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File: 40 KB, 687x515, guy swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7084733 No.7084733 [Reply] [Original]

>Guy Fieri calls Anthony Bourdain out on his shit talking

“I don’t like him making fun of people, and I don’t like him talking shit. And he’s never talked shit to my face. I know he’s definitely gotta have issues, ’cos the average person doesn’t behave that way. It’s not that I’m not open to the reality that the food world was like this from a few people’s perspective. It’s just, What are you doing? What is your instigation? You have nothing else to fucking worry about than if I have bleached hair or not? I mean, fuck.”


>> No.7084755 [DELETED] 


Jesus christ fuck off.

>> No.7084761

Both are jokes in their own way and completely incompatible personalities. Bourdain hasn't done anything worthwhile since the first book he wrote, and Guy rides on a show where you have to ignore him and watch other cooks' creations, where neither are even relevant anymore.

Looks like feuding is the only thing they can do to pop from their fading mediocrity.

>> No.7084770


Bourdain is going to be the biggest "hack" meme of 2016, all of us cooks/chefs that grew up reading kitchen confidential when we just started cooking realize the guys a fucking story teller and a liar, enjoy the book deal whordain, some people actually work in kitchens.

>> No.7084775

Are all your points just purely buzzwords and conjecture?

>> No.7084794 [DELETED] 

Those two are worthless. They should both get a room and a tub of crisco and go at it. They're both irrelevant and this is getting desperate for them.


>> No.7084806 [DELETED] 

Are there ratings really that low?


>> No.7084813 [DELETED] 
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His hair is pretty stupid though

>> No.7084827 [DELETED] 

Maybe the low ratings of those idiots will harken back to when cooking shows were about teaching, and not about stupid music for everythn..|

Fuck it why bother, they can fuck off.

>> No.7084833


>> No.7084842

Fieri is a fucking douchebag, Anthony Bourdain is at least interesting even if you don't like him.

>> No.7084847


But Bourdain worked in a kitchen for over 20 years?

>> No.7084851 [DELETED] 

How is he interesting? He sais fuck once in a while, ogm, that's so fucking insteresting on a video blog.

It's a fucking video blog, why exactly do you care about his opinions?

>> No.7084854 [DELETED] 


>> No.7084857


I have no idea what "video blog" you're talking about.

>> No.7084861 [DELETED] 

Then you're a moron, it's 2015 get with the times, it's not for me to bring you up. Are you a nigger?

>> No.7084869

this. he's a pretentious twat, but he's an entertaining pretentious twat

>> No.7084871


You don't become the head chef of a place by not working there.

>> No.7084886 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 1200x675, giada-dumb_food_network_bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about giada, or tons of others because who they fucked or who they know? That's fuckin' food network now and it's fuckin' useless.

>> No.7084887

They both have points. Bourdain is obviously a better cook, but he seems sour that Fieri has probably made a shit ton more money than him pushing dive food on the masses.

>> No.7084892 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 896x604, celebrity_fag_off-fieri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fool

>> No.7084894


Bourdain isn't on the food network though.

>> No.7084905 [DELETED] 

Oh, not anymore, he's on cnn, that's real good source of information.
Talking heads.

>> No.7084910


He doesn't do the news.

>> No.7084914 [DELETED] 

That's because he's irrelevent, like CNN these days. Like I wrote, he's very desperate.

>> No.7084919 [DELETED] 

hahahaha nobody on CNN does the news now... hahahahahahaha!
Same with fox.
They're talking heads.

>> No.7084925

Fieri lives in a fantasy world where everyone is a dude bro who loves him.

Bourdain lives in a fantasy world where everyone is an antagonistic fuckface.

>> No.7084942 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 615x484, Guy_Fieri-faggotry-1358136437699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7084964


He doesn't do the news because he's irrelevant, which means you're only relevant if you do do the news?

>> No.7084982

if not A because B, does not equal if B then A

logic 101

>> No.7084993 [DELETED] 

That's not the reason, it's because they don't do the news anymore, it's all about talking heads spouting bullshit that have nothing to do with the news. That applies to both cnn and fox and a lot of other usa stations.

>> No.7085001 [DELETED] 

It's "infotainment" you daft idiot. It's filling time between commercials and making airtime commercials.

>> No.7085005 [DELETED] 

Follow the money with so called news channels, follow it always always always.

>> No.7085019


>> No.7085051


You've never watched an Anthony Bourdain show in your life, got it.


I'm just going by what you give me.

>> No.7085055 [DELETED] 

I tried to a few times, it's just that he's so fucking full of shit that I don't care. I grew up in new york city, why the fuck would it be interesting to me to watch someone yammer like a bitch and say fuck once in a while and smoke and drink?

Maybe to you morons that's interesting, to me it's not. Piss off.

>> No.7085061 [DELETED] 

I don't understand the point of those types of shows. Why exactly should I find someone interesting that I don't know or sitting in a stupid restaurant?

Does it make you feel like you're there with them in the restraurant? Are you that pathetic?

>> No.7085067 [DELETED] 

Are you so pathetic that you eat along with them and pretend that you're in the restaurant with them? Is that it?

You pathetic cunt.

>> No.7085077

>when I watch football, I put on a jersey and tackle my dog around the living room

>> No.7085089


lol. what are you fags even mad about right now?

>> No.7085100


Dude he was never on the food network. Before CNN he was on the travel channel.

>> No.7085112


His first show was Food Network, 1 year only though.

>> No.7085164


>> No.7085169

Guy > Anthony tbqhwyfam

>> No.7085174


>> No.7085338

Guy seems chill and fun to be around.anthony seems like a cunt

>> No.7085529
File: 32 KB, 530x353, fbz2010-014-530x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy rides on a show where you have to ignore him and watch other cooks' creations.
Thats deep

>> No.7087370


>> No.7087387

Guy Fieri is brotier

>> No.7087605


>> No.7088152

ttbhf (this to be honest senpai)

>> No.7088177
File: 55 KB, 299x532, 1444455399923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both for different reasons, tbqh though I'd rather have dinner with guy. Boudain would make me uncomfortable. Not in an "omg I'm talking to a celebrity" kind of way. I feel he'd be a smug condescending cunt.

>> No.7088195

>You will never roll out with Guy while blasting at The Offspring and checking out hot chicks in cali

end me

>> No.7088207

Bourdain seems like he would have some good bantz.
Guy just would try to be your "bro" and buy you a bunch of shots because you're pretending to be his friend.
Both would be pretty gr8 tbqh

>> No.7089513


>> No.7089689

lol that pretentious queer got BTFO by flavortown

>> No.7089694


From the shows I've seen Bourdain is pretty fun to be around as long as you get him hammered drunk.

>> No.7089699

If you ever watched Anthony Bourdain before he became famous for his travel show, he was such a tool. He sucked up to big name Chefs and tried so hard to be part of that circle jerk culture. He was a complete cunt.

>> No.7089702


If they make a new Crazy Taxi, Guy should be one of the unlock characters.

>> No.7089706

I would honestly rather watch Guy Fieri be his usual fratboy retard self than Anthony "Give me another plate of shit you peasant, I need to pretend I'm still relevant" Bourdain.

I'd rather watch Andrew Zimmerman before either of them though.

>> No.7089708

Both of these duys are television food celebrities, which means they're cartoon characters. Cartoon characters having a tiff is funny, but not really meaningful.

That said, Fieri has chosen to represent everything hateful about American food, so in my mind he's automatically wrong on everything.

>> No.7089712
File: 32 KB, 550x360, andrewzimmern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck both of those keks
Andrew for life

>> No.7089713

there is no question in my mind that guy is a better chef than anthony
fact is, guy is still a restaurant chef, anthony is a washed up failure of a restaurant who cooks as a hobby now

I doubt anthony even has the culinary intuition to put together guys signature breath mint pie

>> No.7089743


half the time he was railing coke in the bathroom and fucking with heroin, a majority of restaurants he ran ended up closing down(through no fault of his own im sure), and the one restaurant he was successful in the executive chef was the reason for that.

The dudes a fucking joke, sure he could probably out cook some younger guys who don't know much but put him against literally anyone else who has 20 years and he'd get shredded.

>> No.7090732

theyre both the same imo.
bourdain provides better food porn though.
kinda bothers me that guy doesnt like eggs.
zimmern is badass.

>> No.7090769

That sounds fun as fuck did he actually say that?

>> No.7090794

I want to play as Guy in a wrestling game. His intro music has to be All Star

>> No.7091441


he still cooked for 20 years and is far more interesting than you

>> No.7091519

>guy doesnt like eggs.

finally someone that doesn't buy into the shelled Jew.

>> No.7091530

Fieri is a walking meme. Bourdain seems like a decent dude.

>> No.7091533

>signature breath mint pie

fuuuck me my sides kek

>> No.7091545

Boudain is also a walking meme, fieri just doesn't pretend to be legitimate.

>> No.7091582


Trust me faggot I've cooked for 13 years and im far more interesting than bourlame, half the time on the show hes just complaining about shit, hes a whiney washed up man-baby who thinks hes culinary elite. The troll doll at least doesn't lie about his shitty food and restaurants.

>> No.7091594

>Bourdain calls vegetarianism a "first world luxury"
>Literally millions of people are too poor to even consider eating meat

How can he be so dumb

>> No.7091606

he means being a vegetarian by choice, you mouth-breather

>> No.7091650

He did say that India got vegetarianism right. I think he's just pissed off with how tasteless western vegetarian food tends to be.

>> No.7091671

You dont have to be a cook to critique food and make a career out of it. People watch him for his personality.

>> No.7091710

Zimmern seems like a cool dude who you could have dinner with and hang out with afterward. You know, like one of your bros.

>> No.7091737
File: 73 KB, 463x486, 1334503556998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also stating he’d be the resulting product “if Ed Hardy fucked a juggalo.”
Shit, previously mine, was lost

>> No.7091768

Ed Hardy is a nice old Jewish man from Iowa who designs tattoos, he has literally nothing to do with the douchebags who wear his designs.

>> No.7091792

What bothers me about all of this is that Fieri never calls out other people regardless of their actions. Sure, he's a douche, but he knows who he's playing to and seems to genuinely enjoy the dive food that he eats.

Bourdain is a cynical cunt who is technically superior for sure, but hasn't done anything noteworthy in the past 5 years except bag on other people who while technically inferior are more successful than him.

I like both of them, but Bourdain comes off as the asshole in this exchange.

>> No.7091823


>> No.7091844

senpai kek

>> No.7091867

Is boudain really superior? Fieri is a big douchebag, probably the best dbag on earth. And he's totally comfortable in that roll. Boudain is a washed up failure who never seems comfortable until he gets wasted. All the while spewing Kerouac bullshit about eating rice and guts with slant eyes on a bamboo canoe. I'd feel sorry for him if he weren't such a burnout and dislikeable person.

>> No.7092091

Who gives a fuck if they are nice or not. Bourdain has shown me interesting places all over the world and Guy has taken me into a shit ton of American joints. I will never in my life spend a second of my day with either of them so all I have to do is watch and be entertained. You faggots think you are part of the show.

>> No.7092124

other than he designs their clothing.

>> No.7092130

Spot the kid that just took philosophy 100

>> No.7092151

>world where everyone is an antagonistic fuckface.
That's the real world.

>> No.7092534

I like Andrew and I like his show

But that fucking lip smacking drives me nuts and I can't sit though a whole episode without being disgusted by him.

>> No.7093373

or logic 101 maybe

>> No.7093506
File: 140 KB, 500x332, 4661396998_770dc7a5ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never haul ass down the Vegas strip high on blow and blaring smash mouth with Guy Fieri in his red convertible and double team an expensive Vegas hooker in a room at the Luxor


>> No.7093528

What does smashmouth have to do with food

>> No.7093543


>> No.7093566

at least philo 101 arguments are right. compare to the kid who took econ 101 and suddenly knows more about the economy than economists

>> No.7093592

Guyfag here. Fuck BOREdaine.

>> No.7093726

why even live?

>> No.7093808

>implying bourdain doesn't admit that he's not a cook anymore and that he is over paid for doing something he shouldn't be paid at all for, and he just like writing, whether you read it or not

Reminder he wrote shitty fictional stories no one cared about before he was even known.

>> No.7093834

don't even give this cancer site hits people

>> No.7093853

>no one cared about before he was even known.
Yes, anon, people usually don't care about what you have to say before they know who you are. Congratulations on your deep insight.

>> No.7093870

No, I do not mean no one cared about it because he was unknown. I mean he wrote it and no one cared about it, before he blew up big. I was referring to time, not correlation. STILL, even today, no one cares about his fictional writings.

>> No.7093878

I would rather watch Guy Fieri guzzle shit food down his gullet than sit through a hour of Anthony Bourdain ramble on about shit that had nothing to do with food.

>> No.7093898

Who would win in a fight?

>> No.7093905

Obviously Guy. Even if he's a shitty fighter, he's got the weight advantage. Also Bourdain strikes me as a total pussy.

>> No.7093916

my nigga chef john?

>> No.7093918

Bourdain probably snuck some bamboo daggers with him from some shit hole third world country he visited

>> No.7093937

i agree that anthony bourdain is too high up on that horse. he really isnt shit but poor prose and experience. but fieri is shit too, so i dont know who to go on.

>> No.7094395

Tony, there's a party in your mouth
I'm waiting for Guy's heart to explode
Shit A vs Shit B

>> No.7094398


Bourdain actually trains martial arts tho

>> No.7094400


>> No.7094444

Anthony is a pretentious hipster douche, but guy is the worst person on TV at this moment. I have no choice to side with the lesser of the two.

Fuck guy.

>> No.7094579

I fucking love Chef John

>> No.7094586

Sure kid, sure.

>> No.7094648

>im more interesting than bourdane because im posting on a chinese pixel forum

>> No.7094658

Guy hands down. Anthony is kinda faggy.

>> No.7094669

Sick quads, sorry they were wasted on such a shit opinion.
>not wanting to hang out with Guy

>> No.7094712
File: 408 KB, 404x404, fieri1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go meet at a restaurant with guy
>burger place featured on his diners drive ins and dives show
>he scans the menu
>sees eggs on a burger
>throws a fit like a petulant child
>you both order
>guy gets up
>walks to another table
>shoves his face into their plate while screaming "FLAVOURTOWN USA"
>you get him to sit down
>food finally comes
>he gorges himself on your food and doesnt shut the fuck up while chewing
>makes you pay the bill

Enjoy your time with a dynamite guy friendo :^ )

>> No.7094951

opinion discarded
they're like a fucking tabloid, always trying to start shit, taking shit out of context and sometimes straight out making up shit for the sake of "journalism"

More on topic, most tv chefs are jokes. They're there to be a tv personality with knowledge about cooking, not necessarily to be a great chef.

>> No.7095267

If I had to choose, i'd probably hang out with Guy rather than Bourdain though

>> No.7095491

i just watched this webm like 150 times, i am dying....guy is by far the best I didnt like him till now

>> No.7096169

Google says bourdain is worth more but who knows desu

>> No.7096194

>Bourdain is obviously a better cook,
Have you actually seen Bourdain cook? Honestly speaking he's really not that good, very sloppy and doesn't know how to mise en place. Bourdain seemed to have lucked out and just became the head chef at a very early age and I'm sure he's good at that but as any cook knows the Exec Chef is more of a manager than a guy who makes food.

Frankly speaking I really don't see much difference between Fieri and Bourdain other than Bourdain being a whole lot more pretentious. They're now just both entertainers who show you nice places to eat on TV.

>> No.7096235

Right. It's a very important role. There is lots of experience and knowledge about kitchens. There is expertise in business. The reason he is exceptional isn't because of knife skills or a magic touch. It's because he communicates well with cooks and can both find good chefs to feature as well SELL them. My favorite butcher always treated me with sirloin ground beef when I was buying oxtail. The guy couldn't make a burger let alone fine roast or blue cuts. He knew meat better than anyone I met in life so far. I don't judge him as a cook, he butchered in Marais since the late 1940s. I don't judge Bourdain as some creative genius. He's a salesman and is phenomenal at it.

>> No.7096240

I didn't mean to sound contradicting you. I'm a new poster agreeing and expanding on your point. They both do the same thing I just like Bourdain's product more because he features more intelligent pieces and it is visually more pleasing to me.

>> No.7096248

> who thinks hes culinary elite.

False. Anthony barely considers himself a chef, he prefers the title of cook. Not once has the ever claimed to be an elite chef but only that he's lucky enough to meet and eat their food.

>> No.7097821

lol Fieri has no credibility with his smash mouth look...

>> No.7097825


>> No.7097850

Top lol, what's guy doing? That shits hilarious

>> No.7097948
File: 13 KB, 251x208, 24391-25762-15446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improper use of question mark.

>> No.7097950

A Cook's Tour

>> No.7097968
File: 561 KB, 973x616, 098097969578 (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of whitetrash dirtbag are you? Guy is low class.