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File: 157 KB, 500x375, TooDrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7075604 No.7075604 [Reply] [Original]

Drunkenness appears to be a global phenomenon. How about /ck/ writes a handy guide to drinking?

>> No.7075621

Why would you need a guide for something encoded in your dna?

>> No.7075624


>have a couple beers
>head feels like shit

yeah, drinking is really encoded in our DNA

>> No.7075629

Guide to drinking:
>drink you fucking faggot

>> No.7075635

Your suggestion is far from being clear enough. If you want to read something without actually learning something try this:


>> No.7075636

I dunno senpai guess you should just die

>> No.7075746

If you drink more than 2-3 daily you will get physically addicted

It sucks

>> No.7075763

1. Drink
2. Don't not drink


>> No.7075765

>If you drink more than 2-3 daily

Never had one of those

>> No.7075771

Bullshit, I've been drinking more than that every day for years and I could stop anytime I wanted to.

>> No.7075774

If you're at a bar with respectable friends.
1. Drink and talk about pirates and shit.

If you're at a bar with friends that like to fuck around.
1. git gud at drinking

If you're out at a party/show
1. Drink until you think you can dance.

You'll have fun.

>> No.7075843


You forgot one of the most important things in social drinking:
If you think that one more will be fine, it won't.

>> No.7076169


>> No.7076205

I hate talking about alcohol on /ck/ because there is a vocal minority of fucking pussies who can't handle their liquor who have turned into some sort of modern day prohibitionists who can't get over the fact that they can't personally drink a beer and chill without chugging cheap vodka for breakfast afterwards and contemplating suicide because they tried to cop a feel on their sister or something, and assume the rest of the world must be as equally shitty as them because alcohol is the devil, but the truth is they're just fucked regardless and have to ruin a good thing for the rest of us due to a inherent lack of self control imparted by their whore mothers who could never be satisfied by the limp dick that shot a load in their uterus and spent the last 40 years fucking every piece of salami they could get their hands on, and don't realize the vast majority of us can sip on a few drinks with our friends without going full schizo

if those fags stay the fuck out I'll impart some wisdom though

>> No.7076208

>and contemplating suicide because they tried to cop a feel on their sister or something
How did she react?

And more importantly why are you drunk at 9:45 AM?

>> No.7076214

I ain't a fucking projectionist pal I'm a decent human being who enjoys a good beer with my frands

>> No.7076216
File: 90 KB, 256x286, lazyytt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you drunk at 9:45 AM?

honey, if you gotta ask what time it is then maybe you have the problem

>> No.7076219

>I'm a decent human being who enjoys a good beer with my frands
Not judging here, but typically this is understood to mean in the evening, with other physically present human beings in the same room.

Not in the morning, with Anonymous of 4chan, on your computer.

>> No.7076232

when did I say I was drinking right now? I'm sitting in my dorm waiting for the cafeteria to open

>> No.7076235
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1) Have a general disdain for yourself, the other around you and your immediate circumstances.
2) Have a desire to expel all feeling from yourself, both physical and emotional
3) Experience ever increasing loneliness and despair equal to the square of the immediate population
4) Drink responsibly

>> No.7076238

You didn't, I just inferred it from your jumbled emotional rambling and numerous typos, as well as the fact that you are being inordinately defensive about drinking.

But I'm not judging, I was mainly interested in the thing that happened with your sister.

>> No.7076242

nope just a little hungover and really hungry

>> No.7076295

Not necessarily.
The funny thing is that you only figure out if you easily get addicted to things when it's already too late.

>> No.7076297

or you could just try not being a bitch
tired of this addiction is a disease shit.
it's a weakness and if you succumb you're a pussy

>> No.7076311

You sound young
Communicable disease is also avoidable

>> No.7076344

im not and I have plenty of friends who have died young, who would still be alive today if someone kicked them in the head a couple times

>> No.7076355

I'm about to start pouring some rum.

It's 10:20AM here, and fuck you I don't need a reason.

Being drunk is wonderful.

>> No.7076361

9:23 fireball and milk stout whaddup. Going out for bloodys and waffles.

>> No.7076368

I did not try to rationalize anything. What I meant is that you should be careful in the first place since you don't know how easily you get addicted. There is a lot of ongoing research about addiction and yes, saying it's just a disease is as stupid as saying it's just weakness. You are not going to improve anybody's situation by kicking them in the head. They made a series of wrong decisions but if you really want to help then you should be open about possible solutions. If not then just let them die alone I guess.

>> No.7076381

it's not black and white, but telling an addict to man the fuck up is infinitely better than pretending it's not their fault.

>> No.7076415


>> No.7076435

>milk stout
patrician taste

I'm drinking imperial IPAs

I wish Left Hand nitro wasn't so goddamn expensive, or I'd be buying that every week.

>> No.7076465

Kek. I like the original. So glad they still sell it.

>> No.7076488

I like the unique delicate bubble in the nitro, and I feel like there's more of a coffee flavor to that one.

I do like the original as well. I've had 'em both side by side and the nitro is just a little more...special?

>> No.7076493

It's a little more memey. Freals, though, milk stout is the perfect beer for nitro. They absolutely nailed it.

>> No.7076496

Drinking may as well be a profession. You have tolerance, which is all well and good to build to get the most out of an outing and not make a fool of yourself in the taproom, but there is a skill and finesse to knowing yourself and what you can handle so you don't act a fool, as the coloureds say.

>don't play games
Drink is the game.
>don't mix shit
Have a drink and drink it all night. Even mixing beers is a little dangerous. Some of those fuckers can be ridiculously strong or just stomach turning

That's all I have to offer.

>> No.7076732

I disagree, to a point, about mixing drinks. I'm happy to start on wine and move to beer later in the evening, or with dinner having an aperitif and a digestif which is different to the wine I'm drinking with dinner. I personally believe the mixed drinks being bad for your night is related to people drinking different strength drinks at the same speed they would drink beer. You smash a six pack in two hours, you might have a buzz on but you're not going to be wrecked. Drink six zombies or martinis in the same amount of time and you've doubled the volume of pure alcohol that you have drunk. On that subject, people drink cocktails all night which are by definition mixed drinks and suffer no more ill effects than any other time.
However, I agree that handling yourself and your liquor is an acquired skill, and one which I only got through working in kitchens for the better part of a decade.

>> No.7076744

>Have a drink and drink it all night. Even mixing beers is a little dangerous. Some of those fuckers can be ridiculously strong or just stomach turning
I disagree strongly with this.

I like to enjoy a variety of drinks when I go out. There's nothing inherently bad about mixing alcohols unless you're already drunk and you start pouring hard liquor down your gullet.

I would even say it's quite dangerous to drink the same thing the whole evening, because it's harder to keep track of how many you've had.

>> No.7076767
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>> No.7076890


Wine is a very good alcohol to get drunk off.

Personally I can't be left alone with spirits, just end up an absolute mess because I finish everything I have.

I like to drink 14% red wine, however I don't like the taste, so I put it in the fridge and drink a glass in one go every hour.

Gets me in a happy place, usually 2 bottles is enough, rarely be sick but it's a risk you take, maybe sick 5% of times and it makes a hell of a mess if you vomit up red wine after eating.

>> No.7076925

>hell of a mess if you vomit up red wine after eating
Oh god.

You just reminded me of my cousin's wedding.

I was like 15 and got wasted on merlot. Sat there eating M&M's and drinking merlot for like 3 hours because there was an open bar and there was no one to talk to.

I started vomiting over the side of the pretty white bridge, pretty sure I got some on a peacock. Stained the stupid bridge and bird both red.

Later, I absolutely destroyed the hotel room with red vomit. It looked like a murder scene.

I fucking love merlot.

>> No.7076951

Grow up in Germany,Austria,Ireland or poland.

Only countries i visited were people could enjoy getting wasted, without needing a doctor afterwards.

Because of alcohol poisoning (looking at you america) or getting stabbed (finland, balkans, and slavs)

>> No.7076967

>alcohol poisoning (looking at you america)

>> No.7076977


>> No.7076978

Kingsley Amis' has hit most of the high points already, but worth repeating are:

>Always keep some well liquor on hand in case company drops by.

>if you are the company dropping by and you want something specific, bring it yourself. No one will object.

>They will also probably expect to be fed, so some cheap nosh is also a good idea. Things that involve bread and processed meat, for example.

>Bourbon drinkers are statistically more prone to violence when drunk

>Wine and especially beer drinkers tend to vomit more often. Not because of the spirit, but because they are not experienced enough to have reached hard liquor yet.

>Water. An aspirin if you must. Everything else is just selling something.

>Pumpernickle with vodka is not a slavic accident. It is really an excellent combination. Just rip off hunks of black bread between tumblers. Completely serious f a m.

>There is a line of latitude at 40 degrees north which defines the quality liquors of the world from the toxic waste liquors of the world. North = good. South = nope.

>Examples of the above include Mescal, Tequila, Rum, and Grappa. Strayafags may debate amongst themselves whether this phenom resets at the equator.

>First drink-may stand. Second drink-use caution standing. Third drink - you may be seated. Fourth drink - sit down. Fifth drink - consider reclining. Sixth drink - unless you are last awake, seek cover.

>> No.7076983

I'm talking about my personal experience. And most of the proud people of clapistan i've met couldn't really handle strong alcohol or beer.

>> No.7077003

Is that the US? Because of the applause meme?

If you strip out the under-25 crowd, the serious alcohols compare favorably to anywhere in northern Yurp, because we are mostly nothern Yurp origin.

>> No.7077057

>I'm talking about my personal experience.
Fair enough, but that really means dick.

I live in Texas, and my personal experience has been that most guys my age prefer IPAs, porters, and higher ABV beers in general.

Even the chicks here drink mixes based on Everclear at parties and are just fine with it.

>> No.7077604

America is in liquor, as in all things, a land of extremes. There are parts of the country like Texas, the Appalachians, to a degree California, and some other parts of the South that have a long and intensive drinking history and culture. Yet there are parts like Utah and New England which conversely do not. There is a huge cultural divide between the drinkers and the drink nots in the States.
Speaking as a foreigner, I've met a couple of Americans who could outdrink a Russian or a South Korean, but I've met more who get giddy and silly after four beers. In addition, I was surprised when I was invited for 'a beer' to a friends house in Maine and it turned out to literally mean a single beer. Where I'm from, 'a beer' translates to domestic-violence inducing binge drinking. However, those Americans I have met who can drink can certainly drink me down.

>> No.7077619
File: 12 KB, 346x299, business.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no alcohol in the house and it's Sunday so I can't go out and buy any

>> No.7077625

So true.
Have a soda water instead. Bartenders are cool about it. It's usually free. Kinda looks like you're still drinking if you want to stay.

>> No.7077629


>outdrink a Russian or a South Korean
>South Korean


>> No.7077632

Fuck the South in regards to it's Blue Laws.

>> No.7077639

Fair assessment, I can definitely see some of the flyover states being like that.

>> No.7077642

It sucks and I've been there, but who the fuck gets paid on Sunday? Buy enough to last all weekend.


>> No.7077654

You should educate yourself, my friend. According to the WHO the South Koreans drink more than either the US, France, Australia or Great Britain and only slightly less than New Zealand, and at least one statistical study shows the average Korean drinks twice as much as the average Russian.
Koreans drink a lot, senpai.

>> No.7077670

Not who you're replying to. I'm just now joining the thread.

Most volume consumed =/= Most ABV consumed

For example: Say the average American consumes 100 gallons of 40% ABV and the average Korean consumes 200 gallons of 10% ABV. Not the same thing.

>> No.7077679
File: 85 KB, 500x332, soju-experience-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not who you're replying to, but you've never been around koreans have you.

Saying koreans drink more than americans isn't an attack on america. It's a comment about drinking culture that happens to be true.

>> No.7077687


>The dude who hes replying to

Yes.. And many other uncoordinated statistics like that.. Its good judgment vs. statistics in a world that lives in ideas which are separated from truth.. We live in a time period filled with lots of ideas and lacking statistics which tell a person to not trust their judgment, even if it is accurate.. It doesnt take much to look at an Asian and see he doesnt take liqueur well.. Long live political correctness.

>> No.7077688

>isn't an attack on america
Did I really imply that? It's an honest observation. Volume of liquid consumed doesn't equal volume of alcohol consumed, to put it another way.

>> No.7077708


I actually have had alot of Korean friends, most young.. They are scrawny (130 lbs).. They do everything in moderation.. You sound like you read some generic statistic and rolled with it..

>> No.7077715

The WHO breaks it down into beer/wine/spirits and units of pure alcohol. I don't know why you would think they measure something like alcoholic beverages by volume alone.

>> No.7077719

Those niggas are Americanized. The niggas in S. Korea go hard in the fucking paint. It's just in the culture.

>> No.7077725

I made an assumption. There's some guy from the midwest who equates getting shitfaced every night with civilization, and any time someone has a point of view that doesn't match exactly with his own, he says that person is a foreigner who hates America.

Maybe you're not him. I thought you might be.

>> No.7077727

The average South Korean drinks 8.9 liters of pure ethanol a year in alcoholic beverages. This is more than the US at 8.6 but less than NZ at 9.3 liters.
That's more than any other Asian nation and is still a colossal amount of alcohol. I'm not attacking Americans here, but these are robust statistics.
It's also not political correctness or other such nonsense. The fact is Koreans drink a lot of liquor, and they handle it just fine because they've drunk a lot of liquor for hundreds of years. They don't have the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, so they burp and go red, but that doesn't stop them from otherwise handling their liquor.
Can confirm.

>> No.7077743

The reason you are finding this to be the case is that Koreans from conservative protestant christian denominations were much more likely to immigrate to the US during and after the war. They tend to have peculiar views on things like premarital sex, alcohol, etc.

It's like if you lived in a Persian neighborhood in America, you'd assume most Iranians were Zoroastrians and Sufis.

>> No.7077774


Yeah yeah... Im not relying on stereotypes here.. Its just that something feels off about all this.. We are progressing, slowly, into a time period where convenient ideas take more priority over truth.. And in the future people with your ideology will probably be in favor of all that (which says something of honesty).. I think a very important part of judgment is one instincts, that is a serious person.. And i just dont see this lining up... It really doesnt matter.. You will never win an argument at this point with truth..

I see 130 lb Asian dudes.. Those dude arent heavy drinkers.. That goes against basic biology... Thats why i said political correctness...

BTW.. These friends Were FOBs.. Not Christian.. I actually do think your wrong.. Are you South Korean??? Because if not you have not much ground for speaking about this matter.

>> No.7077792

You are arguing with two different people
>I think a very important part of judgment is one instincts, that is a serious person.. And i just dont see this lining up... It really doesnt matter.. You will never win an argument at this point with truth..
I'm pretty jaded but I can tell you legitimately believe this horse shit and you rustled me good. I'm actually mad, and I wasn't even quoting any statistics.

>> No.7077793

New Englanders drink the most afaik, the people in the South are more prohibitionist because they are all violent rednecks, so they've banned alcohol (dry counties) to prevent crime.

In Massachusetts I expect to drink one or two beers when someone invites me over.

If someone invites me over for a drink I expect to get drunk.

>> No.7077802

Gonna leave this one to dr. lexus...


>> No.7077821

So you don't believe WHO stats because you trust your gut more and you aren't relying on stereotypes but you think all asian dudes are 130 lbs. You seem like a genuinely retarded twat.
Cut that shit out. Only Celine gets a pass on overusing ellipses.

>> No.7077848


LOL.. its alright, bro... Dont get nuts... You might be right... Its just hard for an American or east European to accept... Dont get rustled... LOL thats what my Korean friends would have done... I actually dont care either way.. To get caught up in these trivial arguments is a mistake and will be reckless to our brains..... I actually dont give a fuck..

South Koreans drinking too much?? Answer me this: Is that part of the reason why they have so many cutesie girl-bands like Girls' Generation?? LOL.. BTW Serious question

>> No.7077863

I'm not Korean.
>will be reckless to our brains
I think it's too late for you on that one

>> No.7077907 [DELETED] 


OK Junior, Ill wait for some other angry Korean to answer the other part....

BTW.. thats what my FOB Korean friends would have said... Still, they were cool...

>> No.7077916


OK Junior, Ill wait for some other angry Korean to answer the other part....

BTW.. thats what my FOB Korean friends would have said... Still, they were cool...

>> No.7077933

I'm a 38 year old white guy, far removed from the age when "handling my liquor" was something to brag about, but I suppose race, gender, and age are also feelings, not facts.

So don't let me stop you from assuming I'm a member of a Korean girl band, defending Korea's honor, if that's what your gut tells you.

>> No.7078759

Guys, what's the maximal amount of drinks I can have every single day without imparting my health? Is it something like three drinks for males and one for females?