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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 640x480, 640px-A_small_cup_of_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7119412 No.7119412 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that if you don't your coffee black then you're a massive pussy

>> No.7119421
File: 584 KB, 1000x901, Jumbo_Plain_Donuts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black coffee should be consumed with something sweet.

take a bite of plain cake donut
take sip of black coffee
take bite of donut again

the two balance each other perfectly.

>> No.7119423

needs tiny bit of whole milk

>> No.7119429
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What this guy said, but with a cigarette instead of a donut.

>> No.7119437

getting cancer while staining your teeth, now that's multitasking

>> No.7119519

wanting to be chad

>> No.7119527

>I am so utterly insecure that I try to assert that the way someone enjoys their coffee is directly linked to manilness

I hope your beard is growing well, science bless us all, have an IPA on me

>> No.7119559
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Regular coffee best coffee. Cream and two sugar is exactly what it needs.

>> No.7119595

Coffee, like any fine beverage, is best enjoyed unadulterated.
You can immediately tell who is a basic pleb by what they do, or don't do, to the beverages they consume.
Add any milk, sugar, cream, etc to coffee? Basic pleb.
Add syrup, ice, herb, extracts etc to whiskey? Basic pleb.
Add vodka, or anything, to wine? Basic pleb.

>> No.7119599
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>> No.7119616

so you can have an espresso with milk and be fine, but if you drink drip coffee with milk you're a pleb?


I'll drink coffee the way i want. sometimes with cream, sometimes without. but never with sugar.

>> No.7119625

that post is pure b8, I almost fell for it and then didn't

also sugar and cream is great in fast food coffee, how else would you drink it? you honestly want to savor the fine flavors of dunkin donuts coffee? please no.

>> No.7119643

>espresso with milk and be fine
Where the fuck does it say that?

>> No.7119650

>solid argument
>It's pure bait!!! I almost fell for it!
Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.

>> No.7119660

Dunkin Donuts coffee is top-tier coffee you starbucks loving shill

>> No.7119668

Dunkin Donuts is shit. Shitbucks is shit.
If you're not buying whole beans that are roasted daily from your local roaster down the street you don't really enjoy coffee.

>> No.7119680

I only go to starbucks to buy $6 bottled water while trapped in airports. using the company credit card, obviously

right now on my counter I literally have a bag of kopi luwak beans (about 1/4 pound left), and a small bag of joe waverly blend. I realize it's easy to make these things up, but whatever, I don't really feel like taking pictures with my phone and then carefully unlinking them from all of my accounts so I don't get doxed

please try to accept that dunkin coffee, while extremely enjoyable with an unholy amount of cream and sugar, is not, objectively, very good coffee.

>> No.7119691

>kopi luwak
Gayest coffee meme ever.
Also the kopi industry is rife with fakes and animal abuse that makes factory farm meat look like paradise. So kill yourself faggot.

>> No.7119779

don't be upset that I have the means to drink coffee purchased directly on a kopi luwak farm in southeast asia and handed to me by the person who bought it there
>muh animal abuse
says the guy who horks down pink slime and drinks pus milk from "horizon" fake organic without batting an eye
>So kill yourself faggot.
why? I enjoy reading people like you rant and rave about how avocados are an infuriating new meme. it's fascinating.

>> No.7119804

If you aren't travelling with a reusable water bottle, get your shit together and stop wasting money and plastic... also stop supporting the bottling of water, it's awful.

>> No.7119808

>travelling with a reusable water bottle
what kind of travelling is this? time travel?

have you ever actually been on an airplane ride, son?

>> No.7119815

90% of coffee is poorly made in my experience and thus requires adulteration. When I press or pour over my own, or have an espresso, then I don't put shit in. If I'm in a nice restaurant that has the means to make good coffee/espresso, then I don't add anything.

But if someone other than me makes it, or it comes from a cheap place? Add something.

>> No.7119827

I can drink 7-11 coffee without milk and sugar and it's perfectly fine. It's only excusable if it's instant mud.

>> No.7119861

Nice meme

You probably have absolutely zero concern about your water usage, what went into making your computer, etc. though

>> No.7119891


> drinking coffee

looks like someone hates their life

>> No.7119920

>not drink coffee
Drugs are not the way, anon.

>> No.7119924


> needing drugs or caffeine to function

my life is not shit, so i do not partake

>> No.7119931

>being so straightedge that you abstain from caffeine
I think I saw you at a Black Flag concert in Maryland

>> No.7119936

Right, so Augustus Caesar, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, all of the 10000s of men who have accomplished more than your dumb shitposting ass every could hope to dream of all while getting nice and fucked up from time to time hated their lives and were inferior to your basement dwelling ass. I feel bad for you but I have to laugh at you.

>> No.7119950

i drink coffee twice a day
cheap beans taste ok with a splash of half and half
if I had to force myself to drink coffee black, I'd be grinding my own gourmet beans and frankly that's too much effort to do twice a day.

>> No.7120149

>Go to Starbucks
>Drink their coffee
>Tastes like sewage

>Go to Dunkin
>Great Coffee
>None of it even gets near my mouth because their shitty cups cause me to spill it all over myself like a retard who needs a bib

why can't I win, anon?

>> No.7120161

You are bad at reading mon frere

>> No.7120194

i posted this exact same thread before. same pic, same descript. nice copy pasta

>> No.7120211

>No screenshot
Big words for such a small boy

>> No.7120384

Yeah sure if you want to get spat on by girls.
Coffee is meant to be eaten alongside steak. If you disagree then you're clearly a homosexual.

>> No.7120467

>tfw i drink coffee however i want

the world is literally my oyster

>> No.7120566

>what is a latte
>what is a cappucino

>> No.7120744

>great coffee
DD coffee tastes like drinkable urine. Starbucks is shit but at least you can add sugar to it to make it drinkable. There's nothing you can do to Dunkin's coffee to make it stop being brown water.

>> No.7121022
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Stay pleb, OP.

>> No.7121025

>parallel 49th coffee
how you like your bitter fruity coffee senpai?

>> No.7121075

> start new job
> coffeemachine is utter shit

well, I just drink it because it's free and the bad taste keeps me awake

>> No.7121138

enjoy your running diarrhea

Also, I hate fucking coffee drinkers. In my uni, every morning there are classmates that are all like "ahh shit, I didnt have my coffee yet, it's like Im still sleeping" while giggling like idiots, much to the approval of other retarded coffee addicts. I especially love how they refuse to do any kind of work done until they've had their coffee, and professors are like 'yeah, I get u xD". Seriously, being addicted to caffeine isn't cutesy, you dumb fucks.

>> No.7121318


There are two kind of people that drink coffee:

"Yeah, I 'like' coffee":
>buys cheap, pre-ground
>end product is 1/3 coffee, 1/3 cream/milk and 1/3 sugar

"Yeah, I like coffee":
>Buys freshly roasted beans

>> No.7121332

It depends on the coffee, OP.

You don't wanna drink the likes of Folgers and Maxwell House black. Unless of course you wanna taste the chemicals that went into your cup.

>> No.7121353

How do you make an actual latte?
How do you make an actual cappucino?
You're a moron, it's not straight espresso. Don't try to bend shit to conform to you.

>> No.7121355

expresso is a kind of italian coffee brewed extra strong
to make cappucchino, just add whip cream!
italians like green olives whereas greeks prefer black

>> No.7121373

I'm a poor college student
I buy the cheapest shit available
I make a cup of strong coffee in the morning
Add about 1/3-1/4th milk
Chug it all because it's nasty

>> No.7121437

when I can't poop, that always work

>> No.7121439


>> No.7121440

that's how I do my coffe when I study:
>do coffee in your moka
>take the coffee and put it in the water container on the bottom of the empty moka and make another coffee

>> No.7121460

you have zero friends holy shit what a faggot

>> No.7121468
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>90% of coffee is poorly made in my experience and thus requires adulteration
This is true and it is sad

>> No.7121499

Hello officer.

>> No.7121501


*tip tip*

>> No.7121503

>Being so weak you need stimulants to wake up

People who NEED coffee are so fucking pathetic holy shit.

>> No.7121506
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>> No.7121511
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Can I have a cookie on the side?

>> No.7121513
File: 1.14 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20151127_213137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you bring more

>> No.7121535

That goods anon.

I usually drink mine black, french press, assortment of different beans pending my mood (I grind them right before I pour the water). But yeah, yum, that looks good.

>> No.7121545

Amphetamine master race reporting in.

>> No.7121558
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Coffee memes

>square sugar cubes

Best meme

>> No.7121581


I usually dont my coffee.
It's only sometimes I dont my coffee

I mean, when do people dont their coffee? It's obviously the superior way to dont your coffee

>> No.7121667

This is actually good, I can tell.

>> No.7121926
File: 19 KB, 236x335, a5b805aab3c3c0e0736af6ea573bd194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought some coffee from a Polish market near me, and didn't realize it was turkish style coffee. Can I still make it in a drip coffee maker? If so, should I use the standard 1 tbsp/6 oz water?

pic related is what I bought.

>> No.7121954

Fuck off Cory

>> No.7121962

Turkish just means it's ground to a powder. It'll probably clog your drip maker

>> No.7121974

You don't know the first thing about don'ting your coffee.

First thing in the morning, I make a fresh pot of coffee and don't it TWICE. On my way to work and grab a quick cup of EXTRA don'ted coffee from a local coffee shop. That cup will usually be gone before I reach my office door. I'll don't about two more cups of coffee before I sit at my desk.

And it doesn't end there. I'll usually have between 5 or 6 cups of don'ted coffee before I head home. I literally can't remember a time when I didn't not don't my coffee.

>> No.7121977

I like my latte's black

>> No.7122037

Okay. Hopefully it doesn't clog after 2-3 days of use, because that's how long it will be before I go food shopping. I was worried that it MUST be prepared by stirring in near-boiling water and I ain't got time for that shit at 5 AM.

I made a pot this morning and it tasted pretty good, although I wasn't sure if I should be using more or less grounds since I'm not preparing it in the traditional way.

>> No.7122040

Well, if your basket didn't overflow, then you're good to go.

>> No.7122044
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>> No.7122049
File: 119 KB, 600x402, 8cute9me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bruv I'll enjoy my coffee with my mind at ease tomorrow morning.

>> No.7122064

>dubs falling for this incredibly bad b8

Unless its an ebin double ruse :DDd

>> No.7122075

Sure thing OP. I always * my coffee black. Then I go ahead and dump a tiny bit of milk and some hazelnut sirup into it. Fucking fight me you cheeky cunt.

>> No.7122217

>Can I still make it in a drip coffee maker?

You can, but you wanna use less grounds than you normally would if it were ground medium. Way less since it's turkish ground.

If you have time and patience, you should experiment.

>> No.7122307
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>> No.7122312


>> No.7122321


Fuck, if girls know I eat donuts with black coffee they'll spit on me? I wish I knew this before, that's what I've always wanted. Will they step on me and laugh at my dick, too?

>> No.7122603

That's heaven there.

>> No.7122681

>enjoy your running diarrhea
Not everyone has a babby-tier digestive system like you.

>> No.7122687

That sad little plastic drip brewer in every shitty minimum wage jobs breakroom. and the dirty fridges that are mostly empty except for a plastic grocery bag lunch and some half dranken drinks in the door slot. then the flies buzz around your face as you eat your tuna sandwich while eyeing the clock. chicken nugger is all you know now.

>> No.7122691

bro how does it feel knowing you are better than everyone

