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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7122179 No.7122179 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone on /ck/ like baking? What are your favorite things to bake?

>> No.7124049

I like looking for unique recipes. Made a pavlova for gluten-allergy family a few years ago and now have to make it for every function!

btw. Learn how to make your own frosting for cakes. Trust me.

>> No.7124056

I like to bake on occasion. Mostly German desserts because that's what I grew up with. Apfelkuchen, Pflaumenkuchen, Rhabarberkuchen, and Stollen are the most common.

>> No.7124059

I really enjoy baking bread, but I honestly can't eat much of it on my own, so what I was baking often went bad before I could eat it all.

I really enjoyed making rye breads. I really think rye is underappreciated here in the states, or at the very least, here in Washington state.

>> No.7124086
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>> No.7124091


>> No.7124134
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i tried making some pepperoni garlic knots yesterday but the dough was a bit lackluster

>> No.7124135
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I used AP flour, a bit of salt, olive oil and instant yeast. Let it proof for 30 minutes before I cut and made it into knots, then rolled in seasonings and let proof again for about 15 minutes, until they filled the pan.

Any advice on making a better dough?

>> No.7124146
File: 483 KB, 2240x1344, baguette fatta in casa 201501101534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us what your hydration was so that we may better help you. Also, using strong flour (for dat gluten) with a little oil (for dat conditioning) gives a dough that's both elastic and soft.

Bread. Specifically, sourdough-leavened bread. My loaf from two days ago: >>7121133/>>7121135. Pic related is a mini-baguette from a while back.

>> No.7124151

Longer fermentation time. What is your recipe exactly?

1.5 tsp. instant yeast is enough to get an enriched(oil in this case) dough made with 1 lb of flour and typical hydration ready to bake in less than 3 hours. Mix your dough, let if ferment for 1.5 to 2 hours. Knock down, shape and proof for 40-60 minutes. Depends on the temperature in your house.

You rushed it a bit and that accounts for the pale color and I assume lackluster flavor.

>> No.7124154

No, because I don't have a vagina.

>> No.7124179

You're a faggot.
Kneading large batches of dough by hand (or, while I was working as a pro-baker, by fucking oar) requires the sort of upper body strength most women just don't have. Working in an artisanal bread bakery all through college, I never once worked with a woman and everyone was swole as fuck.

>> No.7124190

I used about 300g flour to 200g warm water, 1 tsp each of salt oil and yeast. How long should I ferment it for?

>> No.7124191

Sorry, missed the other half of your post. How does the colour change when it's ready?

>> No.7124209

>66% hydration
>1tsp each salt, oil and [instant] yeast
Sounds about fine, actually, just that strong flour would provide a better texture due to high protein (in the form of gluten) content.
When you say it's lackluster, do you mean that the flavour is bland? That'll generally be the case with quickly made-and-baked dough, especially using instant. For better flavour development, retard your dough in the fridge a few days then let it come to temperature on the bench before rolling/shaping. If it rolls poorly, allow it to rest in quite a warm place (a good idea is to turn on your oven for 30 seconds, then put the dough in there in a bowl for about 30 minutes to an hour) to make it a bit easier to work with.

To my knowledge the colour is not affected by how long the dough sits about. I think the other Anon meant that you rushed it into and out of the oven, which certain does affect colour.
But then, garlic knots aren't meant to be toasty brown. I think yours are a nice colour, moreorless.

>> No.7124219

Wait a sec... I thought it read 1tbsp rather than 1tsp. And I even typed out 1tsp. Where the hell was my mind at that point? Fucking weird.

Now, I don't use instant yeast ever, but I'm pretty sure 1tsp isn't enough for 300g of flour. For 300g, I use 8g of ADY. I think that's about 1tbsp. I've heard that for instant, you want to increase the amount of yeast used by 25% but having never used instant, I can't say for certain.

>> No.7124225

>To my knowledge the colour is not affected by how long the dough sits about. I think the other Anon meant that you rushed it into and out of the oven, which certain does affect colour.

I meant the rushed fermentation has an effect on the color. Enzymes break the starch in flour down into sugars and a properly fermented dough will brown much better than a rushed dough. It's easy to see the difference if you bake a little chunk of quickly leavened bread next to one that has been retarded or had a slow bulk fermentation.

from wikipedia:
>the grain enzyme diastase begins to convert starch in the grain to maltose. The baker's yeast enzyme maltase converts maltose into glucose, invertase converts any added sucrose to glucose and fructose
The yeast obviously feed on the sugar, but they don't eat it all, and you can see the difference in the crust.

>> No.7124229

Yes, the flavour of the dough itself was quite bland. I'll keep that in mind next time! How do you deal with the stickiness of the dough? I was dusting my hands/counter with flour constantly when kneading but I feel like that adds too much flour.

I'll add some sugar to the dough next time.

>> No.7124231

>I've heard that for instant, you want to increase the amount of yeast used by 25% but having never used instant, I can't say for certain.
You've got that backwards. Instant yeast retains more living yeast cells than traditional active dry yeast and you reduce the amount you use by anywhere from 25-33% depending on who you ask.

Like I said in a previous post, I use 1.5 tsp. for 1 lb or 454g flour, to be ready to bake in 3 hours. You can use more or less depending on how much time you are willing to invest. Even if you use significantly less the yeast breed and you will get there.

>> No.7124238

>How do you deal with the stickiness of the dough? I was dusting my hands/counter with flour constantly when kneading but I feel like that adds too much flour.
I don't usually add any excess flour when kneading. Assuming everything is measured right, it stops being so sticky when the gluten is properly developed. Just make use of your bench scraper in the early stages of kneading.

I have a recipe for ciabatta that is 80% hydration and I literally pour the dough out onto my work surface. It looks like a sloppy mess. By the time I'm done with my stretch and folds, the dough has come together and stands up plump looking as if it's a firm dough.

>> No.7124245

You just gotta power through in my experience. You're gonna end up with a layer of dough all of your hands and bench if you don't have a scraper, but eventually it stops being a piece of lazy shit and soaks up the water. Or just leave it to sit for half a day, then it sort of does it itself.

I tend to put my bowl of dough on top of a smaller bowl with some hot water in, like a sort of backwards bain marie. Just provides enough warmth to get it really going.

>> No.7124259

Ya need to develop dat gluten, fám.
I'm not recommending strong flour because I like being meme-y. I'm recommending it because it really does make a difference due to its higher gluten content. Then knead, knead, knead and knead.
You can add gluten directly, too, but it won't be as good as what you'd get from a good, strong flour. Thereafter, just power through and the stickiness will dissipate with enough kneading. Takes a while. For pizza, 50-66% final hydration is generally normal.

I used to do that with the hot water bowl thing when I first left university (worked as a bread baker all through college), trying to recreate the proofer. I decided thereafter that the oven method works better for me because it's faster and with less clean-up necessary after.

>> No.7124266
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Making carrot cake
Waiting for it to cool a bit to make the frosting

>> No.7124294

To be fair, the water thing is easy for me because being british I basically have half a kettle full of hot water available constantly as a by product of all the tea.

>> No.7124302

What temperature do you guys that use an oven or hot water to proof keep your house at? I've never done any of that, but I keep my house at 77 fahrenheit year round. So I gather that is warmer than average. I actually reduce the yeast called for in most recipes by as much as half.

>> No.7124315

Oven guy here.
I'm also out of the average because I'm a cheap motherfucker and only turn on my heat when it dips below 45°F in the winter, never have my heat on at night while I sleep (I need to be cold when I sleep) and only turn on the AC when it shoots above 90°F in the summer and at night while I sleep (again: cold, sleep, etc).

>> No.7124321

Gonna make some Gutsle today. Vanillkipferl, Husarenkrapfen and Nussecken. What's the christmas baking tradition like in other countries like? Southgerman here.

>> No.7124326

Anyone got a recipe/tips for cookies?

Used this one:http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/2459643/vintage-chocolate-chip-cookies and they were good but not amazing.

I'm not an experienced baker so I don't really know what to do to make them better.

Also I've been hearing you should refrigerate your cookie dough before using it. That true?

>> No.7124327
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>> No.7124328


>> No.7124354

Alright, I'll get this stuff next shop and be more patient with the proofing. Thanks friends.

>> No.7124357
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>> No.7124369
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I don't "enjoy" baking but I "can" do it.

I made these mixed berry bars the other day. My fat wife ate the entire pan the following day (as meals) instead of eating actual food.

That's probably why I don't bake as much as I used to. I'm tired of watching her balloon up. It's gross.

>> No.7124384

Fuckin' right, m80-o.
Canadian flour, particularly Manitoba flour, is imported by Italy for use in bakeries and pastifici. It's very, very strong and great for that stuff.
However: being that the UK isn't exactly known for its bread-baking tradition, wouldn't such flour be quite costly there? Due to economy of scale, I mean, as I doubt the UK imports nearly as much of that flour as other countries might, the price should be a great deal higher, no?

2kg sacks of the stuff cost what amounts to £1,32 in my area. How much is your 1,5kg sack at Waitrose?

>> No.7124387

It's really easy to overcook cookies because they appear soft when they're actually done. So don't be scared to pull them out when the recipe says.

>> No.7124388


I like the lattice work you did there. How were they?

>> No.7124393

I just went through a bag of that stuff, it's really toothsome.

>> No.7124396


I wouldn't know, I don't eat sweets. I make fruit based sweets son my son can enjoy things that aren't a complete pile of shit a few times a month. His mother usually eats the entire thing then he rats her out when I get home from work.

He's my mini, so it'll be fun to call her fat together when he's old enough to understand how useless she truly is.

Good times.

>> No.7124397

>fridge the cookie dough
Depends on the cookie. Some types (such as butter cookies), yes. Other types (such as chocochip bikkie wikkies), no.

No, your gross mother, faggot.

>> No.7124401

>so what I was baking often went bad before I could eat it all.
slice it up and put it in the freezer in freezer bags. bread will last months this way.

>> No.7124406

Bake a long loaf, like a mini-baguette or sfilatino rather than a round loaf.
After it's cooled, cut yourself a slice and enjoy it.
Now, here's the part y'ain't gonna believe: store it cut-side down. Against the table. Standing up.

Much of the bread's moisture evaporates having its crumb exposed to open air. While some escapes through the crust, not nearly as much as it does through the crumb. And since evaporation goes upward... placing the loaf cut-side will prevent too much loss.
I baked a loaf Saturday morning, sliced it open that night with dinner, and had more throughout yesterday and as toast at breakfast today: still delicious. And I expect it to be delicious even tomorrow.

Try that. If it still isn't working for you, bake smaller loaves.

>> No.7124420

Brownies, bread, cakes, cookies... I like perfecting my baked cod recipe. See below!

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

Place 2 tablespoons butter in dat bowl, melt in microwave, 30 seconds. Stir crackers into melted butter.

Place remaining 2 tablespoons butter in a baking dish. Melt in the preheated oven for aboutttttt 1 to 3 minutes, then remove dish from oven, nigga.

Coat both sides of cod in melted butter in the baking dish, bake cod in the preheated oven for about 10 or do minutes. Remove from oven top with lemon juice, wine, and cracker mix. Place back in oven and bake until fish is done and flakes easily with a fork.


>> No.7124428
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>mixed berry

>> No.7124530

It's slightly more costly than regular flour but not by much! £1.69 for a 1.5kg bag from ocado. Good to hear it's the right type of flour


>> No.7124666

Yowza, that's nearly double the price.
UK, y u so 'spensive?

>> No.7124703

Must be the price of importing, moose labour ain't cheap.

>> No.7124718

Pull them out a minute before they're done and let them finish cooking on the tray.
Back of the nestle toll house bag recipe is always a reliable recipe.

>> No.7124732

But it's so cheap in Pastaland. I think it's because Eye-ties import it by the aircraft-carrier-full.
I wouldn't be surprised if we top the world in per capita wheat consumption.

>> No.7124940

That loaf looks shitty desu
Thats barely how a baguette is shaped. watch a video or two on how to shape one. The crust is pale and doesn't look fully cooked (and even if it is, it doesn't look crispy or flavorful at all).
You shouldn't have bothered with scoring if you are just going to make a bunch of horizontal cuts straight up and down.
Get a lame and watch a couple videos on that as well.

>> No.7124952
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dem berries

>> No.7125010

All that is easy to say when you haven't posted anything, now isn't it?
Also, the pic was obviously taken using flash, which probably makes the crust look lighter than it is. And the post says "mini-baguette," and not "like, zomg totally autistically accurate baguette™."
In short, you're a faguette and should off yourself.

>> No.7125038
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I like baking sea-monkeys in my easy-bake oven.

>> No.7125061

I make muffins, cookies, breads, brownies... mostly sweet stuff desu.

I made pavlova for Thanksgiving! Meringues are interesting.

Fuck off

I refrigerate chocolate chip cookie dough for 12-24 hrs before baking and it comes out better, the cookies have crispy edges and are not as "poofy" looking.

Have you, y'know, talked to your wife about this?

>> No.7125087

>You shouldn't have bothered with scoring if you are just going to make a bunch of horizontal cuts straight up and down.
Thats pretty much what scoring is though.

>> No.7125102

Not that guy, but can you explain what are strong flours?

>> No.7125105


>> No.7125107

It just means high gluten flour. Developed gluten is what holds the structure of the bread together. On the other end of the spectrum is something like cake or pastry flour, which is low protein and used when you don't want to develop gluten because it could make something like a cake or biscuits tough.

>> No.7125118
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Nah, those scores should be angled more longitudinally, and also should be cut pretty close to the surface so that the loaf expands upwards instead of outwards.
The scores in the pic don't really do anything for that loaf.
I'm not like trying to bully you man. Just criticizing your loaf. It probably tastes fine, but you've got to admit that it looks like shit.
Sorry mang, I don't take too many photos of my bread anymore, but heres one i made like 2 or 3 years ago when I first started making bread. Simple, slightly mishapen batard with some ambitious scoring done with a serrated knife.
Looks a tiny bit better than the baguette you posted, though it's far from aesthetically pleasing.
Didn't salt my dough for this one though, so it was turned into croutons.

>> No.7125129


Yes, fat people are going to be grown children and do as they wish despite suggestions from others, hence why they're fat.

>> No.7125149
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I think it looks pretty great for a person with Parkinson's. I bet you feel really good about yourself bullying a nice guy with Parkinson's disease. At least I make a fantastic martini.

Meh, I think they both look fine, yours and mine. Still,
>i no bully u!
then don't use such strong, unpleasant language. It's not nice. >>7125010 is correct in that I used a flash to take the photo so that's why it appears lighter in colour than it actually is. Still, I could've baked it a tad longer, true.

I made it a while back, so I don't recall exactly what formula I used when making it but it was likely 300g of 100% hydration starter with 80g of strong flour mixed into it.

Here's a crumbshot.

>> No.7125159

Occasionally. Currently making British Christmas cake. Going to baste it with brandy over a couple of weeks. Hope it does not develop mold.

>> No.7125172

I've never made a bread that I really liked, I keep following crap recipes or doing it wrong, the final results are never what I wish they would be
I took a baking class a while back and I made a sacher torte, and I thought that was the tits, though I haven't made one since
I really wish I baked more things more often, but I could never eat it all fast enough

>> No.7125188

Good for you managing to shape a loaf with parkinson's, fa.m.
Definitely do try baking a little longer or at a higher temp.
Crumb looks decent. You could probably push the hydration up to like 70 percent next time if you're confident in your ability to handle wet doughs and get a bit air-ier crumb. play around with that and also the conditions and times for primary fermentation and proofing and that crumb will start looking even better.
It sounds like you have a pretty good grasp of the theory. Just keep playing around with shit and take notes. Eventually you'll be working for a high volume local bakery every morning from 2am-10am, or at the very least you'll make some dank loaves.
Have you ever been on that site thefreshloaf? When I got started back in high school with bread making, I spent quite a few of my online hours reading the old forum posts

>> No.7125208
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went digging to find some more loaves
These are from when I started playing around with doughs at 80+percent hydration. Really, really nice crumb shots. I think these are from like 2013. lost all of my formulas from back then, but I was putting out quite a few good sourdough loaves back then.
Here's the first one

>> No.7125227
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>At least I make a fantastic martini.

>> No.7125235
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Here's photo numero dos, amigo

>> No.7125265
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How do I get better at making bread?

>Bake a nice loaf of wholemeal bread for my family
>Get really excited that they will use my bread and not store bought shit
>Start insisting they use it for their work sandwiches when they go to work
>Bread loaf starts reducing in size, I assume it is a success
>They always compliment my bread
>Go to the shop to get more bread
>Walking past a bin
>Want to spit out some gum
>Lean over the bin
>Notice bread in the bin that looks just like my bread
>Reach in, take it out
>Sure it is my bread
>Follow my dad the next day and sure enough he throws a couple of slices of my bread in the bin
>Look around the kitchen, find store bought bread hiding in the wine cupboard, where I never look
>Decide to get up early next day, at 9am before they all eave for work
>evesdrop on their morning conversation
>they are making fun of my bread
>saying things like "Honey, can I have the bins sandwich? He doesn't want butter, yesterday he said it masked the taste of shit that he loves so much" and playfully pretending to dip the bread into the toaster while my mum does a voice for the toaster saying "No! No! if you put cardboard inside me a fire will start!"
>hide when they come past to leave
>tfw I am a shit cook

>> No.7125294

I'm the dick that posted those crumbshots just a few minutes ago
This is where I started:
Follow all of those instructions and then just start messing around and wasting flour. eventually you'll find stuff that works.
Here's a vid on shaping and scoring too.
Next time you try to bake, do it along with this vid.
Also, don't start with wholemeal. Just stick to regular old white loaves until you've gotten your fundamentals, and then branch off to other things.
tb.h, you're probs gonna make shitty loaves for a while before they start looking good. If you're a neet just literally practice every day. even good flour is cheap and you'll have hundreds of shitty loaves to eat

>> No.7125319

Easily banana bread or coffee cake. Always come out great, hard to fuck up.

>> No.7125381

Once upon a time, pre-Parkinson's, I worked at a bakery, actually, for four years, while at university. I was taught to bake bread there, but only the most rudimentary stuff. Like I know how to do it and we baked several sorts of bread, but the formulae were all pretty similar: for every 300g of 100% hydration starter, add 80g of strong flour or 60-70g of X flour (rye, whole wheat, oat etc) and 10-20g of gluten. Knead in nuts and seeds and stuff if the particular bread calls for it. Our multigrain added whole wheat flour and gluten and we kneaded in wheat berries, brown rice and buckwheat, for example.

Then lupus happened. Then Parkinson's. Kinda won the genetic lottery on that one, eh?

Kinda hard to form bread now, but I love it. Combine that adoration for the panarial arts and the fact that I'm quite miserly (similar breads cost $4-$7 per loaf while mine cost me only 34¢-70¢ per) means I still do it as much as I can, despite the difficulties.

>> No.7125403

I work at a german bakery everyday and i dont think you can mess it up that hard
maybe you should consider adopting a new family because yours is rude as shit for you making the effort to bake fresh bread for them
dont worry anon its prolly just that theyre not used to good fresh bread and just want their wobbly unhealthy white sandwichbread

>> No.7125438

food and COOKING

not food and BAKING

please take your shit to /b/

>> No.7125443

you're kneading it too much. Next time dont knead it for a million hours

>> No.7125459

Can you give me some scoring tutorial. Which cuts to make for which bread shapes?

>> No.7125658

i love baking its getting close to christmas so its time for cookies. I'm doing tri-colors, gingersnaps, and pignoli nut cookies but maybe i should drop the pignoli nut in favor of some other option

>> No.7127299


>> No.7127418
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My favorite things to make lately are buns with all sorts of fillings. I started out doing cocktail buns, then figured I could just use the dough recipe and do whatever. The black sesame topped ones have chicken and caramelized onions and the other ones have chocolate.

>> No.7127439

Anyone have a good roll recipe?

One of my few pleasures left in life is xmass time, ham on a roll with some spicy ass french mustard. I feel like I should bake the rolls this year. Looking for something between a soft yeast roll and a kaiser roll.

>> No.7127465

Would eat.

>> No.7127766

i would slobber all over your buns

>> No.7127770

how do you fill em?

>> No.7127784

This. Most women will bake the easy shit that doesn't require any power - cupcakes, brownies, cookies, etc. And even then, the Kitchen Aid comes out.
Breads, especially lean dough breads, will get passed over because they're too much effort and "they're not fun".

>> No.7127799

I know that feel.
It's not my favorite thing, but I get tasked to do it because I'm usually the best at it in my family and most of my groups of friends/coworkers. Honestly though, I prefer other dessert work - ice cream's my real forte.

>> No.7127804
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I don't bake that often but I make pepparnötter (ginger nuts?) every Christmas.

>> No.7128020

Fuck off Germanfags, ever listen to that this Bodenliege bullshit where there's always some weird drum beat in the background. Damn that's unprofessional and sucky.

>> No.7128041

Must know recipe plz.

>> No.7128059

Does pizza count as baking? If so, I bake a couple pizzas every week.

For the dough I use 300ml water, 450g flour, a glug of olive oil, some salt and sugar and half a square of baker yeast. Mix all up very well and leave it the fuck be for a couple hours. Then I turn the over on at full power, make some tomato/garlic sauce to spread in the base and random toppings. Roll the dough, assemble the pizza and put it in the over for 10 to 15 minutes.

They turn out ok but I'd appreciate tips if anyone has any.

>> No.7128069

>roll the dough

>> No.7128074

Sorry, English isn't my first language. How do you say it?

I use a roll on it to flatten it.

>> No.7128080

You shouldn't roll it mate.

>> No.7128085

Why not?

>> No.7128094

spread the dough with your fingers, don't roll it
also a good 15 minutes' rest after spreading can help, if your kitchen is warm enough and you're not very hungry

>> No.7128100

you know what he meant, stop being a retard.

>> No.7128162

"Roll out the dough" is technically the correct way of saying it

He's being a faggot though and it was perfectly understandable the way you said it

>> No.7128276
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I have a friend who likes "lactation cookies", she also just had a kid and wanted to see if they worked. But she hates baking, and I really like baking.

I've made them for her twice, one time I made them vegan using banana instead of egg as an experiment (I'm vegetarian too and asked her if she minded me doing that to see how it turned out). She said the cookies tasted like banana bread.

Picture is cookies I made to take to work on Thanksgiving. I made 4 batches, pumpkin, sugar cookies, snickerdoodle blossoms and red velvet.

>I love baking but I fucking hate frosting shit

>> No.7128280

They all look gross

>> No.7128281

Does it still count as vegan if the product comes from a human willingly?

>> No.7128364

I mean I would think so.

Like the whole point of oh don't drink cow is is that ohhhh it's made for baby cows

So breast milk is made for baby humans

So it's ok


>> No.7128399

>My fat wife ate the entire pan the following day (as meals) instead of eating actual food.

God damn do I know that feel. If there was any size or portion of pastry in the house my ex girlfriend would eat it for lunch and dinner instead of having actual food.

>> No.7128415

I wish we had a drawfag to make comics about your daily life parkinsons-kun.

>> No.7128423
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>tfw I'm the faggot that loves baking but sugar gives me a stomach ache
>so I just give my cookies away as Christmas presents or birthday presents
>No one complains because they like my cookies

>> No.7128639

i could try if he gave more details

i wouldnt want to make a comic about someones life and have it be inaccurate though

>> No.7128724

Divide the dough into sections and flatten each piece. Place the filling in the center and fold over the edges and seal it shut with your fingers. Shape each bun to your liking, I either roll them gently into a ball or make them oval shaped.


I use that basic dough recipe and whatever filling I come up with. If you make the coconut filing I suggest making a bit more since the dough will rise quite a bit and might make the filling seem sparse. For the chicken filling I like to cook diced dark meat with the glazed onions. For the chocolate filling, I used bittersweet and dark baking chips and a small spoonful of nutella [though any chocolate spread is good].

>> No.7128727


>> No.7128934

Baking is fun but I'm pretty mediocre at it. Might try to make this recipe for Christmas, given I don't fuck it up.

>> No.7129111

I spend most of my free time vibrating in corners.

Do one about a guy who has superparkinson's that can be harnessed to create seismic activity, all superhero-y and shit.

>> No.7129202

I was picturing it more like Nyoro~n Churuya-san.

>> No.7129218


in all seriousness I make damn fine blackberry pies and brownie cakes

>> No.7130861
File: 2.24 MB, 4160x2340, 20151202_121338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I made these

>> No.7130934


I also love undercooked croissants... It's weird but I might actually like them better than properly cooked ones.

>> No.7130943

Do they look undercooked? I need to work on my kneading/forming technique though otherwise they taste bretty good

>> No.7130949
File: 1.18 MB, 3216x2412, Croissant,_cross_section.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can tell by the picture that they're definitely undercooked. Croissants are supposed to be like pic related, but to be fair I undercook mine sometimes on purpose, especially if I fill them with cheese, undercooked croissants filled with brie and some cranberry jam on the side are fucking amazing.

>> No.7130986

Looks great.

Its the opposite for me. I tell my GF I want none of w/e she is baking, then she bakes like 12 cookies, has 2 while theyre right out of the oven, and the rest sit in a box for a week and get thrown out.

>> No.7131112

Dog du?

>> No.7131294

If I want to reduce the serving size of a recipe will diving each ingredient equally be a good idea? Should I just make the whole recipe and freeze what I'm not planning to bake?

>> No.7131308

I think I'd suck at baking, that's for females. If I ever did bake anything I think it would be cinnimon buns.

>> No.7131312
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You're really asking this?

Yes...33% less ingredients will yield 1/3 smaller end product etc etc etc...

If you halve it, it will be half the size.

>> No.7131317

>for females
I mean, just because you're shit at something doesn't mean you should insult an entire gender

>> No.7131335


That looks really really well done. What types of berries were in your mix? Also a recipe maybe?

>> No.7131350

There won't be too little yeast or some other problem?

>> No.7131352



>> No.7131355


Shouldn't be, no.

>> No.7131361


Why not use splenda or Stevia extract powder? That way you can enjoy your confections.