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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7083253 No.7083253 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/'s guilty pleasure food?

>> No.7083254

Bread and butter. I can knock out a whole loaf and half a stick of butter in a sitting.

>> No.7083262


>extra hot pickled jalapeños after salting them

Paper towel on standby for sweat.

>> No.7083263

Beans on toast

Ate six slices for brekkie the other day

>> No.7083266

Frozen pizzas and appetizers that can fit into my tiny toaster oven.

>> No.7083267

those are shitty poorfag choices, i was expecting burgers or somethin...i am dissapoint.

>> No.7083274
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Tendies my mommy brings me so I don't have to stop playing halo 5

>> No.7083279


Lately, jelly babies. I spotted a big £2 tub of them in Asda yesterday and almost had to lock my muscles to stop myself buying them.

Had some yogurt instead. Lovely, delicious, still-not-jelly-babies yogurt...

>> No.7083292

jelly what?
who eats that crap?
Snickers master race.

>> No.7083293

Reese's peanut cups, those make me want to dedicate my life to food. Just become a food junkie, rent the cheapest shittest apartment I can find, save up enough money, and just buy those in bulk and eat nothing else.

>> No.7083302

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

I can't even buy ingredients for anymore as I'll finish them all in a couple days.

>> No.7083304

Fried Rice

>> No.7083309
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Sweet and sour chicken with egg fried rice. I'm at university at the moment, and there isn't a decent chinese takeaway for miles around. I'm aware that I could just make it myself, but it's not the same. When I go back to my city for christmas, I'm going to go to my local chinese takeaway and get a load of that stuff.

>> No.7083340

>jelly babies

wtf dude they're not even the same thing, why compare them like that?

>> No.7083369

Anything that is made by a bad company and it is also really bad for me but i continue to buy sparingly anyways. Like Doritos & mexican coke

>> No.7083373

muh nigga

Yeah, anyone who says you can make this shit at home is retarded.

>> No.7083492

muh nigga

>> No.7083515

>paying so much for cheap gook rice
i can get 10 kilos for 2 bucks and do the same by adding cancer causing MSG for that authentic experience "you can't do at home".

fucking faggots, at least get a burger, you're not getting ripped off that way.

>> No.7083523


Anything on a Chinese takeaway menu with the words "salt and chili" in front of it is the same for me.


Fuck off, seppo.

>> No.7083537

Rich brown sauces/espagnole/demi-glace. Give me a bloody steak, a thick sauce and some bread, I'm in heaven.

>> No.7083603

toast sandwich
chip butty
tortillas with popcorn and catsup
rice, bolognese and chocolate chip cookies mixed together
also lately my mommy started making this cake where she layers bologna slices and coats it in extra thick mayo like a cake and then adds mustard frosting on top

>> No.7083610

Fish and chips with chicken salt, balsamic vinegar and garlic aioli.

>> No.7083611 [DELETED] 

Instead ramen. There's just no justification for how cancerous it is.

>> No.7083616

Instant ramen. There's just no justification for how cancerous it is.

>> No.7083617

>guilty pleasure
go away cali dietfag

>> No.7083619

Unsalted roasted peanuts in the shell. They're crunchy, then become sweet and creamy in the mouth. Soooo good. And almost pure fat too. They also give me an incredible energy boost. I often eat a handful before doing doing anything strenuous.

>> No.7083625

Oreos with Tabasco sauce on them.

>> No.7083627




>> No.7083631
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Cream cheese, minced onions, Worcestershire, and garlic salt folded into a dip. Pita chips (just buy pitas and pop them in a toaster - much cheaper).
This high calorie snack food is starchy, salty, and fatty.

Also whiskey.

>> No.7083644
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I just love this shit.

>> No.7083657 [DELETED] 

Lump crab meat

>> No.7084451

Damn straight

>> No.7084546
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I eat em by the pound

>> No.7084562
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those fucking little debbie christmas trees

every year all year i eat chicken/turkey/fish and sauteed assorted vegetables with rice

will turn down delicious burger with thick bacon and runniest egg on it ezpz

but as soon as i come across one of those fucking recolored zebra treats i must eat a whole box or so and shit green

>> No.7084580
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Give me some of your tots.

>> No.7084610

No I'm freakin' starved.

>> No.7084618


>> No.7084620

Hell yeah. The best is fresh banana bread with butter. Holy fuck I could eat that every day

>> No.7084663
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....dog meat. kekekeke

>> No.7084708

>this guy still thinks MSG is bad

>> No.7084768

>"will turn down delicious burger with thick bacon and runniest egg on it ezpz"

literal autism, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.7084771

good goy

>> No.7084776

Toast, jelly, and butter

>> No.7085143

Don't talk shit about bread and beans senpai.

>> No.7085181
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Fucking these. They're going to kill me.

All the donut shops around here seem to be run by the Cambodian mafia (southern California).

Is it the same elsewhere?

>> No.7085193


I usually buy the package of yesterday's donuts in the marked down bakery section for 3 bucks and go to town on them cause fuck it's only .25c a doughnut.

I'm gonna lose my eyesight,feeling in feet, damage my kidneys and die at 35.

>> No.7085199

The one near me is owned by a Korean family. Asians cornered the donut market while Greeks cornered the greasy spoon diner.

>> No.7085201

nothing. I don't care if I eat shit by seekay standards on most days, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.7085203

>I'm at university at the moment, and there isn't a decent chinese takeaway

I HIGHLY doubt that. Chinese takeout places sprout like weeds, especially near places like universities.

>> No.7085206

the /ck/ lifestyle

>> No.7085229

I am with you on it. You better be doing this with the nicest bread and butter you can afford tho

>> No.7085369

Mac and cheese, especially homemade. It's so easy to make, not to mention fucking delicious.

>> No.7085374

Cheese doodles, but they make me breakout hardcore.

>> No.7085425
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Also socal here, and yep, seems to be that way. What's your favorite donut shop? Pic related is mine

>> No.7085454

how can you have a 'guilty pleasure' food? guilty pleasures refers to bad movies or songs

half of the shit I eat could be considered guilty pleasures. I just don't eat them by the truckload and stay active so am not a fatass

that said, if I have to pick one I guess it would be chocolate m&ms

>> No.7085570

Coffee black and hand rolled tobacco cigarillo.

>> No.7085575

I'll eat french fries with mayo and ketchup until I'm in a food coma

>> No.7085586

chicken fried steak

>> No.7085593

Worst is canned corn straight from the can.
Most common is Wendy's.

>> No.7085729
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sour patch kids

an entire frozen pizza

new york style chinese food
>mfw im allergic to msg

>> No.7085791

Lays potato chips smothered in Franks hot sauce

>> No.7085837

Marchand Yakisoba Cheddar. It's not even good tasting, but I keep buying it.

>> No.7086185

Nuggets, I know they are made from satans anus and crusty cunt flakes but they taste too good.