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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7115711 No.7115711 [Reply] [Original]

I have a confession to make...

I cook because my kink is girls stuffing themselves silly...

>Pic related

How weird am I?

>> No.7115714

Not weird at all

>> No.7115721

But how many people you know have the same tastes? Can't be many...

>> No.7115833

I started watching yuka kinoshita because of this
>tfw she eats 10k+cals and is totally fine and full of energy
I'd totally invite her over, make her an unlimited feast and then fuck her full body until she's half full of semen and half full of food

>> No.7115834

>implying you'd get to fuck her
for these women food is sex.

>> No.7115841

You're a repulsive monster. An abomination that had their mental wiring crossed at some point in their development to equate gluttony with sexual simulation. A genuine sick fuck.

But you probably get off on being degraded, don't you?

>> No.7115842
File: 476 KB, 500x350, shin-chan_diet_eating_food.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>feeder fetish

So do you also like obese girls, because that's the end result of forced feeding...OR they're also puking after eating.

So you have a complex fetish like over feeding someone then watching them throw it up?

>> No.7115849

>I cook because my kink is girls stuffing themselves silly...

And then going to the bathroom to furiously throw up afterwards? Because that's exactly what they do.
You may like cooking, but you may also like the degradation these women put themselves through and damage their health just to satisfy their sexual/romantic person of interest. Gluttony and waste is gross.

>> No.7115871

Most of these people like BBW or SSBBW porn. I used to do BBW cam shows where people would just pay me to eat my dinner on camera while wearing lingerie. Was pretty okay. Sometimes they would buy me really nice gourmet foods or order takeout for me.

>> No.7115887

you have a feeding fetish and I find it entirely disgusting.

>> No.7115892

imo it's one of the tamest fetishes, i don't understand how anyone can really get upset by it.

>> No.7115915


>being a fat woman

At least you own up to it.

>> No.7115923

Pregnant women should avoid sushi

>> No.7115925

pics or nah

>> No.7115934


SFW board, friend-o.

>> No.7115937

Nobody eats for free, anon.

>> No.7115939

It's my inner /fit/izen. It is sexual gratification is slowly degrading a person's health through overeating and usually involves the feeder manipulating their victim's emotions and sometimes completely sabotaging their efforts to improve their health.

Say a woman is trying to lose weight and the feeder constantly brings home ice cream and cakes and reinforces the idea that she should just give up on her health goals and destroy her body, usually under the guise of her being beautiful no matter her size, or just for the pleasure of eating. All the while the feeder is just doing it for their own sexual satisfaction. I find it completely disgusting and evil.

>> No.7115943

All that food still no tiddies... In the trash she goes

>> No.7115945
File: 782 KB, 1079x1055, 18664438876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>blaming a lack of self control on others

Yep, you're definitely a fat woman.

>> No.7115948

I do that too, then leave them when they are too fat.

On to the next skinny gril to fatten her up.

>> No.7115950

>emotionally vulnerable fatties couldn't possibly be manipulated by their sociopathic, deviant partners

Degenerate manchild spotted

You are teaching them hard lessons, I wonder how many lives you've ruined.

>> No.7115962

9 have went from 110lbs or less to over 230 because of me. Current gf is around 190 right now. Was 104 at the start of the year.

>> No.7115965

Most of the other girls I talked to had their sponsors regularly buy them exercise equipment and had pretty extensive home gyms. The idea was more to maintain their weights while eating a good amount, not to just balloon up uncontrollably. The SSBBW women who did that generally were indulging their own fetishes, as well.

Not saying it's healthy by far, but if you're already fat it doesn't really hurt anyone to charge for you eating your standard dinner on camera.

Btw, spaghetti and sushi were the most common requests for food, in case you're curious. Spaghetti they always wanted you to be sloppy with, but I think sushi was supposed to be more cute and coy.

>> No.7115971

I'm not curious.

>> No.7115972


>my weakness isn't my fault, I blame everything on my ex.

Good thing no one will see you fit for marriage, don't reproduce please.

>> No.7115973


No one cares about your unhealthy lifestyle and laziness.

>> No.7115980

Never mentioned fault or blame once.

Nice projecting, fatty, were you a victim of >>7115962 ?

>> No.7115983

Waah. At least I have something to contribute.

>> No.7115989


>victim of a sociopath

Yep, sure did.

Pity parties are boring...but as they say: misery loves company.

>> No.7115993


Yes, sales tax via food purchase, hobos do the same. Glad you feel accomplished in life for being a prostitute.

>> No.7116011

I have no idea what your point is. Are you just defending your degeneracy? Don't feel so threatened, I don't care what gets you off personally, I just find your fetish vile.

>> No.7116015


>is obese
>you're a degenerate

You can't even be a human right lol. Stop finger waiving your problems. You're not a victim.

>> No.7116019

I also paid taxes on the cam show earnings. I meant I have something to contribute to the thread besides whining.

>> No.7116020

It must be sad projecting all your body image problems onto anonymous internet users. Whatever helps you cope, brother. Maybe one day I'll even help you turn your life around over on /fit/ without even knowing it's you.

Good luck friend. You'll make it if your try.

>> No.7116023

>I don't care
>I find it vile

Then you clearly care

>> No.7116040
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No, you filed a 1099 on your earnings and are probably in debt as a consequence of being an "independent contractor".

Don't lie.


I have made it, obesity sickens me. Why are you trying so hard to avoid the fact you're obese?

>> No.7116042

>voicing an opinion on something means you care what other people's opinions are on that same topic.

Maybe you're right. I find it more offensive than fetishes that don't hurt other people.

So I guess I care about it as much as I care when any person chooses to hurt another. If you're going to be completely pedantic then yeah, I guess you're right. I should've said "I don't care very much."

>> No.7116046


TLDR- I'm fat, I admit it.

>> No.7116058

So when I say that I dislike a fetish because it involves making people fat. You claim that I must be fat?

I do not follow your logic.

>> No.7116064


I've been waiting for you to stop crying like a woman to agree with you. Hasn't happened yet so I'll assume you're an obese manchild.

>> No.7116070

I'm not doing cam shows anymore but I'm still a contractor, I end up setting aside 15% of my income for taxes during the year, and usually have a little bit of money left over by the time it's done. Not a big deal. It's not like it was a full time job or anything, only made like 12k doing it.

>> No.7116075

Pitiful, just accept that your fetish is disgusting and hurting people gets you off.

>> No.7116084


I don't like fat people though, been saying this the entire time.

>> No.7116094


>being obese
>having self control

I doubt it, I bet you put it into escrow so you can't touch it. 12k isn't much, Nina makes that per month.

>> No.7116101


That picture is racist.

>> No.7116106

You aren't arguing with the guy that actually makes people fat. That would be me. And it isn't hurting them, just giving them nourishment. I don't make them puke or stop them from exercising, that is all on them.

I just leave them when they are too fat. They hurt themselves, they don't have to eat so much.

>> No.7116107
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Why don't you have offspring to make Thanksgiving fun with?

>> No.7116109

I just put it into savings. You're really overestimating the level of self-control needed for something like this.

I also put money into my reserve account monthly in order to cover my small business expenses. 12k was more than enough when I just needed a little spending money in college. These were niche, non-nude shows. I literally just ate my normal meals on camera and people would tip me for it. Not much effort went into this.

>> No.7116116


Obese people in general aren't capable of basic human activity, as a consequence concession must be made by the public to accommodate their necessities.

To add, once they've become "handicapped" by their selfishness, the public is responsible for maintaing their health coverage via taxation. They also take handicapped spaces away from the infirmed and elderly.

Don't tell me morbidly obese people only hurt themselves when that's clearly untrue.

>> No.7116130

>Only hurt themselves

Point to the spot in my post that said that.

They can get fit if they wanted. They started out skinnier than you currently are. Not my fault they choose not to. Also, they don't have to become fat, it is what they really wanted to begin with really.

>> No.7116133



>> No.7116135


Cry more samefag.

>> No.7116136

Yeah I think I'm arguing with some fetishist who feels threatened that I don't like his fetish.

Good job destroying people too weak willed and stupid to see what you're doing to them. As I said, you're teaching them hard lessons about life. If they let one person ruin their body so easily, hopefully they will learn from that and become a little more cautious in the future.
Keep it up.

>> No.7116138


>skinnier than you currently are

That's assuming an awful lot.

Why do you condone scooter riding laziness to overtake and own things intended for truly handicapped people?

>> No.7116141

It doesn't have to be NSFW

>> No.7116143

Glad we are on the same page. Have fun arguing with autists. Time to make dinner for my piglet.

>> No.7116144
File: 136 KB, 500x281, KellyPotato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being fat
>having self control

Once again, pick one.

You treat your own body like garbage, the rest of your life is exactly the same as your health. I've never once in my entire life met a rational, sane, normal obese person.

>> No.7116146

Food is fuel, not sex. I'm not even religious and I know there is a special place in hell for fatties and their beta feeders.

>> No.7116147


Once again, the obese disgust me.

>> No.7116150

Are you currently 104lbs or less?

Condoning it? I am enabling it, I leave them when they get too fat. I do not condone it. Difference there anon. They can get fit again, or stay fit if they want to. When they get too fat, I leave them. How is that condoning obese people?

>> No.7116153



>> No.7116157


I am male, 195cm tall, 13.5 stones.

I would be long dead on my way below 150lbs.

>> No.7116161

Well, hi, nice to meet you. I'm a rational, sane, fairly normal person. I'm married and have a mortgage on a nice condo. I run a small business breeding reptiles and have a successful legal career. My husband lives off my income and takes care of household chores and cooking.

I know it's not anything special, but it's a pretty normal life all things considered.

What is your life like, anon?

>> No.7116162


>get fit again

Clearly you don't understand the obese.

>> No.7116163

So, if you actually read my post, I am correct. Move along now.

>> No.7116167

Good, then we agree.

>> No.7116170

Ok so right now in this thread there is a fatass camwhore, a /fit/izen who hates feeding fetish, a feeding fetishist, and a literal person with autism that is calling the /fit/izen fat, screaming at the landwhale about some stupid money shit or self control or something, and throwing a tantrum at the fetishist.

So this is the power of autism...woah

>> No.7116173


>i'm normal
>i control my entire household, my husband is my bitch and dependent on me

Yes clearly you're not a full grown child with intentions to get only what she wants when she wants it.


^that's your relationship dynamic.

No sane or normal person takes their mortality for granted and allows themselves to remain unhealthy for the majority of their lives.

>> No.7116176

Well 104lbs on a 4 foot tall person is fat as fuck. 104lbs on a person 6'5 is auschwitz mode on the verge of death.

You can't gauge skinnyness by the number on the scale.

>> No.7116177

Clearly I do. I make them obese. They start normal/underweight. They can get back there if they really wanted to. Anyway, I gotta get food ready for the piglet. I'll check back in after Carne Asad burritos, refried beans, Spanish rice, and extra guacamole (oh so healthy).

>> No.7116182

It's really weird that you think you know how my relationship works based off the tiny amount of information I gave you, but I assure you that you are very mistaken.

>> No.7116185

This amount of projecting is priceless.

So if you take the normal household schtick of working father who puts the bread on the table and housewife, but switch the genders, suddenly it's a bad thing.

This sounds like some SJW propaganda to stop women from being housewives because it means their husband is "controlling" and "mentally unstable".