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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7114314 No.7114314 [Reply] [Original]

Who fat fuck here? And gave up dieting?

>> No.7114326
File: 285 KB, 1188x713, 4-chan-this-is-where-i-keep-my-genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesn't burn 5500 calories a day with only minimum-semi moderate activity

I would literally die of starvation if I ate less than 2500-3000 calories a day.

>> No.7114327

Go read the /fit/ sticky you sad sack of shit.

>> No.7114332

I used to be in great shape, played 2 sports through hs/college and now just dont give a fuck

>> No.7114344
File: 181 KB, 480x640, starting-strength-sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hell end up like this if he reads the /fit/ troll sticky.

>> No.7114393

Just fucking eat less. You don't have to starve yourself, just calculate your TDEE and eat a few hundred calories below that amount. Recalculate every 50ish pounds till you reach about 230 and then recalculate every 20 pounds down to 180ish.

>> No.7114417

its hard when people bring home takeout or offer to go out to eat and treat hard to turn down.

>> No.7114428

As long as your average intake for a week is lower than your TDEE you're going to lose weight; it will be slow, but it will happen as long as you keep it up.

Being fat is a self inflicted issue. Having gone from nearly 300 pounds to 183 I know it can be difficult, but it can be done, you just have to put forth the effort and be willing to actually do something for yourself.

>> No.7114434

fat fuck reporting in
>gave up dieting
more like took up heavy drinking

>> No.7114437

well the heavy drinking leads to drunk 2am frozen food eating

>> No.7114461
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me. this is me. I used to be 225, now 185. so halfway towards goal. can't stop the yo yo at this weight though fuckkk i love food so much and since i smoke weed some days i have no willpower im so pathetic fuuuck

>> No.7114463

u looked good at 225

>> No.7114464

You can do it bro

>> No.7114469

She looks better now though.

>Inb4 "muh high test"

>> No.7114470

i like chubby girls esp when they dont look sloppy

>> No.7114471


>> No.7114473


>> No.7114479
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>> No.7114483


>normal looking female makes a normal post

am i on crazy pills or did 4chan merge with facebook

>> No.7114485

good one

>> No.7114487

Until someone goes overboard and asks ASL or "if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen", I'd call this a very successful thread.

>> No.7114490

This is /ck/ and /r9k/ is recovering on their own board after being drug, kicking and screaming, to Thanksgiving dinner with their family.

Also, /ck/ has one of the highest normie levels on all of 4chan, only /b/, /soc/, and a handful of other boards have more.

>> No.7114499


I liked her better in her heavier picture as well. Still a cute girl though, good on her for making healthier life choices.

>> No.7114504


>> No.7114511

>/ck/ has one of the highest normie levels on all of 4chan,
you clearly haven't been here very long

>> No.7114512


I already have a cute gf sorry

>> No.7114514

Been here since this board was created senpai.

>> No.7114516

oops meant >>7114504

>> No.7114556

implying manchildren cant be normies

>> No.7114591

If you live in Kelowna we can get high and eat delicious healthy foods.
Oh and fuck each others brains out.

>> No.7114613

Don't tell me you're dumb enough to use DNP.

>> No.7114624

that sounds amazing but nope i don't live there

>> No.7114637
File: 62 KB, 629x749, 1352180830623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave up on getting to a human weight, after failing at something so simple my entire life, currently alcoholic aswell and expecting to die at 35 - 40 hopefully

>> No.7114692

you try, you fail, you try, you fail. but the only true failure is when you stop trying

>> No.7114704

i used to be 280 at 6'2".

i've been sitting around 200 pounds for 6 months. my scale jumps between 197 and 204.

my goal weight: 170.

but i just can't muster up the effort to finally get there. i guess as long as i'm not gaining weight, i'm content.

>> No.7114714
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the vegan diet

>> No.7114719

Fat people should be harvested for cheap soap.

>> No.7114739

HOw did you do it?

>> No.7114918


Keep it up!

I'm lucky i've never been fat considering the way I eat. My heaviest was 125. 105 - 110 has been my weight for the last decade now.

Sorry you're struggling OP. I know it's hard. I go through phases where I just want to eat everything in sight and never stop and it takes all of my willpower not to succumb to the cravings.

>> No.7114926

eat less; move more

>> No.7114955

Finally broke through my November goal and hit 229, down from 290. Feels goodman especially after making it through Thanksgiving.

>> No.7114962

>170 cm
>120 kg
I've been a fat fuck all my life

>> No.7114967

That's actually very impressive. Well done, anon.

>> No.7114976

Thanks man, but still have a long ways to go.

>> No.7114978

KG not LBS, so it's even more impressive.

>> No.7114980

fat people disgust me greatly. they should all be shot.

>> No.7114982

>weighing 290 kilograms is impressive

top kek tubby

>> No.7114985

As a depressed fatty, I whole heartedly agree.
>please kill me

>> No.7114986

Actually, I am tubby.
Fat rolls everywhere and haven't seen my privates in over 10 years :(

>> No.7114995

If he cut and just did some extra bicep and calf shit he'd look great.

>> No.7115022


>> No.7115033

abstain from fat and sugar as much as you can. that is the key to weight loss. You can eat as much as you want, but don't snack and only eat two meals a day. You should slowly lose weight with this method.

>> No.7115039
File: 12 KB, 400x420, Hamerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7115208

I was about 140 kg two years ago and am close to 100 kg today. I just don't drink as much soda as I did and maybe I have a bit smaller portions. Might have drunk about 5 litres of pop a week then, and maybe half a litre at most now.

>> No.7115229

Lost about 30kg doing intermittent fasting in conjuction with light exercises and cutting soda out.

Eating 2k calories within 4 hours lets me fill up on pizza and all the good shit.

>> No.7115248

No she didn't, quit accommodating fat asses.

>> No.7115362

She looked beautiful at 225 bro, check your test.

>> No.7115391

you gay?

>> No.7115398

>doesn't find ham beasts attractive
>must be gay

>> No.7115424

Lol no she didnt you sad pathetic cunt

Keep going. Lose a bit more and i would lick your sweaty arsehole

>> No.7115432

she was far from a ham beast was she chunky yes? hambeast no.

>> No.7115681

>used to be a carefree teen that ate whatever the fuck I wanted
>lost a bunch of weight
>miss being fat not caring but can never go back
I've eaten junk food maybe three times these past two years, and only when pressured to. Yes, you can eat shitty foods in moderation, but I used to eat a 12 pack of space raiders and chase them down with a large meat feast and it tasted so good. You're only pretending if you can happily stop at one serving of pringles

>> No.7115702


you mongolodies

Just eat less than your TDEE (google it)

It's not fucking difficult.

>unironically being fat despite all the health, social, career, romantic etc. downsides

>> No.7115704

>12 pack of space raiders
This negroid is aware of the salient facts pertaing to the current situation

>> No.7115762

i have a wife and a decent career though

>> No.7115810


>tfw an anti-depressant sent me from 70kg 6'1" to 100kg in less than a year

Used to be a super health freak before I started on that. Stopped taking it but now my weight is maintained due to my lack of activity and heavy weekend (more like 4 day weekend) drinking. Red wine is my poison.

Just weight in at 107kg last week at a doctor appointment.

>> No.7115857

currently 194 and 6'2, feels fine 2bh

>> No.7115867


i have weird fat distribution.

i've still got plenty of fat on my chest and hips. it's embarrassing for a man.

>> No.7116275
File: 152 KB, 600x338, sylphy milkshaq.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stimulants to keep you thin and sexy

>> No.7116283


>> No.7116466

>implying mark didnt end up with a god tier physique
gotta form an ugly sturdy base if you want to build an empire

>> No.7116469

There's post cut images of him around and he looks great. It's proof that even a bit of chub can ruin your aesthetics. It's important to know how to diet and exercise if you wish to look good.

>> No.7116495

As someone who has been that fat, yeah its a different existence. A stomach that bulges out with an overhang. Thighs that rub together and ruin your pants faster. Jiggling with movement. A chin that you can feel at all times. Inner elbow creases and wrist creases that you can feel. It's just gross. It makes you feel gross. Ruins your self esteem.

Even when I went from 230 to 130 I couldn't escape the mentality. My self confidence hasn't grown. Even after years of weight lifting and developing massive quads and glutes I still feel like an outcast. Growing up fat is damaging long term. Losing weight might not help.

Now I'm back up to 160 thanks to beer and depression. Still lift 4 times a week but it's not enough. Constant over thinking and having no friends after losing past friends for horrid, nasty reasons I'm ready to just give up.

>> No.7116506

>You can eat as much as you want

>> No.7116509

Give me a rundown of what you use senapi

>> No.7116513

vyvanse, a-pvp, and 2-FMA

>> No.7116517

Ruining them serotonin receptors, eh? Hope you keep that tolerance low. Otherwise say hello to that sweet sweet depression!

>> No.7116537

>ate a whole pizza and box of wings by myself one day
>acid refluxed so bad I puked it all up
>I need to do something about this
>decide to try being pescatarian
>successful for half a month
>find more and more of my meals are vegetarian
>completely lose taste for meat
>been vegetarian for about 4 months now
>been doing a hard 20 minutes circuit training video at least 4-5 times a week too
>have lost 35 pounds
>acid reflux gone
>can actually wipe my ass
>jeans and clothes fit better
>been exploring vegan recipes
>might slip down the dark hole to veganism soon

I still have like fucking 90 more pounds to a healthy weight though

I can say my diet change was really extreme but I guess I just never really liked meat tho, we'll unless it was 5 cheeseburgers and wings

>> No.7116608

please be in ontario