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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 634x360, article-0-12EBE312000005DC-571_634x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7118544 No.7118544 [Reply] [Original]

Name a cheese that you don't like.

I have been eating lots of different cheeses recently, becuase I moved like 100m away from a cheese shop. I haven't found a cheese that I wouldn't eat again.

I think there is a cheese for any situation.

>This dose not inclue cheese with fruit in it
>It's not fucking right
>Peope who make that should be shot.

>> No.7118554

Marble cheese.

>> No.7118558

Cheese Whiz

>> No.7118562

>Name a cheese that you don't like.
Maasdamer. But then again, I'm not huge on cheese anyway. Really love it whenever it's molten and browned though.

>> No.7118567

Truck stop nacho cheese.

>> No.7118588
File: 3.75 MB, 2706x1804, Brunost_custom-5555900e26c1e78828834f664de87f680799100d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. I'm not a big fan of sweet things, especially mixing savory and sweet and brunost is just disgusting, it's got the sharpness of an aged cheese with a shit ton of brown sugar mixed in, worst cheese I have ever tried.

>> No.7118599

I can't for the life of me eat Brie or blue cheese

>> No.7118607

Brunost is awful. I dunno what's wrong with mountain Swedes.

>> No.7118649

I used to think I liked all kinds of cheeses, and especially strong/pungent ones (I can down a small epoisses in one sitting no problem).

Then I moved to an area where Limburger was sold everywhere (yes, flyover) and finally tried it... Yeah, it really isn't very good. I'd probably like it more if I tried it a few more times (it's a much different flavor than I was expecting), but for now it's reputation is pretty spot-on.

>> No.7118650
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 150kunik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only 3 cheese that I had to toss before finishing them completely:

>Saint Albray
I think the one that I bought was too aged and past shelf life, because of the ammonia scent. However I heard Saint Albray was supposed to have an ammonia essence. Either way, not risking it again.

>Rembrandt Extra Aged Gouda
I use my cheese for snacking almost exclusively (in other words, cheese plates not cooking). This stuff was so hard that I couldn't properly slice it. I usually store cheese in the fridge and take it our ~1 hour or more before eating. I gave up on the fridge and left it out and after 3 days it got moldy. Really disappointing too because I was looking forward to enjoying all those calcium lactate crystals.

>Slightly aged Kunik
This is a local cheese that I love. I will seriously go through 14oz in 4 days if I leave myself unchecked. It's different depending on how long its been on the shelf. Freshly-delivered Kunik is mild with a soft-cheese exterior and creamy almost fetta-like interior. As it ages it becomes more soft-cheese and pungent and theres almost no fetta-like interior. I LOVE the young Kunik and really don't care for the older. It's a gamble when I buy it so I typically wait to buy until I see a whole lot of it on the shelf - then I can assume its a fresh shipment.

pic related. If I slice into a wheel of Kunik and it looks like this, I will go nuts and have cheese, crackers, and fruit for several meals a day until it's gone.

>> No.7118668

Under-aged Edam is just terrible, but it takes a lot to out-terrible young, mild, cheddar. Mmmm, rubbery.

>> No.7118695


>> No.7118703

French Raclette. Smells just like vomit.

>> No.7118746


>> No.7118747

Mouldy salted vomit.

>> No.7118761

I love brunost. Its great sliced thin with some cream cheese on toast or waffles.

Im not sure where you got the idea it was made with brown sugar? Its made from milk that is caramelized. Its definitely an acquired taste though, the first time I tried it only could only eat small pieces at a time because the flavour is so overwhelming.

>> No.7118780


Oh come on, I go through like a kilo of that a month. It's a great cheese. If you found it too sweet you probably had the lighter coloured one, and that one isn't as good as the darker one.

t. mountain swede

>> No.7118936

You'd probably like swiss raclette then. I prefer french but swiss is definitely less funky.

>> No.7118953

>not loving Stilton with lemon peel

What are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.7118970

Mild cheddar. What's the point?
Kraft slices. That shit ain't natural, and it tastes to me like someone stewed skim milk in industrial solvents for a week, let it cool and poured it onto a tray (this shit doesn't slice). I do like some kinds of American cheese. I get Amish-made process cheese quite regularly and it's amazing. Salty but mild, very fine curd but it still has a cheese texture.
Cottage cheese. I actually really like cottage cheese in dumplings and pierogi, but I can't eat it by the spoonful like some people do.
String cheese. Especially the "skim" versions I see fatties at my workplace eat all the time. What is this shit? It's not cheese.

It's not technically cheese. I like it a lot, but I think of it more like fudge than cheese. I used to hang out with my Norwegian friend eating this shit on rye crispbread all afternoon while watching Star Trek reruns.

>> No.7118973

Really great post, buddy

>> No.7118981

>Kraft slices. That shit ain't natural,
No cheese is natural

>> No.7118982

Mild Cheddar you buy in the super market in America. Fuck that stuff is so gross. I'd take velveeta over that weird shit.

>> No.7118985

>it tastes to me like someone stewed skim milk in industrial solvents for a week
It doesn't taste anything like that, it just tastes like a very mild, strangely smooth cheese

>> No.7118986

String cheese is just Mozzarella

>> No.7118988

>Mild Cheddar you buy in the super market in America. Fuck that stuff is so gross
I mean its pretty boring, but hardly gross.

>> No.7118992
File: 69 KB, 529x352, Raclette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes so fucking good, though. I don't smell anything unappealing while melting and eating it, but when you exit the room and come back in you definitely get blasted by that funky foot smell. Totally worth it

>> No.7119005

Mild cheddar has a pretty terrible texture.

>> No.7119010
File: 101 KB, 1600x1071, mozz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More so than Kraft. Most cheese tastes like exactly what it is: fermented milk, seasoned and aged. Kraft tastes like a plastics factory fucked up a whole batch of polyethylene and they had to figure out some way to get rid of it without losing money.

This is mozzarella. See how stringy it isn't?

>> No.7119015

Mozzarella gets stringy when you stretch it, which is exactly what they do to make string cheese out of mozzarella. They stretch it and then cut it and package it.

>> No.7119020

there are handful of variations on Mozzarella, I am not sure how they get it to be aligned like that but I am sure its something pretty simple

>> No.7119023

I can't stomach goat cheese

>> No.7119026

Its rubbery as hell and tastes like processed garbage.
Its mass marketed lowest bidder crap peddled to stupid americans who have been raised to eat baby food their whole lives.

>> No.7119027

Interesting. Apparently that's all it takes to turn a product that tastes like fresh divinity into a digusting limp dildo of depressing flavorlessness.

>> No.7119028

I don't think Kraft cheese literally tastes like plastic in any way, it kind of feels like it though

>> No.7119034

Its not rubbery at all. I much prefer stronger cheddar, but mediocre mild cheddar is still better than no cheese at all

>> No.7119036

I liked blue cheese, but then one day I didn't like it any more. The end.

>> No.7119094

Stuff like kraft or walmart mild cheddar is totally rubbery and its been designed to be as inoffensive and bland as possible so fat people with baby palates can eat it by the brick.

>> No.7119098

This, especially sharp provolone. Tastes exactly like vomit

>> No.7119100

We must have different concepts of the term rubbery, When I hear that term I think something rigid and chewy

>> No.7119105

since we're on the subject, has anyone tried burrata? I'm really curious and im not sure where I can find it.

>> No.7119117

rubbery, like rubber, something that is rubbery. I dont know how to explain that any better to you except to hand you some rubber samples

>> No.7119119

You can actually bounce most mild cheddars. Same with under-aged Edam.

>> No.7119121


Trader Joe's sells it, if you live in the States and can't find it anywhere else.

I tried it after borneo raved about it one time, but was a bit underwhelmed.

>> No.7119124

I wish my vomit tasted and smelled like delicious cheeses

>> No.7119127

I think being chewy is necessary to be rubbery, something that is soft and your teeth slice right through with minimal resistance cannot be rubbery

>> No.7119128

You're not drinking enough rennet and milk.

>> No.7119132

Cheese curds could legitimately be described as rubbery (not that they aren't good).

>> No.7119138

i dislike moldy cheeses
but the absolute worst cheese is without a doubt ricotta
>shit texture
>too moist
>piss all for flavour
ugh it's like soggy Styrofoam pellets

>> No.7119178

Technically not cheese. But ricotta is awesome. It's great for desserts, and you can't have a real calzone without it.

>> No.7119284
File: 111 KB, 400x300, harzer_roller_c_heinz_ober_pixelio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, absolute abomination

not sure how its called in english, Harzer Käse in german

>> No.7119294

I struggle with parmesan if it's used as an ingredient rather than a seasoning

I used to have no problems, but one day my mum mentioned how it tasted kind of like vomit. It does. Once you make the association, it's really hard to enjoy it.

>> No.7119297

I think that is the same as olomoucké tvarůžky. It is definitely not for everyone but once you get past the smell I actually think it isn't bad. Gotta have it with beer.

>> No.7119299
File: 46 KB, 600x750, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't tried Casu Marzu


>> No.7119305
File: 1.09 MB, 3318x2212, BLEU FROMAJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't even taste bad, it just smells so I never ever buy it.

>> No.7119311

>Cheese in fruit

This is a sure sign of a shit quality cheese.

Personally I dont really like continental European semi-hard cheese very much. I like cheddar, but typically British cheddar, as well as a lot of the other British semi-hard varieties. But the European versions just dont do it for me.

>> No.7119320

you shut your mouth, those goatcheese logs wrapped in cranberries and spice mixture are sooo good.

>> No.7119364

In blind smell tests, people generally have trouble telling the difference between parmesan and vomit. I'm entirely serious about that.

>Eating mild cheddar plain instead of using it as a melting cheese like you're supposed to
Do you also bitch about how filet mignon makes crappy stew meat? Do you leave angry comments on online cake recipes because you replaced all the frosting with raw potato? Or are you just a pretentious twat who wants to complain about popular shit because it's popular. You're using an ingredient in a way it wasn't meant to be used. Of course it doesn't turn out well.

>> No.7119369

>hey i'm OP
>and I can't greentext right

>> No.7119370

Why would you have to melt cheddar to enjoy it?

>> No.7119392

I don't think I've had a cheese I wouldn't eat again. I've had my fair share of cheeses, but not near as many as some posters here.

There are some cheeses I don't care for though, but will still eat.

>> No.7119399

I don't much care for Camembert

>> No.7119403

I always saw that in German supermarkets but never thought about picking it up. I guess I have to try it now.

>> No.7119455

Limburger for sure that stuff smells like the inside of a cows ass.

>> No.7119482

finally someone in this thread who shares my disgust. One of my roommates used to keep some in the fridge occasionally, I would ave to hold my breath every time I opened the fridge door.

>> No.7119488

American """""""""cheese"""""""""

>> No.7119508

Hope you don't like burgers, because any other cheese on a burger other than "swiss" and pepper/monteryjack is garbage.

>> No.7119510

hyukhyuk I done posted my opinions again mOm

>> No.7119513

>Hope you don't like burgers

I'll take them or leave them. Prefer without cheese anyway

>> No.7119518

i like feta on my burgers, with tzatziki

>> No.7119525

Cheddar and provolone work well
Swiss really isn't a particularly good choice at all, its quite strange you would prefer that to provolone or cheddar

>> No.7119526


Defending the use of American cheese under specific circumstances is a slippery slope.

I agree that it's perfectly acceptable as the classic cheeseburger cheese, but also think the same is true for grilled cheese sandwiches.


>> No.7119531

american cheese has plenty of good uses, the problem is most people only associate the cheapest brands when the hear the term. If you are buying a quality brand it is extremely useful

Its like people who whine about american beer then it turns out they only drink Bud Light

>> No.7119540

Wisconsin has the best cheese on the planet.

>> No.7119547

that's a terrible analogy
even american cheese "made with 100% real milk" (already a red flag that they should have to say this) is still american cheese
there are about 5,000,000,000 styles of beer brewed in the usa other than adjunct rice lagers

>> No.7119557

Are you saying there's too much beer variety?

>> No.7119561

Not all process american cheese is "kraft" tier, plenty of it is decent, and quite useful

>> No.7119563

Americans hide behind microbeers and craft beers because whenever anyone states a fact like "American beer is shit" they just go "Oh dude you just have tried this microbrew bro you should try this craft beer bro really good bro"

>> No.7119571

What a dumbass. Burgers work great with many different kinds of cheese. Have you never had a blue cheese burger?

American is my least favorite cheese for a burger. I don't hate it, but it adds very little other than a creamy texture.

>> No.7119574

>Americans hide behind microbeers and craft beers
What do you even mean? Of course americans will bring up their good beer when talking about good beer? Why would you possibly exclude it? Most of the macro brands aren't even made or sold by american companies

The vast majority of the world's best beer comes from america, of course you will be encouraged to drink it. I don't even understand what your point is

Whats worse is how Europeans always hide behind their utter ignorance of beer and think all Amrican beer is actually European made Bud Light

>> No.7119575

you don't seem very smart
but that's still beside the point. by definition, "american cheese" is not even cheese. some brands may be made with relatively less horrible ingredients than others, but your focus on the nationality aspect is confused, to say the least. I wonder if you are aware that there are many other styles of cheese made in the US. note that the US is actually fifty states and some territories, not just the state of wisconsin with its industrial grade garbage.

>> No.7119580

>by definition, "american cheese" is not even cheese
This is just a technicality. It is not cheese because when it was first invented the cheese lobby spent a bunch of money to get the government to name it not cheese, so thats a pretty silly thing for you to care about
>I wonder if you are aware that there are many other styles of cheese made in the US
Um yes I do, but thats not what the post was about, I don't know how you so massively misinterpreted my post and jumped to all these crazy conclusions

>> No.7119588

Not to mention all the shitty beer Europeans make. Stella, Amstel, and Heineken are all at least as bad as Budweiser.

>> No.7119589

He put quotes around swiss so I don't think he means real swiss. But a mushroom swiss burger is top tier m8.

>> No.7119593

>I don't know how you so massively misinterpreted my post and jumped to all these crazy conclusions
Maybe it was the fact that you conflated several different forms of defensiveness about american food and beverage products in a way that suggested ignorance of the terminology as well as ignorance of the products themselves.
>This is just a technicality
A lot of things are "just a technicality". Sometimes they're kind of important.

>> No.7119603

Yeah, Europeans seem to think their beer is good, but the vast majority of their brands are only slightly better than Bud, they might seem good if you have nothing of quality available like in most of europe, but if you are used to good stuff its hard to tell them apart from Bud tier stuff

>> No.7119607

What are you even talking about. I don';t know if you are honestly misunderstanding everything or just being a troll

>> No.7119611

You know very well what I'm talking about, you're just unable to admit that you're absolutely terrible at analogies

>> No.7119624

Bud Light is to American Beer what Kraft is to "American Cheese"
They are both common, terrible, cheap examples of things that confuse people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about into thinking an entire category is bad

How do you not get this analogy?

>> No.7119628

It's a shit analogy, just stop posting.

>> No.7119638


>> No.7119642

I have already explained how. So apparently you are not only terrible at analogies but also terrible at reading comprehension.

Or, more likely, you are just being a stubborn troll.

In either case, stop posting.

>> No.7119648

I didn't know one stupid comment about burgers would derail the thread this bad. Congrats anon, you are the king shitposter of /ck/ now.

>> No.7119652

>A lot of things are "just a technicality". Sometimes they're kind of important.
The only reason process cheese is considered "fake cheese" is successful marketing and government corruption

>> No.7119659

Not the biggest fan of riccota salata. I mean I'll happily eat it in things, I just don't like it enough to buy it. Also not much of a geitost fan.

>> No.7119665

Yeah kind of like how the only reason snake oil is considered "fake medicine" is the fact that Big Pharma has successfully infiltrated the federal government (or as I call it, the FERAL government)

Don't tread on me! I have every right to be sold mislabeled fraudulent goods! Ron Paul 2016!

>> No.7119679

except not like that at all

There is quite a gap between the government enforcing things are what they say they are and defining marketing buzzwords and excluding products made by groups that donate less to them

>> No.7119686

It is very much like that. People like you simply choose to look the other way when you don't have a dog in the fight.

>> No.7119717

except that it is actually cheese

>> No.7119721

says you

most people with taste buds, and the federal government, disagree

>> No.7119736

Cheese is a pretty broad collection of tastes, It is utterly ridiculous to say it doesn't taste like cheese even if you want to maintain it is technically something different

But yeah, if the federal government says so, then it must be true. Politicians and bureaucrats never are wrong

>> No.7119748


Please name some good American cheese. I'm not trying to be snide, I'm actually curious what you consider constitutes "good."

I expect it to be a cheese-like dairy product that melts into salty goo, and that's fine. That's what I want it to be. To that end, Kraft singles are pretty much the ideal, and I wonder if something "better" would even be recognizable as American cheese to most people.

This is not a situation like macaroni and cheese where the most common form (blue box), while FINE, is clearly outclassed by a more traditional recipe; the American cheese that we know today started out as a processed product. Unless you're going to consider older cheddared cheeses the original American cheese, and then we're arguing semantics.

>> No.7119753

They're only wrong when they do something against your interests

In other cases, they're "enforcing things are what they say they are"

You're depressingly naive

>> No.7119772

>They're only wrong when they do something against your interest
What? I have no interest on either side of this issue

There is a fucking huge difference between saying your product is a medicine and lying about its effects and excluding a product from marketing itself like similar products

>> No.7119788

>I have no interest on either side of this issue
And yet you do. You want to defend the honor of fake plastic cheese.
>There is a fucking huge difference between saying your product is a medicine and lying about its effects and excluding a product from marketing itself like similar products
The effect of eating fake cheese is quite real. I am disgusted and want to hurl.

>> No.7119793


That's some sloppy trolling. Have you no respect for the craft?

>> No.7119813

>You want to defend the honor of fake plastic cheese.
I was just pointing out that you only consider it fake because of marketing and lobbying, not because of any inherent quality of the product

>> No.7119830


>> No.7119858

am i the only person that strongly dislikes swiss cheese

>> No.7119863

American cheese is technically a blend of colby and cheddar. High quality American cheese is great for subs/hoagies and melting.

>> No.7119867

It's far from my favorite. I won't willingly buy it for myself unless I am using it exclusively in a particular type of sandwich. I also eat it if it comes with something I order, but definitely not a cheese I would buy just to eat.

>> No.7119869

>30 minutes have passed
>Kraft Singles Internet Defense Force has yet to reply
it's probably that same wisconsin guy who says there are good wisconsin cheeses, and then deafening silence when asked to name one specific example

>> No.7119880

Armenian braided smoked cheese is surprisingly rubbery and chemical tasting

>> No.7119886

Its ok, but rarely better than the other options

>> No.7119915

This. I bought two waxed rounds a year ago. I opened one immediately and it was rubbery tasteless shit. I let the other one age a year in my fridge and it was top tier.

>> No.7119928

You claim to know shit about cheese but can't even name one good one from Wisconsin? The most prolific producer of mid and top tier cheese in america

>> No.7119935

found him

>> No.7120046

Do you ever leave this place? I don't think I have ever seen a tread remotely related to this subject where you don't go all fedora

>> No.7120091

Its better with rye bread and onion but Im not a huge fan either. It really does smell exactly like sweaty feet. It does make for good catfish bait though.

>> No.7120093

Multiple people have called you out on your nonsense, but to answer the question, I wasn't around last weekend at all. So whoever it was, that wasn't me, WIDF. At least you're not the south.

>> No.7120111


It smells like a newborn just threw up breast milk

>> No.7120121

I don't even know what you are referring to last weekend

But it is obviously always you with the same buzz phrases like constantly saying "At least you're not the south", and always bringing up how great California is and then asking what the respondent's obsession is with California when they call you out. If you didn't have such outrageous talking points and constantly similar posts it might be plausible that someone else is posting similarly to you but that seems rather unlikely

>> No.7120139


>> No.7120148

Any processed cheese product like Cheez Whiz, Kraft Singles, Velveeta

Not a fan of blue cheese either, unless its very mild. Only tried a couple of times though

>> No.7120592

California cheese is shit tier. Most of what's made there is catered to baby palettes. The lot of it is flavorless garbage which shows in how they do in any well regarded competition outside of their hug factory. Anything said by them is trash and should be ignored.

>> No.7120602


I really like cheese but there's this subtle flavor that I can't get past in gouda. Swiss can sometimes bother me as well. Then again, it probably wasn't good swiss.

>> No.7120610


The best cheddar is cave-aged in Vermont by far. It's so delicious that it's hard to stop eating it.

>> No.7120654

>This dose not inclue cheese with fruit in it
>It's not fucking right
>Peope who make that should be shot.

I feel very sorry for you that you haven't tried a cherry pecorino. Shits magnificent

>> No.7120860

gruyere > gouda anyway

>> No.7121302

It's got a pretty mild flavour, and it has to be really fresh to be good. I've had a lot of meh burratas, only Waitrose here sells the good stuff but it's expensive as hell.

It's literally just mozzarella and fresh cream, if you like those things you will love burrata, it's somehow more than the sum of it's parts.

>> No.7121308

Edam. Bland fucking cardboard cheese. Shouldn't even be called cheese. It only has a texture similar to cheese.

>> No.7121311

american cheddar

it's fucking vile, british cheddar is great and actually tastes like a real cheese

>> No.7121335
File: 28 KB, 500x332, stinking-bishop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff is pretty godawful, tastes and smells exactly like horse piss

>> No.7121336

there are a fucking lot of different american cheddars, a lot of them excellent

>> No.7121341


>> No.7121358

A lot of string cheese you see in the market isn't mozzarella, i'm not sure what it is. but it's piss.

>> No.7121361

most of it tastes exactly like Mozzarella

>> No.7121366

>Cheese curds

>> No.7121375
File: 71 KB, 1240x826, plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads like these convince me we really need a separate board for flyovers

>> No.7121377

most of it doesn't taste remotely like mozarella, it's flavorless and not actually very stringy at all.

>> No.7121381

I mean I haven't had any string cheese in many years, but I recall it tasting just like mozzarella

>> No.7121386

I'm not saying all string cheese is garbage knockoff piss cheese, 'm just saying that if you buy string cheese from the store, and it tastes of nothing, and it's not stringy. It's no mozzarella, it's shitty knockoff whatever the fuck.

>> No.7121390
File: 5 KB, 157x152, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but muh fake cheese is just as real as cheese! if you think cheese should be made of actual milk and not DuPont® Teflon®, it's protectionism by the corrupt europeans, and you have literally never set foot in america!

>> No.7121392

Most of the process cheese industry is in California these days

Pretty sure though that even the shittiest of it uses real milk

>> No.7121396

>supporting economic protectionsim in 2015
It has nothing to do with anything else in your post, but why would you say something so dumb if you wanted people to think anything of your other points were accurate or worthwhile?


>> No.7121657

The best Cheddar is aged in Cheddar.

>> No.7121803

I ain't your buddy
I ain't your pal
I ain't your friend
I ain't your gal
I'm only here
To say these words
Get out, you faggot
Your thread is turds.

>> No.7121823

Kunik+cherries are probably my favorite snack. I love stone fruit season.

>> No.7121931
File: 39 KB, 350x291, OldCroc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you haven't tried this cheddar you have no idea what the best cheddar in the world tastes like.

This is the only cheddar I know of that consistently is filled to the brim with calcium lactate crystals.

>> No.7122401

Kraft Singles or their imitators. Not even a food snob I just physically can't eat them because they feel like half-melted plastic in my mouth.

>> No.7122418


>ctrl + f 'fermunda'
>ctrl + f 'frombelo"
>0 of 0 results

im disappointed in all of you.

>> No.7122536

Don't think I've ever had proper bad cheese unless counting those McDonald's slices of solidified orange cum. Then again, I'm Portuguese, and we here go for simple and good when it comes to food. Sometimes sliced cheese can get to fatty, but it is still great for toast and, with good bread, can be quite pleasant.

>> No.7122798

>bleu cheese
fuck that garbage shit if you like eating that mold you're garbage too

>> No.7122945

American "brie"

>> No.7123125

Every washed rind cheese except for Taleggio.
Ricotta Salata
Shropshire Blue

>> No.7123292

Came here to post this.

>> No.7124303
File: 139 KB, 600x597, flyover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

---Warning!!! Flyover infected thread. Do not post!!!---

>> No.7124307


>necro bump thread
>tell people not to post in it

>> No.7124579

any blue cheese

>> No.7124601

>drinkning horse piss

>> No.7124699

chèvre It's just really sour cream cheese

>> No.7124721

I lived next to a field where people kept their horses and livestock, when the wind was blowing in the wrong direction the smell was so strong you could taste it.

>> No.7124727

Blue cheese is pretty good, along with some Emmental, and mushrooms, that doesn't involve any american mass process cheese.

>> No.7124739

Any cheese that's not brown cheese.

>> No.7124754

This reminded me of when I was growing up, I had a friend whose family had a dairy farm. There was this big conveyor belt thing in the middle of the bard floor where they would shovel all the shit and it would get moved out and dropped down into this big pit of shit. We used to be allowed to hang around and play out in the barn, then we pushed my friend's little brother into the cow shit pit. My friend got a beatdown from his dad and we were forever banned from playing anywhere near the barn.

I just remember that because on warm, humid days the stench coming from that giant pit of shit was the same, it felt like it completely surrounded you and you could almost taste it.

>> No.7124795

>pre-packed mass produced cheese
>best cheddar in the world


>This is the only cheddar I know of that consistently is filled to the brim with calcium lactate crystals.

Either you're not trying very hard or you're an idiot. Could go either way.

>> No.7124822

You're an idiot, who's obviously never had any Californian made cheese. Northern California makes some of the best cheeses in the country, due to the climate which makes for exceptional aging and flavor. Same reason why sourdough bread is better there than anywhere else in the US.
Get educated, faggot.

>> No.7124824

>california trying this hard to be relevant

>> No.7124944

This is a great combo. Top with mushrooms, onions, tomato, and spinach, and you've got a top tier burger

>> No.7125232

Morbier. It smells horrid and the taste is even a little off. I didn't think I'd hate a cheese, but this has to be it.

>> No.7125247

Swiss. It's just so bleh.

>> No.7126280


>> No.7126475

I've been working with cheese for 7 years and there's not much I hate more than people who aren't from France using the word "chevre"
It's fucking goat cheese, and even when French people use it to refer to goat cheese they could be referring to any one of innumerable styles that vary wildly in flavor and consistency
Stop trying to sound fancy you uneducated fuck

if you're talking about Cypress Grove/Cowgirl that shit is absurdly overrated and only douchebags buy it. The best US cheeses come out of Wisconsin and Vermont

>> No.7126484

swiss is garbage

>> No.7126485

Absolutely fucking hate gruyere, why is that nasty shit so expensive

>> No.7126507

I've been working I cheese for 4 years and typically only use "chevre" when referring to fresh goats milk cheese like PFF chevre or something like that

>> No.7126825

I'm not a big fan of Brie

>> No.7127662
File: 49 KB, 526x350, This_is_not_ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best US cheeses come out of the Northeast, California, and the PNW
Fixed that for you, WIDF

>> No.7127676


>i've been working with cheese for 7 years
>cypress grove that shit is absurdly overrated and only douchebags buy it

Sell me on that, mr cheese expert.

It sounds like you're just bitter about growing up some place shittier than CA, so find any excuse you can to shit on it.

>> No.7128749

fuck you

>> No.7129467

fumunda cheese

That shit is just dank.

>> No.7129641

I love cottage cheese. Large curd though. HAS to be large curd. One of my FAVORITE things to order for lunch at an eatery is a cup of cottage cheese and a house grilled cheese sandwich. Fucking epic.

>> No.7129658

I love a good blue cheese on a burger. Just recently discovered I even liked it. Hope I don't loos taste for it. My girlfriend is always basing on where we eat whether or not they have a good blue cheese burger. She is such a good girl.

>> No.7129680
File: 61 KB, 300x321, 1334147832605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No.... Just.....NO. Stop that.

>> No.7129692

Underrated post.

>> No.7129796

brie is the worst cheese known to man

>> No.7129817

If you have no palate

>> No.7129828

it literally has no flavor

>> No.7129914

>Premium import in Japan, Europe, and US
>Grass fed cows
>Company est. 2012

Why does a cheese you've never tried make you so mad? Can you even provide me with 2 examples of other cheese that always have lots of calcium lactate crystals?

Oh that's right, you can't.

>> No.7129956

any cheese that looks/is moldy.

I get that it's supposed to be like that, I just can't get around it and it makes me feel sick to eat it.

>> No.7129973

Take your old croc and shove it up your ass.

>> No.7129977

Casu Marzu freaked me out when I had it.

Any other cheese I have previously eaten and not liked I've learnt can be enjoyed by eating smaller pieces.

>> No.7129982

I like old croc... it's an affordable sharp cheddar...

>> No.7130080

Wensleydale with fruit in it.

>> No.7130362

Bleu cheese almost puked last time I had some.