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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 182 KB, 2048x1536, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7113913 No.7113913 [Reply] [Original]

Ordered this yesterday, only want a bun and pickles. They give me this and still charge me the same price as a regular burger wtf? They could have at least filled it up with pickles. Should I call Corporate?

>> No.7113930

You didn't ask for more pickles. You asked for a bun with the standard amount of pickles that goes on a burger.

Should've asked for heavy pickles. You got what you ordered, retard.

>> No.7113931

First and foremost, it's your fault for being a weirdo and wanting a pickle sandwich. Second, you should have specified that you want the entire sandwich filled with pickles.

>> No.7113937

Its not common sense to put more pickles on it since im being charged full price and its the only thing on the burger?

>> No.7113939



They'll tell you to bring it up with the Franchise owners, who will tell you to stick it up your ass.

I had a ketchup pump explode on me in a McDonalds once, I was wearing my favorite vintage Yves Saint Laurent shirt, ruined it... cleaners couldn't get all the stains out... franchise owner fought me tooth-and-nail over $500 until the small claims Judge told him to cram it and pay me restitution.

You're fighting an uphill battle. Faggot.

>> No.7113947

Customer is always right faggot, and now that social media is so essential any story could blow up. Yours could have too if you pressed at it enough

>> No.7113955


>fighting that much over nothing

$500 isn't a lot of money, I went full-retard demanding replacement because the franchise owner refused to pay the $5 cleaners bill. That's what set me off, I was going to let it go.

Not everything is a "muh black lives madder" tier argument where people feel entitled to things just because their feelings got hurt.

You got what you ordered, stop being a faggot.

>> No.7113963

I didnt get what I ordered and I got shit value for my money.

>> No.7113966


no, it is not common sense to put extra anything when the customer does not ask for extra anything

>> No.7113974


>muh $2 gone GONE FOREVER!!!

Get a better job, sir.

If you wanted a pickle sandwich you should have told them to fill a courtesy cup full of pickles... they're obligated to do so free of charge for sandwich toppings.

>> No.7113981

doesnt matter the amount, some of the richest people i know will argue over 25 cents

>> No.7113986


> they're obligated to do so free of charge

this is false

>> No.7113988


That's not you, and you're crying about getting your way, which is something new to this board. People aren't mid readers man, have to tell fun-ployees details for things you want... like "hold the mayo" for instance... goes a long fucking way.

>> No.7113991
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Everything but meats and cheese, yes they are.

>charging for extra cucumbers and iceberg lettuce

No... just no.

>> No.7113993

It's not common sense to order just pickles at a fast food outlet you fucking remtrad

>> No.7114000

>wears YSL
>eats at McDonald's

Maybe if you didn't waste all your money on bullshit clothing your afford better food. Also if your wearing $500 shirts and sue when you fuck 1 up u prolly can't afford it

>> No.7114001

Really why not?

>> No.7114007


they are not obligated in the slightest.

>> No.7114038

Because this is what you get. You can order from the menu, you can make subtractions, sometimes replacements, but you are not entitled to additions, no matter how much you think you deserve it

>> No.7114057

I did order from the menu, everything i ordered they have

>> No.7114062

And you got what you ordered.

>> No.7114095

not the portion size it should have been though

>> No.7114098


the portion size was exactly what you ordered

>> No.7114111

no, it wasn't it should have been enough to replace the meat

>> No.7114112

No, because the business wants to make money. They can't read your mind. Next time say what you want and you'll get it.

Fuck, you're naïve

>> No.7114115


it would have been, had you actually ordered that

>> No.7114130

>Should I call Corporate?
No you should call your local mental hospital to check yourself in.

>> No.7114133

You asked for a sandwich with nothing but pickles. The specified amount of pickles to put on your air sandwich is (apparently) 3 pickles. You were given a portion of three pickles because that's how many pickles they put on a sandwich, unless the customer asks for extra pickles of no pickles, in which case they put more pickles or no pickles on the sandwich.

If you wanted more pickles you should have asked for more pickles. Next time you will ask for hella fucking pickles for your bread and pickle sandwich.

>> No.7114138

McDonalds worker here.

That's how the computer works. Odds are they rung you up for a regular cheeseburger, and then pushed the "ONLY Pickles" button and the "ONLY Reg Bun" button. Taking items off on McDonalds items does not lower the price. You could order a la carte but the prices are insane. It's a dollar for two strips of bacon iirc. Odds are you got the better deal just ordering a cheeseburger and having only pickles and bread. I know its fucked, but theres nothing that we as fast food workers can do about it.

>> No.7114143

Mcdonalds fag here.

This is true. A serving of pickles is 3 slices. If we are told "ONLY Pickles," XTRA Pickles, etc, we add 3 pickles per serving. Everything at McDonalds is strictly controlled to maintain consistency between restaurants.

>> No.7114150

why do you jew everyone on bbq sauce

>> No.7114153

You: Can I have some more barbecue sauce?
Employee: Sure thing. How many do you need?
It's that easy.
I don't know about other places but we don't charge extra for sauce. If we did, it's 10 cents per cup, which is really nothing.

>> No.7114183

I ordered a big mac, but instead of the beef pattys I want mchicken pattys. Sometimes they deduct the beef pattys but sometimes they just charge me the extra 2 chicken pattys on top.

What would be the standard?

>> No.7114199

Annoying/difficult customers thread?

I've never had to deal with anything outrageous, but some people can be annoying af tee bee eightch Pham.
>work at McD's, chillin' in the drive-thru
>hoodrat places a huge order in the middle of the lunch rush
>at least $30 worth of food
>It's a lot of food since everything's from the value menu
>She pulls up to the window and I give her the total
>"Eyy, I thought everything was a dollar."
>Try explaining to her that nothing on the "dollar menu" is actually $1.00
>her primitive mongoloid brain can't comprehend
She held up the line for several minutes. That's a long time in the drive-through. We're being timed, and apparently it's really goddamn important to keep the times low.

>> No.7114220

I would suggest that you order 2 McChickens with no mayo, add cheese and Mac Sauce. Pickes and onions too, if you want to go balls-deep. Then, you would have two chicken Macs, and you can construct them as you please. It would also be cheaper than a Big Mac.

>> No.7114226

Why does my local McDonald's give me 2 Big Macs for $5? Not complaining but I've never seen it elsewhere unless it's a promotion. They got it year round and I love it minus the fucking unmelted cheese. So cal btw

>> No.7114242
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I don't know, to be honest family. I'm in So Cal as well. All we have is 2 sausage egg mcmuffins for $4.
>mfw people order two egg mcmuffins and spend $3 more for 2 measly slices of Canadian bacon instead of sausage

>> No.7114308

its not that easy

>> No.7114319

You're an idiot, and I'm sure that's not the first time you've heard that.

>> No.7114322

you didn't order extra pickles, of course they're not going to give you extra pickles. you're either an idiot or a child or both.

in washington state they do this, if you request. it's not advertised but if i asked for the 2 for 5 special they gave it

>> No.7114324

No OP you fucking tard. As others in the thread specified, you get your burger with a specified amount of each ingredient. You ordered a bun and pickles. There are specific amounts for every ingredient and you got exactly what you ordered.

When I worked at McDonalds for a while we had the same kind of retard as you. Some bitch would come through every few days and order a shitty little cheese burger with nothing but extra extra extra extra pickles. So they basically got something they could make extremely easy at home.

>> No.7114331

Yeah maybe if you're a sperg

>> No.7114335

the buns are different then i can get at the market and the pickles on the warm bun taste good

>> No.7114370


You missed the point, I sued as a consequence of not paying the $5 for the laundry bill. So I multiplied the cleaners bill x100 for my wasted time and clothing.

Why don't you dress like an adult, I'm curious.


Yes they are, hence the name "courtesy" cup... which implies a sense of freedom...because it's free.

>> No.7114375

>if you don't wear $500 shirts you're not an adult
>posting in a thread on 4chan arguing about a fucking fast food joint
Ask me how I know you're 35 years old, unemployed, a virgin, and still live with your parents

>> No.7114379


Why don't you wear nice clothing anon, I'm curious. Projection aside, let's wrap about your life.

>> No.7114384

But I do. I'm not the guy you're arguing with though.

>> No.7114386


What ever you say.

There is no argument though, there is a discussion about free pickles people are too socially awkward to ask for... the complaints they have but never vocalize for the same reason, and... finally... why you and anyone else responding to this dresses like they're still in grammar school.

It's confusing to me.

>> No.7114388

I don't really give a shit about your fast food pickles. I jumped in because you were acting like an obvious manchild, pretending to be a productive member of society with your supposed $500 shirt.

Did your parents let you sit at the grownup table this thanksgiving, or were you acting up again?

>> No.7114396


I spent time with my wife and infant son, he's too young for travel. Again...I must insist on asking you why you're wearing gym shorts this very moment but not playing a sport.

Why do you dress like a child? It's confusing to me.

>> No.7114403

>implying you've ever been touched by a woman who wasn't your mother
A likely story.

I don't own basketball anything. I'm wearing corduroy pants, merino socks, some house slippers from muji, and a v neck thermal undershirt right now. Considering it's almost 1:00 am, I'm somewhat overdressed.

What are you wearing besides your $500 shirt? A pair of $300 collectible sneakers and a gold chain with a jesus head on it?

>> No.7114410


I don't think "ebonic" people wear business attire but that's besides the point. Why are you wearing clothing like you're going to go somewhere in the middle of the night?

I have no idea why you're giving me every last detail of your outfit, I am not a woman you're trying to dip your beak into. The lines those pants leave on your thighs are unbecoming so it's safe to say there's no woman around you. Why is that?

We're getting very far off topic though, OPs pickles are a great concern to me and why he didn't simply go back inside and ask for more...instead of being an autist beta male and taking it on the chin, subsequently coming here to cry about it....as if someone would email him some pickles.

>> No.7114413
File: 481 KB, 500x375, 13379849084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>v neck

/fa/ pls go be a homosex elsewhere

>> No.7114415

You sound like a huge nerd

>> No.7114425

A gold chain isn't business attire, but I don't think you're at risk of mixing with the business crowd with the way your life has gone.

I'm not in pajamas yet because I just got home. What goes through your mind when you don your prized shirt? Do you think people see it and think "here's a man who has made it in life"? Despite your piss stained sweat pants, body odor, and patchy neckbeard? You think it makes up for that?

You're the one who changed the subject to your $500 shirts and how they represent your success in life. Don't complain when other people call you out on your shitposting.

>> No.7114431

>wearing crewneck undershirts unless you are wearing a tie
>wearing no undershirts
I have no interest in what /fa/ likes, but if you do either of the above you should just kill yourself right now.

>> No.7114433

Im going to kill you you autist

>> No.7114444


>impugning intelligence

I look forward to your fast food service in the future.

>> No.7114449
File: 100 KB, 625x518, f3d74335897d932c0d83b96ac79d2046cd9b18d8f140d86c29959c0ae8c4c802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quads, sagan

>> No.7114451


>prized shirt

It's not a prize, it's one of dozens of button downs I have in my closet, like a normal adult male. Why don't you have a closet for work clothing and a closet for leisure attire?

Money isn't a measure of success, but having to dress professionally is a good indication of a somewhat normal adulthood.

Why don't you dress as an adult does though?

>> No.7114453


Why aren't you wearing a tie right now? Nothing stopping you.

>> No.7114455
File: 266 KB, 641x528, EL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gets don't matter here, back to your containment board.

>> No.7114467

For future internet posturing, if you want to sound like the functional adult that your mom wished you had turned out to be, you should say "shirt" when referring to a shirt with buttons on the front. Because that's what it's called. A "button down shirt" means a shirt where the tips of the collars have buttons on them. When you make a special point of mentioning the buttons on the front of a shirt, as if that is not just a "shirt", you reveal to the person you are talking to that you really take it for granted that a "normal shirt" is a piss-stained t-shirt with a cartoon pony on it. While this may be true for you, it detracts from the image you are trying to get the other person to visualize.

But enough about shirts. Do you think your parents admit to themselves that they wish they had never had you? Or do they continue to lie and smile and say you're special and perfect, just the way you are. I am guessing the latter, which is why you ended up this way to begin with.

>> No.7114472
File: 282 KB, 750x500, donald-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you i like

>> No.7114509

Why would you even go through the trouble of ordering this

>> No.7114599


No. They're not obliged to fill the bun with two inches of pickles just to sooth your autism.

>> No.7114609

Maccas employee here

i'm assuming you ordered a cheeseburger or hamburger, you're lucky you got two pickles you're only suppose to get one.

You're one of those odd people, like the people that go through drive-thru and get a cheeseburger without beef.

>> No.7114628

This thread is fucking terrible but damn if I don't have a sudden urge for pickles on a McDonald's bun. It really does sound good at this point.

>> No.7114890

The price of the ingredients make up approximately 25 percent of the whole price.
So with no Patty and ketchup you would spare 20 cent (?)

>> No.7114934

>why don't you throw money away by spending it on shit you don't need?
I buy my clothes from goodwill. Pants I have to buy new though.

>> No.7114937


Some loser who works at dairy king took this picture on their slowtime.

How's this bait thread taste?

>> No.7114969


there is no obligation to do this

>> No.7115267

holy shit you sound like an annoying douche, if you had the balls to give me that attitude irl Id knock it through your teeth and get your hipster shirt all bloody.

not who youre replying to

>im poor and I dont eat mcdonalds shit, you are garbage

>> No.7115380


>> No.7115946

>autist posts about not getting enough pickles
>other autists start arguing about dressing like an adult

It's like you people attract each other

>> No.7115952


The amount of projection here is ridiculous.

>> No.7115954


Yet 100% of fast food restaurants will do it free of charge. I wonder why.

>> No.7115964


>not wearing a button down shirt with ties

Hmm...why don't you dress as adults do?

Yoire still avoiding the question, and in turn imposing more, like a child refusing to go to bed. Or to school.

Answer the question, it's not hard....

>> No.7116005

How do adults dress?

>> No.7116014

They save up their GBP for a button down shirt they can use as a lottery ticket when the normies at maccas spill ketchup on it

>> No.7116027


You should have that figured out by now.


>being lorded over by Germanic Jews pretending to be English
>having opinions from the most heavily monitored Country on the planet.


>> No.7116112

>goes to mcdicks
>orders JUST bun and pickles

wtf OP?

>> No.7116179

Why should you even eat this nasty shit.
What u eat more the rest of the week ?
Subway, dominos, taco bell or ?

>> No.7116194

This retard ordered a pickle sandwich at mcdonalds and only got 3 pickles! You'll be SHOCKED at what the owner told him!

>> No.7116247

Its actually good you should try it

>> No.7116387

>"$500 isn't a lot of money"
>goes apeshit and lawsuit happy over $5

>> No.7116389

This didn't happen

You just found a picture of this from somewhere (Reddit most likely) and decided to make a thread either copying the situation where you found it or just fabricated a story

Either way I could kick your ass, pussy

>> No.7116390

you are a fucking faggot and a crybaby

>> No.7116407


I asked nicely to have my shirt cleaned, which was refused, which merited the law suit.

Perhaps one day as an adult you will stop letting people walk all over you. It was frivolous for the sake of frivolity.

>> No.7116412
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Why don't you dress like an adult?

>> No.7116423

Go the wal mart or the cheapest grocery store in your neighborhood. Buy the cheapest buns you can find.

Slice bun, lightly butter insides, lightly toast inside of bun in a pan, add pickles >wa la

Also 8/10 troll post only halfway through reading the thread and I replied. I'm 80% sure your trolling, because surely no one THIS autistic would defend their obviously weird behavior so relentlessly on the internet

>> No.7116437
File: 189 KB, 587x439, checked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triple dubs

Check'd and annotated

>> No.7117270

What you should have done is asked for more pickles at the restaurant. They may or may not have charged you extra for them, depending on how nice they felt like being.

>> No.7117687

you're a fucking idiot. First, there is literally no way to ring in just a bun with pickles on it. The only way it can be done is as a burger, no meat, only pickle. Secondly, no matter what the sandwich there is a standard build. This might be 2-3 pickles per sandwich or 1 spoon onions or 2 squirts of sauce and so forth. If you wanted tons of pickles you should have said so accordingly. The employees have no idea that you're a moron who has no idea what you are doing. Next time tell them you're a retard and you want your speshul sammich wif pickuls pickuls pickuls and do us a fav and shove it up your arse as deep as you can. Maybe it will reach your head

>> No.7117967

>you're a fucking idiot
lol nigger you work at mcdonalds

>> No.7117969


>> No.7117983
File: 156 KB, 640x474, canispeaktothemanager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dry cleaners ruined a suit once. Somehow the entire jacket got ripped in half, I have no idea how that even happens. They were very apologetic and offered to reimburse me. We worked out a fair deal (suit was already 5 years old and showing signs of wear, so I thought half of the original $900 was already more than reasonable, but the owner wrote me a check without arguing). I got a subsidized new suit for a suit that needed replacing anyway,

I seriously doubt you asked nicely, you probably said something about "lawsuit" right off the bat and they realized you're just an asshole freaking out about your thrifted designer shirt.

>> No.7117995
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Clearly you understand McDonald's franchise owners who've hemorrhaged money since the inception of the dollar menu to the point of arguing over a $5 cleaning bill better than I do/did.

This isn't the 1980's any more. The cost of franchising out, constructing the building and staffing a full house doesn't cut it when the average client is only spending $6 per trip.

You go about speaking to people in a very offputting manner as well, no idea how you function around people who've never visited this board.

>> No.7118003


What are you even babbling about?

Did you click on the wrong post?

>> No.7118004
File: 347 KB, 524x706, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be OP
>be pickle fag
>only 3 pickles on bun

>ask for pickles

>> No.7118019


>you didn't ask nicely
>anon explains that he did in fact ask nicely and added the fact that McDonald's franchise owners are cheap as fuck because of lost profits, so didn't pay his bill

You're just posting to look at your own words, huh?

>> No.7118023

If he can afford a $500 shirt he can afford to eat at restaurants where they wouldn't laugh you out the door for asking for your shirt cleaning cost to be reimbursed.

Except the thing is he can't afford either and he's making the whole thing up. Including the lawsuit story.

>> No.7118031

Heh, I was wondering when someone would make this reference.

>> No.7118032


The ketchup pump wad broken and "exploded" on him according to the story, which isn't out of the relm of possibility, neither is asking for compensation from penny pinching assholes who basically tell you to fuck yourself in public.

You're assuming an awful lot about people you don't know. That anon could be female for all you know, or an actor, a Billionaire in fact, super wealthy people are frivolous enough to file petty lawsuits over nothing.

Bernie Sanders sued a car wash for scratching his car. That was petty in comparison considering it was a state provided vehicle with free insurance, cleaning expenses and gasoline for the duration of time he drove it.

I guess people like you need to pick on others to feel better about their own shortcomings.

>> No.7118049

Do you know how a ketchup pump works? It is physically impossible that it "exploded". It's possible there was an air bubble inside and it caused splashing. But anyone who has ever operated a device like that (protip: it's exactly the same mechanism as a soap dispenser) knows this can happen.

Sounds like you're that anon and now you're getting butt flustered that I assumed you're a man. Well I'm sorry, but at least I assumed correctly that you're a hysterical vagina.

>> No.7118051

oy vey

>> No.7118055


Yes everyone that uses pumps accepts the fact they're going to spray liquid onto them every once in a while.

Wrong anon, but your "argument" is ridiculous.

>> No.7118056

>nothing on the "dollar menu" is actually $1.00
what!? why call it that then? are americans fucking stupid?

>> No.7118059


The dollar menu hasnt existed in years, it's the "value" menu now.

You get what you pay for when eating formula food. This entire thread is retarded.

>> No.7118608

I was sprayed with a renegade condiment dispenser as a kid.

>dad takes me to a natural cavern so we could tour it
>gift/snack shop there
>we get hotdogs
>I stand behind him as he pumps mustard on his
>the thing is so pressurized or whatever it sprays a hose-like stream of mustard straight onto my white shirt
>we both laugh it off, wipe the mustard off, and take the tour

I guess if this happened now the proper course of action would be to sue, but it was simpler times back then.

>> No.7118713

You where basically raped by that mustard machine. Go back there TODAY and sue for emotional damages.

>> No.7118718
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>still mirin on the shirt guy
>being this obsessively mad

>> No.7118721

>receives exactly what he ordered
>complains anyway


>> No.7119843

>common sense from people who work at mcdonalds
These are either people with no greater than a high school education, teenagers, or people with joke degrees like sociology. You shouldn't expect common sense from these people.

>> No.7119896

This is true

>> No.7119912

>people who believe that the only legitimate degrees are accounting, animal husbandry, and video game design
Ask me how I know you didn't go to a good school

>> No.7119957
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Huh? Why do you think I believe that?

>> No.7119963

Same Mcdonalds fag here.

We are *supposed* to charge 25 cents per sauce cup, but most people don't bother, because most of us aren't jews.

>> No.7120039

why not just go to the grocery store?

>> No.7120248

I'm entertained. Shits hilarious.

>> No.7120333

because i like mcdonalds buns

>> No.7120390

>>mfw people spend 4 dollars on 2 measily sized sausages with a bit of flour when you can buy a whole pound of sausage for that price

>> No.7120393
File: 6 KB, 250x241, 1406248015414s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter a /ck/ thread about fast food
>it's actually an /fa/ shitposting thread

>> No.7120888


Is this shit for real?? This is some David Bowie Space Oddity trolling. This shit is out there.

Larry?? Larry Appleton??

>> No.7122340

Its like keked guy by peruvian strong guide in /trv/

>> No.7122344

Better not try to charge us. Fuck papers cups and napkins must be complimentary

>> No.7122349

>he doesn't know what GBP stands for

>> No.7122361


I know what a pound is, why don't you know that the Windsor line are Germanic Ashkenazi?

Do you also dress like a child? Please, get yourself some bespoke shoes, a nice belt, some good pleated slacks, a nick button down and some decent shirts. Stop embarrassing your people.

>> No.7122377
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>> No.7122513

>tfw my degree isn't on that chart
>it's probably close enough to history that it would be in shit tier
>still graduating with a job in my field and a decent salary