. It's like eating tiny salty bath pearls.

I've had a couple of really expensive champagnes too, and they tasted vaguely like fizzy piss. Not a fan.

But that's OK - tastes differ.

>> No.7151164

Lmao no it's not, it's a test. You take a chick out, order that shit, and if she knocks them back like nothing, you're set. If she wimps out or gags, you chose badly

>> No.7151249

i really don't like zucchini

>> No.7151373

You watch too much porn - still kek'd tho.

>> No.7151451
File: 214 KB, 600x400, 1446922128213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this, maybe you will get it.

go to a fine restaurant.
>order Osetra caviar. should cost no less than $80/oz in a restaurant, probably a lot more
>order Chopin vodka, chilled to freezing temp
>eat a big spoonful (pearl duh) of the caviar, chew once or twice, and while it is still in your mouth take a sip of vodka. Now before or as you swallow take a small breath over all that is in your mouth and your tastebuds will come alive. If they don't you're probably a pleb.

-a rich asshole

>> No.7153666


>> No.7153752

>their so expensive
What would a fourteen year old like you know about beer?

>> No.7153976
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>> No.7153994

Aren't those just large salt rocks?

7/10 if serious

>> No.7154003


Start homebrewing before trying to say why one beer is more expensive than another.

Actually, if you're drinking a four pack of Rasputin to get "fucked up" you should probably just stick to cheap vodka and whatever else dirty dish water you think is a good deal.

>> No.7154309
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>being this picky

>> No.7155456

looks like a cancer nodule

>> No.7156014

Nothing so far, I think. Maybe brussel sprouts, but with enough hollandaise I can eat loads. All the things I hated years ago have become delicious to me. Even olives, though only in a sandwich. I like the additional texture, it makes it more interesting for a short while.

>> No.7156035


>> No.7156340
File: 3.27 MB, 3872x2592, Frenchbread3000ppx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get white bread at all.

You could eat some delicious Pumpernickel or other black breads... But why do people have to only like the white one ?

I mean I understand from my grandparents that white bread was seen as a delicacy because of WW2 since only black bread was available.

But let's be real, eating white bread is the same as eating garbage sugar.

>> No.7156423

>this wrong and convinced he's right.

>> No.7156495

you do realize most people who post here are functioning adults and not whiny little children like you, right?

>> No.7157388

Oh god those things. My mom would stuff minced pork in them and serve it in a soup and I can't even understand how everyone else in the house can tolerate how bitter it is.

>> No.7157795

Not everyone lives in the U.K.

>> No.7158036

If it's not pretty ripe it's not good on its own.

And for the less ripe ones, just add a bit of salt. It's good

>> No.7158208

Would bread be umami?