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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 485 KB, 1000x667, french-cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7074450 No.7074450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is french cafe food good? I've heard it's to die for.

>> No.7074452
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joking about terrorist attacks isnt cool man

>> No.7074453

>to die for
you did not just
holy shit you did

>> No.7074460
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>> No.7074463

Nothing wrong with feeling emotion, mang.

>> No.7074472

i wanna try french coffee. but just a shot.

>> No.7074478


>> No.7074489

Tried once, would die for another.

>> No.7074695

IS french food even good?

>> No.7074704

it's the bomb

>> No.7076145

the thing about food in france is that the majority of it is produced in france. The meat, the vegetables, the dairy. The take exceptional pride in the production of groceries. Eating food served in a way youre not used to is always a plus but what youre eating is high quality to being with. This is why food tastes so exceptional there. It's the ingredients.

>> No.7076149

I had a baguette once.

Didn't care for it.

>> No.7076163

>the french sit in rows of tiny tables watching the traffic go by
>smoking cigarettes and drinking an ounce of coffee

In all seriousness, the one great thing about France is the fucking baguettes.

The best baguettes in the city will cost a dollar at most, and I could fill them with different shit everyday and make a couple meals out of it.

>> No.7076185


>> No.7076188


Okay you're going too far

This is overkill

>> No.7076206

Once I stuffed myself with a huge steak with frites, I felt like I was going to explode

>> No.7076345

Yeah, it's the bomb.

>> No.7076423

Great thing about a cafe is that you can just drop into one whenever the mood strikes.

>> No.7076486

I hear the concert after dinner really takes your breath away

>> No.7076599

I find baguette is sort of an acquired taste. Each country in Europe has it's own types of bread. Even those who have baguettes make them differently. The thicker/tougher crust is probably not as enjoyable if you're used to soft crust subs, for example, like they serve in the US or even sliced bread.

>> No.7076650

if its not fresh its a fucking cracker with bread inside.

>> No.7076760

This also means that a lot of the food is cheaper, like wine and cheese, since there's no import costs.
Patisseries are the bomb. Nothing like buying a shit load of pastries for under $10 when a decent croissant costs you $2 in the states.

>> No.7076797

France is a welfare state. plenty of free food and entitlements to go around that you'd never have to work if you wanted to.

>> No.7076828

>The take exceptional pride in the production of groceries.
It really is a matter of standards. Everywhere in the modern world has standards for food safety and laws against food adulteration. But the French are incredibly strict about quality and tradition as well. Many foods can only be called by their names if they were produced by a very specific method in a specific region. Italy and Spain are similar, but the French are particularly fanatic when it comes to food standards.

The downside of this is that French food can seem overly formal and a little staid. But the upside is that the food there is recipes that have been painstakingly worked out using high quality ingredients.

>> No.7076842

well, it often is, but also the atmosphere is good too, so that helps

>> No.7076857

>French are particularly fanatic when it comes to food standards.

All food everywhere is exactly the same and anyone who disagrees with me is a dumb hippie. Those "standards" are just protectionism.

>> No.7076873


Don't you have start a carbonara thread or something?

>> No.7076969

To answer seriously your joke question - not really. Cafés are for drinks, not food. They'll generally have some peanuts, sandwiches, maybe crêpes depending on where you are, but very rarely more than that.

>I have never been to France: the post

>> No.7076971

>All food everywhere is exactly the same
I can prove you wrong very easily. Chicken. If you're used to eating chicken in the US and you travel to Europe, Asia or Central/South America try the chicken. The taste and texture are so much fucking better. There is no comparison.

Because there's practically no standard for chicken in the US. It's legally not even an animal here.

>> No.7076992
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Show me a peer reviewed randomized double blind placebo controlled n > 1,000,000,000 study that proves conclusively that you can tell the difference between your fancy organic guatemalan chicken and the chicken I can get at walmart

Actually don't even bother, because it doesn't exist, you hippie pothead liberal

>> No.7076996

>Patisseries are the bomb
Um.... you dont know what you're talking about.
Stuff in the patisseries are pretty expensive.
One eclair or something similar is around 3 euros or more. The stuff are usually around 4 euros.

>> No.7076997

>what is terroir?

>> No.7077000

That's horseshit. I've had chicken all over EU and there is nothing special about it. Most foods tend to be fresher, but that would only be obvious to someone who ate most of their meals from 7-11 or TV dinners from mom's fridge. If you stick to fresh food at home, you won't be experiencing babby's first culture shock at eating your first croissant that wasn't made by spics and shipped to you frozen.

>> No.7077001

He compared croissants so he is talking about a boulangerie, he just doesn't know the difference.

>> No.7077002

opinion discarded

>> No.7077011

I *think* the éclairs at the closest pâtisserie to where I live are around 1 euros 20, or maybe those are the religieuses (generally more expensive than éclairs)

It probably depends on where the pâtisserie is located - stuff in Paris is bound to be much more expensive, and it's what tourists generally come across.

>> No.7077015
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make sure you get a few of these :^)

>> No.7077018

this isn't /b/ you idiot-child

>> No.7077020
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>they unironically buy chlorine fed chicken in the US
>"It makes them grow faster as it builds up water content in their cells - thus it tastes better than European chicken"

>> No.7077032

It's absolutely true. The chicken in the US has been bred to mature very quickly and produce as much breast meat as possible on the cheapest possible diet. The result is a flavorless bird with a spongy texture.

If you start with a bird that has been for flavor instead of rapid maturation, and let it eat a decent diet the bird will have better flavor and texture.


>> No.7077053

I find it to be a bit too explosive for my taste :^)

>> No.7077055

>what is terroir?
It's a made up word much like "umami" that Hillary Clinton supporters use to push their agenda.

>> No.7077058

I don't have to go to france to know autism pays 6,000 euros a month. Just DDG it yourself faggot


>> No.7077061

In Paris maybe. Where I live it's around 1.20€ for an eclair. Small towns are the best imo.

>> No.7077084

Here is your reply

>> No.7077456
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>> No.7077465
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are you a dead parisian cause you're a little late.