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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 640x352, burger-king-149-chicken-nuggets-deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7106746 No.7106746 [Reply] [Original]

Are you taking advantage of this deal this week?

>> No.7106750

Yes. Too bad BK nuggers blow, and so does their BBQ sauce.

>> No.7106754

>eat 30 nuggers
>drink 18 beers
>wake up in puddle of beer and nugger vomit

The smell of regurgitated BK nugs will forever ruin them for me

Fuck you, at least their bbq sauce isn't just brown ketchup. It has a nice bite to it

>> No.7106756

BK employee detected

>> No.7106757

>not asking for ranch or any other sauce

>> No.7106759

literally the worst nuggets on the market. I'll buy some though.

>> No.7106761

McDonalds could give away their food and I still wouldn't eat there.

you fucks have no shame.

>> No.7106766

>can't read filenames
Retarded, or mobile cancer?

>> No.7106768

Wrong fast food place.

>> No.7106770

Restaurants should have Black Friday deals.

>> No.7106775

>not having Thanksgiving leftovers to eat

>> No.7106779

>leftovers are better than fast food

>> No.7106784

No, what's sad is being such a shit cook that your Thanksgiving leftovers taste worse than the pigslop they serve you at fast food "restaurants"

>> No.7106790


>implying they aren't the same in terms of quality

lardasses return to your joey threads pls

>> No.7106797

I agree, all fast food is garbage. However, we're saying you're retarded for not being able to read. They're two separate issues.

>> No.7106808

Sure, they are both of poor quality ingredients, but that doesn't change the fact that you're too retarded to read a filename.

>> No.7106834


hi newfags

>> No.7106840

are they still doing this?

pretty sure it's been going on since before summer time

>> No.7106842

I just got two package of nuggets for 3 dollars today.

>> No.7106853

>says the guy not aware of the existence of filenames

>> No.7106894

>can't read filenames because he browses on his phone
>calls others newfags

mobile cancer please die

>> No.7106945

I tried BK nuggets once, it was nothing but a grisly, nugget of chicken fat. Whoppers are the only thing I order.

>> No.7106975
File: 21 KB, 200x194, 1197 - YTyRA6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order 2 combo meals and 2 10pc nuggets for me and bro
>Drive thru worker calls you a fat slob to her coworker in spanish when she goes to swipe your card

For some reason that really stung.

>> No.7106980

>nuggets on sale
>literally everyone and their mothers wanted a piece of that
>more work for the spics
Of course they're mad.

>> No.7107029


those nuggets are awful. i, too, only get the whopper but i like the chicken sandwiches there too.

>> No.7107031


Time for a little letter to the franchise manager, the franchise owner, and the corporate offices. Follow up the letters with phone calls a week later to make certain the beaner cunt is long gone.

That's how you spell FUCK YOU.

>> No.7107240

Thanks for the reminder op.

>> No.7107357

10 of anything for $1.49 is a big red flag to me.

Enjoy eating feathers and gristle.

>> No.7107359

What if big red flags were being sold for $1.49?

>> No.7107363

10 red flags for $1.49 would be a red flag. Or maybe 10. I don't know.

>> No.7107375

They are doing this to counter McDonald's 2 for 2 dollar deal.

>> No.7107404

BK has been doing this as a last ditch effort for the past 8 months

>> No.7107411

Yeah, BK has been doing this for a while.

It's just trying to offer something at a profit. It's conceivable that we will see 25 cent value meal items. As long as it costs BK or McDonalds 5 cents to produce it, they would probably go for it.

>> No.7108052

Well, there is also their employees that wanted that $15 per hour check. So unless they're replace by robots, it will never be a 25 cent value meal.

>> No.7108087

haha BK employees hate these nuggers more than you could ever believe

>> No.7108088

Nice viral ad.

>> No.7108097
File: 11 KB, 300x221, chicken-nugget-300x221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they have to do more work whenever these nugget deal happen?

>> No.7108101

exactly. imagine sitting at a fry station cooking these unendingly plus all the other work you have to do with increased traffic caused by the promo

>> No.7108109

When I was a kid I loved BK's nugs. How are they now? Bad I bet.

>> No.7108124

Terrible, especially when 20 nuggers from McDonald's is only two bucks more than getting two orders of 10 pc from BK.

>> No.7108140

Probably been stored in an attic with asbestos in it

>> No.7109908

It's okay, not bad or good.

>> No.7109955

You got called out hard anon. Youre wrong. Keep backpedaling though, not like you'll fall off a cliff made of your misguided pride.

>> No.7109957

Damn it you cheeky fucker

>> No.7109960

I kekd harder than I should have

>> No.7109968

I got some ahi sushi for dirt cheap

>> No.7109974

>fatties arguing over their preferred forms of degeneracy

>> No.7110144

Had some today, and tried out the buffalo chicken fries too

>> No.7110175
File: 36 KB, 334x400, .....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandparents are homebound and in wheelchairs, meals on wheels does not deliver on the weekends
>go to Carls Jr and order a two jr jacks, an order of large fries and maybe a burger or something for myself
tfw constant paranoia that burger monkeys talk shit about me being bulimic or a fatty or something

>> No.7110184

dell taco has some 49 cent value shit near me I could see other places offering cheaper shit

>> No.7110239

You're not buying your grand folks Carl's Jr against their fucking will, are you?

>> No.7111568

Both McDonalds and Burger King's nuggers are disappointing. I remember back in the 80s when they first came out they were great. Greasy and salty and with a proper sweet and sour dip that made you keep asking for more. They even started selling the little containers for a while because people couldn't get enough of them. Now it's tasteless crispy meh with a sugar and thickening agent dip.

>> No.7111625

bk honeymustard isnt that good but i guess i can get the nuggets and then go drive through mcdonalds for sauce.

>> No.7111858

>fast food "nuggets"
>literally no texture
>soft as hell
>no real taste without sauce

And this is in fucking europe, I can only imagine how awful this garbage is in america where food isn't regulated.

>> No.7111952

I have bk and mcdonalds next door so I can make a 100 nuggie run with no sauce at bk and then go to mcds and get another 20 with extra extra honey mustard and have a bad fucking day

>> No.7112773

Foods plenty regulated however the customer base may have lower standards than europoors