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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7107454 No.7107454 [Reply] [Original]

do you like subway ?

>> No.7107474



>> No.7107478

tried it once.

tasted like water. never again.

>> No.7107479

Not since Jared got exposed

>> No.7107488


Afraid you're next?

>> No.7107499

No. I don't support pedos. He literally had children imported from other countries to have sex with.

>> No.7107506

Like water? Are you brain dead?

>> No.7107512

Whats wrong with that? Maybe the children wanted it

>> No.7107515


>implying one fat Jewish autist owns Subway in it's entirety.

Guaranteed he didn't bother buying one franchise with his earnings. That's besides the point.

You're as bad as the people who protested Chic-fil-a because they're didn't support homosex-marriage.

>> No.7107519

Doubt it if they got imported against their will.

>> No.7107521

Any word on if Subway employees are allowed to talk about Jared? I haven't been to one in a few months and wondered.

>> No.7107525

I enjoy 1 out of 5 subs from Subway.

Every one I go to is run by brown people. At least they wear plastic gloves...

>> No.7107527

I've never been in Subway. I'm too socially awkward to ask for customized food.

>> No.7107532

You can't stop someone from talking about a public figure.

>> No.7107542

I meant like to the customer. Like if I walked in and was ordering my sub and said "how about that Jared guy" or something. Would they just not reply? Say that they aren't allowed to? Or just talk about him?

>> No.7107549

You can't stop people from talking about a public figure. Jared's plead guilty and been convicted. There's no controversy anymore.

>> No.7107552

lol he dosent own the chain but he was like their mascot. Not saying I won't eat there ever again but it's just cringe worthy thinking about Jared while trying to eat a sandwich lol

>> No.7107557


>> No.7107564


It damages the brand name, it's probably a fire-able offense to bring him up in conversation with clients. Considering most of the people in a subway are family people, it's safe to say one of them would "nark" on an employee talking about buttfucking children,in front of other children...

It's also just poor judgement and common sense to be a retail employee and think you're not expendable if you're doing stupid shit... even not doing stupid shit.

If you work retail as an adult your life is a failure, no matter how you rationalize it.

>> No.7107565

Not cool

>> No.7107570

I agree it does hurt the brands name. Even if they get rid of Jared people are going to remember this. It will definitely hurt business.

>> No.7107574


Most certainly.

That's what they get for trusting a neckbeard to be the face of a multi-billion dollar brand.

Like Francis (Boogie) he's funny as fuck, I love his Youtube channel, but Mountain Dew isn't about to put him up on Television and billboards because they have common sense not to.

>> No.7107579

My response was to his question, in which the customer brought up Jared to the Subway employee. I don't think Subway could do anything about the employee making some comment in response.

Most people wouldn't get into a long chat about buttfucking little kids while making someones sandwich. But just generally, I think Subway would risk being sued if they disciplined an employee for replying to a question about Jared

>> No.7107590 [DELETED] 

I will rape you nigger my life is not a failure you're a nigger kill you are self nigger *rapes you*

>> No.7107602

Holy shit lol

>> No.7107609


>Subway couldn't do anything in response.

The Franchise owner could fire him/her on the spot, no questions asked. It hurts the brand name to be associated with criminals.

>> No.7107611
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>> No.7107613


its an insipid junk of shit. whats brain dead about it

>> No.7107616


What's it like to work retail as an adult?

>> No.7107622


Now I want an employee to test our theories and put the first amendment to work.

>> No.7107629


That isn't freedom of speech and certainly not an excuse if you're working in an "at will" state. An employer quite literally needs no reason to fire anyone at any given time.

Only a low-intellectual retard would even have an opinion about Jared (multi-millionaire) being a sandwich making pleb.

>> No.7107642

>Now I want an employee to test our theories and put the first amendment to work.

You must not know how the first amendment works. The first amendment only prevents the government from stopping any civilian's free speech. You can be rightfully be fired for saying something incredibly stupid at work.

>> No.7107649

Water doesn't have a taste you fucking monkey

>> No.7107650


Shhh... GED Fun-ployees don't understand how laws work. That's why they break so many of them.

>> No.7107652

Fast food workers are at-will employees without any form of contract and are generally not represented by unions. They can be fired for just about any or no reason. It's unlikely they'll have any recourse unless they can prove that they were discriminated against due to a protected status.

>> No.7107664

It really depends on how is overlooking the employee. But yeah, it could easily be a fire-able offense if they say something stupid.

>> No.7107680

They've probably been briefed (i.e. told to read a memo posted somewhere) on how to respond to such questions.

Even in non-McJob type jobs you can get fired for saying stupid shit to the media/public when in a situation where a person could reasonably assume you are representing the company.

>> No.7107696


>muh pedo-sexual rights!

Ugh, dealing with the bottom rung of society is mind numbing sometimes. I am happy I went to college.

I own a small business, I've had people try to file civil rights lawsuits against me stating I "over worked" them as slave labor and "under paid" them, while their superiors were getting pay advances and promotions.

If you're an adult (I'm not talking exclusively to you) working retail, either accept the fact you're a massive failure, or go to a vocational school/continuing adult education to train for a better position in life.

Education is the key to the door way of success. I don't know why so many people have issues understanding this.

>> No.7107704

It's ok. If i'm going to a chain sandwich place I prefer Which Which.

>> No.7107705


As an uniformed employee, or even un-uniformed employee making a public statement about ANYTHING going on about your employer is a fire-able offense.

Let's say you have a word slip, and that word slip video goes viral... and millions of people see the guy from "Mcnuggetville, Ohio" working at Subway says something to insult one...just one person with clout... that franchise will be boycotted, or business will decrease.

I would fire anyone speaking about my business to the press, or to clients. It's none of their concern. At all.

>> No.7107723
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I do really like Subway! I've been eating Subway sandwiches since I was a little boy. Their great sandwiches are much healthier than other fast food places, and there's Subways almost everywhere!

I always buy mayonnaise, bacon, pickles (gotta add a veggo ;)) I feel the condom-ments ooze into my mouth, I feel th e cruncy pickIe grace my teeth, I then take a quick chomp of the pickle,;; delicoius. tThen take a swift sip of my Sprite soda ( the best soda ) It washes down the masterpiece I just consumed a moment before I had another masterpiece in liquid form. And then I take a bite of the sandwich once again. I feel the same mayo, but instead of a pickle I feel another great ingredient to my powerful lunch. I feel the flaccid bacon, usually not crispy! Is subway bacon!! as it covered by mayonnaise slides onto my tongue, I then suck all of the mayo off of the piece of bacon. I then suck on the piece of bacon like a piece of gum, before mushing it with my gums, and then swallowing. I then take nother sip of my soda and then I repeat until my orgasmic meal is completed. I, personallu would rate Subway a 10 out of 10. :)

>> No.7107727
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>a better position in life

>> No.7107743

It's a reasonably healthy quick and cheap lunch. I don't go there a lot, not something I really get a craving for.. it's more of a default option if we're not in the mood for something else. Conversation usually goes.. "there's subway.. yeah I guess we could do that".

Usually get a 6" spicy Italian on an Italian bun. Lettuce, tomato, pickle, olives, hot peppers... no sliced cheese or sauce, just pepper and a little Parmesan.

>> No.7107763

subway is good

>> No.7107775

I usually get the steak and cheese, double meat. No sauce.

I went out of my comfort zone and got the chicken teriyaki a couple days ago.
It was surprisingly good.

>> No.7107783

subway is a pedifile.. you gyus hear about this shit??

>> No.7107791
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>> No.7107801

And how much debt are you in having to, not only run a small business, but to deal with attorneys? As a small business owner myself, i pay my staff above average wages and give them good, flexible hours. They work harder, more consistently and they are willing to work extra hours and help the business rather than clocking out at the end of the day. I'm sure your approach works, but you seem like a bit of a dick. Education is very important.

>> No.7107808

>Subway club 6" on italian
>Half-half swiss and old english (not double)
>Lettuce, tomato, onion, capsicum,olives, carrot, pickle, beetroot if I am feeling purple
>Tiny bit of mayo and salt and pepper. Sometimes I go for the garlic aioli.
>Cookie and orange juice

>> No.7107954
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>> No.7107979


/sp/ why did the mods take your site away from you?

you used to be top jej and now you are low iki

>> No.7108028

What's the sandwich chain for those guys on /a/ who like 2D kids?

>> No.7108060
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Tfw a guy named jared used to work at my subway but left or got fired after jareds pedo sting

>> No.7108962

What just cause some asshole decided to fuck teenagers I'm supposed to not get an 12 inch Italian BMT and three of those raspberry cheesecake cookies and wash it down with a Sprite?

Fuck outta here

>> No.7109209

Unless you're drinking 100% purified water with all minerals and impurities removed it does in fact have a taste, the taste being the minerals therein.

If you can't taste it you just can't taste.

>> No.7109214

Why doesn't Subway have swiss cheese?

>> No.7109219

it does, in Switzerland.

>> No.7109229

I've had subway once and never again
Same with KFC

>> No.7109234

My god man

>> No.7109235

I want to try the buffallo chicken sandwich. They have this sandwich in USA? Is it good?

>> No.7109239


I own a liquor store, I don't need to be nice or mannerly to ensure return business as I buy in bulk to undercut all my competition. I sell Veuve or Moet for $30 per bottle 750ml, in New York.

I don't have to deal with lawyers and such, that person who did file a civil rights lawsuit had her case thrown out after I presented footage to her lawyer of stealing, smoking weed in the stock room and having friends "hanging out" for hours on end.

When I fired her she said something along the lines of: u wayciss crakka u dun did dis bc I'm blakk. Blakk lives maddur, u wayciss I'm tellin' on u!!

Pretty much word for word. Some people...

>> No.7109241

This is what I hate about Subway. Is it too much to ask to have a default sandwich?

>> No.7109245

How many times have you been robbed?
Ever get to shoot one?

>> No.7109251

Sorry mate, it's the case.

>> No.7109255


Zero, I'm in a town with 3 National historic sites. One drunk college kid from Marist tried to distract me once while his female friends walked into my store room and loaded up a box of Captain Morgan handles, trying to open the window in that room to give to the other girl waiting outside of it.

Windows are nailed shut back there for climate control purposes. Idiots. All I did was "red button" them and they stayed locked in my store until the police came.

I played Zelda Spirit Tracks on my DSI XL while they cried about being released, and how I was breaking the law by locking them in blah blah blah.

Other than that my clients are mostly CIA kids looking to expand their palates before their wines course, or tourists here to see the FDR house or Vanderbilt mansion.

>> No.7109260

bland and overpriced, at least here in germany. i can get 2 döner for the price of one of these fancy sandwiches.

>> No.7109265

A kek for muslims in Germany?
The hell you say.

>> No.7109276

please be so kind and express yourself in decent english since it isn't my mother tongue.

>> No.7109285

This is why you never hire black people.

>> No.7109297

What the fuck happened to Jared?