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7094709 No.7094709 [Reply] [Original]

Bread is kinda cool when you think about it

>> No.7094720

i like this bread

>> No.7094723


>> No.7094727

sour dough is best dough

>> No.7094737
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this is nice bread

>> No.7094741

>Bread is kinda cool

All those little air pocket ...things.

>> No.7094746

Pretty nice.

>> No.7094749

Dude you like bread? We should totally hang out

>> No.7094757
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brad makes you fat

>> No.7094759

colaries make you fat

>> No.7094765

>this is what fat people actually believe

>> No.7094767
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Professor Bread Molester coming through.


>tfw no pocket bread knife to carry with you everywhere in case bread

>> No.7094922

Fuck, now I want to go on an all bread and chicken diet for a week

>> No.7095062
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Who /flatbread/ here?

>> No.7095128
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What kind of bread is best?

Pic related

Recipi: http://sproutedfig.com/crispbread/

>> No.7095135

isn't this actually true though?

>> No.7095143

/r/ halp to make dat kebabsnackbar bread
i think the name is khobez o something like that

>> No.7095431

'Khubz' just means 'bread' in sandspeak. Without a qualifier, it could mean whichever of the various breads cameljockies eat that is most common for the area those particular sandmoolies hail from.
For Levantine durkastanis, it generally refers to pitta. For semi-nomadic ragheads, it could mean baghrir, laxox or other dosa-like varieties. For Egyptians, it could be either pitta or sourdough boules. For Turks, who do not speak Arabic and are not Arabs and therefore have no reason to use the word 'khubz' because it's an Arabic word, kebab is generally served with durum, a type of wrap bread. This also true of Lebanese.
For North Africans, it's generally baguette and for Maltese, it's Italian-style sourdough.

Basically, without know what sort of terrorist-descent your local kebaberie is run by, we wouldn't really be able to tell you what their 'khubz' would be.

>> No.7095433

i'm doing keto and this triggered me! fuck you! reeeee!

>> No.7095442

yes and no . khubiz is used specifically for that particular type of Flatbread and rarely used as a blanket term. Samoon is the word for all other types of bread.

>> No.7095444

there are just different varieties of khubiz.

>> No.7095463

nice meme diet u dumb fag

>> No.7095492


Khubz (not khubiz; what the fuck is that?!) means bread in Arabic. It's that simple.

Not trying to talk down to you but I'm going to guess only associated with Arabised people (IE Yemenis, North Africans, Iraqis, Kuwaitis etc) rather than Arabs-proper (IE Levantines, Saudis and Egyptians) and are familiar only with their particular sort of khubz (or 'khubiz' as you say, lol) which, I would guess, is called 'samoon.'

In proper Arabic, 'khubz' just means 'bread' and that's that. To Arabic-speakers outside of the Levant, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, 'khubz arabiy' (literally 'Arabic bread') means 'pitta' while 'khubz' refers to whatever the most commonly consumed type of bread is locally. In the Levant and SA, 'khubz' generally refers to pitta. In Egypt, the word used is 'aish,' for some reason. 'Aish' means something like 'lifeblood' or 'staple.'

>> No.7095502

Bread is kinda hot when you think about it.

>> No.7095506

No. Simply eating bread won't make you fat, eating 5000 calories worth every day for months will just as drinking 5000 calories of olive oil will.

>> No.7095525


>> No.7095537

I'm fermenting some dough in a plastic tub right now. I will make whole wheat sourdough rolls when it's ready.

>> No.7095566
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>> No.7095575

recipe and tips? I'm so bad at sourdough pls help

>> No.7095758

The only think i know is that on the package there is written Khobez, in the ingredient list there is only flour, salt, yeast and sugar
The bread is very flat and morbid, can be opened in half easily

>> No.7095804
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>> No.7095808

Italian detected.
It means something very different in English.
Anyway, yeah: that's pitta. Generally, in non-Arabic-speaking countries, khubz = pitta. In Arabic-speaking countries, khubz = whatever the most common local variety of bread is, and that can vary country to country and even region to region within those countries.

>> No.7095837

That looks amazing.

>> No.7095888

your italian detector work bretti gud
the pita in google images looks more heavy than the bread that i'm talking about
also pitta with 2 T is something totally different made in calabria

>> No.7096017

I always thought it was really cool how so many cultures that developed independently of one another all have their versions of a bread.

South America- tortillas

India- Naan & Roti

France- French bread/baguette


Its like all humans are connected through adding water and flour and baking that shit

>> No.7096023

I think the idea is its easier to overeat bread than olive oil as you well know you revolting pedant

>> No.7096024

For curiosity's sake, what does morbid mean in Italian? Dense?

>> No.7096025 [DELETED] 

bread is a vegetable, its just processed.

>> No.7096028

Totally what the ancient barbarians of Gaul were baking when they first started farming.

>> No.7096034

can be:
soft, smooth, tender, silky, downy, squashy

>> No.7096074
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>congealed wheat foam utilized as a fruit, meat and cheese delivery device

>> No.7096094

>bread thread
>posts chedda

>> No.7096122

Real flatbread.

Please kill yourself. You are using examples that are wrong on the side of more than a millenniums.
Especially when all spices have to be grinded to be stored for long term, as do all grains, and you can do the same for anything thats not meat.

>> No.7096158
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>brad makes you fat


>> No.7096164

Well, pita/pitta is the closest western-ish bread to khubz arabiy. Pitta comes from our Adriatic neighbours.
Also, I knew you're Italian cuz I'm also Italian and instantly understood what you meant when you said 'morbid.'

In the case of the bread, OtherItaliAnon meant 'soft.' The word is 'morbido.' I understood what he meant because when I was first learning English, I've made similar vocabulary errors.
One I made was saying 'annoying' when I meant 'boring,' but this is more because of French. See, I speak Italian natively and French semi-natively and picked up a lot of basic English through French-language instruction. The crossed wires come from annoy being related to French ennui which comes from Italian noia. In Italian and French, both these words mean 'boredom,' so that's where the disconnect comes from.

>> No.7096165

You know what's not cool to think about? Mass-produced white bread (like wonderbread).

>> No.7096173

Can confirm. I have a friend named brad and he's a bit chubby.

>> No.7096177
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>all spices have to be grinded to be stored for long term

>> No.7097103



>> No.7098166

What makes a bread healthy?
Why do people say sourdough is better than yeast?
Does the flour matter or simply whether it is whole-grain or not?

>> No.7098337
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>> No.7098381

>white bread

>> No.7098417

please go

>> No.7098424

>It isn't
>Taste (sourdough still incorporates yeast)
>Obviously it fucking matters

And they say there are no stupid questions

>> No.7098440
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>> No.7098442

Not him, but....
You just store stalks of whole wheat in your pantry?

>> No.7098445

Fermented grains are easier to digest. Gluten-free grains are a bit easier to digest too but dramatically so in some people.

I like the Ethiopian Teff bread because its both fermented and (usually) gluten free.

I also eat normal wheat bread too though, I'm not a nutter.

>> No.7098459

Bread p.gud OP
I like bread
Nice post
Bread, yeah

>> No.7098553

yeh, it's bready gud

>> No.7098555

Bread is definitely underrated, because most people just buy sliced bread from the supermarket.

Go down to the local bakery in the morning, buy a freshly baked crusty load, take a slice and spread on a bit of butter. Absolutely beautiful.

>> No.7098557

>Not trying to talk down to you but


>> No.7098860

I ate a bread once and it was awful

>> No.7098871
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desu senpaitachi

>> No.7098909
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I used to live above a bakery. Goddamn, the smells that would waft up were so heavenly, I just had to by a fresh loaf every couple of days.

A thick slice toasted with some homemade butter and a glass of kefir was my breakfast for a good while.

>> No.7098918
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>> No.7099087

Former-pro-turned-current-hobbyist baker here.

At my old job, there was a starter already there for me to work with. At home, I've taken to just using ADY (which we used at the bakery only for making sandwich bread IE American-style whitebread).
However, I began a starter and used it for the first time yesterday. The flavour is spot fucking on and delicious, however, it lacks the lift the starter I used at my old job had. Obviously, I've got more starter sitting about but I don't want tomorrow's loaf and any loaves thereafter to come as dense as the one I baked yesterday.

Is it a sin against The Bread Gods to add a little ADY to help my final dough rise when I already use starter?
I am having a real problem of faith here and worry I may be committing panary blasphemy. What are the boulangerial and philosophical ramifications of adding both a delicious starter and high-lifting ADY to my bread dough?

>> No.7100893
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Bread is tight, bread is tight.

>> No.7101026
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Focaccia is best bread, prove me wrong

>> No.7102077

Bread used to be considered a source of protein before they ruined all the wheat back in the 60s.



>> No.7102150


That second link is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read in my life.

>"GMO" wheat caused celiacs


>> No.7102203

Holy shit, that's the most misleading and plain wrong article I've ever read.

It's the nuttiest anti-GM post I've seen, mainly because the wheat it describes isn't a GMO...

>> No.7102237

man's greatest invention imo

>> No.7102366

>that traumatized feline

>> No.7103086

I've seen people do this a lot. Ken forkish has recipes like this in his book flour, water, salt, yeast and he calls them hybrid doughs. They've always turned out great for me.

>> No.7103196

Well, good to know, cuz I already did it. I'll let you know in a few hours how it worked out for me.

>> No.7103476

I tried to make bread but I made cake instead
What the fuck is wrong with me
It was really good cake too

>> No.7103484

i wonder if she got a yeast infection after.

>> No.7103489

homemade naan bread brushed with butter is orgasmic, if you suck at making curry, make naan, people will forget about how bad the curry is.

>> No.7103817

Do you guys have any tips for making bread last longer? A way to store it, or something I can buy to make keep it as fresh as possible for as long as possible?

>> No.7103825

Where do you put dough when it needs a warm place to rise? I tried leaving mine on top of the oven but it didn't rise as much as I wanted.

>> No.7103832

>Do you guys have any tips for making bread last longer?
When the bread is cool, slice it up and put it in reusable freezer bags and stuff it in the freezer. I usually have a weeks worth of bread stored this way. I reheat it in a toaster oven. Tastes like it came fresh from the oven.

>> No.7103833

let it rise in the oven. If it doesn't rise enough, just wait longer.

>> No.7104891

are you british?

>> No.7104905
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Bread is kinda gross when you think about it.

Consider the likely origins of adding yeast to dough...

>> No.7104912


>Freezing bread

You are literally the anti-christ.

>> No.7104920

Anyone have simple recipe for fluffy inside, crispy outside bread?

>> No.7104924

this. refrigerate it instead familia

>> No.7105003


(some) flour
(some) water
(a little bit) of yeast

Kneed it for a while
Leave it alone for a while
Apply heat to it for a while

>> No.7105019

and salt

>> No.7105051

I am trying 2:1 flour to water with yeast and a bit of salt. Letting it proof now.

>> No.7105060


If your fluff is inadequate, it is probably because your yeast sucks. Using baking powder can add fluff, but won't make up for shitty yeast.

>> No.7105079

How do I rate yeast?

Like what makes shitty yeast shitty?