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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7109575 No.7109575 [Reply] [Original]

Despite the le french cuisine is le best cuisine. Do you like French cooking?

>> No.7109579

I like butter, cream and cheese, yes.
wanna fight about it?

>> No.7109618

a lot of peoples come to our country and enter those "french restaurant"

who are in fact the equivalent of just a fucking cafe, not an actual french food place.

you want to search for michelin star stuff or "auberges"

>> No.7109636

>French cooking

You mean muslim food?

>> No.7109639

french food is fine I guess. very one dimensional as far as the flavors go, lots of rich fats and dairy. But at the end of the day do you really need anything else?

It just scorches my buttocks that people think any kind of real cooking is happening with french food. When you get past all the fancy technique used in prep you are left with very simple food. which again is fine.
but french food is the equivalent of wrapping something in bacon to make it taste good, it uses the crutch of having already delicious starting ingredients like butter, cheeses, root vegetables, so you don't really need to work too hard to coax flavor out of it


>> No.7109643
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>muslim food
Tell me more, anon. What does an entire religion eat?

>> No.7109648

goat mostly. if you go into a grocery store in muslim neighborhood you will see goats hanging in the back the same way the chinese hang ducks

>> No.7109682

>french cooking
French sashimi with a side of led

>> No.7109749

I'd eat it if I'm not paying for it I guess.

Far superior choices, Italian, Mexican, hell even some American food is better.

>> No.7109757


The vast majority of Muslims on the planet or Islander Asian and East Asian... goat isn't "top-tier" cuisine in those parts of the world.

62% of Muslims world wide are from South and South East Asia...Indonesia being the most densely populated by that Religious demographic.

So... you're basically a fucking retard.

>> No.7109760

The pus and clotted b lood that builds up in their 9 year old sex slave's pussy wounds from being raped bloody and denied medical attention too many times.

>> No.7109773
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I watched a Muslim fuck a goat in Iraq on my thermals.

Slob my kebab Mohammed.

>> No.7109780


I'm sure you did, but then again your politically based comments on a cooking image board CLEARLY aren't just for attention.

I am European, I dislike migrants and don't want them coming here. Your complaining and pussy-footing around "easy-target" boards are the only refuge you have...and even here you're getting assblasted and blown out of the water of your own ignorance.

If you REALLY dislike Muslim, start a warpath of your own in Indonesia.

Now... back to the OP's topic, I love French Food and French Chefs. The finest cuisine to emerge from Europe came from France.

>> No.7109784
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What is "French" food?

>> No.7109785


Oh I'm not the original guy.

I also stopped reading when you said your European.

Stop defending a dogshit people with dogshit beliefs.

>> No.7109796
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>> No.7109805
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>correcting grammar on 4skin

>> No.7109812
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>being an adult
>not knowing the difference between your/you're

>> No.7109819


>knowing the difference
>not caring
>responding to 15 year old European gaybois online

>> No.7109820

It's still accurate because yuropoors get owned everyday.

>> No.7109822

I'm not that guy, but I accidentally use the wrong one sometimes when I'm typing fast. It's always embarrassing.

>> No.7109824

>I'm more mature than you because I always remember to do something the way that would get me an A in a 4th grade english class

[tipping intensifies]

>> No.7109829
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>I was only pretending to be stupid.


Uh huh.

>> No.7109834


Back to your containment board, you're seething and posting half a dozen responses at a time.

>> No.7109841
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What ever you say.

>> No.7109855


I'll give you a reply since mommy and/or daddy is clearly absent from your life. Keep that chin up kiddo, maybe once Mohammad gets cleared to enter your country you'll have a new snackbar daddy.