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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 529 KB, 1881x1359, horseradish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7072117 No.7072117 [Reply] [Original]

Dark chocolate, goji berries, acai, kale, raw milk, gourmet popcorn, cupcakes...

Food trends come and go, and some stick around while others lose their luster.

What does /ck/ think the next over promoted ingredient will be? (inb4 bugs - already happening)

Pic related. I have a feeling horseradish is about to take the fuck off. Just watch - in a year or two, your bubbly morning show host will be touting "health benefits" and suggesting recipes with [insert reality TV cooking show star here].

>> No.7072123

Did kefir already come and go as a trend? If not, then kefir

>> No.7072144

Fucking hell I came to say the same thing. No shit what are the odds?

>> No.7072154
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Those collagen drinks the koreans and japanese are already obsessed with.

>> No.7072165

Already came and went where I live.

>i own a food boutique and i'm looking to capitalise on people's stupidity!!
You're doing God's work there, Shlomo, but I won't help a competitor.

>> No.7072192
File: 71 KB, 600x400, 1352969300845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already came and went. Still on the shelves, but not as heavily promoted as it was ~2 years ago

That's a good'un. I've seen these at a local health food store, so any sighting outside a Korean market is a sign of promotion and marketing about to happen.

>You're doing God's work there, Shlomo, but I won't help a competitor.

>> No.7072197

I love horseradish, and agree that it will be a food trend soon.

It already is technically, since real wasabi doesn't exist outside of uppercrust japan.

>> No.7072203

Are ancient grains still trendy?

>> No.7072211

>Pork belly
>Thai sweet chili sauce

>> No.7072217


It seems to me that "beauty drink" is a concept that America/the west would love to throw money at. Just look at what "vitamin water" did. And the make up/luxury goods market is experiencing an influx of asian but particularly korean brands. I can see it happening with the beauty drinks too.

>> No.7072218 [DELETED] 


Stevia extract/sweeteners.

>> No.7072222


do you live in antarctica

those have all happened already

>> No.7072233
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>> No.7072236
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wow i do feel stupid for falling for that actually

>> No.7072238 [DELETED] 


They'll become the new cupcake. There will be hipster bagel shops with all natural ingredients and bacon maple bagels.

>> No.7072239

>bacon maple bagels.
Already a thing. Just in doughnut form. Give it time son

>> No.7072241

Most of the things touted for ""health benefits"" are actually healthy. There are some exceptions but by and large people aren't out to fool you when it comes to the healthfullness of raw ingredients. This isn't like fat-free yogurt that has 2x the sugar.

>> No.7072243 [DELETED] 

>Just in doughnut form.
Exactly, just had one the other day, actually.

From a place in Vegas called 'O-Face Donuts'.

The point is, they'll take something innocuous and breadlike and just put shit in it, like they did with donuts and cupcakes.

>> No.7072244

Something middle eastern but not too uncivilized so Persian, Turkish, or Lebanese food

>> No.7072250

>Turkish, or Lebanese food

>> No.7072252

Unlike cupcakes which are delicious because they reduce the unnecessary filler that is sponge between frosting and my mouth. Bagels are meh even at their best.

Wrong too. Persian food is just a less decadent form of foods already popular in America. For something to become a new trend it has to seem unique or healthy. Persian is neither.

>> No.7072360

>Persian food is just a less decadent form of foods already popular in America


>> No.7072371

But Turk/Leb food is already trendy. Or, at least, it is here.

>i own a food boutique and i'm looking to capitalise on people's stupidity!!
>You're doing God's work there, Shlomo, but I won't help a competitor.
It means you're doing well to take advantage of stupid people and their propensity to gobble up whatever the next trend is, but that I'm not going to tell you my predictions for them because reasons. Shlomo is the non-Goy version of the name Solomon, as in King Solomon of the bible.
In all, the post implied you were in business, that your business feeds on stupidity, that Jews have such schemes, that you're a Jew and that you're fishing ideas for your Hebraic handiworks.

>> No.7072380

gonna guess with my heart. bacon seaweed.

>> No.7072382
File: 12 KB, 302x377, Mr-Bagel-Rabbi-was-very-hol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen ancient grains in a heck of a long time. I remember when that shit was everywhere.

I didn't realize it was 2009 again.

I can see this happening. I've seen cheddar bacon bagels, strawberry swirl. More savory flavors (aside from onion and everything) would be terrific.

I can't tell if doener/gyros are growing into a true trend, or if they already came and went. I think it depends on your location. Seems like small town folks have no fucking clue about doener, but anyone I know who spent a decade or more living in a city knows what they are.

Oh ok. You're only half correct - I don't own a business. Sorry goy, I'm here to have fun and talk about food on /ck/ just like you

>> No.7072385


Oh shit, I can totally see this happening. Skinny bitches with fake tans will be adding it to their smoothies next week.

>> No.7072405

pickled olives

>> No.7072415

>Seems like small town folks have no fucking clue about doener, but anyone I know who spent a decade or more living in a city knows what they are.
Does Keba count? Small town fag here and it's pretty popular with high school kids.

>> No.7072422

pic related
People at my work had been saying they read that people in countries that eat this stuff don't get cancer or some shit. THE NEXT SUPER FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111oneone

>> No.7072425
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>> No.7072428

>>grinding it up
>>not just grilling it.
it cooks on a grill just fine according to the people who grow it.

>> No.7072443

What does sauerkraut taste like?

>> No.7072453

remarkably similar to less salty semen

>> No.7072458

Cabbage fermented in vinegar

>> No.7072459


it just has the typical pickled taste.

not unlike a pickled cucumber. same lactic acid sourness.

>> No.7072516

like non-spicy kimchi

>> No.7072529

What does kimchi taste like senpai

>> No.7072573

I was thinking that we need something middle eastern to invade (not actual mudslimes though). My local boutique was giving classees on italian chicken meals and I thought it said indian and was actually like (finally).

>> No.7072590

I live near detroit and there are already shops like this

>> No.7072607

I knew it!

>implying white bitches will eat "health food" using an appropriate cooking method instead of grinding it up in their morning oat-kale-guava-fat-free-yogurt-spirulina-smoothie

Salty, savory, with a coleslaw-like texture. It's good and goes really well with meat.

Like morning breath and BO mixed together with a side of dutch oven.

>> No.7072634


journalists and food critics can rave about it however they want, people still don't want to eat it.

>> No.7072640


>> No.7072657

Some genetically modified variation of a common herb that will be marketed as a new superfood that has been used for centuries by some isolated African tribe (who don't have internet so can't call BS) but was recently discovered by white man. It will have anti-aging properties and reduce your risk of cancer. May increase sexual stamina and penis girth as well. Probably prevents baldness in men and reduces PMT in women. Looks like parsley and tastes like freedom. Hippies will smoke it and then it will be b& which will increase demand.

Actually someone will just find a way to synthesise cannabis and market it as a food product so that marijuana can be sold at your local supermarket. Fuck, imagine that.

>> No.7072660

>People still don't want to eat it

You underestimate how stupid people are. Remember when mac n' cheese became gourmet? It's depression food. Cheap macaroni and cheap cheddar melted together was the only "meal" people with any money left could afford to eat. People are pretty fuckin dumb.

>> No.7072666

I'm pretty sure marijuana is just going to be sold at your local supermarket. In 15 years I can see it being right next to the cigarettes in that section where you can buy cigs, lottery tickets, and sign up for the store card

>> No.7072670
File: 29 KB, 261x284, BeetSoup-CremeFraiche[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beets in all of their glory are going to be the next heavily marketed "superfood."

Pickled Beets
Beet Soup
Beets in salad
Beets in my asshole

>> No.7072678

>smoothie places selling borscht in coffee cups

>> No.7072711

>gourmet popcorn

Hasn't caught on enough IMO. These stores are popping up, but it hasn't reached full cupcake-trend status just yet.

>> No.7072731

I can see that trending

>> No.7072833

America experienced a great depression and never went that low

>> No.7072913


>> No.7072935

Grilled cheese has been fucking huge lately and I don't know why. Every food truck in my area has at least one 'fancy' grilled cheese dish in it.

>> No.7072936

Doughnut sliders

>> No.7072939

Sounds like the work of the devil if you know what I mean.

>> No.7072943

I can see at least in my country the new 'legal high' rage being betelnut

it's already legal here, just failry unkown

soon there will be betel hipsters in the same way you see the fags at hookah bars

like oh ya I really love mixing black pepper and siracha in my betel, gives it such a bite youknow? oh man you gotta try my special blend, I combine mukwha, raw cocnut and brazillian seashells. really cracks my teeth and rots my face.

>> No.7072944

Washing your bananas will become a thing.

So will activated eggs.

>> No.7072950

>So will activated eggs.
That's just Balut.

>> No.7072959


Try cheese sandwiches without looking like a hobo. Plus it is easy to prepare in a food truck

>> No.7072968

But that's gross.

What about milk from cows that are actually pregnant. Something about more nutrients and anti-cancer properties.

Or maybe milk from another animal like whales or other primates. Monkey milk!

>> No.7072977

>Monkey milk!
This could solve the current worldwide shortage of baby formula.

4chan in charge of saving the world!

>> No.7073127
File: 63 KB, 720x400, Slider32-720x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camel milk is actually touted as a health food in Egypt, India, Pakistan, and Mauritania and I have seen some articles from American writers describing it's culinary, health, and beauty benefits.

I want this to become a thing, because I love goat and sheep milk too. Camel cheese when.

>> No.7073135
File: 12 KB, 195x300, cheesehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Camel cheese when.
As soon as someone figures out how to confine 500 camels per acre and feed them a slurry of pure 100% GMO corn, random discount hormones from the USSR, and the small amounts of the finest soon to be ineffective antibiotics, collect the milk, blast it with chemicals and orange dye, and ensure that it resembles food as little as possible.

Until then it will be considered too expensive.

>> No.7073139

Had a co-worker go to Turkey. He said that they drink donkey milk by the gallon over there. Shit's a delicacy.

As far as my guess for the next food trend:
Aloe water. Just wait and see.

>> No.7073146

Raw unwashed ginger root.
Not as a food trend, but as a sex trend.
Just you wait.

>> No.7073149
File: 29 KB, 283x421, latte di asina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkey's milk used to be given to infants in my country because it's nutritionally closest to breast milk. I grew up on it. It stopped being as common in the early 90s.

>> No.7073162
File: 712 KB, 640x708, Ethiopian-Camel-Cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dire, but whole food will stock that shit.

>> No.7073170

>ethiopian football cheese

>> No.7073173
File: 41 KB, 356x437, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait til they get here, being good looking gets me faster promotions

>> No.7073174
File: 67 KB, 650x330, NL_Lovechock_Goji_Orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw chocolate without milk or added sugar actually tastes 10x better than conventional chocolate.

>> No.7073177

I reckon Yeast Spread has to be more of a thing, or at least Nutritional Yeast

>> No.7073178

Same here. I was allergic to cow milk as a toddler in the 1980s any was fed goat or donkey milk as well.
Cow milk is not actually that good. It's just the cheapest and marketed heavily.

>> No.7073179
File: 44 KB, 400x361, donkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>donkey milk

>> No.7073184

We also have these biscuits for children that just about melt on contact with liquid, so they can be used for teething and stuff. They're very heavily vitamin fortified, and, as a result, mothers took to putting a biscuit or two into a baby bottle, topping it off with cow's milk, lidding it and shaking to dissolve the biscuit, thus making something akin to baby formula.
Grew up on that, as well. Many of us still eat these biscuits well into adulthood, often with coffee.
And I still drink delicious cow's milk to this day, every morning, with my coffee, as it happens. I like cow's milk. The only thing I remember of jenny's milk is that it's considerably sweeter compared to cow's.

>> No.7073188
File: 2.82 MB, 3072x2304, Cuy_al_horno_20100711[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With rabbit being added to Whole Foods and seeing more rabbitries and other forces pushing rabbit back into common consumption alternative meat should be the next trend. So Peruvian meals with Cuy as the focus seems hipster-ish. Especially since you can grow them in apartments and they can survive off your vegetable scraps.

>> No.7073190
File: 25 KB, 366x400, giada22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gypsy tears

>> No.7073192

Rabbits have been available at stores like WF since forever

The reason it's not a "trend" and won't be is that nobody seriously wants to eat that stuff regularly because dealing with ten billion razor sharp bones isn't worth it for 6 grams of gnarly gamey meat

It's something you do now and then to remind yourself you're a foodie, nothing more

Just getting people to eat poultry that isn't a generic broiler chicken is hard enough, and those animals have a hell of a lot more meat to bone and gristle ratio, not to mention being more tender and delicious

Getting people to eat shitty little rodents is a losing proposition unless you literally give them no other choice

>> No.7073196

Whole Food started to adopt rabbit into their stores since last year, they plan to fully adopt and support the supply of rabbit in all their chains sometime by 2016. Also meat rabbits have similar fat composition and distribution to cattle now through breeding and proper animal husbandry techniques. They aren't the gamey meat you are thinking about when eating wild rabbits. Same way with Cuy which the meat variations are considerably larger and easily gains weight and fat in short period. The fact is that the meat can be sold on a premium much more expensive compared to pork and beef and cost less to farm through feed and water demands thus companies like whole food would be willing to invest to bring these types of meat to market.

>> No.7073227

Horse meat would be great
The best meat, very tasty
Here in Germany I eat horse sausage every month or so. What a treat.

>> No.7073231
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>> No.7073234

This already happened. See: 2008-2010.

>> No.7073236

got a pic of the box of said biscuits?

>> No.7073237

Yes I'm just saying it's justified. This chocolate really does taste better. Regular chocolate is way too sweet, for my taste.

>> No.7073243

Cacao nibs are OK, but they're never going to replace a good milk chocolate. If the chocolate you ate is too sweet, stop buying shitting cheap chocolate bars and eating Godiva samplers

The smooth texture and richness of milk chocolate comes from milk and lots of cocoa butter, not all the added sugar. nibs will never provide that richness and feeling of indulgence.

>> No.7073244

Milk contains sugar too.

>> No.7073250

spicey sauerkraut ;)

>nah man its like vinegar and spice on a tasty vector, cabbage

>> No.7073252
File: 600 KB, 381x205, costanza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been over this already:

1. You've never had raw chocolate because you have to go to a cacao-producing country to eat that and I can tell you haven't
2. Chocolate bars sold as "raw chocolate" aren't, and you can't even define it (in principle or in practice)
3. You're convincing yourself that something that tastes terrible is delicious because you are a brainwashed hippie who wants to believe that "sheeple" who eat "conventional chocolate" are actually not real, and a fantasy cave-man idea you have of a reality where primitive noble savages ate "raw" chocolate bars somehow in combination with goji berries that grew thousands of miles away, while swinging from vines and harmonizing with wild animals is more real than the grocery store where you bought that terrible tasting candy bar

At this point I'm not even sure if you're serious or just a troll persona who posts to get attention and make people laugh. If you are, congrats because you're good at that.

>> No.7073260

I just don't like milk. It's not natural to drink the breast milk of other species. No animal does this except humans.

>> No.7073265

What does any of that have to do with your raw chocolate fantasy?

Are you not a native speaker of English?

>> No.7073268

I think that anon is getting confused between purity of processed dark chocolate and actual raw chalky chocolate.

>> No.7073271

It annoys me when people get wrong ideas about how food works and then act all elitist about it.

>> No.7073280

Don't worry anon, there's still those among us that are autistics about terms and processes when it comes to food. And yes I enjoy shitty bitter chalky ass raw chocolate even though it wrecks my stomach.

>> No.7073339
File: 159 KB, 367x550, cioccolata calda con biscotti plasmon a0013875_23355166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one:

Has a nutrition label, too. Two, 5g biscuits are nutritionally similar to 30g of Similac-brand concentrated infant formula.

As said, many of us eat them into adulthood because they actually taste good. :3

>> No.7073344
File: 62 KB, 500x333, goat anatomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys GUYS.
What if
what if

We had chocolate made with raw milk instead of regular milk. Is "raw cocoa butter" a thing? Because that should be thrown in too. Damn I wonder what a 33% Chocolate bar made with raw milk would taste like. mmmm.

Chocolate made with sheep milk is probably bawss too.

Not sure if goat milk would work due to the uric acid "goaty" flavor.

>> No.7073347 [DELETED] 


Anything under 70% is sickly sweet.

>> No.7073352

Stop lying to yourself. You'll grow up one day and realize that appreciating all types of food can bring you joy.

I love milk chocolate with hazelnuts as a late-night snack with a cup of tea. I love having a few squares of super dark chocolate after a nice piece of steak for my dessert with a cup of coffee.

>sickly sweet
see: >>7073243 and >>7073252

>> No.7073353

Please refrain from posting in this thread again until you have educated yourself about chocolate
There is a company that makes goat milk chocolate in brooklyn, called mast bros. It's the kind of chocolate that tryhard turbo plebs think is awesome but it's not actually very good chocolate
>raw milk chocolate
Not really possible since you don't make milk chocolate with liquid milk

>> No.7073356

Thanks for the tip on the sheep milk chocolate. I want to try it for the hell of it, even if it's nasty. It's $10 / 70g so I probably wouldn't try it unless I saw it in a store. I live close to NYC though so who knows, maybe I'll see it soon.

>> No.7073358 [DELETED] 

I apologize.

I've never had chocolate under than point that wasn't chock full of sugar.

Can you show me a brand or two that puts out milk chocolate with very little sugar?

I'm a richfag, I'll probably buy whatever you link.

>> No.7073371


>> No.7073377 [DELETED] 

>artificial sweeteners
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7073397

You asked for very little sugar. Were you hoping for respectable brands or something? The problem with respectable brands is they tend to want to make chocolate that tastes good, as opposed to stuff that appeals to people who believe sugar is for babies.

>> No.7073403

Am food marketing industry 'insider,' but take my ramblings with grains of salt.

Some new fermentable delicacy, probably. We've already been through boom-cycles for kefir, kombucha, tempeh, and are just hitting peak saturation of organic unpasteurized miso.

Unpasteurized cultured butter is getting big -- as the cultural embargo against animal fat is lifted, I think we'll see some interesting stuff. Maybe old-school confits or fat-based preserves, like the Québecois breakfast favorite, 'créton.'

I also think that a cleaned up version of Nordic cuisine will take off soon -- think a lower-end reinterpretation of Noma's offerings. Pickled/fermented fish might become a health meme, incorporation of evergreen as vegetable, unique cold-climate herbs, juniper, etc.

>> No.7073436

This would be my recommendation. It's the most easily accessible high quality milk chocolate I know of. Whole Foods stocks it regularly.

My other suggestion would be Ashkenosie chocolate, but I only know of one store 850 miles away that carries it on the East Coast (though I'm sure there must be a few more I don't know of). If you're out West, the company is based in Colorado so definitely give them a try if you find it. Expensive ($13/bar) but very much worth the treat.

>> No.7073440
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1125, SiriusChocolate1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry dropped pic

>> No.7073449
File: 55 KB, 391x500, Askinosie-White-Chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This stuff makes me wish even more that high-percentage cocoa butter white chocolate could become a real meme food. I should probably order a few bars now that the avg. daily temp is in the low 50's

>unpasteurized cultured butter
Sounds good. I love butter and consume a lot ever since realizing the "fat makes you fat" logic is retarded. Does it taste better than regular butter or something?

>confits and fat based preserved
I accept this trend with open arms

>Nordic cuisine
Ikea now stocks a huge amount of salty licorice. Thank god I live sort-of near one. I buy like 2 lbs every time I go.

>picked fermented fish
I can't see it taking off, but I like herring in oil and smoked fish a lot. And in the Northeast Jewish delis that stock this stuff are really common. I don't see it becoming trendy though. Jews are still the only ones that order the fish platters

>cold-climate herbs
Fuck yeah, sign me up for this trend too.

>select all images with fish

>> No.7073452

the removal of kebab

>> No.7073486


That looks really nice and hella damned expensive.

>> No.7073502

What does your post have to do with vitamin fortified baby biscuits? Are you deranged?

>> No.7073507

that was new jersey 25 years ago.

>> No.7073531
File: 20 KB, 640x360, baby echidna 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry biscuit anon. Didn't mean to link to your post there. We all make mistakes.

>> No.7073551 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon, going to see if I can have these shipped to me.

I miss Beijing. Most of the sweets there had very little sugar. It was wonderful.

>> No.7073589

>Like morning breath and BO mixed together with a side of dutch oven.
you forgot the fish finger funkiness of a a fat girls drawers.

>> No.7073629 [DELETED] 

Kimchi is delicious though.

So is sauerkraut, when paired with the right meat.

>> No.7073643

Fermemted drink & food. Like kombucha but other varieties
Pickled everything
Butter- brown butter, herbed butter
Cranberries & another resurgence of pomegranate
Baby carrots

>> No.7074385

Has the "fat is bad" meme ended yet?

>> No.7074433

The more horseradish, the better

>> No.7074476

Non-fruit jellies
people are going to make stuff like beets, carrots, and tomatoes into jams and jellies and it's going to go on everything
toast, burgers, pies, steaks, etc

>> No.7074481

>posts processed garbage

should i get some kraft cheese too?

>> No.7074882


Ideally the new miracle food has to be relatively easy to get or cheap, that way the white people reselling it get to make max buck.

>> No.7074960

You're coherently crazy. You have a bone deep butthurt about stupid delirious things.

>> No.7074964


>> No.7074970

does processed somehow mean commercial, well-known, and/or popular?
because all chocolate if processed if it isn't cacao beans that you mash up in your mouth

>> No.7074977

Try ghee. It's hella good for you and great for sauteing because of it's high smoke point (485F). It's got butyric acid your body craves too.

>> No.7074982

Like ghee? That's my shit.

>> No.7074984
File: 26 KB, 425x591, 1436112764242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old, easily identifiable nationalistic foods. Since France and the whole, "remove kebab" thing that's starting to go on in Europe.

>> No.7075002

edible airline food

>> No.7075004

This all seems very plausible.

>> No.7075008

Ugh, but you know it will be dirt schwag mass-farmed and soaked in pesticides. Shit will have the mildest high you can imagine.

>> No.7075257


Its the cabin pressure, not the food. Though 1st Class food has gotten worse too.

>> No.7075265

Panera Bread is trying to bring them back.

>> No.7076035

Whitey reportin'

I use pure emu oil on my hair.

>> No.7076113

>Pickled everything
I could totally see dipshit hipsters peddling their artisanal craft small batch free range pickle products. I'm surprised it hasn't already happened.

>> No.7076130

I think it already has. Last year CBS Sunday Morning did a pretty long piece on a pickled food trend taking northern Cali by storm.

>> No.7076135
File: 38 KB, 760x512, bison-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see buffalo making a comeback

>> No.7076136

This episode aired in 2012
It was in mainstream popular culture 3 years ago
Meaning it was already passe among "dipshit hipsters"
/ck/ confirmed for living under a fucking rock

>> No.7076156

Pickles wrapped in pickled ginger and then grilled. I don't have any of these things on hand to try it but if someone does please make it and post results.

>> No.7076164

ill make you home made non sweet chocolate for games on steam (^:

>> No.7076270
File: 30 KB, 283x438, kohina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, please!

>This episode aired in 2012
>It's already almost 2016

>> No.7076304

Activated carbon.

>> No.7076314

>/ck/ confirmed for living under a fucking rock
This is news to absolutely no one.

>> No.7076359

Panocha Bread sells some great cookies.

>> No.7076369


>> No.7076409

By aloe water you mean aloes pealed and cut and left in water
I want this one to take of just to see their faces when they drink it

>> No.7078215
File: 188 KB, 453x305, solidarity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French salad dressing will become a popular option for doner kebabs.

>> No.7078314

Why hasn't anyone smuggled wasabi out of Japan and grown it here?

>> No.7078974

There's no need to smuggle, it grows outside Japan

The problem is it's stupidly expensive to grow and it takes years before you have something you can sell

>> No.7078979

Has kamut flour made it into the mainstream yet?

>> No.7078982

In New York it's been everywhere for some time now, so I'm assuming it won't be long before the people who bitterly complain about hipsters eating avocados start complaining about kamut.

Then again it's hard to tell with these people, there are still shut-ins who think Starbucks is for intimidatingly cool hipsters, so maybe it will take another 20 years for kamut.

>> No.7078983
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go on social media
>tacos this
>tacos that

>> No.7079071

Makes good toothpaste

>> No.7079075

I welcome that. Maybe I'll get some good organic aloe too.

>> No.7079384

Organic Turkey eggs

>> No.7079450

Dark chocolate is the best chocolate.. And goji berries are fine, nothing special though I get them for cheap at the local Chinese store.
And kefir is fine - just another version of yogurt.

Damn hipsters and pseudoscience panacea claimers making good food get bad reps..

>> No.7079919

Fermented food craze already happened, including sauerkraut, it might still be going on for all I know. The number 1 thing I heard is how fermentation makes a lot of the nutrients more bioavailable, but I've never checked the science on that.

Hasn't over-consumption of fermented foods been linked to stomach cancer? I am pretty sure Korea has a relatively high rate of stomach cancer. Germany too, but they eat lots of processed meats in addition to fermented food.

>> No.7079929
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>> No.7079934

3d printed food

>> No.7079939
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Robot bartenders

>> No.7079942

>collagen drinks
Isn't that just... soup?

>> No.7079957


>> No.7079982

Weird eggs will be cool. I think quail eggs kinda came back, but I think quail, turkey, duck, etc. will be popular.

Tomatillos, sesame, pig ear/pork cracklins. Already sorta popular, but primed to go mainstream/flyover.

>> No.7080002
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>> No.7080006
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Chicken bricks

>> No.7080021

more offal


fresh fig

sweet potato
pine tree

>> No.7080023
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A lead fish to add to your cooking pot

>> No.7080054
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>tfw have a goji berry plant in the back yard

Soon I will be saving tens of dollars mhuwahahahah.

>> No.7080091

>It's not natural to drink the breast milk of other species.

Its has been natural for thousands of years. You evolved into it. its a very human thing to do.
Might as well not use tools, because its "not natural".

>> No.7080153

That's a pretty poor argument for not drinking milk. Nearly everything you eat is not natural or eaten by other species naturally. If you don't like milk then just leave it at that.

Also, there is no milk other than breast milk.

>> No.7080161


Those are iron, not lead. They're part of an outreach program to help malnourished people get more iron in their diet.

>> No.7080211


mi negro

>> No.7080496


>> No.7080651

In what part of earth do you live to never have eaten sauerkraut? Have you eaten Kimchi?

>> No.7080894

obscure/hipster cuts of pork and beef

>> No.7080970

I went on a flight and was surprised at how decent the food was. I had chicken and rice with some sort of potatoes. It wasn't 5 star dining but it was on par with a frozen meal you'd get at the store, I don't understand the "airplane food sucks" meme. They also had pasta and Asain chicken, which are both pretty hard to fuck up.

>> No.7080993
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>Asain chicken
>pretty hard to fuck up

>> No.7080995

could be you took a good airline, or could be you just don't have very high standards

oh wait
>on part with a frozen meal you'd get at a store

I guess the latter. most people aren't used to eating that way.

>> No.7081052
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Actuated Peanuts
Blue Gatorate Turkey

>> No.7081148

Indian-SoulFood fusion cuisine

>> No.7081150

Deep fried cow shit?

>> No.7081156

this tbqh

tho on a flight through malaysia the quality of the food would be the last thing on my mind.

>> No.7081229

black eyed peas with paneer
sweet potato samosas
chicken 'n jalebi
catfish vindaloo
peach lassi

the possibilities are endless

>> No.7081309


If buffalo is making a come-back, let's include longhorn. I want a fucking Meers burger so bad right about not, fml.

>> No.7081394
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Mashed X item. Mashed meat and eat them out of a jar. Mashed Veggies so your kids can eat them.

Or Pill Foods because it's cheaper and require less storage space, never mind how it will fuck up your digestive system.

>> No.7081683

Offal and more "game" meats (rabbit, pheasant, quail, duck, goose, etc.) I think will become every day staples. Something I miss here in the United States is horse meat. I eat it at least once a week when I'm in Spain. It's somewhat similar to beef, but gamier, probably due to it's high iron content.

>> No.7081706

I'd say authentic style 3rd world street food.

Pok Pok has exploded, but the rest of the country has yet to catch on.

>> No.7081713


Offal is already huge, and has been for a decade now, like almost everything in this thread.

Shit, most of /ck/ hadn't even tried Sriracha or an avocado before they were serving them at nationwide fast food chains.

>> No.7081717
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Quesdillas will be the next meme food. They've been around forever, everyone is familiar with them, everyone likes them, they're dead simple and they push those basic good taste buttons: starch, fat, and salt. Before too long they'll explode in popularity like bacon and avocado did. Everyone will suddenly be chomping them down like they'd never heard of them before and everyone with a keyboard and an internet connection will be penning articles about the best way to prepare a quesadilla, or about overloaded extreme-to-the-max quadruple decker quesadillas with rockin' bitch sauce and a side of flash-danced chucklebits. Every restaurant you go to will have some overstuffed quesadilla that can barely hold itself together on their menu at a huge markup, and ritzy joints will be getting in the paper for their elegantly simple quesadillas made from freshly cooked heirloom wheat tortillas seasoned generously with toasted spices and stuffed with housemade panela and quesdilla imported straight from mexico.

>> No.7081747

If confit takes off as the latest chic-fag rallying point and I can suddenly get goose and duck without driving all the way to chinatown just to avoid the unreasonable markup at specialty butchers then I'm all for it.

>> No.7081798


>> No.7081830


>> No.7081832
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the Käsekrainer
I wonder why it's not a global sensation already.

> pic related, pink meat slurry and processed cheese, in a tube

>> No.7081845



went to Germany over a decade ago and I miss these so fucking much.

>> No.7081920

Everything about this post looks pretty spot on.

>> No.7081945
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This needs to replace mac n' cheese and ramen as the college meme food. It cooks in 3 minutes and appeals to weebs and skinny white college chicks. Buy stock in soba now.

>> No.7082504

God damn these people are annoying, they're like fucking children.

>> No.7082533

The next big food trend is going to be vegan you watch

>> No.7082643
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Goat mania as part of an eco friendly kick to replace cattle with goats in parts of California since goats require less water, and as a halal-preferred alternative to pork as more and more Muslims enter the West.

Soon enough you'll find goat milk in places other than Trader Joe's, goat milk variations of every cow dairy product, more goat wool sweaters and scarves, more pet goats, and more goat meat from your butcher. Those goat yelling videos were only the beginning, the tremors preceding a much larger earthquake once people realize how cool goats are.

>> No.7082650


we have cheesy hotdogs in the US.

They're too blatantly unhealthy to really kick off here. At least with bacon you can pretend it's somewhat natural.

>> No.7082651

I feel sorry for people who have to go to Trader Joes to get food other than wonder bread and whatever the fuck passes for meat, milk, and eggs in flyover land.

>> No.7082659
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The day white people discover it is the day sesame farmers strike it rich.

>> No.7082696
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mmm, yes, how awful for those people who don't live next to a Whole Foods. Where would all those people out in the country get their real meat, milk, or eggs?

>> No.7082702

>those people who put "real" in front of their foods because they take it for granted that most of their food is fake frankenfood

>> No.7082749

>Those people who think there's a difference between GMO and non GMO foods
>Those people who think GMOs aren't "real food"
>Those people who think only Americans eat GMOs
>Those people who call GM produce "frankenfoods"
>Those people who assume all food is GMO, and not just a decent number of crops
>Those people who think all modern agricultural techniques are basically the same thing
>Those people who talk about shit they know literally nothing about
>Those people who shitpost this hard and make me reply

>> No.7082758
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>he thinks the only problem with this is the GMOs
That's like saying the only problem with American education is all the school shootings

>> No.7082762

>Star of David

Is this the chocolate of the New World Order?

>> No.7082779

The shitposter said Frankenfoods. What could that possibly mean other than GMOs? Stop shitposting about my shitposting about other people's shitposting

>> No.7082787
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Don't you fucking tell me how to shitpost. My best friend growing up was half Australian, I got this shit.

>> No.7082797
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>US cheese is bad

please stop this meme.

Europeans have plastic cheese too. Look at Gjetost, it tastes just as plastic-like.

>> No.7082829

>please stop this meme.
Unfortunately it's not a meme....

>> No.7083131

"Turkish" coffee that has more in common with instant coffee
>coming to a starbux near you

>> No.7083149


Turkish coffee is amazing.. It shits on all other forms of coffee and im not even a big coffee guy.

How does it have anything in common with instant coffee? Its more similar to using a french press.

>> No.7083167

already began here
Some bullshit low grade coffee in bags, just add boiling water and drink, "turkish" style

>> No.7083193

"powdered" low quality coffee mixed with boiling water, poured into a paper cup. "would you a shot of expresso in your vente Turkano© coffee?"

>> No.7083222

>sesame farmers strike it rich
Sesame seeds are literally worthless.
>pack of eight burger buns without sesame seeds: $1.99
>pack of eight burger buns with sesame seeds: $1.99
See? You just paid for something that has lilterally no value. What a rube.

>> No.7083231

Now that Pathmark's going out of business, I don't know where I'm gonna get fresh goat's milk anymore. It makes a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tastier creme anglais than cow's milk does. Way tastier.

However, powdered goat's milk is sold at Shoprite and Acme, though I've never used it.

>> No.7083314


in the morning to you too anon

>> No.7083328

That blue corn with the bulbous fungus growth from Mexico.

>> No.7083342

>wanting to fail the drug test so badly

>> No.7083401

I thought kale already came and went
Anyway, I'd say African food

>> No.7083409

Fufu is fucking disgusting

>> No.7083414

What are you on about? Are you getting sesame confused with poppy, Anon?

>> No.7083423

Almond butter (and cashew butter somewhat) have already caught on, but I'm hoping we see a trend in other nut butters.

There's a cool health food store near me that sells pecan butter and walnut butter. I'd like for those two and macadamia butter to be more accessible. Hazelnut butter (without chocolate) too!

Also throwing in my vote for monoflower honey. Monoflower honey should reach hipster status any day now. It's like craft brewing. Lots of people can do it, and with patience and time you can make a great unique product. Because of the popularity of honey I've been able to get my hands on mountain flower (from UT and CO), alfalfa, tupelo, blueberry, lavender and wild rata. I want hipsters to be all over the honey trend so there's even more variety in what I can buy from local stores.

>> No.7083534

Yes the drug test for the elusive sesame opiates.

>> No.7083722

Here's the next trend that I've already started

waffle everything

take whatever baked food, sandwich, breakfast, just about anything you want, and stuff it in a waffle iron until its golden and delicious

Got a piece of Mac and cheese? Throw it in a waffle iron for 3 minutes. Same with sandwiches (its the new panini), egg and meat breakfasts, whatever you want.

>> No.7083763

Isn't that called relish?

>> No.7083879
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it's defo a meme

>> No.7083884

Everything is a meme.

>> No.7083893
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Teff, it's an Ethiopian grain that's gluten free.

They use it to make sourdough pancakes called injera

>> No.7084002


i thought that was fucking tripe

>> No.7084063

Like Katsuobushi?

I can't wait for high quality katsuobushi and miso to actually make it to North America

>> No.7084073

Tahini is so fucking delicious.

It's already huge with fat women who eat "Green goddess dressing"

>> No.7084087

There's a place in my area that's been doing this for seven years now.

>> No.7084094

bad pussy

>> No.7084118

>blue rare beef
>insects like honeybees and grubs
>coleslaw on everything
>sour cream and cream cheese based dips
>navajo tacos
>fusion potstickers with flavors like cheesesteak, pepperoni, egg/bacon
>really nice pickles available in grocery stores (hard to beat claussen or costco pickels tho)
>literally eating immigrants and jews
>meats: shrimp, boar, al pastor pork
>naan and chicken tikka burritos

>> No.7084122

I doubt bees are going to be a new source of food, but there will probably be a large investment in insect based protein in other countries and into repopulating bee colonies

>> No.7084126


>> No.7084128


>> No.7084134


>> No.7084241
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anon you are clearly drunk. >>>/alc/ is that way

>> No.7084254

ron paul 2012

>> No.7084431

Yeah! I want to try it but its all sold out where I am. Shit sounds cash.

>> No.7084439

>navajo tacos
>naan and tikka burritos

you're onto something.

>> No.7084477

lol sauerkrat

ate that as a kid so much in Poland

shit makes you gassy thats for sure

>> No.7084504

>blue rare beef
Can't really see this happening
>insects like honeybees and grubs
Definitely can't see this
>coleslaw on everything
>sour cream and cream cheese based dips
Too uncool
>navajo tacos
This I could see, especially as current taco craze winds down
>fusion potstickers with flavors like cheesesteak, pepperoni, egg/bacon
I can definitely see potstickers becoming big for all the same reason tacos have
>really nice pickles available in grocery stores (hard to beat claussen or costco pickels tho)
Hipster pickles already came and went without quite breaking into the mainstream. They could come back though
>literally eating immigrants and jews
>meats: shrimp, boar, al pastor pork
Where do you live that people don't already commonly eat shrimp? The other two have potential
>naan and chicken tikka burritos
Like so many other things, all it would take is a handful of food trucks in Brooklyn to make this a full blown trend.

>> No.7084712

Shut up.

>> No.7085339

"Healthy" fast food.
There might not be any now, but maybe in five years we'll see healthier places take off, sell to corporates and try to go for the mainstream. Then bigger chains like Subway will tag along and say they were the healthiest all along.

>> No.7085370

gluten free bread options at subway when?

>> No.7085375

Added sugar you prick

>> No.7085384
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This shit is delicious, you homo.

Instant coffee dissolves in water. You add x amount if scoops to x amoubt if water and a little sugar then boil (brew) the coffee and pour regularly. Let it settle for a minute then drink down to the grounds. It tastes completely different than regular coffee and has a different mouthfeel. More like espresso but not obnoxiously strong.

In short, youre a dumbass.

>> No.7085470

ginger dildos will be the next food trend.
You know it to be true.

>> No.7085478

>Protip : For a food to get its own trend it needs to change name to sound trendy.
Horseradish cannot win so long as it reminds us of dirty farms during war rationing.

>> No.7086027


>> No.7086035

I work at a douchey coffee shop and a fair amount of straight up customers have asked when we're getting weed infused this and that. I live in TX. People who live in weed legal states, is this really a thing?

>> No.7086371
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>> No.7086556

Fuck no. I wish. Oregon here, that would be like going in and asking for Irish Coffee. I think it's even more restricted in WA than it is here. Are there really people who think "legal weed" is going to mean "legal without even the most rudimentary regulation of where and how it can be sold?"

>> No.7087076

Sounds like something people from a non-legal state would ask.

At specialty pot shops and cannabis cooking competitions, weed-infused truffle oil marinara sauce with cannabutter rack of lamb and marijuana energy drink can be found. It's not the type of thing that is sold everywhere, but more of a chef/artist/lifestyle approach to pot. The people making and buying cannabis infused coffee, tea, pasta sauce, etc. are usually cancer patients or make this stuff for cancer patients and people who are terminally ill.

I can't imagine a ton of "dude weed lmao" stoners paying a chef $300 to cook a cannabis-infused gourmet dinner in their home.

By the time weed is legal in most states, people will be disenchanted with it and it won't be "hip" or "cool" enough to reach full goji-berry trend status.

>> No.7088256
File: 96 KB, 720x960, 11221766_10207043595103694_1515813039944703491_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crickets and cricket flour

>> No.7088382

shawarma has been getting big here but not sure if it's starting or dieing to be honesut

>> No.7088384

>Hasn't over-consumption of fermented foods been linked to stomach cancer?
probably not from the actual fermentation but by spices and shit they add in
Either way, too much of anything is a bad idea, hence why they say eat a balanced diet. Not like these people that hear some thing is some "superfood" and then proceed to pretty much only eat it.

>> No.7088394

probably some type of Iranian spice because of the removal of embargo, same with cuban food, so, pork and rice with olives


butter chicken
food cooked in clay pots
flan or some type of custard
goat meat
soft cheeses
naan and indian style breads

>> No.7089083
File: 1.53 MB, 256x140, cow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sketchy-ass indian-and-pizza restaurant near me
>they make the best fucking shwarma I have ever had
>restaurant closes after a few months

>Syrian market opens downtown
>fuck yeah shwarma on the menu!
>go back weeks later, no shwarma on the menu

am I cursed?

>> No.7089087

>butter chicken
this sounds fabulous. I need to order this next time I go for Indian.

>soft cheeses
Isn't that kind of like saying "french fries will be trendy"? I feel like soft cheese is always there for you to try, and people like it or they don't. I can't see it becoming trendy because it's polarizing and has been arouud (in a written, documented fashion) since 500 AD

>> No.7089435


The vast majority of people living in farmlands get the vast majority of their food from Walmart.

It's a fucking fact.

>> No.7090671
File: 118 KB, 980x655, big y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a fucking fact
>provides no evidence whatsoever

I'm willing to bet that there's a good percentage who goes to the super market, and a good percentage that goes to walmart.

Which makes me think of an upcoming food trend: Buying food from local famer's markets, farm stands, and small businesses that stock local fair is trendy now. But super markets have caught on and most of them now stock gourmet food and local fair like vegetables, cheeses, wine, fruit, and ice cream. I bet shopping at your regional super market is going to be trendy in a few years.

Big Y a best just tbqfhwymf

>> No.7090687

if the world had any sense, it would be ajvar

that shit be like muslim hyper-ketchup

>> No.7090692

Fusion cuisines will take off again