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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7104805 No.7104805 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you ate a burger?

Cheeseburgera count too.

>> No.7104807 [DELETED] 

Today, just patty, chili, and cheese slice. I'm an American.

>> No.7104811

Been about two weeks. That's way too long. If the Department of Homeland Security finds out I could get sent to federal prison.

>> No.7104831

Today. Stopped by Whataburger to grab some lunch. Double meat, double cheese with mayo and extra pickles. It was fucking delicious.

>> No.7104835

Like.. 3 months ago

>> No.7104847

I like to make my hamburgers with ground chicken, do those count? if so 2 weeks ago. If beef, maybe a year.

>> No.7104852

Today, I made 2 1/4 lb burgers for breakfat

>> No.7104875

A few days ago I had a veggie burger, does that count?

>> No.7104883

My nigga. I usually go for a Monterey melt with grilled peppers and onions. And when it's green chili season I get them on it too

>> No.7104885


>> No.7104932 [DELETED] 

yezzier, I went to whataburger the other day and got the a-1 thick n hearty. Pretty much everything there is great, especially the all time favorites. Has anyone had the buffalo chicken strip sandwich yet? I went there to get that but was really in the mood for a burger so I didn't get it.

>> No.7104940

A very long time.
I rarely eat burgers

>> No.7105012
File: 60 KB, 640x349, burger and curds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a burger on Sunday for the Lions game. I had Culver's on Saturday for the MSU game.

>> No.7105052

Today, it was a no.4 from McDongles. Probably the only good item there besides the McDouble and the single variations. Shame they got rid of the Mushroom and swiss burgers. They were good.

>> No.7105376


June. Went on a diet, burgers and soda were the first things to go.

>> No.7105416

I had a McDonalds double cheese burger and cheeseburger (Didn't want to split a note) 3 days ago

>> No.7105422

I haven't renewed my burger liscence yet, need to send in my application form and £80 to get a new one

>> No.7105428

>Needs a note to buy food

>> No.7105438

Just ate the rest of my leftover McDonald's for breakfast. Damn cold fries and big m are godly in the morning.

>> No.7105442

6 weeks ago.
Dieting isn't so hard but burgers are my favorite food, if I have a cheat day I know what I'll be having.

>> No.7105451
File: 16 KB, 230x300, sweatymancartoon230x300_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read article about 50 best burgers in Australia
>Most are in capital cities
>Live in a regional area
>One of the burgers listed came from a restaurant about an hours drive from me
>Mfw actually considering driving an hour for this burger

>> No.7105474

Do it mane.
I'm in Ausfagland too and I'll drive 45 min across town for a tasty burger.
Burger Fuel is the best I've had so far.

>> No.7107387

Just a few hours ago actually, at some local diner. No shit, I think they went to the McDonalds across the street, ordered a quarter pounder patty with cheese and a side of lettuce and mac sauce for it. Tasted exactly like a Big Mac, except with a slightly less shit bun and far inferior fries.

>> No.7107434

A week ago to celebrate my first day off from work in about a month. I'd been giving up my weekends to prep my store and employees for Black Friday. Celebrated my freedom from cup noodles and pre-made frozen meals with fast food and a six pack of PBR.

Living the dream.

>> No.7108067
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>this picture
Culvers is number one because of the availability of curds. The wisconsin patty melt and pot roast sandwich is good as hell too

>> No.7108070

That* picture

>> No.7108082

Like 2 hours ago

>> No.7108100
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I had one last night

It gave me amazingly smelly gas. Like, this is a hotel style burger and it had like a char flavor which I haven't had in years, so my gas was voluminous and sulfuric, like a snake venom in fart gas form. I sort of want another one, just to tint my walls a nice calming yellow hue.

>> No.7108116

ultimate cheeseburger from jack in the box on saturday.... no fatty.

>> No.7108376

I ate an extra beef slider at work tonight

>> No.7108384

for dinner about 6 hours ago

>> No.7108399
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Yesterday. Went to Sonic Drive-in and had two bacon cheeseburgers at half price for a promotion they were running. Very mediocre.

>> No.7108429

who is this prime piece of ministerial meat?

>> No.7108440

Double cheeseburger from McFat, today.
Was reel gut.

>> No.7108471

Last week I stopped at mcdo for an ice tea and a dollarmenu cheeseburger

>> No.7108516
File: 74 KB, 647x385, theBoss_hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans will never get the Boss Burger.

It's basically Mcdonalds' take on the whopper and its fucking delicious

>> No.7108565

In which countries do they sell this fine dining experience?

>> No.7108598

Not too sure. As far as I know it's only sold in New Zealand.

>> No.7108603

either this word is seriously being abused or your taste is depressing

>> No.7108611

was feeling lazy last week so was about to grab a few mcdoubles but my McDs is a cheeky cunt and was closed so I had a Jumbo Jack and various other disgusting garbage

>> No.7108613

honestly I've quit eating fast food frozen burgers ever since the fda released that offical statement.
yeah sure we've known it for a while
but now its really getting to me
so I eat chicken instead now
or just a slab of steak

>> No.7108974

I literally eat a cheeseburger probably every other day. Feels good man. Also I'm not fat because I rarely order fries and only drink diet soda. Fight me faggot.

>> No.7109455

been a few weeks

>> No.7109468

Fishfillet burger, on Halloween

>> No.7109577

Last Friday from a local burgers & fries pace called Gabby's. It was good, not great.

>> No.7109581

Did you see the aurora borealis too?

>> No.7109628

>Eats hamburgers
>Drinks diet soda