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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7099446 No.7099446 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't eat seafood

>> No.7099453

>i care what other people eat/don't eat

>> No.7099464

>Picky eaters in any sense
>drinks soda on a regular basis
>eats sweets
>is fat

>> No.7099481

seafood is overall trash

lobster is ok

>> No.7099488

the name is jamal
what the fuck is a jamal and why does it wear a diaper on it's head?

>> No.7099489

Says he loves sushi
Only eats tuna & California rolls

>> No.7099492

it uses the term isis instead of daesh

>> No.7099495

Haven't seen such a plebeian post in quite a long time ngl.

>> No.7099500

>Refuses to eat vegetables ever.
>Considers bread and fried potatoes of some kind vegetables.

How my idiot fatfuck coworker isn't dead is beyond me.

>> No.7099536
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>Go over to a friends house to bake something for gathering
>Ask for butter
>He pulls out the country crock

>> No.7099606


The rest of you are all manchildren.

>> No.7100119
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lulz. I hope you're trolling. Lobster is extraordinarily over rated. Literally no natural flavor. It's simply a carrier for butter and garlic.
try dungeness crab claws if you want to open your world to god tier seafood

>> No.7100154

>Be me last time we went to the coast
>Everyone everywhere is ordering lobster
>Lobster retard expensive.
>Get like 2 whole massive dungeoness crabs for half the price of lobster dish.
>Came with fuckawesome sides

Turns out the restaurant cut the prices of everything and raised the price of lobster by 40% to get people to try other dishes. It didn't work. Crab was 9/10 tho.

>> No.7101013

i dont eat seafood on the principle that it is fundamentally distinct from us as animals, aka, it doesnt bleed red blood and is also a host to an exorbant amount of toxins... it literally is not meant to be eaten. i prefer to eat things with four legs!!

>> No.7101044

this level of autism in the wild

>> No.7101082 [DELETED] 

> I voted for obama

>> No.7101089 [DELETED] 

/stormfront/ pls go

>> No.7101172 [DELETED] 

> I believe that hillary would make a good president

>> No.7101176 [DELETED] 

> bruce jenner is a girl and a hero

>> No.7101231 [DELETED] 


Hold up. If you think Obama voters are retarded it makes you a white supremacist? What kind of Orwellian backwards world are people trying to make?

>> No.7101237 [DELETED] 

>if you don't like obama you must like hitler

>> No.7101246

>i dont drink soda

>> No.7101251

Where is this place?

>> No.7101257

>redpill me on...

>> No.7101262
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>I don't like onions

>> No.7101272 [DELETED] 

/pol/ pls go

>> No.7101275
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>> No.7101288


You need to add his boy Netanyahu in there.

>> No.7101328
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>octopus is disgusting

>> No.7101521

>I can't drink water

>> No.7101545

>goes out to decent restaurant with you
>"I'm getting the chicken fingers"

>> No.7101563




>> No.7101585


>goes out to decent restaurants with you on multiple occasions
>"I'm getting the chicken fingers" every time, no matter the place

>> No.7101782

oh my god that looks so delicious

>> No.7101895

Not voting for Obama probably means you voted for Palin. While not white supremacist tier, it's still fucking retarded.

>> No.7101896

>fish? ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.7101904
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>I refrigerate my eggs

>> No.7101974 [DELETED] 

If some scumbag islamic was gunning for you you'd be fucking glad to have either on your side while hiding under a desk you fuckin' hypocrite.


>> No.7101992

So I don't like seafood besides lobster and mussels, how do I broaden my tastes and stop being a little bitch, /ck/?

>> No.7101995

Actually according to the current new york times anyone that disagrees with obama is some kind of niggerphobe and suffers from socialismphobes and/or retardisms.

>> No.7102003

>I'd rather eat pussy than dick

>> No.7102006

That rattling sound you hear every time you shake your head are all the loose screws.

>> No.7102008

>manchild found

>> No.7102064


I don't eat seafood because I know what it eats - shit. Massive problems with various edible animals around sewage outlets.

>> No.7102415


>> No.7103135

I don't really like much seafood, crab and squid are alright in small servings but that's about all I eat.

>> No.7103548

I'm guessing you don't eat plants either then.
Or drink such inorganic filth as water.

>> No.7103625

Speaking Jawa only helps the terrorists win anon.

>> No.7103705 [DELETED] 

Calling that terrorist organization daesh "isis" gives them legitimacy that it doesn't deserve. It's not a state.

By using the term "isis" you're the one using their terminology and falling right into their hands you puppet.

>> No.7103767

no i do eat plants, ever heard the phrase, "ever an exception, never a rule?" well this is that exception.

as for your other ascertation... yes you are correct, i absolutely abhore the taste of water and as such i only drink fruit juice, chocolate milk, milkshakes, and soda, and yoghurt.

>> No.7104281


>> No.7104316

seafood is literally poor people food.

seafood eats shit and piss, and literally tastes like that.

>> No.7104318

literally my 25 year old brother

>> No.7104324

>Makes a big show out of ordering the most expensive drink on the menu, bonus points if it's in no way compatible with the food they ordered
>Namedrops shitty IPA meme-beers at social occasions where pisswater is being served
>Thinks he gets big boy points because he doesn't drink soda
>Subscribes to "alternative" trends (le bacon-sriracha-nutella-avocado sushi)
>Claims to be an advanced cook but still neglects entry-level tricks and equipment
>Orders steak blue rare in an attempt to shock people

>S T E A K

>> No.7104336

>americans thinking their shit-tier produce is representative of reality at all

Bit it sure is bigger than normal, friends. Guess that's what counts.

>> No.7104421

Holy fucking shit i feel you. My little sister is a picky eater and shes always
California rolls arent sushi

>> No.7104427

>I literally cannot function without autism

>> No.7104721

> I believe that hillary would make a good president
does anyone?

>> No.7105429

When someone insists on using chopsticks when eating americanized chinese food or rice for that "authentic" effect while being shit at using them. What is wrong with just using a fork and spoon? Annoys the shit outta me since I'm asian and my bf's white mom does this, eats rice with chopsticks on a PLATE and sucks at using them so can only scoop up a few grains at a time.

>> No.7105433

I use chopsticks for everything when I'm out in public. It impresses the oriental girls.

>> No.7105434
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>I go on 4chan

>> No.7105444

Does the fact that I can use chopsticks with equal fluidity as a fork and knife, but I only do so when silverware is not an option make me a manchild or just autistic? Honest question.

>> No.7105446

If you're great at using them and it makes the girls wet, well fucking go for it, more power to you. The people I'm annoyed with are more often weebs.

>> No.7105452

Nah. If you can use chopsticks pretty well it's awesome using them to eat anything. I'm annoyed at people who insist on using chopsticks when asian food is served and they're complete shit at it when they can perfectly use a fork and knife instead (even at restaurants the waiters will offer a fork to foreigners). I even called one guy on it once and he says he wants to "feel asian" wtf?

>> No.7105514

I'm glad you agree with him and all, but please you back to tumblr with that talk

>> No.7106217

Goddamn I hate those people.

>> No.7106287

>Tries to drop one in justifying his childish soda-drinking habit


>> No.7106323
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Open your mind to the wonderful world of oysters, of course.

>> No.7106669

>is european

>> No.7106681

/pol/ is where the MIDF hangs out, my murder-cult-loving friend.

>> No.7106890

I was in Spain recently and tried scallops for the first time. It was like a boiled golf ball with garlic on it. 0/10

>> No.7107269

>i discuss food, video games, politics, and crashing planes with no survivors on an anonymous image board for people with a proclivity for japanese animations

>> No.7107333

I've never liked seafood though. I like shrimp and tunafish sandwiches. Everything else makes me gag.

>> No.7107370


That's fucking gross. It looks like it would jump off my fork and try to choke me.

>> No.7107746
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>from maine
>never ate lobster until I was 24
>hyped for 24 years as literal ambrosia
>try it
>it tastes like neutral protein flavor
>dip it in butter
>it tastes just literally like butter
>people around me look like they are cumming in their trousers and asking me "Its sooooo good isnt it?"

>> No.7107755
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Taste like literal cum. I live near the coast, and we get fresh seafood all the time. Friend told me they are an aphrodesiac, thought to myself "Why not pop a truckload of boners tonight". Slide one down my gullet.
>semen like consistency

Everyone around me was suckin' em down like they were nothing. Now I can't get the image outta my head that they are all closeted gays.

>> No.7107757

>decent restaurant
>serves chicken fingers
Uhm ok...

>> No.7107761

How would you know what cum tastes like, faggot?

>> No.7107898

every restaurant I've worked at refrigerates eggs
It's done for a reason, you know.

>> No.7107914

I don't eat seafood because I'm 1,000 miles from the nearest ocean and live in the middle of a desert. Anyone who eats seafood here has no taste.

>> No.7107933
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He hopes HE is trolling...

Eating sea food..

Wew lad.

>> No.7107937

>Likes bacon, sriracha
>Picky eater
>Eats fast/microwave food more than 4 times a week

>> No.7107941

first time I ate oysters I felts somewhat the same because it was just a giant platter of the same type of oyster.

the next time I tried them there was a sampling of oysters from up and down the east coast and I could really taste a wide and enjoyable spectrum of flavours and enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.7107946

are you me?

>> No.7107962

>the texture makes me vomit!

>> No.7107972

This reasoning is all off.

The fact that seafood is less-related to you than red meat means you are much LESS likely to get any disease from it, since the sort of disease that would infect a fish or crustacean is extremely unlike to infect you, while a disease that infects a cow or pig very likely could spread to you.

>> No.7107973
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>ordering tendies at a restaurant
>not liking onions
>being a male and ordering white wine, ever
>well done steaks
>ranch over blue cheese
>gluten free anything

>> No.7107980
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>I don't like ramen sundaes!

>> No.7107983

Oysters Rockerfeller is the only correct way to eat oysters anymore.

>> No.7107985

i used to be a picky eater up until i was like 12 or some shit. i never used to eat cauliflower unless it was raw, never ate broccoli,brussel sprouts and what not.
god i used to be such an idiot, i'm sort of embarrased but at least i can say i was a kid

>> No.7107991
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>go to a breakfast place
>friend orders steak and eggs
>i look at him. i get it, i really do, sometimes you're just not in the mood for a lot of carbs early in the morning
>he asks the waitress to replace the eggs with a ceasar salad
>it's 8 in the morning


>> No.7107998

Are you friends with Woolie by any chance?

>> No.7108001

>being a male and ordering white wine ever
What the fuck is wrong with that? You realize certain foods taste better with certain wines, right?

I would never drink a red with scallops or baked chicken breast, for example

>> No.7108011

>he doesn't like beer
>he vocalizes that he doesn't like beer
>he tells the rest of us drinking beer that we have shit tastes

>> No.7108015

lobster was poverty food for people in the NE for the longest time

>> No.7108027

It's not my fault that beer is objectively terrible

>> No.7108039

Not eating pork either then?

>> No.7108040

>not going full kosher

>> No.7108046

>snacks all the time

>> No.7108078

Enjoy your parasites.

>> No.7108241

>eats store bought pie all the time
>drinks chocolate milk
>eats bucket of frozen "whipped cream" aka vegetable oil and sugar by the spoon full
>eats Chef Boyardi straight from the can

Literally some guy at work. Just waiting for him to get diagnosed with diabetes and lose a foot, I'd enjoy that a lot.

>> No.7108259

Oh come on, what if it's really good pie?

Liking flavors that were chemically engineered for your tongue to like isn't pleb status.

>> No.7108286

My boyfriend orders a burger or steak anywhere we go...

>> No.7108306
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I didn't say exceptional. I have the BJ's chain in mind as an example, but any sort of mid-scale restaurant like that works. Most of them will have chicken fingers as an option for family dining since kids are notoriously picky.

Somewhat related:
>14 year old cousin
>parents allow him to rotate between pizza, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and meatballs, chicken nuggets, or hot dogs for dinner
>never deviates from these
>only required to eat a fruit with it, not even a vegetable
>the kid's dinner almost every night is store-bought frozen pepperoni pizza with a banana
>parents seem okay with this and rarely encourage him to try new foods
>seem proud of him when he manages to eat "adventurous" things like orange chicken and tortellini if the situation forces it

>> No.7108318

That's literally the definition of pleb.

>> No.7108458

Sounds like my girlfriend.

>> No.7108510

>people who think sweet things are for children and that grownups eat chained carbohydrates

>> No.7108528


>I dont eat spicy food
>I dont like seafood
>I dont like onions
>I dont drink

Instantly lose all respect for them and dont trust them.

>> No.7108532

>drinking soda with a meal

>> No.7108533

Lobsters were once very cheap and considered so disgusting to be eaten they literally considered it cruelty to feed them to prisoners. Now you know why.

>> No.7108537

>tfw allergic to shellfish
It's an ambivalent feel.

>> No.7108547

>eat spam from the can
>watch late night c-span
>rock out to old school Duran Duran

>> No.7108556

As long as it's rice with some kind of sauce, it's sushi. It literally means "marinated rice". What you serve with it doesn't matter. Maki with fried chicken is just as much sushi as maki with raw fish.

>> No.7108599

You fucking richfag spoiled as fuck pussies!

>> No.7108605

looks like it would be way to rubbery

>> No.7108610

go drink more soda fattie

>> No.7108623


>> No.7108661

>I don't drink soda

>> No.7108924
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>objectively terrible

Are you shitting me?

>> No.7108993

So I went to Japan last Summer with a couple of white friends.

They refused to eat anything else except McDonald's and OFC there.
Like they tried to go to a Don place once and order some fish with rice and for the rest of the trip they just ate McDonald's and KFC. Also Subway once.

I learnt my lesson that day to pick my overseas trips with people who aren't white and understand how foreign food works.

>> No.7108999

Post her nudes

>> No.7109002

WE KNOW, this is posted in every fucking thread

>> No.7109004

Were they all fat? Did you at least get to try the local food?

>> No.7109012

>I learnt my lesson that day to pick my overseas trips with people who aren't white and understand how foreign food works.

*trips on kimono*

>> No.7109014

No they weren't fat. They were on the skinny side actually but they're the kind of people in this thread who just never tasted variety of cooking other than standard store bought crap.

I went off on my own for lunch and dinner and around our hotels were fantastic little places. Like some hole in a wall ramen joint, goddamn the variety they had. I also had a Donna kebab which was really frequent in Japan not sure why.

Though I admit for Breakfast I was lazy and popped into the 7/11 and had rice balls.

But damn though, I need to find friends that are good to travel with because the experience I had with them two were awful.

>> No.7109039

>trip to thailand with the gf
>fills up on the same shit fast food we have back home
>eating street food that cost 10% and tastes amazing

>> No.7109044


>> No.7109046

What is it. Do they just have no idea how to go on a vacation or what?

>> No.7109055


picky eater detected

>> No.7109062


They're scared of that eew gross foreign food

>> No.7109065
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>doesnt bleed red blood
>has never severed the animals head and eaten it for dinner that night like a real man

>> No.7109263

Pretentious edgelord pls go

>> No.7109293

I have a relative who won't eat seafood, fish, or any meat that has bones in it. Not to mention a rather long list of vegetables as well.
That fucker makes me rage. Picky eaters fucking suck.
I also have a friend who says "Oh, I'll eat anything, I like everything" and EVERY FUCKING TIME we go out this fucker has to make shit tons of substitutions or sends back food because it has something he doesn't like in it. FUCKING FUCK.

>> No.7109299

You're disgusting.

>> No.7109301

Sounds like your trapped in a closet, aren't you?

>> No.7109303
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Fish taste like shit. The ocean is fucking disgusting.
four most overrated things in the world is champagne, seafood, anal sex and picnics.

>> No.7109311

>I learnt my lesson that day to pick my overseas trips with people who aren't white

Yes if you had brought along a nigger the experience would have been 10x better

>> No.7109319

I have terrible friends. They refuse to eat anything that isn't bread, cheese, meat or pasta.
Yes, they are fat.

>> No.7109321

>making fun of people with aspergers or eating/digestive disorders for their food choices
>thinking food/drink choices indicate homosexuality

people can starve or fatten themselves however they want, but those are red flags that'll make me leave a date or restaurant or dinner party.

>> No.7109336

Top fucking plebian

>> No.7109340

>He's never had an oyster & champagne picnic as a prelude to anal sex

You haven't even lived.

>> No.7109341

Being a SJW is a mental disorder, son

>> No.7109369
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Sorry we don't want intestinal parasites.

>> No.7109377

I love chocolate milk with my protein powder after a workout.


>> No.7109380


>'I can't eat this because it has onions and I don't like the texture of onions'
>'no mushrooms'
>'No I don't want pineapples, pineapples are gross'
>'I hate seafood'
>"eww this meatball is to umami'

Well I guess I shouldn't complain because this means they keep giving me free food that they buy and then decide they hate, but it's hard not to see them as plebs desu.

>> No.7109382

fucking lel, don't associate with those people.

>> No.7109705

You PC brah?

>> No.7109768

From what seafood I've tried
>NE seafood fucking sucks; almost as overrated as anything else from that region
>All through the Mediterranean is probably objectively the best I've ever had, but my Murrican pleb taste made me sick smelling strong fish for 2 weeks straight
>Monterey CA is the only place I've found non rubbery calamari
>Sushi in Japan is good I guess, 100x better than in the US but still not that good
>UAE probably had the best lobster I've had

>> No.7109821

>Using mustard or ketchup as a condiment on a burger

>> No.7109949
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> she doesn't like racism, homophobia, or anti-autism

Enjoy dying a old maid.

>> No.7109981

>anal sex overrated
Where have you been all my life :3

>> No.7110015

>Orders soda at non-fast food establishment
>Asks waitress for ketchup/hot sauce
>Excited about dessert menu
>Leaves a stingy tip

>> No.7110039

>Being an adult
>Not sharing my tastes
What are you, literal amoeba Hitlers or something?

>> No.7110081

> o b j e c t i v e

>> No.7110275

I was talking with one of my coworkers and she legitimately thought that the juices in a rare steak were blood, which is why she only eats med-well steak

>> No.7111566

This is Australian only but
>I only eat flake

This pisses me off. Flake is so fucking shit, it's the shittiest tier fish you can ever buy.

>> No.7111730

mine too

>> No.7111735

What do they taste like? I never really cared for lobster for all the reasons listed above (it feels like people only like lobster because they were socially brought up to think lobster tastes good), but I've had a lot of crab. Stone, Alaskan King, Snow, etc, but never had dungeness. My favorite is alaskan or snow.

>> No.7111740

>i don't like onions
>i don't like mushrooms
>proceeds to eat meals with mushrooms and onions in them and expresses that they love it
>try to get them to eat either of them by itself or on something (like a burger) and they refuse

>> No.7111747

>>Wanting salmonella poisoning

Doesn't apply if you're eating glorious British eggs though, we just vaccinate the hens. I can leave my eggs out of the fridge so they fry properly but you americans can't, your eggs dirty.

>> No.7111754

Steak and eggs is a good breakfast you faggot. Why does it make you mad that he's not eating pancakes and waffles with your fatass?

>> No.7111758

How is something that tastes like shit, is full of simple carbs, has no nutritional value, and is ONLY empty calories not "objectively bad"?

It tastes like shit, it's shit for you, and it's not even strong enough to get you buzzed unless you have 3-4. Literally only lardasses, 40 year old suicidal dads, and bums drink beer.

>> No.7111779

>skips breakfast
>well done steak
>i love chinese food (orange chicken, beef & broccoli, panda express)

>> No.7111790

I have a friend who doesn't like tomato but eats cherry tomatos.

>> No.7111801

>Refuses to order boned-in fish

>> No.7111842

As a fun fact most salmonella in eggs occurs when cracking the egg and contaminating the yolk with the external egg shell.

>> No.7111856


lol, fag

>> No.7111860

Nice retort, fatass.

>> No.7111864

>I'm my best friend too
>I share the same views and hardly ever argue

>> No.7111873

I used to a small asian restaurant in my town, the owner was this really old asian guy, if he saw people mess like that with chopsticks he came to the table and binded the end of the sticks together with a rubber band

>> No.7111878

Whats wrong with white wine?
I usually ask what kind would go best with the food I order and that ain't always red

>> No.7111880

still is kinda, I can get lobsters on sale for less per pound than cheap cuts of beef.

>> No.7111881

Me and my cousin where browsing that original thread she was pregnant and the thought of that made her puke in her mouth a little
I laughed hard, planning to make it for her some day when she isn't expecting it

>> No.7111884


lol, fag.

>> No.7111894

>tastes like shit
I wasn't expecting to get triggered in a manchild thread

>> No.7111906

Anally destroyed Midwestern wife detected.
I'm actually aroused at the thought of you bitong your lip and bearing the pain as your husband absent mindedly pulverizes you dirt star.

>> No.7111994

Hey mang. There is nothing wrong with microwave food. Just as long as it's homemade leftovers, and not frozen turbopleb cheesy wheels

>> No.7112020
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>only correct way to eat oysters anymore.

uses the positive "anymore"
where the fuck are your from?

>> No.7112043

I'm from Cooter's Trailer Park in Florence, South Carolina.

>> No.7112158

I think that right now

it isn;t? wtf

>> No.7112187

Basa m8. Blacktip is much nicer than basa.

>> No.7112199

I can't fucking stand picky eaters. To be fair, I think it's more of a personality flaw on my part than on theirs, but it irritates me to no end.
>"I don't drink water" / "I only drink x soda, I can't go to that restaurant because they don't have x soda"
>"I've never tried it but I know I won't like it"
>"I don't want to try something new, I want to go somewhere we've been 50000 times"
People who pick off toppings annoy me to no end also. I have one friend who REFUSES to eat any topping on a pizza, only cheese, but she pretends it's not a big deal and then she'll spend 20 mins picking pepperoni off one piece of pizza and barely eating it. Whenever we cook when she's around she always requests irritating fucking exceptions, like giving her a bowl of plain rice or pasta before putting any sauce on it. If we sauce it, she won't touch it. Exclusively orders dessert at every single restaurant we go to, all the way from McDonalds to $200+ ultra fancy places. It's autistic as fuck, like she'll literally just order icecream and refuse to eat anything else.

>> No.7112228


What the fuck.

My aunt is a complainer, and picky eater. not loud and rude but she complains about everything.

>Where do you want to eat?
>Everyone agrees to some Italian restaurant
>She says omg no that place tastes like everything is out of a box
>go to said restaurant
>I order calamari for an app because fuck yeah(I'm fucking 26 and she came with my grand parents to visit my wife and I)
>only me and my grandpa say we want it
>aunt says oh no I won't like that
>more for me bitch
>calamari comes out and aunt says "oh I want to try it"
>give her a whole squid
>I don't pay attention because we're having a good time
>waitress comes to clean the app plates up
>fucking whole squid still on my aunts plate
>she orders caeser salad
>this doesn't taste right
>I taste it, wife tastes it, both grand parents taste it
>she doesn't touch the salad and then says "I'm gonna say something about it"
>tell her no, you're not complaining in my favorite Italian restaurant because you suck

Something similar happens every time I visit them and we go out to eat.

>> No.7112386

kilpatrick master race

>> No.7112396

7/11 in some places can be great.
the ones in taiwan had awesome skewers, tea eggs nice tofu stuff.

>> No.7112514

That image is the best thing I've seen this week

>> No.7112529



>> No.7112544

>I don't eat

>> No.7112625


>is your friend me?

(Raw) Tomatos are tasteless. Cherry tomatoes are patritian tier

>> No.7112873
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it looks crazy fucking expensive

>> No.7112940
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>not trying anything new because it looks weird
>not eating the crust of your pizza
>only eating brand name products when the generic tastes exactly the fucking same

>> No.7112985


Honestly never cared for lobster

>> No.7113096

This is my father. I run two onions through a food processor as the start of every single meal I cook for him and he always praises my cooking as the best he's ever had. He loves onions, he's just too retarded to realize it.

>> No.7113170

ITT: butthurt picky eaters

>> No.7113181
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this board has a lot of people who didn't eat the crusts of their sandwiches

anybody over 5 who is still a picky eater should go to /pol/ now

>> No.7113192

>Plain cheese pizza
>Cap'n Crunch Berries
>Hot Pockets

>> No.7113199

"I don't eat white sauces, anything with mayo, or anything with vinegar."

>> No.7113206

Is it weird to not eat the last bit of crust? For example, I eat the other crust on the sandwich except at the end the spot I was holding I end up chucking away and it's the corner crust bit.

>> No.7114058

This, my Grandma's family lived on an island of fishermen and farmers off the coast of Massachusetts and they were sick of lobster since they had it most nights for "suppah" as she would say

>> No.7114064

>tfw live on the east coast, all the bounties of the ocean are easily accessible to me, caught that day fresh
>fucking hate everything from the ocean

>> No.7114074

Nice bait

>> No.7114097

Then stay sober, you nancy boy lavender wearing tightassed goober. More beer for the rest of us.

Go home and eat some gluten free bread you dunce

>> No.7114168

I''ll eat any fish, but fuck off with your sea bugs and oysters (AKA a salty booger).

>> No.7114247

>Coffee tastes like cardboard! Blegh!

>> No.7114252

midwesterner detected

>> No.7114263

I'm really good at using chopsticks and they are still terrible for anything not relatively solid, they are actually BETTER for small sushi and stuff like takoyaki. but don't try to even attempt to get me to eat curry with chopsticks, I'd rather just be like an indian and use bread and shithands

>> No.7114267

Shitty coffee usually does

>> No.7114269

hell, presidents choice frozen indian food is perfectly serviceable, I've had WAY worse butter chicken from indian places than those little frozen dinners.

>> No.7114276
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look I'm not gonna drink it every day but you can fuck right off if chocolate milk, especially from local dairy farms with that delicious fatty milk, isn't amazing

>> No.7114283

>with normies
>try to force them to eat raw fish, something way out there for someone who doesn't experiment with food
>not something simple like japanese curry, steak, teriyaki.

>> No.7114289

this. big raw red tomatoes are just dirty tasting water that ruin anything they are on, especially burgers, real italian tomatoes are delicious, but impossible to get, and cherry are acceptable, tomatoes are great cooked into things but I don't know how someone can enjoy salads or burgers with giant, flavorless watery tomatoes on them.

>> No.7114292

>not eating the crust of your pizza
perfectly acceptable with shit tier pizza

>> No.7114302
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I won't eat anything with...
How much a faggot am i?

>> No.7114315

>tastes like shit
subjective opinion, also an incredibly fucking stupid statement to make since beer doesn't have 'a' flavor, different beers have different flavors
>it's shit for you
>it's not strong enough
[ ] not told
[ ] told
[ ] fucking told
[X] Toldulack the wicked. eater of truth

>> No.7114321
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you're a big gay

>> No.7114328

ketchup and mushrooms are acceptable?

>> No.7114342

my sides are in orbit!

>> No.7114363
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Half of you claim ketchup is for manchildren and the other half claim never eating ketchup is a manchild behaviour.

>> No.7114380

no no ketchup and mushrooms are sinful.
the other things are things he should eat

>> No.7114432

did you even read the story??

>> No.7114482

Are you me?

>> No.7114520

haha this post is hilarious! 10/10

>> No.7114533

What ISN'T manchild behavior nowadays though?

>> No.7114535

>"my favorite food's pizza"

>> No.7114549

>I only drink soda

>> No.7114604

equally autistic

>> No.7114683

slayed my sides

>> No.7114685

I've never had seafood, except fish sticks as a child

I've also never seen any sea

>> No.7114691

guessing either nigger or covers his face in shoe polish because he's so ashamed of bring born as the wrong skin colour

>> No.7114701

myoglobin, it a protein that helps bring oxygen to the muscle fibers(thats why its so red)

>> No.7114708

Uhh its the iron in the heme bro

>> No.7114709


He's the toughest grandma

>> No.7114720

Did I fucking say anything about sushi. It's perfectly reasonable to not want to eat raw fish. granted they're missing out on something good but I understand.

They were refusing things like okinomiyaki and takoyaki. This was the problem. They didn't even want to eat curry rice.

>> No.7114770

and myoglobin has iron in it, which is why its red because it also bonds with oxygen, to transfer it into the mucles

>> No.7115101

>it may
>it could
>it may
>it may
>it could

Nice fucking study there, faggot. There is no solid proof that beer is good for you, and all it is is simple carbs, sugars, and empty calories with no nutritional or health benefits. Kill yourself.

>> No.7115104

>if you don't like beer you must hate getting drunk!

Sorry I'm not a lardass like you with a 50 cm beer belly. I get drunk off of real drinks and can stay a lot more healthy than you can.

>> No.7115109

Fuck off.
You got rekt.

>> No.7115132


>> No.7115301

I used to be a "picky" eater but it's not like I didn't want to try other foods it's just that I was either not hungry or I legitimately thought it was disgusting.
But when we had Grasshoppers for our Mantis I had zero issue eating them myself, or I also didn't have an issue eating meal-worms.
Also stuff that once disgusted me because of their taste I now like.

I can understand if people don't like certain food, but I will never get why people don't want to broaden their horizon.

Stuff like that I will never understand.
If I were in Japan I'd probably end up a few kg heavier with all the stuff I'd try.

>> No.7115399


Sayeth the faggots who are probably the ones shitting up this thread with "WUTCHA EATIN' TONIGHT /CK/?"
>posts fastfood

>> No.7115447

>No one actually likes beer/coffee/spicy food/rare steak, they just pretend to to look cool.

>> No.7116217

Yeah and? Do your know how lobster was prepared back then??

Let's remember, refrigeration didn't exist. The lobster was caught, shelled, and heavily salted and left to dry, oftentimes buried. Then dug up months later for consumption.

They weren't boiling them and presenting them with melted butter and lemon

>> No.7116427

Also worth noting that it was far more common in the ocean. Not long after it became a delicacy among nouveau rich in the Midwest, Atlantic Lobster populations were hit by an epidemic of some kind, the specifics of which I forget.

>> No.7116777
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ebbbinnn!!! :DDD

>> No.7116940

>'Real drinks'

Awesome, we've regressed to elementary school insulting. I'm not overweight, in fact I'm about average for my height. I just have the good fortune to have non-bitch taste buds and am actually able to enjoy a variety of delicious beers. For the record, I also enjoy whiskey, vodka, rum, cognac, and lots of other drinks.

As I said, more beer for the rest of us. Go sulk in the corner with your rose wine while you wonder why no one wants to talk about liberal politics with you.

>> No.7116965

>I'm not overweight, in fact I'm about average for my height
Well, if you're American, average is overweight.

>> No.7117110


>> No.7117371

>ha ing autism fits over what people eat.

>> No.7117993

I am American, and no, average is not overweight. Despite what you may think American doctors have medical data which they rely on to advise their patients of a healthy weight for their height. Shocking, I know. At 155 pounds (a little over 70kg), I'm pretty darn average for being 5'9".

But I'm sure you knew all that and weren't shitposting at all. Go back to your coffee and cigarette breakfast, Jacques.

>> No.7118057

Well, chicken tenders are pretty hard to fuck up. If you don't know if a restaurant is going to have good food, then getting tenders is a safe bet.

Same goes for chicken-fried steak.

>> No.7118101

Not at all. I posted >>7099453 and I seldom, if ever, eat fast food, actually. Not opposed to its consumption, mind you. It's just not part of my regular diet. It's a sometimes food.
I don't post much of what I cook because I'm shaky and my plates tend to look more like a disorganised cross between a Jackson Pollock and a primary schooler's fingerpaintings.

>> No.7118108

I'm american at nearly the same proportions as you (5'9" and 150)

I get all kinds of crap from flyovers when I have to visit flyover land on business

>how do you stay so thin!
>are you from california? you look like you must be from california (I'm actually from new york)
>on ordering a reasonable amount of food: oh you're so good! trying to be healthy? it's good to be healthy.

Then there's the driving across the street to get lunch instead of walking, which would be faster and more sane. But god forbid anyone walk! That's for criminals.

You only need to compare the denizens of the CBD of say, memphis or kansas city, vs new york or san francisco, to see that "average" varies per region.

>> No.7118113

Stop feeding the troll.

Just hide their shitposting and ignore them and hopefully they'll crawl back under a rock somewhere.

>> No.7118153


This is my roommate's gf. She also does nothing but hang around and play WoW and take up space in our cabinets with shitty instant noodles. What's worse is she's from a wealthier area (me and my roommate are pretty poor bachelors) so she also does horrible stuff like talk about organic food, drag my roommate to expensive sushi places, or eat guacamole with a spoon.

>> No.7118243

Good call mang

Lobster is trash

Crab is the holy land.

>> No.7118244

Which means nothing except for the fact that lobster were plentiful. Poverty food ≠ low quality food, historically at least.

This comes up in every conversation about lobster, guaranteed, and it still doesn't mean anything

>> No.7118254

Jesus christ you're retarded anon. I was going to take the time to type out why those are some goddam dumb opinions, but it's not worth the effort

>> No.7118258

WATER is a chemical you dumb hippie
fucking kill yourself

>> No.7118264

>guacamole with a spoon

Total pleb tier. I impress the oriental chicks by eating g-wok with chop sticks

>> No.7118268


Not long after that was posted, I got triggered but then thought the same thing. He's too fucking dumb to understand a single concept I would type.

>> No.7118351

>>Picky eaters in any sense
>>drinks soda on a regular basis
>>eats sweets
this is me

>> No.7118657
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>not drinking diatomaceous earth on a regular basis
>not knowing the pleasures of nigiri

>> No.7118665

>tfw legitimately have condition that causes my gag reflex to be triggered by certain textures and scents that are perfectly normal
>tfw nobody knows about it and most just think I'm making it up to justify being a picky eater

I really fucking wish my body would just let me eat all the delicious food it refuses to

>> No.7118727


>Spicy food

I always get that shit for ordering vindaloo curries or hotter
Does spicy food give anyone else a slight high?

>> No.7118895


You are the worst type of person.

>> No.7118909


>salty boogers

Fuck you man, why did you have to ruin oysters for me? Im not a picky eater at all since im not a faggot but now its going to fuck with me.

Thanks asshole.

>> No.7118932

Yes. That's part of the effect. Trust me, no one thinks you look cool when your face is read and you're starting to sniffle over your hot bowl of curry. Anyone who thinks we do this to look cool lacks basic critical thinking abilities.

>> No.7118934

red. Sorry, I was slurping on a spicy bowl of soup as I typed.

>> No.7119838
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>> No.7119857

>hurr I was eating beef ramen with sriracha sauce I'm so fucking hardcore guys

You're probably a Kyle

>> No.7119887

Do it next time you impregnate her

>> No.7119892

>liking anal sex

Closet faggot detected

>> No.7119907


>Being so thick and lazy you can't even shit talk relevantly

We were talking about curry, would you like to try again or continue projecting?

>> No.7119919

if you somehow associate fucking a cute squealing girls ass with fucking a dudes hairy butt that makes you the faggot, dumbshit

>> No.7120628

Wow, thanks. This is really mind-boggling. I didn't know that.

>> No.7121021

This is me but with burgers. Although I get steaks sometimes.

>> No.7121024

Tell me when that makes sense

>> No.7121029

Fuck off back to wherever you came from
Also it is not good posting etiquette to use "him", it's best to just use "anon"

>> No.7121033

Should I be washing my eggs?

>> No.7121036
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Are you me? The same thing happens to me, for example
> something is too chewy? Gag.
> Smells good but tastes weird? Gag.
It sucks

>> No.7122954
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>my mfw face when those lucky duplicate le numbers
wew lad that's a spicy swank post 2bh