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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7126319 No.7126319 [Reply] [Original]

What goes good with eggnog? Share some recipes

>> No.7126321

some sort of alcohol

>> No.7126322

Brandy or cognac.

Pour egg nog in a glass, pour in some brandy/cognac, grate some nutmeg on top.

>> No.7126329

>pouring alcohol into an already delicate balance of alcohol and cream

You're gonna curdle that shit, brehs.

>> No.7126346

I know this Canadian dude that follows his shots of brown liquor with milk

>> No.7126354

nothing, because eggnog is crap

>> No.7126356

Most egg nog you find at the supermarket doesn't already have alcohol in it.

>> No.7126363

>Most White Russians you find at the supermarket doesn't already have alcohol in it

Eggnog is a cocktail, if there's no alcohol then it's not eggnog.

>> No.7126364
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>> No.7126371
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Has anyone tried flavored brandy with eggnog? I feel like peach would go great with it.

>> No.7126374

then what is the shit sold in stores?

>> No.7126378

Nasty preservatives with a hint of nutmeg.

>> No.7126382


That stuff is REALLY sweet, just letting you know before you buy it

>> No.7126407
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"Non-alcoholic eggnog"

But yeah OP, you're gonna want to use brandy, cognac, rum, whiskey, or something similar like Southern Comfort. I never hear of anyone doing anything with eggnog outside of putting it in desserts, like eggnog milkshakes, eggnog cheesecake, eggnog cookies, etc.

>> No.7126547

best brand

>> No.7126566

TIL Eggnog is meant to be alcoholic

>> No.7126578

mix it with milk.

like 30% milk, 70% egg nog. or add just enough milk to dilute the extreme richness and sugar.

>> No.7126581

>Eggnog, or egg nog (About this sound pronunciation (help·info)), also known as egg milk punch,[1][2] is a chilled, sweetened, dairy-based beverage traditionally made with milk and/or cream, sugar, and whipped eggs (which gives it a frothy texture). Spirits such as brandy, rum or bourbon are often added.

Alcohol is not required to be eggnog.

>> No.7126584

Fucking HOMEMADE EGGNOG, that's what! Fucking do it yourself and never put up with that store bought toxic scum again!

6 fucking eggs
1 fucking quart (4 cups) milk
1 cup cream (fucking heavy cream - yes, you can jerk off in it if you want)
1/2 cup (8 tablespoons) sugar -- SUGAR, not fucking Nutrasweet
1 tablespoon (3 teaspoons) vanilla extract -- REAL vanilla, not fucking imitation
1/2 fucking teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup booze, whatever the fuck you want -- but flavored liquors like whiskey, brandy, rum, and bourbon go best

In a large bowl, fucking beat the shit out of the eggs eggs using a mixer (a hand mixer will do because it lets off stress, but you can do it the pussy way and use an electric mixer). Add your fucking milk and cream, and mix. Toss in the fucking the sugar, and mix more until it's completely absorbed. Continue beating until you're fucking tired of beating it and the mixture thickens. Add booze, vanilla and nutmeg, and it fucking better be REAL vanilla. Continue mixing until the specks of nutmeg are nearly gone, when you're wondering how much longer do you have to fucking mix this. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled (at least three hours). What you got here is 1 1/2 quarts of eggnog. Once you drink this, you will NEVER, FUCKING NEVER put up with that fucking pussy cum sold in stores as "eggnog."

>> No.7126586

I hated store bought eggnog my whole childhood. Always too thick and nearly undrinkable. then i became of age and mixed it with bourbon. bam! wow! suddenly delicious! now thats a holiday drink!

>> No.7126594 [DELETED] 

this t.bh fa.m

>> No.7126655

Eggnog novice here. Just had my first taste (store bought) of it a couple days ago. Other recipes I see have you separate the yolks from the whites. Yours is the only recipe I've seen so far where you don't. Why is that? Also which liquor would you suggest I use? I don't drink often. I'm thinking rum.

>> No.7126668

Good to know, thanks.

>> No.7126704


Don't separate the yolks because you don't have to. This gives a really thick and rich eggnog, and it doesn't matter if you have separated yolks and whites. You're just mixing and chilling it, not baking. Drinking raw egg is always risky, but life has risks. I've made this every year and no one's gotten sick from it yet. Also, the traditional liquor is like it says - brandy, whiskey, rum, bourbon. I like Captain Morgan in mine, though brandy goes good as well.

>> No.7126721

You can always use pasteurized eggs if you're worried about getting sick.

>> No.7126760

>Traditional eggnog is made of milk or cream, sugar, raw eggs, an alcoholic spirit, and spices, often vanilla or nutmeg.
>Ready-made eggnog versions are seasonally available with different spirits, or without alcohol, to be drunk as bought or used as "mixes" with all the ingredients except the liquor, to be added as desired.
>The "nog" part of its name may stem from the word noggin, a Middle English term for a small, carved wooden mug used to serve alcohol.
>One very early example (published in 1800): "The American travellers, before they pursued their journey, took a hearty draught each, according to custom, of egg-nog, a mixture composed of new milk, eggs, rum, and sugar, beat up together;..."
>In Britain, the drink was popular mainly among the aristocracy. Those who could get milk and eggs mixed it with brandy, Madeira or sherry to make a drink similar to modern alcoholic egg nog.
>Since brandy and wine were heavily taxed, rum from the Triangular Trade with the Caribbean was a cost-effective substitute. The inexpensive liquor, coupled with plentiful farm and dairy products, helped the drink become very popular in America.

Eggnog is meant to be alcoholic. "Non-alcoholic eggnog" is exactly that, and the lack of alcohol bears mentioning.

>> No.7126786
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Eggnog is literally a Posset cocktail with the wine swapped out for brandy, every single period recipe has brandy and later rum once it took off in the New World.


>> No.7126793

Eggnog is not a cocktail you fucking retard

>> No.7126797


That's two liquors, sounds like a cocktail to me

>> No.7126807

That's not the sole recipe for eggnog


>> No.7126810

You mean like the recipes without any alcohol? That shit ain't eggnog.

>> No.7126812

Except it is

Sorry your autism doesn't allow you to comprehend such a simple concept

>> No.7126814

>make home made eggnog for the first time
>cancerous room mate loves eggnog
>give him some
>he spits it out and dumps the glass
>why did you put alcohol in it?

fuck that guy

>> No.7126816

So I guess the coffee flavoured milk is a White Russian now? Great.

>> No.7126827


Sorry your autism still can't comprehend something so simple

Not all Eggnog is alcoholic

A White Russian is specifically alcoholic

I mean is this really hard to crunch in your mind? Are you rubbing your head with both your hands?

>> No.7126830

>Not all Eggnog is alcoholic
>A White Russian is specifically alcoholic

Nice doublespeak.
Either both are or neither.

>> No.7126836

nigger, it is an alcoholic beverage by default
that's why on every box there is the stipulation where it says "non-alcoholic"
just like beer, which is alcoholic by default has "non-alcoholic" versions specifically labeled so

might as well call cranberry juice with water a cape cod while you're at it

>> No.7126837

Being intentionally obtuse doesn't make you any less autistic

And wrong

Feel free to give me the universal definition that eggnog is strictly alcoholic

>> No.7126840

I already did. The one being obtuse and wrong here is you.

>> No.7126842

>its an alcoholic beverage default

Why do people think that talking in pretentious absolutes somehow means they're correct?

>that's why on every box, there is the stipulation where it says non-alcoholic

That's not even remotely true

Beer and non-alcoholic beer have legal definitions and standards regarding alcohol content

>> No.7126845
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>non sequitur

>> No.7126849

>I already did

Again. Your autistic rambling doesn't count. You haven't given anything

>> No.7126851

You don't know what doublespeak means either

>> No.7126853

I gave you historic and period sources, you gave me autism and bile.

>> No.7126856

if I gave enough of a fuck I could absolutely make a firm legal argument for a government regulatory body to step in and demand the same standards for eggnog

eggnog is an alcoholic drink, spirits are a main flavoring componant and all non-alcoholic brands are using artifical rum and brandy flavorings in their product. deal with it

>> No.7126862

You didn't give anything that verifies your claims

You have traditional recipes, not a universal recipe

Is the beer from Egyptian times the same as we have today? No

But of course you're still incapable of understanding such simple things and have to flaunt off your pretentiousness to look as snooty as possible

>> No.7126866

>if I gave enough of a fuck

In other words, you don't have an argument

You're not even arguing at this point, you're just saying shit that simply isn't true

>all non-alcoholic brands

All brands

>are using artificial rum and brandy flavorings in their product

Again, you're not even close to being right

I wonder what it's like to think you know about something and be such an ass about it, and you end up being completely wrong about it?

>> No.7126867

is this bait

>> No.7126873

So... is soy milk or almond milk not milk?

>> No.7126877
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Sounds good, thx f.am

>> No.7126881

>All brands
now you're actually enough of a retard to suggest there is no such thing as alcoholic eggnog being sold in stores? sorry you aren't old enough to buy booze yet, but trust me there are plenty.

>> No.7126886

>now you're actually enough of a retard to suggest there is no such thing as alcoholic eggnog being sold in stores

That's alcoholic eggnog :)

>> No.7126890

They're soy milk and almond milk

>> No.7126903

opinion invalidated

sorry about your thread OP

>> No.7126919

Nice argument, fuckface

You literally decline an argument that is the exact same as yours

Feel free to give those sources that say eggnog is strictly alcoholic :)

>> No.7127300
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Jesus Christ, guys. Eggnog is meant to be alcoholic. It is obviously historically alcoholic, and at the very least it is still commonly alcoholic. Sure, people do say "Eggnog" when they should say "Non-alcoholic Eggnog", but that's inaccurate. Totally understandable, but still inaccurate. I guess common misapplication has made the necessity of alcohol in eggnog ambiguous in recent years.
It's like calling a Rum & Coke a Cuba Libre. If it doesn't have lime, it's not a Cuba Libre.

>> No.7127302

That's like arguing flour tortillas aren't tortillas simply because they came way later than corn tortillas

>> No.7127329
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A flour tortilla is a kind of tortilla. Just calling it a tortilla is fine, but it's inaccurate. "Non-alcoholic Eggnog" is a kind of eggnog, sure. But just calling it eggnog is inaccurate.
>Here's the thing. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

>> No.7127340

That tortilla is inaccurate because that is not an omelette.

>> No.7127358
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Make your own eggnog age it for a like a year never buy that store shit again. Unless you need some for kids or something. Then get some of this shit. If it's good enough for huell howser it's god damn good enough for you fu/ck/s.

>> No.7128482

Meyer's unspiced rum. 1part rum 2part eggnog. Merry Christmas!

>> No.7128493
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>tfw pregnant
>tfw I'm the only person I know that can drink lots of eggnog straight
>tfw I'm the only one in the senpai that won't get to have any eggnog this year

>> No.7128613

Is he a fucking muslim or some shit?

>> No.7128636

This is bait.

>> No.7128640
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Hello Tyler.

>> No.7128642

Please refrain from mentioning your sex and/or gender while visiting /ck/. Although you may not be aware of this (although I think you are), many people posting on 4chan are not in an intimate relationship.

Therefore, referring to your femininity can be highly offensive to others, as they visit /ck/ to have fun and intellectual discourse, not to be reminded of their shortcomings (as perceived by society).

I hope you remember this in the future and refrain from using any key words that can be used as gender identifiers. It really is not that much to ask and will prevent threads from degenerating into flame/troll disasters.

Some of us also choose to be single and our virginity is not a badge of shame. The inherent superficial and highly opportunistic behavior of women is not attractive to every male, and therefore we do not have to be constantly reminded of your kind while on /ck/. It is not necessary and can be considered, "attention whoring" (a very just term).

Thank you very much,

- /ck/

>> No.7128688


lol wow

>> No.7128728

This copy pasta always makes me sad because there are actually people like this.

>> No.7128737

check out wizardchan

>> No.7128744
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