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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7108696 No.7108696 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /ck/ pretend to hate bacon?
It's delicious.

>> No.7108698

I am an American and I am ashamed of my bacon. Why can't I get britians bacon?

>> No.7108703

honestly i think most ppl here just really enjoy food, and so probably ate a lot of bacon during their teenage years and are kinda bored of it now.

or theyre part of the small minority that didnt like it when they first ate it, not helped by the fact a lot of people badly cook already awful quality bacon.

>> No.7108704

What's the difference?

>> No.7108708


and I'm going wild here

maybe people with actual taste don't find fried slabs of pork fat delicious

but you are entitled to your opinion

and since you're probably a disgusting fat amerishit like 80% of this board you will defend your shit opinion against every reasonable argument, making this thread absolute crap.

Kill yourself, and kill your offspring if any.

>> No.7108710
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You can if you know where to look. It won't be cheap, though. Stores that specialize in British or Irish goods would be a place to start.

American bacon is made of just pork belly. Brits would call it streaky bacon. British bacon is pork loin with a bit of belly at the end. What Americans call Canadian bacon is center cut pork loin.

>> No.7108711
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Real bacon you get from a butcher or local market is top tier, but prepackaged store bought bacon is like eating lard with sugar its fucking gross

>> No.7108712

American is just pork belly while British is both thick cut pork belly and back

>> No.7108713

OP's bacon doesn't look to be overly fatty really.

>> No.7108717

OP is not American.

>> No.7108736
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Give me that in a sandwich right now.
Don't forget the brown sauce, either.

>> No.7108741


>> No.7108755

dubs confirm.

>> No.7108760

it's pretty good.

i even like it when it's under-cooked and soft/soggy.

or overcooked and excessively crunchy and dry. still very good.

>> No.7108765

not a whole hell of a lot

>> No.7108783
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bacon is okay

>> No.7108803

>a butcher or local market is top tier
Can we please end this meme?

>> No.7108810

You more of a Walmart kind of guy?

>> No.7108824

>not buying all his food at the dollar store
Kinda pretentious eh?

>> No.7108832

What's wrong with Walmart?

>> No.7108848


as a U.S. citizen I don't like subsidizing Walmart employees for their health care

>> No.7108858

Nothing at all, Jimbo.

>> No.7108859

OK, now try to answer that question without being a faggot.

>> No.7108862

Because bacon is a meme food.

>> No.7108877

>not HP

>> No.7108879

you're retarded

>> No.7108886
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>> No.7108887

I like bacon but I won't eat it in public or admit that I like it to anyone, except for here because its anonymous.
I just don't want to be known as the guy that eats meme foods.

>> No.7108889

British bacon is the same in Australia. It can actually be cooked in the microwave and taste good if you're feeling lazy.

In the past year or so "streaky bacon" (american) has appeared in our supermarkets and they are selling it for about $3 per kg more than the normal stuff. Makes me kek.

>> No.7108893

We don't hate it, nor pretend, just despise the "DUDE BACON LMAO" redditors who think it is a wondermeat

>> No.7108900


>/ck/ hates the pig

Uh, not me.

Oh shit I fell for the bait didn't I? You're going to samefag your way into a religious discussion aren't you, or espouse the cruelty of non-veganism?


>> No.7108920

>I let a website concerning japanese pedophile cartoons decide what I can and can't eat.
See >>7108886

>> No.7108928

We have streaky bacon in the UK but I doubt it's anywhere near as popular as back bacon.
That said I heard on the news that there has been a decrease in sales of bacon due to the WHO report.
Fuck it, moderation is the key.

>> No.7108929

Naw son.
I just moved into the city this year and I've saved so much money by buying from butchers and fruit and vegetable specific stores.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still poor as fuck and still go to places like wallmart and the bulk barn for dry goods, spices, and household objects.

But for saving money and getting decent meat/produce it's better to go to places like a butcher or fruit/veggie stand.

>> No.7108935

Yeah there has been a decrease here in general of processed meat products not just limited to bacon, but have seen Chorizo and other stuff on desperate clearance prices at the shops because everyone has stopped buying it.

It's just another fad that will pass and everyone will forget about it.

>> No.7108941

why do you pretend to hate cock?

it's fun to pretend

>> No.7108942

'tis true, sir.

>> No.7108945

I like cock.
What's the problem?

>> No.7108951

Still, our bacon shits all over what is sold in the US. All they get is basically the left over shitty fat drippings nobody else wants.

Feels good to be able to microwave some pork on occasions, but it still tastes much better pan fried.

>> No.7108955

>Le epin meal time ecks dee!
I bet you're both those types of faggots with unkempt beards that think you're "manly". It's literally a meme food, you're a moron if you think otherwise.

>> No.7108959
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>> No.7108963

Chorizo is great, but most people just buy it and try to eat it like a fucking sausage. The flavour is powerful, great to flavour a sauce but not just eat it

>> No.7108969

I've never bought it and eaten it, only used it in meals. Americans huh?

>> No.7109164

I refuse to let some retard on a weeb food board dictate what I should eat.

>> No.7109287

The stuff we call "bacon" over here isn't the same as the stuff people call bacon in countries where they actually eat bacon.

Also it's usually sliced so thin it's almost fucking transparent.

>> No.7109607

He answered fine, you're just buttblasted.

I don't get anything at wal mart either.

>> No.7109619

If you don't eat something specifically because its a meme food, and not because you don't like it, you're a sucker and weak willed.

More bacon for us then I suppose

>> No.7109661

I'm going to wal mart this evening! I love that place.

>> No.7109668

Don't be too long, the trailer park gates get locked at 10pm.

>> No.7109697

I think it's because bacon is so overhyped and most of the 4chan community is contrarian by nature.

>> No.7109723

>most people don't think slabs of fried pork fat are delicious
That's wrong tho

>> No.7109929

Cool. Hope you enjoy yourself

>> No.7109970

Bacon is a meme, and I love memes.

>> No.7109983


Where, you fucking faggot?

>> No.7109986

I find the texture unpleasant and it's too salty

>> No.7109987

They hate it because they browse reddit and the people there like it.

>> No.7109988

>bacon is so overhyped

This appears to be purely an Ameriburger phenomenon, which is probably why "lel teh bacon may-may!" threads are so fucking retarded: no one but the Claps have any idea what the fuck the OP is talking about.

>> No.7110013

Back bacon is trash. There, I said it. It curls up and that big rind of fat is always stringy and rubbery.

Streaky bacon has a far better texture and its fat goes chewy, not stringy.

>> No.7110031

I am eating a BLT at this very moment, family.

>> No.7111014

You obviously havn't learned the simple skill of pan frying senpai

>> No.7111023

You kidding me? It's an Internet thing. Epic meal time ring any bells?

>> No.7111024

>It can actually be cooked in the microwave and taste good if you're feeling lazy.

No. Marco said that shit and he was wrong

Dead, dead wrong.

It turns into a shriveled, dry as fuck piece of shit. It becomes almost as bad as American bacon

>> No.7111030

Cook the fat properly you dense American CUNT

>> No.7111065
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Here you go friend.

>> No.7111085

I think /ck/ hates it when people just smother otherwise marginal food in bacon and act like it's the best.
/ck/ also hates it if you aren't cooking on the level of a gourmet chef serving $50+ entrees. Heaven forbid you cook the loin of any animal without "muh sear" and "muh crust"

I always have a couple lbs of bacon in my fridge or freezer. I eat a lot more sausage though, since it takes significantly less time to cook. I do save my bacon fat for cooking though, namely fried eggs.

>> No.7111112

>end this meme?
This isn't a meme. My local butcher shops have WAAAAY better quality products than my local and chain grocers- I simply can't afford to shop there on a regular basis.

>> No.7111160

You're cooking it for too long then. It doesn't have to be crispy to be enjoyed

>> No.7111168

Even before the cancer scare thing I was reluctant to eat bacon or pork in general. Lamb is ok; I only eat mutton bacon (sometimes called "macon"). I never eat a pig 'cause a pig is a cop or better yet a terminator like Arnold Schwarzenegger, trying to play me out like as if my name was Sega.

>> No.7112560


Bacon isn't a meme food.
Bacon-flavored [insert literally any food ever here] IS.

>> No.7112611

Country ham > baccon

>> No.7112727

nice corporate shilling you idiot

oink oink you 1% slave pig

>> No.7112813

not that person but it most certainly is, though I accept it as a part of /ck/ culture

>"you" should go to "your" local donut place, they will have much higher quality donuts and coffee
>"your" local pizza place is guaranteed to have better pizza than this chain
>"your" local mom and pops down the street will have higher quality "x" food/ingredients

people make these assumptions despite not knowing where the other person is from. The "local mom and pops" could very well be shit but survives due to loyalty/nostalgia.

>> No.7112828
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das rite
which is why we europeans like our slabs of pork fat straight out of the freezer

>> No.7112994

Its a food dude calm down.

>> No.7113033

I can confirm this, I have a butcher shop 3 blocks from me that is absolutely disgusting. unsanitary, the meat is expired half the time, overpriced, ridiculously inconvenient hours, and shit quality meat. it's a "mom & pop" but I'd rather just go to whole foods.

there's some good butchers in my city but they're in other neighborhoods.

>> No.7113091

Bacon is fine, what passes for bacon being pieces of pork soaked in liquid smoke is not.

>> No.7113121
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>Forced to be a vegetarian from birth, not because of religious reasons but because my parents are into the whole save the animals shit
>About 5 years ago went to a friend's house
>"What the hell, what do you mean you've never had bacon before? Let me cook some up for you"
>Prepared it the way he liked
>It looked undercooked and not crispy like regular bacon looks like, smothered in ketchup
>Took a bite
>Probably THE most disgusting thing I have ever tasted
I would probably like crispy bacon, I just haven't gotten off my ass and made any yet.

It's a shame though, I really want to eat all these delicious-looking meat dishes but the flavor/texture is too overpowering for me and I just can't eat it.

>> No.7113137

It's haram.

>> No.7113150

>smothered in ketchup

This is a common red flag. Remeber that well for the future.

>> No.7113158

Protip: bacon should be cooked as slowly as sausages. If you can, get thick cut green cured, it's superior to both wet and dry cured.

>> No.7113246

Thanks anons, I'll have to remember these.

>> No.7113285

honestly non-crispy bacon is good as fuck
but ketchup on anything is complete shit

>> No.7114513
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>lard with sugar

>> No.7114750


this is the correct answer. bacon = meme food.

>> No.7114813

wait, i thought bacon is essentially "pork ass", is this correct or not?

>> No.7114821

No, it's usually pork belly or pork round. Whoever told you that it was ass is having you on.

>> No.7114840

i might just remember wrong, it was like 25 years ago when i was told that.
what exactly makes bacon a meme food?