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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7111870 No.7111870 [Reply] [Original]

Are "acquired tastes" a real thing or just peer pressure bullshit?

>> No.7111871

Picky eaters are a real thing.

>> No.7111879

If acquired tastes weren't real then (man)children wouldn't vomit at the mere thought of mushrooms or liver.

Your sense of taste isn't perfect and you need a bit of time to appreciate the nuances of any food you aren't already familiar with in some way.

However, sometimes a food or beverage is genuinely shitty and some people force themselves to tolerate it anyway. Just look at cheap beer or instant coffee.

>> No.7111882

Some things I didn't used to like now I do. Call it acquired taste, call it whatever, people change their likes and dislikes

>> No.7111887

"Everybody who likes X is just pretending to fit in" is not a thing, if that's what you're getting at.

Acquired tastes are just as real as picky eaters who refuse to give new things a chance.

>> No.7111897

Your palate changes every 7 years or so at least that's what they say.
I hated mushrooms, fish, most leafy greens when I was younger. Now those are some of my favorite flavors

>> No.7111899
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No people legitimately hate foods that have an acquired tastes they're just memeing the world

>> No.7111902
File: 140 KB, 600x400, easy on the bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I probably would have gone hungry rather than eat a plate of liver and mushrooms/onions at a restaurant when I was 12
>mfw ten years later that shit sounds like gravy to me

>> No.7111922

>"Everybody who likes X is just pretending to fit in" is not a thing, if that's what you're getting at.
I would not say it's not a thing, I'd just say it's just very rare.

>> No.7111926

Like what. I can't think of a single example.

>> No.7111930

I dunno, I figure for some foods, like Natto or Durians, it's something people get exposed to while young and get used it and eventually enjoy it.

If you give foods a shot, eventually you'll learn to like it aside from a few.

Personally, I care more about the texture of the food than the taste. I don't like rubbery textures on food. It feels so fucking wrong.

>> No.7111931

Acquired tastes are the same reason why people of different cultures tend to prefer different flavour profiles.

They grow up eating certain types of food which they learn to prefer.

They have acquired a taste for certain foods.

Whether or not you can force yourself to acquire a certain taste I don't know, but certainly some preferences change over time.

The most notable difference is that people generally become more agreeable/preferential to bitter flavours as they age.

>> No.7111937

There are two things happening: children actually find bitter things more repulsive, and adults find unexpected tastes repulsive.

>> No.7111941


>and adults find unexpected tastes repulsive

You're still talking about children though, if manchildren.

>> No.7111953

Acquired taste is code for "objectionable food that I have to condition my tastebuds to stomach."

>> No.7112040

probably bullshit then

>> No.7112053

Your retard

>> No.7112065

I've found that every single food and drink with a few lone exceptions, that I didn't like at first I've grown to like or atleast tolerate. If its a food that a large group of people actually like and you don't, its almost always because you're not used to the flavor.

>> No.7112071

no u

>> No.7112078

I always hated beer and still do but I drink it daily

same with coffee, it's disgusting

the only food where my tastes changed is super sweet things. I used to be able to pound lollies and also energy drinks and coke, sprite etc, but I can't drink them anymore they're too sweet

also, I couldn't drink ipas but now I buy them

doesn't mean I like it though

>> No.7112082

you might be an alcohol

>> No.7113107

>However, sometimes a food or beverage is genuinely shitty

Just get used to it, manchild

>> No.7113136

Bullshit, you mature to like something or you don't

>> No.7113154
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>you might be an alcohol

and are destroying your family

>> No.7113229

Do you force yourself to enjoy the taste of your own shit?

>> No.7113235

It's better than being a fat manchild like you who drinks coffee with cream and sugar

>> No.7113318

agreed. children have a higher tolerance for sweet foods that slowly disappears.

i wouldn't say adults find unexpected tastes "repulsive" just that they find them unexpected.

like if you're used to sweet crepes and you suddenly have a savory crepe.
neither are "bad" just not what you are expecting.

>> No.7113327

there is a point when you can't be picky about eating because some foods can be quite good if you learn to enjoy them.

people who don't learn how to eat at least some of these 'gross' foods are unadventurous babies who will never leave their safe zone and will end up becoming a triggered special snowflake forever doomed to blog post on tumblr for the rest of their lives.

>> No.7113363

99% of people who drink coffee put cream and sugar in it. Stop being a pretentious little faggot all the time.

>> No.7113380

Try starving yourself for a few days then try something you don't like. You'll probably enjoy it and tolerate from then on.

This country of excess affords people the ability to reject certain foods

>> No.7113382

I used to love really sweet stuff when I was younger but now I can't stand it.

>> No.7113414

not sure about that m8

>> No.7113416

that's a biological change, happens to everyone to a certain degree.

>> No.7114659


If you'd said 99% of people going to Starbucks order creamy, sweet syrupy coffee flavored drinks, then I'd agree - because that's what they sell there.

Most people don't add cream and sugar to their coffee, though.

>> No.7114676


I acquired a taste for blue cheese and coffee. (not at the same time)

>> No.7114693

>I used to be able to pound lollies


>> No.7114725

>I used to be able to pound lollies

You were into some kinky shit anon

>> No.7115032

I used to drink beer because I thought it was cool and all of my friends did, now I genuinely love beer
I think it only really applies to alcohol, maybe cigarettes, but people disliking onions isnt going to lose them any friends when they're a teenager/ when peer pressure is a thing

>> No.7115295

I used to hate eggs as a kid, unless they were scrambled. Now I love eggs in all forms(except raw).
I didn't like coffee for a long time, but eventually I started liking it when I added loads of cream and sugar. I've since been using less and less sugar but I just don't like it black, it feels like it needs milk or cream to balance the flavour.
Wine I actually had to acquire. Started with little sips here and there and then I found myself downing a bottle in an evening.
White wine is fucking disgusting though. Unless it's in a cocktail but fuck it literally tastes like rotten white grapes.

>> No.7115302

Why the fuck wouldn't they be?

>> No.7115374
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What you eat alter your ability to taste. It alters the composition of the acid in your stomach. It alters what bacteria floria you have in your gut.

What you eat alter the chemical composition of your blood, which alter how taste works.

Fruit tastes like candy after 2-5 weeks on a diet without anything tasting sweet.

Zinc increases the potency of the taste buds.

As you get older, your ability to smell and taste degrade a little.

Genes decide what part of chemically complex ingredients tastes. I.E if Coriander tastes like spice or if it tastes like soap.

On the top of that, placebo means that a smell can be more than a smell, and a taste more than a taste. A acquired taste can simply mean you didn't like the smell, but you like the taste, so you got past thinking it would taste bad.

>> No.7115479


One day you'll have a rich, thick black coffee with no sugar/cream on a stress-free morning and never look back


>literally tastes like rotten white grapes

Pretty much what it is, no?