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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7110780 No.7110780 [Reply] [Original]

Spending the day alone? Get in loser.

Got a roasted chicken, squash soup, spinach salad, and homemade loaf of pumpkin spice bread coming at me tomorrow. Along with a 12 pack of Sierra Nevada.

Thinking of popping in Home Alone for maximum comfy.

>> No.7110792

Sounds pretty comfy anon. I won't be alone but my parents are not doing traditional Thanksgiving. Dad is smoking some ribs, sausage, and chicken with sides of course. They just were not in a turkey mood this year. Last I have my cowboy game to watch and wild Turkey to drink.

>> No.7110800

I'm just going to hi-jack this thread.
So we just got a new table, and it's really nice. I have a couple durable, plastic coated table cloths I could use (having about a dozen people over), but my grandma recently passed down some fine linens, and I have this gorgeous white silk tablecloth.
On one hand I don't want it to get dirty, but on the other hand that means pretty much never using it, right? I don't have placemats, so that's out. What do I do with a beautiful tablecloth? I want to see it, but goddamn, the thing is probably older than my mother.

>> No.7110807

Get a see through plastic table cover and lay it over the dead lady's stuff. Mexican party style

>> No.7110814

So you want to look at the table while you eat? Wut

>> No.7110843
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I need to get giblets out of a turkey before brining it, the turkey is still partially frozen to the point that pulling them apart seems like it could do something bad, is it okay to pull it apart to get the giblets, or would I damage something? I have 9-15hrs to brine, so I can afford to let it sit for another six hours, but I prefer longer brining if possible.

>> No.7110847
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By "it" and "them", I mean the drumsticks of course, I don't know why I didn't specify.

>> No.7110849


but i'm not american. and tomorrow i have a test.

>> No.7110859

>parents recently separated
>trying to keep up the facade that everything is alright by agreeing to go to my dad's family's dinner

Probably just going to blow them off. Or maybe I'll go and out them. That would be fun.

>> No.7110881

Duh! Thanks for the tip! I'll do that next year. This year I'll use one of the cotton ones. It makes sense since I'm basically Mexican now.
And my grandma's not dead, she's just trying to get rid of shit.

>> No.7110904

i can't decide if i get drunk tonight or tomorrow or both days?

>> No.7110949
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both days, son

That's my plan anyway.

>> No.7110986

I'm sorry. How long does she have? cherish these moments.

>> No.7111010

I do something like that.

I like to melt different chocolate bars together then pour the mixture in ice cube trays. The texture is usually destroyed but some combinations work great.

>> No.7111289
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I really don't know. She's healthy for her age, I guess, but my grandpa was the healthiest person I knew. He would go on 30 mile bike rides regularly. Until one day he got slammed by an asshole in the SUV like 6 years ago. He's still alive, but goddamn. He'll never ride his bike again.
Anyway, they live like 250 miles away but we visit twice a year. So yeah, I be cherishing those moments like fuck.

>> No.7111310

nobodys really feeling thanksgiving all that much this year so me and my folks are just gonna go out for italian food or some shit

>> No.7111317
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>cherishing those moments

What is there to cherish?

>> No.7111356

I was originally planning to do a mussel soup for myself but then my roommate wanted in.

I just finished the base tonight. It's pretty much a cioppino and it's off to a great start. I was planning to add some other things (tarragon, fettucine, fish, peas) but then decided to spin them off into their own dish.

That dish became fettucine with seared yellowtail, peas, sun-dried tomatoes, dry-cured olives, and a tarragon-shallot sauce.

There's also delicious, crusty sourdough.

My roommate's contributing Brussels sprouts and pecan pie.

Would anon have kept the two dishes as one or split them as I did?

>> No.7111387

Depends on who you're having over. If there will be kids eating on it then I say fuck that, leave it in the closet. If it's only adults then break it out, just remind them it was grandma's.

>> No.7111393

if it's important to you, don't put it near food. mess happens sometimes, and telling everyone about it just puts a lot of pressure on people.

>> No.7111396

I envy those of you who get to spend the holidays alone.

I hate everything about them, but I love the feel and aesthetics of the season.

>> No.7111398
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Anybody else make a schedule for themselves to make sure thanksgiving is ok? My grandma is 93 so I kind of need to have everything ready by 2. I also only have one oven this year since I'm cooking at my moms place rather than my dads so its extra necessary.

Got a turkey killed yesterday that's brining and has never been frozen. I plan to take a bunch of pics and make a thread later. I'm 23 and this is the year I've kind of been given more than 50/50 leadership with my mom im excited.

>> No.7111419
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>> No.7111425

/the love of perfect grandparents.
Well, there are only 2 kids, but I was planning a separate kids table.
I'm messy myself.
I do hand-written lists. I have
>The list of things to be done around the house before Thanksgiving
>List of dishes
>List of pies
>Master shopping list
>Day by day schedule of shit to do from Friday to today.
Most of the shit got done.

>> No.7111431

lists are pretty sweet because it lets me not get lost in my head. for me its just helpful to have everything numbered and written down so when that moment comes that I have nothing to do I can look at the list and feel comfortable

>> No.7111466

It IS so satisfying to look at a list with everything crossed off and sigh a relieved sigh. For me the purpose is just that physically writing things down helps me to remember them. I tried doing things on my phone, and it just frustrates me. I have a Pinterest for recipes, but I've found they work better when i write them down anyway.
I'm so old.

>> No.7111473

as I've said I'm 23 but writing things down just works for me too. I'm a senior in college and I still take handwritten notes because as soon as I write it I just remember it. typing just doesnt make your brain work the same

>> No.7111526

>coming at me tomorrow

What, like from Meals on Wheels? Don't they only deliver to the elderly?

>> No.7111536


>> No.7111571

Who the fuck eats alone on Thanksgiving?

>> No.7111577

The sort of people who eat alone every other day. There's nothing special about Thanksgiving.

>> No.7111583

>There's nothing special about Thanksgiving.
My ass, people travel all over the country to be with their families to enjoy a meal and some time together.

>> No.7111602
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I have to work, but may pick up a Cornish game hen before the stores close for nostalgia, and stuff.
>and yes I'm single child support c.uck with no gf, and am a functional alcoholic

>> No.7111614

get that game hen, make some good sides and fucking enjoy it.

>> No.7111626
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>> No.7111627

there's always those assholes who complain about having to eat multiple thanksgiving dinners.

>oh, man. i promised to be at aunt jane's house. but i forgot and also promised to be at my sister's. and now my wife is telling me that she's hosting. lol woe is me!!"

FUCK YOU. i don't even have one dinner to go to!

>> No.7112075

It might be too late now since they take reservations, but try to get into a Marie Calendar's restaurant. Their turkey dinners are pretty good. Even if they're booked you can usually just squeeze in and sit at the counter.

>> No.7112910

I mean the day itself. People could visit family any time they want.

>> No.7112916

is boston market open?

I need to go in all panicky as if something went wrong with the "family meal"

i don't have a family. or friends. but I'm going to eat a thanksgiving dinner because i want to

>> No.7112917

i just ruined thanksgiving dinner desu senpaitachi

>> No.7112995
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>on social media
>all these white peoples' thanksgiving dinners are exclusively in casserole dishes

>> No.7113001

>is boston market open?

dude this is literally their busiest day of the year

>> No.7113002

What else are you supposed to cook it in?

>> No.7113013

I made a pretty decent dinner. When should i eat though? I'm alone and it's weird not having someone tell me when to eat.

>> No.7113014

not everything has to be cooked in an over or even cooked, vanillanon

>> No.7113021

Presumably right now if it's still hot.

Most Thanksgiving food is cooked.

>> No.7113036

I've got to heat up the shit I made yesterday but I guess I can start on that now.

>> No.7113038


I'm having family over and 5 hours ago I put in a Turkey in at 185 degrees Fahrenhiet. I read the instructions wrong because it was suppose to be at 325 celcius? What do I do know please urgent help..

>> No.7113042


same here dude, happened this year, dad's already with another woman and pressuring me to have Thanksgiving dinner with them less than a year after the divorce was finalized and I lost my childhood home of 21 years.

>trying to keep up the facade that everything is alright

good luck with that, it's a struggle

>> No.7113058

>I lost my childhood home of 21 years

Sorry I can't feel bad for you, I never lived in a place longer than 6 years. I really cannot relate to having an "established" home, let alone family. I don't see why it's any reason to take it out on your dad. Shouldn't you be happy for him that he found someone to be with?

>> No.7113072
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crank that shit up to 325C and prepare for a one way ticket to flavorgrad

>> No.7113083

Sounds comfy af mate

>> No.7113089


I'm extremely happy for him, the previous marriage was a shitshow for the past 10 years, I was there.

Just not sure what to do when both parents decide to have huge dinners planned and expect me to be there

>> No.7113093

>Most Thanksgiving food is cooked.
>Thanksgiving food

in your tiny world, ultracracker

>> No.7113104

Not from America, and we dont celebrate thanksgiving where I live. But I just wanted to say you're all pretty cool guys, and /ck/ can be a nice board. Whoevers alone this thanksgiving, remember you got the fellow co/ck/s with you.

>> No.7113109

Am I the only one who chose to be alone today?

I had family in town last week and that was exhausting. And I didn't want to travel. A friend invited me to new york and I have family in maryland and new jersey, but I couldn't be fucked and decided to make my own dinner and relax and play vidya.

I need this break before finals start up and traveling around or hosting people isn't a break for me.

>> No.7113132

>white people

You know, when the people you're talking to aren't actually insulting you back, it just looks kind of awkward and pathetic that you're continuing to make a race issue out of absolutely nothing. "Thank god I'm not white" isn't really what the pilgrims had in mind by giving thanks.

>> No.7113133

Do both, it'll make them both happy. I used to eat dinner at my dad's parents' place then take some food back for my mom and spend the night at her place. I think they care more you're there than how much you eat. No one would expect you to eat two full dinners.

>> No.7113143

i think they make a thing you can spray on cloth to make it repel water and oil

look into that, maybe ask /diy/

>> No.7113145

Thanks anon. Where are you? You don't have to be American to have Thanksgiving. Just make a nice meal and spend time with your family or friends, that's all it takes.

>> No.7113189

Just brine the giblits, senpai.

>> No.7113197
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>> No.7113205

Why is there snow on your eggs

>> No.7113211

Because it's beginning to look a lot like shitmas.
> parmesan cheese

>> No.7113217

You didn't even take a better picture.

>> No.7113222

Im from Finland. We dont really celebrate anything around this time of the year. But ill still be with my family. You have a good one this weekend anon.

>> No.7113237

Shit camera shit phone shit picture
Foods gone any way

>> No.7113241

>tfw grandma isn't coooking anything today because it's a vegetarian day (we're Vietnamese Buddhists)


>> No.7113277

Just buy a Tofurkey :^)

>> No.7113289

They're actually pretty good :^)

>> No.7113600
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Spending this thanksgiving mostly alone, but caring for a former economics professor with advanced als. Nicest guy in the world and doesn't deserve to go through what he does. Helped two ungrateful fucks out of an accident earlier, all pissed off even though they both came out unscathed. The world is cruel. But it's just another day, most of my family is either dead or lives too far away. Might pick up a pumpkin coffee later for comfy feels. Anyway, happy turkey day, co/ck/s

>> No.7113609

No chin

>> No.7113617


>> No.7113620
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>cremé brúlee

>> No.7113625

Hay ;)

>> No.7113637

man, you got your accents all fucked up and so did he. it's crème brûlée.

>> No.7113705

im white too lol just fucking with you breh

>> No.7114812

you didn't have to state the obvious

>> No.7114853

I don't feel like a loser like you people because others actually like me and I have a family, but I do feel something: fat and bloated. Like a PMS pill commercial. I ain't even female.

I weighed myself Wednesday night before bed, as I do every night, and I was 175lbs. I weighed myself last night before bed, as I do every night, and I was 182lbs. I ate and drank 7lbs of stuff.

Is that.

>> No.7115765
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>All of my wat

>> No.7115820

I weigh myself at least once a week (guy here with body dysmorphia, I am literally drinking casein mixed with plain yogurt as I type this)

I also see 5 to 7 pound fluctuations over short periods of time like that, it's due to water retention, taking a shit, and other factors. If you drink highly diuretic beverages (such as anything with a lot of caffeine), this can make the effect even stronger.

tl;dr you probably didn't eat 7 pounds of stuff

You should average your measurements over the course of a week to get a benchmark.

>> No.7116091

I bet you have guages in your ears..

>> No.7116319

I've eaten alone for several recent Thanksgivings. Moved to a new state, can't afford to spend $550 on a plane ticket just to spend 1.5 days with family when I could save the money and spend a week visiting after the new year.

>> No.7116501

We had a feast at my uncle's 18th century plantation. He had a big canvas canopy set up on the yard with the buffet and tables beneath it to protect from the drizzle. I was there with my parents, brother, and dog. A bunch of our extended family showed up as well (including the hot cousins) with a few guests. One of them had shot a turkey the day before, prepared it, and deep fried it for about 40 minutes before dinner. We had that alongside a stuffed roasted farm turkey, sweet potato pie, collard greens with smoked pork, cornbread, country ham biscuits, mashed red potatoes with rosemary, maple roasted carrots, baked beans, fried oysters, and drank my aunt's homemade hard cider. One of my hot cousins said my beard looked nice and I blushed which made her blush, and one of my little cousins fed his turkey to the dog and he had awful farts for the rest of the night. After the eating was done all the guys sat around the outdoor hearth drinking bourbon and apple pie shine and catching up with each other while the girls went inside to talk since it was a bit cold. Then we shot off a few fireworks cus we were drunk and my uncle's a bit of a pyromaniac before my aunt told him to stop it.

It was probably one of my better thanksgivings.

>> No.7116656

That sounds pretty awesome, truth be told.

>> No.7118447

We got snowed in so family couldn't arrive then the power went out so we had to barbeque the turkey and run cooking appliances on a gas powered generator. Everything turned out amazing though, surprisingly.