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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7127880 No.7127880 [Reply] [Original]

is there anything more bougois then foodtrucks? don't get me wrong I love a good hot dog cart or taco truck, but it seems like the feeding ground for hipsters who have the time to check out their little app and find the damn thing to pay the kinda money to justify foodie fare

>> No.7127897

you don't fully understand the concepts behind some of the words you're using.

this is boring

>> No.7127898

>is there anything more bougois then foodtrucks?

uhhhh... yeah?

>> No.7127899


>is there anything more bougois then
>more bougois then

Stay in school.

>> No.7127923

>is there anything more bougois then foodtrucks?
Of course there is. Upscale specialty shops, fancy coffee joints and any restaurant that's popular for brunch.

I get what you're saying, though. Where I live there are three kinds of food trucks: the lunch counter on wheels serving remote job sites, the Latin American truck serving a mostly immigrant crowd and the upscale kind of truck you seem to be bitching about.

But I don't get your problem with it. It's a great way for the owner to test out a premise for a restaurant without taking on the massive financial risk of opening one. And while I don't want to pay restaurant prices to eat precious food from a truck there seem to be plenty of folks who will. So what if they're "hipsters". If you're running a slightly upscale food startuo it makes sense to target those with a decent disposable income who don't really cook and are willing to pay a premium for novel food.

I'm not really that demographic. When I eat out it's either at a really cheap immigrant joint or a nice restaurant. I have no interest in paying restaurant prices to eat food from a truck. But good for the owners of these trucks. They've managed to connect with a customer base that allows them to live out their dream of owning a food business. And the more successful among them often make the transition to becoming restaurant owners.

I think that's fucking great.

>> No.7127939

>7$ + tip for a grilled cheese

what the fuck.

>> No.7127944

but anon, it's a mixture of cheddar AND gruyere! and it's GOURMET!

>> No.7127945

>tipping at a food truck

>> No.7127946

>tipping a food truck

>> No.7127968

You live in a capitalist country, so charge what the market will bear.If your product is better than average quality some folks will happily pay a premium for it.

$7 for a grilled cheese sounds crazy when you think about what it would cost to make one yourself. Less crazy when you consider there are people in bistros across the country happily paying $10 (or more) for a croque monsieur.

>> No.7128161

What the fuck is a "bougois?"
Are you some soviet shit licker?

>> No.7128169

That means so much from an asshat typing on a computer, think that through cunt.

>> No.7128170

2 tumblr-tier dykes charging $7 for shitty cheese

They truly are clueless about the real world

>> No.7128189

Put the finger in the dyke.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxey Lady (Miami Pop 1968)

>> No.7128198

Why u so mad? Because some folks have more money than you, and are willing to spend it more freely?

>> No.7128201

Why u think I'm mad?

>> No.7128207


>> No.7128214

>2 tumblr-tier dykes
the one on the right is cute. I wouldn't date her because she sells $7 grilled cheese from a truck.

>> No.7128224

We've lost the point of food trucks, in that they're supposed to be good deals because you don't have to pay to have the physical space.

Hopefully the fad dies sometime soon. I want my roach coaches back.

>> No.7128245
File: 52 KB, 640x437, FoodTruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there anything more bougois then foodtrucks?

I don't see many bourgeoisie in this picture.

>> No.7128256

Are you kidding? Union construction workers are some of the most privileged people in America.

>"Ayo I didn't go to college or anything but I make $50 an hour for doing absolutely fucking nothing for eight hours a day, and god FORBID you ever ask me to do something not in the job description."

I did the work of two journeymen electricians as a $13 an hour intern at a networking company, because they were fucking incompetent and did the wiring wrong. They were both making $35 an hour. Union members are fucking morons AND lazy.

>> No.7128275

>Hello yes welcome to my food truck please pay me eighteen dollars for this waffle

>> No.7128291

You can't even see her face, kuk

>> No.7128294

>Union construction workers

That's good Socialist Collectivism son. They're just downtrodden workers coming together to rise up against the oppressive construction site owners.

>> No.7128328

God save ye olde British burger van

>> No.7128353

Anytime there's a thread on /ck/ about overpriced hipster trash there are two kinds of people who always show up and I can't for the life of me understand either of them:
>It's a capitalist country
Ya, no shit. Please, point out the hordes of outraged proletariat calling for their prices to be changed at gunpoint, because I don't see them. Capitalism doesn't mean we aren't allowed to pass judgement on both the people charging outrageous prices for simple fare and the idiots paying those prices
You aren't fooling anyone, retard. You don't sound like a successful, professional man with disposable income, you sound like mommy gives you an allowance for keeping your room clean and showering twice a week.

>> No.7128619
File: 171 KB, 600x600, 1432505268378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the local memetruck everybody talks about spawns in front of me.

We got a truck here for some place called Red Sesame. People follow them around like the Grateful Dead. But seriously, even if you have to shiv people to get to the front of the line hit that bitch up if you see it. Lives up to the hype.

>> No.7128628

Meh, you're right but just to play devil's advocate I'm poorer than shit and even I have a 'fun budget' to play with.

>> No.7128630

Union worker here, you are an idiot. Unions are there to keep a big corporation from fucking it's employees too hard. I work hard, i get paid decent, I appreciate my job. If anything we save the corporate time because if someone is slacking and making the union look bad we straighten them out or get rid of them. You just sound angry that you don't have the money or job security you wish you had. Not all unions are as good as mine but you can't judge them all because you were a tool and did someone's job for them.

>> No.7128684

No, I have tons of money and job security now because I'm not an idiot. I work in a comfy office that gives me lunch every day, lets me play video games at work, and has a product I love. My life is amazing.

And SOME unions are there to keep big corporations from fucking too hard. Your average electrician/cabling union worker is an absolute moron, only useful for the power tools they carry in their truck.

I once had to go back to every single AP in a school and plug the cable into the right ethernet port, because our moron cablers were too fucking stupid to read "ethernet" or "console." And then they wouldn't FIX the problem they fucked up on because the union said it wasn't their problem.

And honestly, I highly doubt you "work hard." Union workers are all about self-preservation and keeping their buddies employed, not "saving corporate time." That's why I only work private sector now, I got so sick of dealing with ineffectual, lazy union guys.

>> No.7128710

Lol you do sound amazingly happy with your bitter attitude. I do not claim to be rich, I have no education, but I do work hard as hell and it has earned me a future and a comfortable, stress free lifestyle. I do care about my company because I feel they somewhat care for me as well. If for some reason there were to be lay offs I would not worry, if you get layed off I'm sure you could get a job writing novels on image boards lol.

>> No.7128725

I'm bitter because you fuckheads wasted my time by being useless shits.

By the way, are you on the clock right now? If so, thanks for proving my point.

>> No.7128741

>By the way, are you on the clock right now? If so, thanks for proving my point.
lol no detective, Im at home, stay mad sitting on your gelatinous ass in your office being secretly jealous of union workers for some reason.

did I mention that my hard work also keeps me in shape and I eat whatever I want?

do you think your wife is cheating on you?

you do have a wife dont you? lol

see its fun projecting

>> No.7128748

>My life is amazing.

>> No.7128757

>stay mad sitting on your gelatinous ass in your office being secretly jealous of union workers for some reason

I totally will. Taking a half day because why not ;^)

>> No.7128774

I make $25/h stocking shelves in a grocery store thanks to a union. And 10% anything in store cept cigs.

>> No.7128775

I support myself with a part time job, every day is a half day for me :^)

>> No.7128777

>pass judgement on both the people charging outrageous prices for simple fare and the idiots paying those prices
$7 for a sandwich isn't outrageous.
>you sound like mommy gives you an allowance for keeping your room clean and showering twice a week.
That's pretty funny, because I'm a middle aged professional in a creative field who makes three figures an hour most of the time.

>> No.7128787

/ck/-Where a foodtruck thread turns into a pissing contest for a bunch of lying NEETs

>> No.7128795

BTFO by a lazy union worker KEK

>> No.7128882

No doubt. I'm in a similar boat. But even if my "fun budget" were far, far larger than it is now I still wouldn't spend it on $7 grilled cheeses. There's just nothing worthwhile gained by getting one. Grilled cheese is already cheap, easy, and fast, and theirs won't be any better than what you could make on your own.

>$7 for a sandwich isn't outrageous.
CHEESE AND BREAD. And since it says "grilled cheese" that probably means sliced bread, i.e. not that large to begin with. $7 for a 6" sub with actual meat and veggies isn't a bad deal, but stop trying to pretend that's what you're getting here.
>I'm a middle aged professional in a creative field who makes three figures an hour most of the time.
Seriously, dude? At this point you might as well be claiming to be a retired Navy Seal with over 300 confirmed kills living on a 7 figure pension with checks that come with a personal thank you note from the president. Protip: In the future, pretend you have a boring but moderately well paying office job like everyone else does.

>> No.7128923

100% agree anon. I could see myself occasionally throwing 10 bucks down on a food truck that serves an interesting ethnic or creative product, but grilled cheese is complete pleb food that I could make at home in the same amount of time with practically 0 prep work/cleanup required.
That being said, I still have yet to try a food truck because whenever I want to throw down on some good food I prefer a restaurant where I can sit down and be served.

>> No.7128927


>> No.7128951

>actual meat and veggies
Good quality cheese costs more than sandwich meat.
>In the future, pretend you have a boring but moderately well paying office job like everyone else does.
Why should I lie. I lived for fucking years as a starving artist type before I hit the few successes that landed me in the position I'm now in. Yeah, it may seem implausible that someone who gets paid well to do little more than make creative judgment calls would waste hours a day on 4chan, but downtime is a pretty key element of creative work. This is my downtime.

>> No.7129774

>is there anything more bougois then foodtrucks?

"Unadvertised" popups.

>> No.7129778

someone is buttmad he got left out :)

>> No.7129789

No I'm buttmad because they spend more time "not" advertising their shitty two-evening service than they would actually advertising it.

>ooh look we're so not trying hard
>(but really please keep posting on YikYak and twitter, Emelia, we need to get the word out)

Yes, I mad but holy fuck don't put on some kabuki theatre show to demonstrate how little you care that people know about your popup.

>> No.7129797

Maybe if you spent more time eating and less time putting on a kabuki show to demonstrate how you're too authentic to patronize small businesses that want to promote themselves, you'd be a happier person.

>> No.7129814
File: 71 KB, 960x717, Jackky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7129833

I don't know why, but I hate the idea of naming dishes. Like, just let it be what it is. The "Big Cheese" should be "Pimento, Cheddar, Gruyere on a roll with pickles and onions." Just give me a list of potential ingredients and let me choose instead of feeding me your foodie Veg Head like its a black cock halfway down my throat.

>> No.7129867

its not a job when your mom gives you a little extra allowance for making autistic chinese cartoon fanart for her.

>> No.7129882

Lol, turducken.

>> No.7129986

I think you mean proletariat OP.

Bourgois implies fancy dining. Which is funny because they're both the same fucking word. Basically.


>> No.7130155
File: 127 KB, 1300x862, 1445665388142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah ill take the fish sandwich please
>the fish sandwich please
>if thats what you call the fish sandwich sure
>your manager

>> No.7130172


>> No.7130217


where else would i be able to pay a stoned guy with a beard $12 for a sandwich? i would have to walk almost an entire block to find another place like that.

>> No.7130289

I love my local burrito truck.
It's less expensive than Chipotle and has way better variety.

>> No.7130307

But it is a job when rich people and big corporations do more or less the same thing. Go figure.