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7115449 No.7115449 [Reply] [Original]

I'm off out get some booze, what can I pick up for you guys?

>> No.7115452
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Just a soda for me thanks.

>> No.7115453

I'll have some ""craft"" """""beer""""" and a few bottles of """"""""""""IPA"""""""""""""

>> No.7115454

>picking up some booze for you guys....
fucking rumpleminze so I dont have any feeling on my face after that 3rd pepperminty shot

>> No.7115456

How are you going to get it to my house, dweeb?

>> No.7115458

Bombay Saphire East, Canada Dry Tonic, and a lime, please.

>> No.7115459

You can pay the postage.
By house I assume you mean trailer?

>> No.7115460

I'll have a Golden Hen, a Doombar and if they've got any, some Bath Ales Gem.

>> No.7115463

Is that tescos? Didn't know they did kegs

>> No.7115464

Yeah, it's Tesco I believe, judging by the livery.

>> No.7115465
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After 10 years of reckless alcoholism and destroying my family, I've been sober 3 weeks. I think I just have to accept that I will feel bad and never enjoy anything for the rest of my life. My short term memory has improved though.

fuck it get me a handle of canadian club

>> No.7115468

I don't know why you alcoholics just smoke weed instead?

>> No.7115471

Is there anything more meme than IPA?

>> No.7115475


>> No.7115477


Fuck off.

>> No.7115478

IPA isn't a big deal in my country, historically it was shit tier beer and the same is still true.

>> No.7115483

American millennial hipsters have largely ruined the IPA, but they'll get bored and move on.

>> No.7115488

>buttblasted fedora

>> No.7115498

>largely ruined
We actually perfected it. Just because you don't like ipas doesn't make them bad.

>> No.7115500

If the dude wantts to dress like a reject from a 1Direction audition, grow a straggly beard and jerk off over bacon and doughnuts then let him.
Gives the world something to laugh at. Laughing is important.

>> No.7115505

>American over-hopped millennial juice

Okay kid.

>> No.7115506

historically a shit ton of beverages and food items were made out of desperation and considered 'shit tier.' a lot of them are traditional classics now. you don't make a very good point

>> No.7115507

>not bacon and donut infused IPA

>> No.7115510
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>> No.7115514

>I tried an ipa 5 years ago and it was bad. All ipas are bad
This is you.

>> No.7115520

>you don't make a very good point
re-read what he said.

>> No.7115521

>IPA are le best! Epic for the win!

This is you.

>> No.7115522
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Yeah, nah.

>> No.7115523


could you suck your own dick any harder? 30-35 year olds are not the only generation that enjoy ipa's.

I have a feeling you're the type of dude with a new iphone but bitches about all these people just OBSESSED with their phones these days. god damn fuckin millennials

>> No.7115524

I didn't say they were the best style.

>> No.7115529

Good counterpoint.

>> No.7115530

Do you deny that 20-something American hipsters aren't the major driving force behind the explosion in terrible over-hopped "craft" IPA's?

Are you really going to do that? In this place, at this time?

>> No.7115531

>being this emotionally attached to your hipster swill
cry more

>> No.7115552

It's one of the most popular styles in america

>> No.7115556


I don't think anyone is trying to convince you to like IPA's, I think they are just pushing back at the silly notion that only 22 year old with waxed mustaches like IPA's. The thing is, ALL craft beer is extremely popular right now. IPA's are having a grand old time I guess, but EVERY generation right now is enjoying craft beer in a lot of styles. It's a huge fucking market right now. Every time I go to the grocery store there are at least two things I've never seen before.

I don't understand the hatred for people who drink IPA's like it's only on type of person. My 55 year old aunt only drinks red wine and IPA's. I know young people who drink IPA's. I know middle aged people who love IPA's. It IS trendy right now, but that doesn't automatically make it shit. It's fine if you don't like it, there's just no reason to be such a dick about it.

And for the record, I don't drink IPA's very often at all. I like stouts more. So don't call me a butthurt fanatic or something.

>> No.7115558

That's the irony of hipsters you fucking dense cujt hoky shit did the last 10 years not happen to you or something?

>> No.7115563

When did I say I don't like IPA's? I had an IPA just last night that was very nice. Not all IPA's are bad.

What I said was, and what the hipsters got their plaid panties in a bunch over, was that American millennial hipsters have ruined the IPA. Because they have; for every good IPA out there, there's 20 terrible hipster IPA's. Those terrible over-hopped hipster brews have given the IPA a bad name.

*That's* what I'm annoyed about.

>> No.7115564

>American """"""""""""""""beer""""""""""""""""

>> No.7115568
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just picked up some of this. Its excellent

>> No.7115569

I concur.

>> No.7115570

You have no idea what a hipster is. You also have never been to a brewery. Most people chugging the ipas are 40+ year olds

>> No.7115574

wait, you don't actually think weed is any less harmfull for your brain?

it's not worse but it's not better.

an alcholic would wrec his health just as much with weed, spending all his money on it and spending the whole day chain smoking.

>> No.7115580

Dude weed lmao eho cares literally every terrorist attack in the past 20 years and every school shooting was done by a drug addled stonerbro lmao bro weed is totally not the problem bro!

>> No.7115582

Just water thanks.

>> No.7115588


All of this is true, buy they were just trolling so who cares. Probably just kids anyway.

>> No.7115589

Looks just like the goose island one from last year. is it similar?

>American millennial hipsters have ruined the IPA.
again, craft beer is a huge market, it's not just one generation to thank for this. also you could argue that this craft beer craze helped revive the IPA (as well as a myriad of other styles) so you could enjoy the one you had last night. don't forget that about 10 years ago all you could find was heineken and bud light with the occasional red stripe thrown in there.

and by the way, no one has given IPA's a bad name. no one hates IPA's because some people like them. that's retarded. I mean, Tool still has fans despite their extremely irritating fan-base right

>> No.7115591

>people called me out on being a hipster douche
>they're just trolling

>> No.7115602

>also you could argue that this craft beer craze helped revive the IPA

You could, but that would be retarded as Indian Pale Ales have been around for a very long time. How did anyone "revive" something that existed?

This is a perfect example of the hipster bullshit I'm talking about; you seem to think an IPA is something new and exciting, or some sort of rediscovered lost art...

>by the way, no one has given IPA's a bad name

Yes they have. Your reaction proves my point perfectly; you assumed I was posting "lol IPA hipsters" and rushed to defend them, even though I never said I didn't like IPAs or that IPAs were bad. You just assumed, because you and I both know that "lol IPAs hipsters" is a common reaction, largely because of American millennial hipsters and their never ending stream of terrible IPAs.

Oh and
>don't forget that about 10 years ago all you could find was heineken and bud light with the occasional red stripe thrown in there.

I can't remember that, because that was never true. You really do seem to think that IPAs and "craft" beer are something new and exciting. That's actually quite sad, but a perfect example of the hipster mentality.

>> No.7115604

Old speckled hen

>> No.7115612

>Looks just like the goose island one from last year. is it similar?
I only tried thee Goose Island one once a few years ago, but it is somewhat similar (though not nearly as overpriced

>> No.7115637

eugh pretty boring selection

Get me a shit loads of Landlord cheers.

>> No.7115643

>thinking Greene King IPA is anything like American memePAs...

It's shit, in fact probably worse, but not at all similar.

>> No.7115645


3 bottles of strong red wine. Don't care what type, just get the ones that are on offer for £5 please.

>> No.7115647

why do Europeans mostly only have good beer available to them in single, rather expensive, bottles?

>> No.7115648

bottom shelf vodka

>> No.7115650

alright whatever you win good job.

dude you aren't kidding about it being overpriced. shit was insane. at least it'd get you drunk enough not to care though.

>> No.7115651

Bottle sizes are larger than in America

>> No.7115657

no, they are actually smaller. american ones are 355mL and euro ones are 330mL (though euro bar servings are larger)

>> No.7115660


The bottles on those shelves look 500mL

>> No.7115663

Every bottle in that pic is 500ml or 550ml or 568ml

s m h

we have 330ml bottles too but you only get lager, trappist or craft beer in them generally.

>> No.7115735


>> No.7115859

Looks more like Morrisons imo.

>> No.7115927

If you were drinking handles of canadian club, you weren't enjoying anything in the first place

>> No.7115997

imperial ipa/double ipa.
triple ipa.
quadruple ipa.

>> No.7116155

>triple XB
>tim taylor's landlord
>black sheep
fuck i wish i still lived in england, finest beer in the world

>> No.7116241

>england, finest beer in the world

>> No.7116246

Just some cheap vodka and cranberry juice

I want to get fucking slammed tonight

>> No.7116250

Because weed is nothing like alcohol as an intoxicant.

Have you ever actually smoked weed?

>> No.7116266

None of you have actually met a beer snob

In fact almost all of you are not even 21

>> No.7116271

are you retarded?

>> No.7116278

Haven't tried brandy yet, can you get me some?

>> No.7116280
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>need to be 21 to buy beer
>land of the free

>> No.7116289

brandy tastes pretty good, but beware, it gives some intense hangovers.


>> No.7116293
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>> No.7116315


>> No.7116324

Bacon infused almond milkshake served on a cookie shot glass with nuttella whip and a drop of siracha.

Served with souvide cooked activated almonds

>> No.7116335

I already like whiskey and tequila, might as well.

>> No.7116339

I was in England a couple months ago, and while I found some good beer I had to really look for it, it was much tougher to find that good beer is in america, and not as good, and way the fuck more expensive (with less alcohol)

>> No.7116375

Germany has good beers. I had no idea what I was buying but it all tasted good.

>> No.7116400

Why are you spouting stereotypes from 2010-12. Just because you don't like hoppy beers doesn't mean other people are wrong for enjoying them. If you don't like bitter, fruity beer that can hide a high abv well, that's just fine. Not a good reason to act like a snobbish bitch tho.

It's stout and Christmas ale season. Grab me some of that Great Lakes Christmas ale and that sweet Southern Tier Krampus double helles lager. Oh and a thick breakfast stout please.

>> No.7116416
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>Just because you don't like hoppy beers doesn't mean other people are wrong for enjoying them.

Ah but you forget anon, there is exactly one standard for good taste (his) and everyone who differs is either a fedoric autist or deliberately being contrary as a direct personal attack against him.

>> No.7116421

Good pubs here are rare. It's a shame.

>> No.7116425

I'll take a sixer of that newcastle

>> No.7117732

The craft beer scene is a huge marketing scam. It's saturated by big corporations preying on gullible trendsters.
Most craft beer is indistinguishable from macro beers.
Stay gullible.

>> No.7117739
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This shit is pretty rad but it's $12 a six pack.

>> No.7117778

6-pack of dark bitter stout, a thing of the 2nd or 3rd cheapest gin they have in the store, tonic water, lemon juice, and some alcopops for my date later.

>> No.7117794
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A 6 pack of mickeys thx

>> No.7117795

>implying it's not easy to see past their marketing
>implying craft beers taste like macro lagers or ales

zzzz piss off

>> No.7117809


You should just stick to repeating,"meme" a hundred times instead of pretending to make an argument.

>> No.7117813

Enjoy your overpriced piss water.

>> No.7117819

>drinking anything else than the cheapest lager
fuck off dumb hipster shits

>> No.7117835


You're the dumb one.

>doesn't like beer
>buys the most terrible beer
>has to drink a gallon of dirty dish water just to get a buzz

Why not buy cheap wine or vodka, and get drunk for much less money and effort? It sounds like you're the one trying to fit in.

>> No.7117846

I don't get that either. People buy beer that tastes god awful when they could spend a couple bucks more for some karkov and just mix it with oj and get more drunk

>> No.7117859

>People buy beer that tastes god awful
because it's hip and trendy to be seen drinking "craft" beer.

>> No.7117869


PBR isn't a "craft" beer, dum dum.

>> No.7117974

>hipster kek

before the 70s lager didn't really exist in the UK, fucking mong.

>> No.7118005

I wasn't referring to you or your post.
I know it may be kind of hard for a special snowflake such as yourself to comprehend but the world doesn't revolve around you.
Life can hard, get used to it.

>> No.7118022

Get me 2 bottles of bundy red a 25 pack of winnie reds and a big packet of salt and vinegar chips ya dumb cunt

>> No.7118046

They are likely imperial pints, i.e. 568 ml

>> No.7118122


>reading comprehension

You kind of were responding to my post, actually.

>> No.7118124
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nothing fancy for me, just vodka