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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 534x712, JUSTFUCKUPMYLIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7130123 No.7130123 [Reply] [Original]

>Expensive meals are worth it anon!
>Try it poorfag!
Hmmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwTNS0nioFg

>> No.7130147

Probably tastes delicious but what a croc of fucking shit that entire presentation was


>wasting Bourbon County for all that

>> No.7130203

So fucking corny

>> No.7131234

is this how we're supposed to eat food? do people go to restaurants and enjoy this shit? this is fucking patronizing. ugh

>> No.7131245

rich people do

you need to understand, for rich people food is not fuel

>> No.7131246

>Pay god knows how much
>'I'l have that desert where u just fuck shit up'
>these two waiters come along and start throwing sauce all over your table
>looks like fucking ass and a toddler could achieve what they were doing
>storebrought chocolate shit in center, and now for the grand finally
>they just smash that shit in the center of the table
>tip please
Video had me pissing myself laughing whole way through, I can't believe people think they are being serious.

>> No.7131259

$300 pp isn't that much really. Especially not to a rich person. I bet that food tastes amazing. I'd eat shit like this regularly if I could afford to.

>> No.7131260
File: 2.68 MB, 3120x4160, borneo alinea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, another /ck/ thread made for people who don't care about food.

>> No.7131262

>tip please
I'm fucking dying anon

Srsly tho wtf is this shit??

>> No.7131268


This is just stupid.

>> No.7131269

how do i eat that

>> No.7131285

Ugh it's like she just made a mess all over the table.

>> No.7131293

>rich people paying exorbitant amounts of money to eat shit straight off the table like animals
There's some kind of irony here, I'm sure of it.

>> No.7131304

Rich people don't eat this shit. Fedora wearing bloggers who have to save up for a month do.

>> No.7131481

You can also get food coated in gold leaf, but it's not like rich people who care about fine food are into that either.

This is for rich idiots who want to show off how rich they are, people who want to save up to eat at the crazy place, and generating outragged articles and links as a form of free publicity.

>> No.7131491
File: 23 KB, 450x299, 1236340161154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what /ck/ thinks is fine dining

That's American hipster bullshit.

>> No.7131530


>3 michelin star restaurant
>american hipster bullshit

Keep spouting your buzzwords and /b/ reaction images, you're doing a great job convincing everyone that you're right.

>> No.7131538
File: 1.54 MB, 1786x1030, 1443455739783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Americans use the Michelin star system

They use the imperial system, you fucking clown.

>> No.7131542


Zagat and AAA actually...that's the American standard.

How's the weather up in the 51st state right now? Good in Toronto?

I hope so.


>> No.7131544

Anyone who knows anything about food already knows he's right.

>> No.7131550
File: 44 KB, 500x667, 1445281326110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zagat and AAA actually...that's the American standard.
>literally contradicting yourself

Why do Americans shitpost?

>> No.7131560


I'm not the same person you've been circle jerking with...but we all know you're also an American perpetuating le ebin self hate maymay because it's trendy on the internet.

Protip: every single anon on this board has in their possession: hard drives full of- American movies, music & porn.

Not to mention the fashion fashion trends they follow. Also being on 4chan is pretty American.

I don't mind yankees, nice lot.

>> No.7131567

Nice countertroll m8.

>> No.7131570
File: 202 KB, 492x592, 32655554333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever makes you feel better about looking like an idiot.

>> No.7131583

My point still stands.

>> No.7131598

I watched the whole five minutes just confused and a bit angry. I thought this was the most ridiculous display of food I had ever seen. I expected them to take the chocolate away when they lifted it, wondering what the point of it was, and then... That's where I lost it. It became a weird piece of performance art when they smashed it and I laughed uncontrollably for about 3 minutes. They could have done that at any point, or even delivered it to the table like that.

>> No.7131629
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1436230645602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I an't stop laughing. When they broke those stupid chocolate eggs I couldn't contain myself.


>> No.7131632
File: 43 KB, 550x466, ACM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


However invalid it may be, yes... you're entitled to your opinion.

>> No.7131636

The haters have obviously not eaten at a high end restaurant before. Food is art. That's why menus are done is such a way to be appealing to the eye. Chances are, if the dish looks beautiful then it probably will taste just as beautiful. An ugly and ill prepared dish is unappetizing and then it becomes difficult to get past that to attempt to eat it. It has nothing to do with pretentiousness. I love a well prepared burger from In N Out Burger as well as high end food sculptures.

Michelin stars are for chefs what oscars are for actors, or a high zagat rating for a fast food joint. At restaurants such as Alinea, you aren't just paying for some guy in a jumpsuit cooking you a meal...you are paying to enjoy a culinary experience from a highly trained and qualified chef who has spent years studying and honing his craft.

You wouldn't use the cheapest backyard mechanic to work on your nicest vehicle, you'd take it to a reputable and trustworthy mechanic and if the job requires it, a mechanic that specializes in the car you have. You want quality work. That reputable mechanic spent years honing his craft to build a reputation. Same is true with restaurants like this. The chef, if he cares about his craft, desires a good reputation. Culinary art, if done well, is a wonderful experience. Can I afford this kind of lifestyle? No, but I have eaten at a few high-end restaurants and it is absolutely a fantastic and fun experience.

One last note, Grant (the head chef and owner of Alinea) is relatively young (just about 40 years of age) and likes playful dishes. I attribute this dessert to childhood when playing in the mud and making mud pies and such. It's cool. Those that scoff, no offense, just simply don't get it or think it's frivolous. That's fine, everyone has an opinion. I just fail to see how one can have a good, solid opinion about something they haven't experienced before.

>> No.7131693

The current majority of /ck/ are 20something young white males who are inevitably too poor to afford to even dream of eating at such a place. It stinks of sour grapes whenever anyone tries to have a thread where the topic is a meal that costs over $50.

Take a look at the catalog, it's all fast food and youtube chefs. That speaks volumes to the type of people posting here. It's a shame because I genuinely enjoy fine dining and discussing it.

>> No.7131702

>Food is art.
In your warped little mind

>> No.7131706


a lot of people complain about stuffs like these. sure it may look pretentious or its a waste or put it on a plate etc, but you're forgetting one thing, this is ART. the more famous the restaurant is, the more emphasis they give to the presentation. culinary arts is making art out of food. you enjoy the art, you enjoy the food. if a painter wants to paint on a wall, let him be. hes doesnt want to use a canvass or paper. everything on the menu has its story/inspiration just like every work of art.

and I don't get why people think this is lame. i guess they just aren't into culinary like i am. i've read Achatz book and he's by far my inspiration for becoming a chef, and i consider him the greatest chef in the world at the moment. people just don't understand this, and that's the point. it's not McDonalds or even a steak for that matter. it's something nobody has ever done except for a view people in the world, and in existence. it's simply amazing.

>> No.7131710

except alinea and modernist cuisine isn't about food but about pop science and pop art

>> No.7131712

>i've read Achatz book and he's by far my inspiration for becoming a chef
lol, I'd cook circles around you and your "art", m8

>> No.7131717


A lot of people wouldn't get this, just like a lot of people wouldn't get a $50,000 stereo system or a $2,000 rifle (not sure how much they go for). For people like me, this level of cuisine is what we live for. So if you're here because you're curious, that's great. But if you start ridiculing our passion, fuck off.

>> No.7131727

>Avant Garde is bad
Go back to McDonalds

>> No.7131745
File: 138 KB, 1019x772, 1371516220613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking Alinea is a typical high-end restaurant and not some gimmick for rich plebs and empty-headed food bloggers

>> No.7131753


Nobody ever claimed Alinea was "a typical high-end" restaurant.

It's also stupid to think it has 3 Michelin stars because it's a gimmick.

>> No.7131759

9/10 would fire for that shitty dishware

>> No.7131773

question for anyone who's eaten there: what happens between courses? do they wipe down the table in front of you or ask you to move to a different one?

>> No.7131883

Hurr durr muh burgers

>> No.7131917

That looks like balloon molded dollar tree chocolate erupting into pieces of pillow stuffing, stale buttered tin popcorn, shelled pecans, and what looks like the top half of a toothbrush. Is this another one of those bullshit art experiments?

>> No.7131934

I'm not trashing haute cuisine you pretentious yank pleb. I'm specifically trashing this kind of food performance art. Open a place like this in London or Paris and the only people who'd go there are rich Arabs and food bloggers. Sure the food might be good but no one wants to eat a contemporary art exhibit on a regular basis.

>> No.7131939

>"thank you"
oh wow

>> No.7131940

>implying people eat at these places on a regular basis
>implying art exhibitions are a daily thing, even for arabs
Hurr durr muh burgers

>> No.7131946
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x1836, u wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they wipe down the table in between courses

but the course in OP pic is dessert and they put down a silicon sheet beforehand, would be weird to eat something directly off a table on purpose lol

>> No.7131949

>they wipe down the table in between courses
do they at least wipe it off into somebody's mouth so they didn't at least pay 300 dollars to not eat all of their food

>> No.7131951

oh ok, i assumed every course was put straight on the table/sheet/whatever

>> No.7131953

yeah, they have an attractive waiter kneel at the end of the table to lick up crumbs that fall

>> No.7132010

>hard drives full of- American movies, music & porn.

Japanese actually. All Japanese.

>> No.7132029
File: 45 KB, 312x312, 4799547+_88b3f3e7844d86a42413e0865fe63d0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American porn

>> No.7132044

>those paper-thin splatters of sauce in an artistic manner

I never get this, I've seen it on TV. Are you supposed to put your food through that like a wet wipe or is it just AESTHETICS?

>> No.7132050

I'm not trashing haute cuisine, I'm just trashing this restaurant. I'm very familiar with good restaurants. I've eaten in some Europe's finest

>> No.7132119
File: 323 KB, 960x640, FatDuck-moss4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this kind of gimmicky shit could only exist in america and be frequented by hipsters
>nothing like this would ever go over in britbong

>> No.7132132
File: 197 KB, 596x480, baked-alaska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, so just the fashion, movies and music.

Fair enough.

>> No.7132170

This is quality food. I know this because I'm an expert sauce drizzler.

>> No.7132182

Just the movies. The rest are objectively trash.

>> No.7132190

>tfw you absolutely adore all the things posted ITT and would gladly pay top dollar for them

They're so interesting, how can you dislike this shit?

>> No.7132194


To like one is to like the others, as the fashion and music are incorporated into the film.

You probably enjoy American formula food as well. No idea why yoire pretending to hate them when the reality is they're the focle point of your existence.

>> No.7132278

Welcome to 4chan, where people love to hate on everything especially if they've never tried it before.

>> No.7132305
File: 29 KB, 635x476, the artists involved in this have more money than me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you're forgetting one thing, this is ART

heres some more modern art for you

the minute you stop cooking and doing art is the minute you need to stop

>> No.7132371

You're narcissistic, and you believe because you behave one way, everyone else must do.

In reality, music isn't exclusive to any country. And claiming it is, is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. Same with fashion and films.

And pornography? This is something most people would consider degrading to a nation, and you're taking pride in it.

>> No.7132657


Don't do this

>> No.7132826
File: 10 KB, 261x193, images%2823%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm not saying that it doesn't have to take 14 people to make a dessert... .

>> No.7132957
File: 180 KB, 398x499, 1429666026526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucker there are balloons on the menu of this place.

Balloons, actual balloons, maybe with some flavor liquid.

Let that sink in when they hand you the massive bill for the "experience".

Food has gone too far.