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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7113535 No.7113535 [Reply] [Original]

What is it with NEETs and their obsession with Subways?
Also meatball sandwich master race.

>> No.7113548

Meat ball sandwich is the shittiest thing they have. That's why occasionally they are $2 for a 6 inch

>> No.7113551

It's their only human interaction.

>> No.7113567

i dont think so, mcdonalds can also be interactive when you order

>> No.7115092


It's the only thing they have control over in their lives.

>> No.7115118

I don't know, what is it with faggots and their obsession with frog posting?

>> No.7115124

places like subway/qdoba/chipotle/etc. appeal to manchildren because its essentially a bunch of food groups all thrown together so they have some reassurance that their diet isn't complete and utter shit with no nutritional value.
source: i suck at cooking

>> No.7115125



Also this chick named Carmen gave me head even tho she was married and pregnant. She knew exactly how to order my sandwich, and she sucked a mean nut.

3rd grade was a bitch.

>> No.7115130

Don't know. It's way to expensive for me.

Also, source please.

>> No.7115135
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1426858342702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>subway is too expensive
>asking sauce on a lame Pepe

I'm one of the last oldfags. Fuck it Reddit you won.

Just fuck this board up.

>> No.7115138

Asking source on his claim that NEET are obsessed with Subways.

>> No.7115141

>I'm one of the last oldfags
No, you're just another whiny faggot

>> No.7115142
File: 127 KB, 480x666, 1441951534866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about the daily threads here about Subway..

You can't even newfag right, that's what I'm saying.

>> No.7115146

>sniffs the air
I think you need the toilet, grandpa.

>> No.7115150
File: 478 KB, 640x720, 1424569122000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I am tho..


>> No.7115156

kiddy pls

>> No.7115157
File: 112 KB, 646x468, 1433232341414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cringe worthy post.

Even for 4chan

>> No.7115163


I never claimed my images were old...

Your newfag is showing.

Anyway I'm a 30 year old who started here in late 2004. So 11 years ago.

Top kek what's your excuse for being here?

>> No.7115168

calling people a newfag and bragging about when you first came here is like the biggest red flag that you aren't an oldfag

>> No.7115172

>been here "11 years"
>still misuses greentext
>sprinkles epic 4chan buzzwords in posts to appear experienced
11 years and still green
or 1 year and retarded
either way pathetic

>> No.7115184


K newfags.

Enjoy the board. It's yours now.

>BTW I said I'm oldfag

Greentexting is new shit.

>> No.7115190

literally what

>> No.7115195

why do frogs pretend to like subway?

>> No.7115202

What the fuck are you even doing. Go to bed, retard.

>> No.7115211

I sincerely hope you are drunk or something. You've really embarrassed yourself.

>> No.7115402

post face

>> No.7115415



Where anyone can go, be as picky, annoying, demanding and abusive as possible for a dining experience and suffer no negative consequence.

Basically NEET's feel special while pushing others around, as their entire lives are comprised of moments of being subservient to others.

>> No.7115418

I've never seen anyone act like that in subway.
Disclaimer: I don't live among niggers

>> No.7115423

You sound like you've never met a NEET person. I'm actually scared of being pushy or demanding, to the point where even if a person fucks up my sandwich I don't say anything about it. If they don't add enough of something I want I wont ever ask for more. If they dropped my sandwich on the floor and then served it to me I would just accept it and go home and cry.