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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7105988 No.7105988 [Reply] [Original]

I will never forget, unless I get alzheimer's, being a young kid like 7 or 8 years old and stopping by some really 90s era type pizza place in a small town. Before all this gourmet, organic and shit happened when a pizzeria had plain white walls and some plain metal big oven.

I asked for pineapple pizza and the guy heated up a pizza and whipped out an opened Dole™ pieapple can and placed some squares on it.

Got it to go and as we're walking outside my dad just slightly mentions "He just put canned pineapple on it, I could've done that".

>> No.7106007

You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between canned and fresh.

>> No.7106019

I most certainly could of then and can now. I just didn't care about things like that when I was younger.

Canned pineapple, Dole™, is more watery and less crispy. They also are not as "juicy" and lack a firm crispy profile. They tend to be like a moistened jello block. A freshly cut pineapple is crispy and juicy. It's not watery but is loaded with juicy flavor and has a sort of crunch.

>> No.7106021

are you fucking kidding or is your mouth broken?

>> No.7106028

I wouldn't bother that. Of course it would be better to not have it witnessed, but honestly: we all have those moments when we think 'my dad is maybe retarded.'

>> No.7106029

Wow. Go sit in the corner and put on the coned dunce cap.

>> No.7106040

You won't be able to tell the difference after it has been cooked.

>> No.7106044


>> No.7106052


Yes you will. You can literally always tell the difference. Have you never tried fresh pineapple on pizza and you are just making wild assumptions or is your palate really that shitty?

>> No.7106074

>Have you never tried fresh pineapple on pizza

No because I'm not a nigger

>> No.7106076

Get a fucking grip.

>> No.7106081

Get a fazoilis

>> No.7106118
File: 16 KB, 640x368, Merlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merlin: STAND BACK! Be silent! Be still!... That's it... and look upon this moment. Savor it! Rejoice with great gladness! Great gladness! Remember it always, for you are joined by it. You are One, under the stars. Remember it well, then... this night, this great victory. So that in the years ahead, you can say, 'I was there that night, with Arthur, the King!' For it is the doom of men that they forget.

>> No.7106125
File: 85 KB, 480x600, disappoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fruiting your pizza

>> No.7106196

>could of
could HAVE

>> No.7106210

it's because of could've and people never bothering to learn to read and instead learning from word of mouth

>> No.7106223

A lot've people don't read real good.

>> No.7106274

I know, man. I never cared about there they're and their kind of bullshit, but this always gets to me. ;-;
This actually made me laugh tho.

>> No.7106310

Anyone can make a pizza period. The fuck kind of comment is that?

>> No.7106330

Pathetic isn't it? I see people try and write and speak and it's like they've never actually written a paper or had a paper edited in their lives. I used to make $5-$15 per essay or paper when I used to edit people's assignments in college. I literally couldn't believe how stupid my friends and classmates were. Really lowered my opinion of the education system in general. Fuckin 'Murrica man... At least I made a few hundred bucks a month generally.

>> No.7106338

It's try to write, not try and write.

>> No.7106339

This bothered me too.

>> No.7106656

Doesn't matter. Pineapple belongs nowhere near any pizza anywhere anyhow anyway, always and forever. Believe that.

>> No.7107061


>We can use 'could have' to talk about something somebody was capable of doing but didn't do

I could have done that but didn't. It's always autists who think they're really smart.

>> No.7107068

>I see people try and write
You fucking stupid retarded piece of shit. Learn to fucking write you waste of space.

>> No.7108092

On a pizza you're probably right. Of course if it's on the end of a fork it's a different story.

>> No.7108096

my parents used to say the same. of course it was sooooooooooo easy then why didn't they do it?

>> No.7108103

Go to local pizza shop one day with my dad.
Order Pepperoni Pizza and the guy brings me a little sauce container filled with straight up sliced pepperoni. I kinda looked at him for a second and was like Hey um..I asked for a Pepperoni pie not plain Pepperoni and he was like oh shit my bad.
Then there was the time I found a piece of wire from a brush of something in my Chinese food...I called to complain and I shit you not the entire restaurant must have closed because they were all at my door apologizing .

>> No.7108105

you're retarded. firmness depends entirely on how ripe the fruit is when you cut it. you likely are just used to cutting fruit without allowing it time to ripe. pineapples are better over rather than underripe anyways.

>> No.7108175

I went to some place when i was very young and got a burger with a bun that was so hard it was like a rock. It might have been a shoneys or whatever it was called

>> No.7108192

It was more about buying a pizza and then being charge more for a "pineapple" pizza. Keep in mind this was when a slice of pizza was like $1 or $1.25 and a "pineapple" pizza would be like $2 or $2.50.

It wasn't baked into the pizza either, I pretty sure that was clear in the OP. It was a regular slice heated up in the oven, and then the guy took it out and pulled out a Dole can of pineapple and put some on top.

It'd be different if it was a pie baked with pineapple on it.

Also, those of you saying that you can't tell the difference on a baked pizza... You're fucking retarded.

>> No.7108215

There's a place near me that makes the best pizza with pineapple on it ever. They use fresh pineapple, and they cook it long enough to get the pineapple caramelized on top. It's fucking glorious, fuck the haters.

>> No.7108507

Dude made this thread just so he could argue about pineapples lol

>> No.7108685
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>could of

>> No.7108692

A lot've people do that.

>> No.7108707

Tomatoes are a fruit. But pizza is pleb tier garbage.

If I wanted bread I'll stand in a welfare line.

>> No.7108714

Dumb people without a real understanding of their own language, you mean.

>> No.7108721 [DELETED] 


You know what else is juicy and crispy and tasty and yummy




>> No.7109567

I love pizza threads.