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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7124002 No.7124002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7124010

is this a surprise
i work at a bar and the ratio of people who come in to drink, especially regulars, are mostly women

>> No.7124011

you obviously don't know women very well...most like wine.

>> No.7124015

This. I'm a bartender for a casino and most of the customers are women.

>> No.7124019 [DELETED] 
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>liking anything other than money and black dick

>> No.7124026

Chinese women?

>> No.7124028

Girls only pretend to like beer. In the field of economics, they would be described as irrational agents, because none of their purchasing decisions follow any modicum of reason or logic besides "what looks good / keeps me in good stead with my social circle". Any girl that drinks beer does it to maintain appearances or because they had the influence of a major male figure in their life.

>> No.7124112

I'm an autistic girl with a social circle of 2 people who doesn't leave her house aside from attending class at college. I genuinely enjoy beer and drink it at home. Explain that shitlord

On topic, I've only met one woman who liked beer and she was a dyke. All the sluts like shots and vodka.

>> No.7124114



>> No.7124115

Got beer?

>> No.7124116

WOW youre so Special and Unique you can be One of Us Guys! Welcome to our Secret Club Milady! XD

>> No.7124120


>> No.7124122

I've got peanut butter. Call me.

>> No.7124125
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Thanks, M'lord. Please recieve this qt german with beer as a sign of gratitude.

>> No.7124136

Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.
Also, asl?
Pls respnd.

>> No.7124137


>> No.7124141

I think she's quite pretty.

>> No.7124144


>> No.7124145

cute and pretty are different

>> No.7124148

She's pretty hot family

>> No.7124150


>> No.7124660

>tfw introduced to beer by a girl.

>> No.7124771

I spend a lot of time at a video game bar. It's an entire room of retro cabinets and vidya decor, with a few corners with couches and consoles. Behind the bar is something like 26 taps of exclusively craft beer.

Any time I go, it's mostly girls.

I need to go tell myself as a teenager that this reality will one day be a thing, just to see the reaction.

>> No.7124773

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.7124776

sounded great until
>26 taps of exclusively craft beer
Into the fedora garbage it goes

>> No.7124790
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What does being female have to do with enjoying anything?

I'm glad I'm not in college anymore where women desperately clamor around pubs pretending to like sport and kissing each other for attention and free drinks.


I feel bad for anyone ITT trying to get any sort of attention.

>> No.7124796

why do babies pretend to like this

>> No.7124805
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Babies react to stimulus. My son is always smiling because he knows he's loved, nurtured, safe and provided for.

He's awesome.

Back to the original point though, anyone stoking the flames of this attention whore should be banned. No compliments, no questions. Guaranteed responses because "look at me, LOOK AT ME I'M A GIRL!!!" posts should also be deleted and banned.

I'm thankful my wife isn't an insecure /b/tier attention glutton.

>> No.7124808

>thinking consumers are rational agents
>thinking the idea of being a rational agent holds
>gives a rational reason as to why girls pretend to like beer

>> No.7124842
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>> No.7124972
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>> No.7124995

Your kid looks like Winston Churchill

>> No.7125015

>you obviously don't know women very well...most like wine.

are you fucking kidding me

almost everyone likes both, yes women generally drink more wine and there are more girls that dislike beer but it's a pretty marginal difference that makes for a tired stereotype.

>> No.7125029


Tumblr is that way

>> No.7125199

>muh budlight

>> No.7125220


please be my gf

>> No.7125229


Babby is already a meme though.

>> No.7125258


>> No.7125268

Dank baby dude. 11/10. Would play peek-a-boo with.

>> No.7125360

most guys who like beer i know only drink bud light, and think guinness is the most classy beer. at best they will at best enjoy a micro lager once in awhile.

on the other hand in terms of raw numbers ive had craft and micro beer with more women than men. christ, i mean my mom liked the stouts i bought from to share for thanksgiving. a pleb friend of a friend who cant take coffee without cream and sugar still loved the lagunitas born yesterday ipa i offered last time she visited. there were 6 or 7 women out of 30 people who lined up to buy BCBS at my local beer store last friday. dont know what to say to guys who honestly think women dont like beer. get better friends?

>> No.7125372

Anecdotal evidence means nothing.

>> No.7125397

anecdotal evidence is all we have so far

>> No.7125398

There seems to have been a shift in age with the people I know. In my late teens and early twenties, the men tended to favour shitty cheap beer and the women liked sweet spirits-based drinks. In late 20s and early 30s, both genders moved towards good beer, wine and more classic cocktails (rather than lurid candy-flavoured neon shit made from juice and bottle dregs). I think it's fairly common, your tastes definitely shift with age and you start to appreciate flavours that you would have hated a decade ago.

>> No.7125400

They like craft beer because it's a way of finding out if guys
#1. Are responsible enough to be drinkers and afford it
#2. Know the latest craft beer trends, meaning they're socially-connected, because they know that
>oh everyone's moved on from IPAs, it's all about sours now but i'm not bragging about my trend awareness...
#3. Gives them something pleasurable to bond over while she judges all of these things about him.

I go to a craft beer pub regularly. The girls there drink two full-sized glasses of craft beer and they're wasted. They can't handle keeping up with guys in terms of drinking. If they can, they definitely have the beginnings of a beer gut or are just full blown fatties. Glad you're excited about all your new beer drinking gal pals, though! You'll find out eventually.

Also girls don't like beer because
>makes me feel bloated and gross !!! ewwww
>my daily calorie intake !!! ewwww

>> No.7125404

My gf works at a local brewery here in town lel

>> No.7125413

>allowing your woman to work

>> No.7125419

Woah slow down Abdullah

>> No.7125430

my mom is single and like 60 so liking craft beer is a laughable way of finding out if men are responsible drinkers. same for younger people too anyway. the women ive drank with are usually friends, no romantic chances with them desu even tho i had a crush on one of them in college.

#2 none of them are about craft beer trends, we've had stouts, ipas, barleywine, belgian, etc. no sours actually.

>The girls there drink two full-size glasses of craft beer and they're wasted

im like 6'3" and two pints of a strong ipa put a good buzz on me. after the first glass or two it doesn't really matter, because your sense of taste is very diminished. just because people are lightweights doesn't mean they aren't sincerely appreciating beer.

>they definitely have the beginnings of a beer gut or are just full blown fatties

lol, like this isnt true of men into craft beer? actually none of the women who are into craft beer i know are fat. on the other hand, most of the men i know into craft beer are overweight if not obese.

have a nice life with your prejudice. the reason you dont know any women like i do is because they pick up on your bullshit from a mile away and avoid your company. self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.7125440

What's she do at the craft brewery? is she part of the production, or is she just a server?

>> No.7125452
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Hands, we dun need no stinkin hands!

>> No.7125460

Here's a funny note, those people actually took time out of their day to type that. That means they're desperate and ripe for a 419.

Just tell them that you have big melons.

>> No.7125495
File: 55 KB, 638x479, craft-beer-social-mission-15-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here you go. Survey evidence instead of anecdotal evidence.

Men Drink more craft beer, but women drink nearly as much beer as men and more women drink than men.

>> No.7125501

P.S. the respondents were asked "when at a bar or pub, what do you usually order?"

>> No.7126115


There are no girls on the internet.

>> No.7127113

. . . because you would like some Miller Lite?

>> No.7127744
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>> No.7127819

I used to be a girl, and i like beer :^)

>> No.7128013

Absolutely fazoli'd

>> No.7129052
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>> No.7129085

Dyke here, I don't touch the stuff but can confirm it's the choice drink for most lesbians.
>hard liquor masterrace
>beer is a pre-drink if anything

>> No.7129094

gr8 b8