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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 234 KB, 1600x1200, 20151125_162808-1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7109079 No.7109079 [Reply] [Original]

R8 my steak

pic related, my steak

r8 it

Also post yours at r8 them

After r8ing, you can deb8

I'm hip, down with the kidz

>> No.7109083

Not bad. I might improve it by cooking it

>> No.7109084
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Exterior shot

>> No.7109086
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Ate it with a salad

>> No.7109090

I should add that it isn't that pink/red irl, my shit camera just has bad colour

>> No.7109098


I would have seared the sides. But I would still eat it to be honest familiy

>> No.7109103

>2 rare 4 me
>no A1 sauce
0/10 see me after class

>> No.7109113

Salad looks good, would've seared the sides like >>7109098 but I r8 it an 8 m8. Looks better than whatever the fuck I'll have tonight.

>> No.7109119


Ew it's raw...also missing ketchup and ranch for dipping.

>> No.7109120

How do I into side-searing?

>> No.7109123

i wouldnt be able to eat it, its basically raw

>> No.7109126

are you that fucker from that other thread on here

>> No.7109128

p. good if you like blue. if you like medium-rare like the rest of us patricians, you fucked up m8o

>> No.7109129

You type like a redditor who's trying way too hard to fit in.

>> No.7109133
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jack tier/10

Kill yourself OP, I bet it's still cold in the middle.

>> No.7109140
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>are you that fucker?

Yes, I am anonymous.

I also go by Robert Paulson, but my friends call me Bob.


>> No.7109294
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I r8 4/10. Sorry m8.

Please r8

>> No.7109314

Cold steak warm pan 3/10

>> No.7109328

You appear to have made beef sashimi.

>> No.7109332


Is that 'blue rare'?

>> No.7109333


>> No.7109337
File: 83 KB, 704x960, steak_cal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best steak I ever had, cooked by a South African mercenary on an open fire.

>> No.7109342

At least steak is safe to cook that way.

>> No.7109353
File: 2.90 MB, 2779x1799, 20150222_192934-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too rare for me
Would eat

>> No.7109379


>> No.7109406
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r8 me senpai

>> No.7109415

I rate you as a complete and utter faggot.

>> No.7109432

>he didn't let his steak warm up to room temperature before cooking

>> No.7109439

I did

>> No.7109444

baka desu senpai

>> No.7109480

3/10 pretty poor OP
There's not much of a crust on top and it is so under cooked that I can't see a single shimmer of glistening grease from the flash on your camera. The fat hasn't even been rendered in the slightest, leaving you with a weird dry/jelly-like steak. Seasoning is good, just needs 3-4 minutes longer cooking.

>> No.7109481


>> No.7109482

is that couscous with your steak?

>> No.7109485

Too many well-done plebs ITT

>> No.7109487


I think you forgot to cook it

>> No.7109492

Your mom is more done than OP steak

>> No.7109571

Looks 'Pittsburgh Blue' aka very rare. Not my cup of tea, but to each their own.

>> No.7109633

naw the crust is too weak. dude just put a cold steak in a cold pan.

>> No.7109653

Might as well bite the fucking cow

>> No.7109659


Shit tier meat, I guess good meat is hard to come by in flyover land

>> No.7109667

my steak was room-temp and my pan was pretty hot

>> No.7109700

It's perfect.
You're hired.

>> No.7109708


...After two hours, I decided I'd reached the limit of what is practical, and had gone far beyond what any book or chef recommends, so I cooked the two steaks side by side. For the sake of this test, I cooked them directly over hot coals until seared, then shifted them over to the cool side to finish.* Not only did they come up to their final temperature at nearly the same time (I was aiming for 130°F), but they also showed the same relative evenness of cooking, and they both seared at the same rate.

>> No.7109715

Eww... groß

>> No.7109719

>Not searing the sides.

Jesus fuck, what are you doing?

>> No.7109728

see >>7109120

>> No.7109736
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Hold it with tongs.
But all these faggots are wrong. If you're cooking it blue rare, what is the point of searing the sides? It's just making less of the steak raw, which is what you want... right?
It doesn't look as good, but we're not in a professional kitchen now, are we?

>> No.7109808

If you're searing properly, you're not cooking the steak through. What you're getting is a delicious charred outer layer to balance out the tender rare meat inside. For anyone unaware, 'sealing in the juices' is a myth.

>> No.7109840

Nevertheless, it IS making more of the steak cooked. If you char the side, then that side would be un-balanced (to use your words) because it would have more char than a cut from the middle.
Has anyone ever had a seared ahi steak where the sides were seared?

>> No.7109919

Why don't you just take a bite out of a damn cow OP?

>> No.7109953

Salmonella central

>> No.7110002

Man I thought I was eating my steak too raw when I was cooking it in between rare and medium rare but some of the pics here make my steaks look like well dones..

>> No.7110069

Perfect. 10/10





>> No.7110074

How embarrassing.

>> No.7110088
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>> No.7110109

I like red meat rare. So that would be fine with me. But everybody here is going to give you shit for it. So. There's your rating. Also. I can't fucking taste a fucking picture, so I can't very well rate your steak. Sorry, boyo.

>> No.7110621


>28 day usda prime strip loin is shit tier

ok m8

>> No.7110663


I was >>7109700
Did you sous vide that?
The temp blush runs all the way to the sear.

>> No.7110824

I did the oven reverse sear method, works good.

>> No.7110895

No shit?
It looks fucking amazing.
It honestly looks like it was cooked sous vide.
I mean, internal temp aside (that is the temp I would cook that cut to), it reaches all the way to the crust. It's beautiful.
So... you just bake it and THEN sear?

>> No.7110899


Myoglobin is red

>> No.7110907

Looks more like a meat fucking pudding than muscle of a bovine. Don't go back to that butcher, he's gluing your meats...

>> No.7110908

He's eating alien steak.

>> No.7110953

ye, 200F oven until steak reaches 130F about 1hr then take it out and sear it on highest heat possible for like 45sec each side. mind you only for thick steaks I wouldnt do it on anything under an inch.

>> No.7111188

I like ~120-130F center temp personally. My wife likes pink, no blood.

>> No.7111470


>> No.7111572
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too much seasoning, tbqh.

>> No.7111811

4 jack scalfani's out of 5

>> No.7112236

Way too blue for my tastes, but whatever floats your boat, familia, I don't judge.

>> No.7112368

Far too raw for my tastes.

However, a few years ago I was at a family meal and this one woman was there who was rather distant kinfolk. Seeing me take a bite of that steak nearly made her physically ill so I made sure to eat the entire steak in front of her.

She didn't like that at all. She also hasn't shown up for any more meals when I'm around.

>> No.7112378


I like your style.

>> No.7112411

Little underdone for my tastes but hey hope you enjoyed it!

>> No.7113312
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Thanksgiving Dinner. 52oz

>> No.7113983
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incoming money shot

>> No.7113987
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>> No.7114017


Disgusting. Wouldn't feed to a dog.

>> No.7114075

yeah, it was well underdone for my liking but i ate it and didn't die so if there are any beginner cooks reading this and they're worried about food poisoning from under cooked red meat then... meh. i didn't die, so hmm.

>> No.7114144
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>sliced before resting

>> No.7114187

That definitely ain't overcooked. As for resting, hard to tell from a picture.

>> No.7114190

looks phenomenal, anon desu

>> No.7115021
File: 2.34 MB, 1828x1579, steaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non-white, 3rd world seamonkey reporting.

how did I do?

>> No.7115073

Looks breddy gud desu senpai

>> No.7116038

What animal is it? And which species of fly have you seasons the top with?