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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 549 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20151113_131833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7071378 No.7071378 [Reply] [Original]

ac broke. line temp got up to 115. I still banged out $3000 in sales. badass line cooks report in.

>> No.7071381

more like faggot attention whores

>> No.7071382

You're cute senpai ;^p

>> No.7071394

Good job.
Stuff like that takes discipline or self respect or something like that.

>> No.7071395

>dirty kitchen
>3000 dollars

Pretty sure we did like 13k last night. Then again I'm not flipping fucking pancakes. There needs to be a new word so when I tell people I'm a line cook, they don't think of this guy. MAN I'm a fucking dick :(

>> No.7071403


>self respect

Choose one, and only one.

No disrespect to OP, I did it for over a decade, but eventually you'll need a real job.

>> No.7071407
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10 hour shift next to an open charcoal oven with no a/c, Got some cool new burns that the chicks will dig and opened up an old wound and I'm going to do it all again tomorrow.

Is there a better way of life than this?

>> No.7071413

ah I miss fine dining. I'm not ashamed of the pancakes. the place just fit my schedule at this particular time. let's be honest though, cooking in a diner is way harder than a brigade kitchen where all you need to focus on is your station ;)

>> No.7071417

You cook breakfast at a diner, chill senpai

>> No.7071421

I think the heat scrambled up your brains too you fucking mongoloid. You have mistaken this place for Reddit.

>> No.7071424

Ac in a kitchen
That's fucking adorable sweetheart
I've run a wood fire grill in the middle of August
Get on my level

>> No.7071428


Dude I work a 10 hour shift, seven days a week in front of a open hearth wood oven on the Sun.


>> No.7071492

Yeah but do you even lift?

>> No.7071500
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>Yeah but do you even lift?

come at me bro

>> No.7071512
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>mfw this thread turns into line cooks saying how hard their jobs are and jerk off on eachother

>> No.7071514
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Bro... chicks like scars. NOBODY should like burns...

8 hour shift next to a wood fire grill in a beautiful open kitchen with a fuck ton of AC. Friday+ Saturday are actually my easiest nights, as I get a guy to work with, looking forward to that tonight. At our place grill and saute is the same line, so my Thursdays alone are nuts.

>Being proud of how shitty your working conditions are

Are you guys accepting applications? I was thinking since we were already on the sun maybe we can just like flash shit on the surface real quick. Also everything about that comment except the sun part happens all the time.

This thread is now a defacto industry thread.

>> No.7071542
File: 138 KB, 900x638, General_FOLDER_01%20July_FourYorkshiremen%20(RL_30June2015)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is quickly devolving into the Four Yorkshiremen joke.

>> No.7071737

Cool another circle jerk thread full of poor people with shitty jobs. You people are sad desu senpai.

>> No.7071744

We had the AC broken for 1 week before it got fixed (run in with a raccoon on the roof slowed it down). We had to take breaks every 20-30 minutes or so.

Not as bad as the time the fire-extinguisher unit broke. Blue goop everywhere, its like a ghost splurged itself

>> No.7071747




>badass line cooks

haha yeah badass for questionably completing highschool

>> No.7071759

>blue goop
The fuck? Ours is white powder. And a horrid mess to clean up.

>> No.7071789
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>> No.7071795

>went to college
>make my company $75,000 a day, a percentage of which shows up in my bonus on top of my high salary
>dont have to work in a sweaty kitchen pouring pancake batter for 8 hours straight
>instead sit in a nice office and have nice good prepared for me and bullshit with my bosses about how fuckin dumb our clients are

Feels good to be a banker man.

>> No.7071799

Oh yeah, also:
>i have a skill that's worth more than $12/hour

>> No.7071856

Which bank?
What's your area?
What's your role?

>> No.7071939

>sweat soaked pancakes


>> No.7071951

that type of work isnt skill based though. college degrees get you those jobs. knowledge =/= skill

>> No.7071957

You drink too much alcohol. I can tell.

>> No.7071967
File: 213 KB, 512x384, Sad_Milhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AC in a kitchen
I...I want to live in America....

>> No.7071974

Slow night I guess?

>> No.7072047


hell, we air condition our welding shop. so cold we have to preheat most pieces even in summer.

>> No.7072075

>banged out $3000 in sales
>get paid 7.25/hour


>> No.7072247

might have been green, i sort of forget.

It was old as shit and just went off randomly; we had to spend most of the next day cleaning it up

>> No.7072369

plates look kinda like ihop senpai

>> No.7072426

Fuck off Ray

>> No.7072480

>tfw you're a real Renaissance man

>> No.7072506
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Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA.

>> No.7072510 [DELETED] 



I remember that block, have fun green-collar.

Metz era CIA was the last good generation to graduate from that shit-hole of a school. Tim Ryan won't be happy until you're side saddled with a tourist looking over your shoulder everywhere you go.

>> No.7072521

So salty

>> No.7072526
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How can we cheer him up, cu/ck/s?

>> No.7072540

get him to sober up

>> No.7072546

>implying he's not miserable because he's already sober

>> No.7072549

Fuck I haven't heard that for years. Used to have a CD of Monty Python sketches on my mp3 player in highschool.
It is hilarious how many threads here resemble that. Even funnier considering everyone is anonymous.

>> No.7072551

alright, then get him to find a better job than flipping pancakes so that being sober isn't so miserable

>> No.7072791

We dont even have an AC in the kitchen at my job. The best part is I have this giant industrial ancient wall fan. When the FOH fan turns on heat or AC it gets turned off because it sucks the air into the kitchen. I have to sit there for 11 hours in fucking heat because the front of house. LMAO

>> No.7072798
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>on the Sun

>> No.7072801


My kitchen had AC that broke years before I started and wasn't deemed worth fixing.

Every time a FoH requests something off the menu (basic shit like cocktail sauce or balsamic reduction) and I have the time, I pull them to my station to show them how to do it, telling them to make it themselves next time.

>"holy shit, cook anon, it's 40 degrees hotter on this side of the line, how the fuck do you do it?"

Every. Single. Time.

>> No.7072807

I like how you have absolutely no smile left in your face.

>> No.7072811
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>mfw restaurant industry workers are alcoholics/drug addicts near me

>> No.7072813

Do kitchens just not background check or something? One of the guys I worked with was a sex offender, but it was basically because he got drunk and took pictures of women in the women's bathroom, so not that bad.

>> No.7072822


If they're owned by bigger corporations (even if the restaurant only has one location), they'll usually do a background check if they're considering moving you up to/hiring you into upper management positions.

That said, the dude who made chef at my last place spent a couple years in prison for felony drug and weapon possession charges, but he did his job so nobody gave a shit.

>> No.7072829

>working in 115 degrees for minimum wage

>> No.7072834

I finished work at 10pm last night and then started this morning at 6am.
I feel fucked now but earned a bit of cash for it.

I don't work in a kitchen, I build kitchens.

>> No.7072845
File: 46 KB, 500x500, POS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work close to a double on your 30th birthday and the only one to say "happy birthday" is the pos when you clock out after filtering the fryolators

>> No.7072851
File: 304 KB, 1267x533, filth 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FoH and HoH have separate heating/cooling
>kitchen ventilation has two modes, winter and summer
>those middle times between fall, winter and spring
>fucking 50 degrees outside, middle of the road
>wahhhh Anon it's so cold in the dining room turn on the heat in the kitchen wahhh
>our little handsies are cold so turn on the fucking heat when the kitchen is already a hundred degrees

>> No.7072856

>$3000 in sales

Enjoy your $150 paycheck for the day, meanwhile I made 8-10X that much in the same time. Good life choices, m8

>> No.7072857


>the 18 y/o hotshot who fucks everything up but is chummy with the chef didn't change the oil filter bag and you either have to take an extra 20 minutes watching the oil trickle out, or rip the bag and come in 5 hours later to start the day with dirty oil

>> No.7072860

Do you industry fags cook yourself dinner when you get home or are you sick of cooking by then?

>> No.7072861

What are some better paid jobs that would suit a line cook

>> No.7072864


Cook on days off if I feel like it, usually just simple shit. On work days eat staff meal or make something to take home at the end of shift (sometimes there's shit that can't be kept to the next day, so breakfast is covered too).


Philosophy professor.

>> No.7072868

Go to tech school and learn some bullshit like plumbing, ac repair, welding, commercial driving, whatever you think you'd be good at. Make better money than being a bullshit cook, you can jack off in the kitchen on your paid vacation

>muh cooking passion, I watched food network 10 years

Fuck off and get a real job you mislead millenial.

>> No.7072869


>simple shit

Yeah, you don't want to go home and prepare a huge meal after spending 10 hours on your feet cooking hundreds of dishes, but there is a pleasure in making something basic and knowing it's better than any home cook could ever do it, even when only you and your glass of vodka are there to see it.


>> No.7072872

Who are you quoting, friend?

>> No.7072875

sorry, I was projecting desu. I'm not upset at anon I was replying to, I'm more angry at myself for chasing rainbows instead of going to trade school.

>> No.7072887

>$3000 in sales

Too bad you are a chump and the only person actually making money is the owner.

That goes for all restaraunts. Everyone but the owner is just wasting their time there.

GG no RE

>> No.7072896
File: 3.18 MB, 3264x2448, uwot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not who you're replying to but guess what all hope is not lost, you can do the thing that you people keep talking about.
>derp im washing dishes to move up the ladder XD

except do it with a company that isn't a stupid restaraunt. I've worked food jobs, they are kid jobs desu senpai, I went to a package company, started at the bottom, no education, my only skill is I can work hard and I'm not a pussy, been there 8 years now, have a future, get paid more than any of my friends, benefits, 401k, in 2 years I'll be up to 6 weeks paid vaca+ 2 weeks of paid option days. I'm not rich but I'm comfortable and don't have to deal with food.

The best decision any of you people can make is to just find a non food related job asap, maybe you'll enjoy cooking for yourself again, the only reason I am on this board is I enjoy food and cooking as a hobby and these threads amuse me.

>> No.7072916


>i make so much money working in my cubicle that i can eat fast food for every meal, and even second meals
>stop shitting up the food and cooking board with actual food and cooking

As pathetic as working in a kitchen might seem, why are you even on /ck/ if you don't at least think that a thread from the professional perspective might at least be interesting to lurk?

>> No.7073465

Fucking this. If being a cook is so damn difficult, why is it that felons, 3rd worlders, and high school drop-outs seem to have no trouble with it?

>> No.7073482

I'm an effete desk chair sitting keyboard jockey but I worked in food service for beer money in college. The worst physical problem I have at the end of the day in my job now is I don't like the drydown on the current batch of creed aventus. Working in food service I remember being tired after like 2 hours and smelling like a nightmare of sprayed random foods, cleaning solutions, steam, and sweat. I have no illusions that my job is in any way difficult like being a cook is.

My job isn't a job anyone can do, but my point is I don't get why people get so buttblasted when cooks say being a cook is hard. It's hard, why is this even being argued about? Maybe they should make a shit-shoveling board so that cooks can go on there and whine that shit-shovelers think their job is so hard. Would that make you happier, blue collar scum? Because that's what you're doing here, in this thread.

>> No.7073509

>keyboard jockey
>calls other people blue collar scum


>> No.7073520
File: 58 KB, 720x576, 1446863655469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares.

Also, where the hell is the side of sausage I ordered twenty minutes ago?

>> No.7073555

I used to do 8-10k days in a fast food kitchen that never had AC or enough staff... mind you, that's open to close and then some.

>> No.7073564

lmao things I love about line cooks
>brag about how much money they made in sales, while they are paid shit, its like theyre proud that theyre being obviously exploited.
>brag about working without breaks or extreme conditions
>congrats on not being paid enough to be in such a situation

I dont respect anyone but food runners that have to organize your sloppy asses.

>> No.7073573

just go full douche and say youre a chef de partie

>> No.7073584

Stop whinning and trying to impress idiots here

>> No.7073592

Get a load of this faggot.

Name one skill that doesnt make you famous but doesn't require knowledge ti make you an average living

>> No.7073770

No, YOU stop whining.

>> No.7073845

>CD on mp3 player
I think you're doing it wrong, friendo

>> No.7073928
File: 7 KB, 160x160, 1427931402490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop complaining just because you have nothing to contribute outside of fast food threads. Are you so delicate that you can't stand others discussing their cooking jobs on a cooking board?

>> No.7073932

I wish he didn't have words over this pic because it looks like a genie.

>> No.7073934

You poor baby.

Imagine working an event in Las Vegas, where the ambient temp is 130F, you're over a wood fired grill with NO hood, and every tool you have in the sun gets up to 200F if you don't keep it in a pan of water.

I'll take my place in heaven, because I cooked ribs in hell.

>> No.7073953

how DOES being a line cook work?

>> No.7073958

Goid job senpai, How did you not die of heat stroke?

>> No.7074488


You're a badass among men good sir. The guys who work outdoors in the summer installing roofs, paving asphalt, and repair electrical lines come to your establishment I bet they cower in fear when they hear you shout like some dick while flipping pancakes and dropping fry baskets in a kitchen that's almost as hot as the job they just got back from.

Pat yourself on the back operator, aint nobody got shit on the ihop chef!

>> No.7074497

god damn

>> No.7074499

damn there's some salty ass people in this thread

i hope you have a good day OP

>> No.7074506

bragging about 115? is this a troll?

>> No.7074511

even the ass end of an industrial dishwasher is rinsing at 180. Plus its humid as fuck.

>> No.7074559

Good work son

Seriously fuck these managers that can't even keep maintenance up on the AC

Had to spend an entire week in july working with no AC

>> No.7074661

Yeah I tried the showing people how to do stuff thing to be met with the obligatory front of house motto
Somehow teamwork actually works in the kitchen whilst if you even try to hint at the FOH being apart of a team it becomes a rebellion.

>> No.7074885

>mfw halfway into tonight's dinner service

did about 230 in total, most i've done

>> No.7074886
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whoops, here's my face

sage btw (by the way)

>> No.7074921


>installing roofs, paving asphalt, and repair electrical lines

All of those jobs are a walk in the park compared to working a busy line.

>> No.7074933

Have you net a line cool befor?

>> No.7074940

He clearly just thinks difficult=being outside.

>> No.7074957

If you're not exposed to the elements, then it's a relatively comfy job to be honest family.

>> No.7074995

Question for line cooks here: How much do you make and where are you located?

I used to be a line cook in Indiana and made $9/hr. I make over twice that now working in an office (still in food tho)

>> No.7075003

So how much do you guys sweat into your food?

>> No.7075018

kek you look like a washed-up faggot manlet, please do the world a favor and castrate yourself

>> No.7075331

Steward here. Support team sees all, knows all and does all.

Service are bitch-made 'not-my-job'ers.
>Oh you only made $300 tonight? Oh, poor baby! How will you ever afford your Valtrex!
>Yeah, I'll get right on that silverware you barmy cunt. I know you have a long night of binge drinking and dick sucking to get on with.

Production are bro-tier.
>Anything you want, BEFORE you want it. I got you.

Administration administrates administratively.
>Yes, chef. Right away.

>> No.7075332

apples and oranges. Kitchen work is paced and difficult, but no one is telling you to "lift with your legs"

>> No.7075340

just bring us the fucking plates, clean, precisely when we need them

and don't get in the way! reeeeeeeee!

>> No.7075355

>just bring us the fucking plates, clean, precisely when we need them
I count 10s, 12s and ovals on garde manger, sautee and grill every time i do a pan rotation. My production team never needs plates because they always have plates, tools, towels, pans, gloves, paperclips, printer paper (and ink ribbons), stainless bowls, pieplates and hotplates. ALWAYS.

>and don't get in the way! reeeeeeeee!
They know where I am when I call 'coming on, coming down, behind you' etc. We do the dance, everything gets where it needs to go.

>> No.7075362

>but no one is telling you to "lift with your legs"
This is literally first day training in every kitchen, ever. Sacks of grain, large rondos, stockpots and mixers, boxes full of whatever, lexan full of iced down fish, beef primals, etc. Have you ever actually worked foodservice?

>> No.7075393

do you even lift, bro?

>> No.7075536

Good work anon, enjoy making like a hundred bucks for that work while I sat in an air conditioned office for seven hours or so and made sixteen hundred bucks because I have an actually valuable skill. I'm sure your family is proud.

>> No.7075551

This. You don't work in a kitchen if you aren't lugging heavy shit around at least semi frequently.

Fuck yeah, anon. You are doing God's work. Nothing makes me happier than being busy as all fuck but having everything I need to get through smoothly. Fuck me I love when a kitchen has that 'well oiled machine' feeling going on.

>> No.7075713

>white man doing a mexican's job

You've fallen from grace, buddy. Get back on track so you can actually own a business or property someday

>> No.7075752

>Sitting in an office all day, raping your PC.
>Valuable skill.


>> No.7075773

Fucking UFC tonight, so super busy. Somehow not one thing went wrong. It was great.

>> No.7075948

Nice post, no one gives a fuck. Maybe you could save it for your diary entry tonight faggot?

>> No.7077584

You are kidding me right? FOH will be handling cash, picking up dirty dishes and wiping toilet seats in between touching who knows what else. On top of the likelihood they'll get food on their aprons when they're supposed to appear presentable.

>> No.7077692

At real restaurants the only person who touches the bathroom is the porter.
The bus person or back waiter will clear tables(aka dirty dishes). All waiters do is take orders and deliver them...unless they have food runners.

>> No.7077720
File: 68 KB, 313x334, 1441565355197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badass? BADASS?

Waiter here, stop taking so fucking long with the orders. How hard is it to make the same dishes every day? You're making me lose tips you ape. There's a reason you're back there in the depths of hell and I'm out showing my face. Don't screw with me you stupid monkey. I have to keep going back to tables letting customers know that you retards are slowing everything up. It makes ME look bad. You aren't badass, you're a drone who will be replaced by automatic cookers. I'll finally be able to plate my orders without dealing with you idiot cooks and your weird tendencies. FUCK YOU.

>> No.7077736

Yeah man fuck you cooks you're all fucking weird ass motherfuckers anyway and we take all the heat for it

>> No.7077756

>working in the food industry

>> No.7077868

>mfw always putting that one piece of shit waiter's orders last in the queue

>> No.7077901

Waiter here as well. Do you BoH dropouts, felons, and otherwise undesirables realize that you're working in a fucking business and that you're expected to cook food 1) quickly and 2) well.

Just because you spent a couple in jail for downing a bottle of whiskey and wrapping your car around a tree doesn't mean you can spend the whole time fooling around and acting like savages.

I went to the kitchen to pick up an order and the whole staff was down there pinching each other's nipples with tongs and singing "HIGHWAY TO THE DANGERZONE".

You're at work. This is a job. People's mortages and families depend on it, so maybe you should stop actually like lazy chimps and get back to work (for example by making the order and giving it to someone who actually makes the restaurant money: Me).

>> No.7077960

trust your struggle i guess?
you should consider going back to school tho.. or not, who cares

>> No.7077975

Back when I was a line grunt, we used to soak our hats in water then chuck them in the walk in to get em nice and frozen for the dinner rush.

Was gonna start a new thread but I may as well ask here:

Lads, I remember learning how to cook a steak in my cast iron that resulted in the most fucking amazing crust. Low temp, lots of oil, long time, the ol' rosemary sprig and garlic clove, finish with butter etc etc, but I keep fucking it up lately cause I haven't done it in forever. There was a fucking article I read to learn how to do it and for the life of me I can't find it on google. Could one of you lads help?

Sorry about the trip, I'm from /fit/

>> No.7077999

80% of restaurant kitchen staff are degenerate alcoholics and drug addicts

>> No.7078011
File: 146 KB, 1300x955, four-women-laughing-mobile-phone-display-excited-young-smiling-looking-outdoors-30839201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off you retarded mongoloid, literally no one on earth gives a fuck what you think or how you feel. Go flip some fucking pancakes you minimum wage peon.

>> No.7078064

But it pays shit and the hours are bad

>> No.7078066

I'm a cook and I like this post.

>> No.7078077

I can vouch for this. I once had a co-worker walk up to me all out of it like something was on his mind...Turns out he was all distraught about not knowing the meaning to life...He was actually offended that I really don't even think about it much. Someone was on some real shit that day I guess.

>> No.7078107

Well, doing menial labor and getting looked down upon by your profession does horrible things to one's psyche.

>> No.7078110

That is true pal.

>> No.7078126

Also why is a Banana peel just casually relaxing on the counter? Do garbage cans not exist in the kitchen you work at?

>> No.7078145


Are we throwing down now?

You fucking babies in quarter aprons need to wipe the cum out of your eyes. Get out there & sell desserts & booze; WE will take care of the food. Nobody asks you to describe the ingredients or the actual flavor of the food because they want to know--they just want to bone a little in their trousers while your faggot ass wiggles out the same silly drama "Much Ado About Waiting" with over-priced Chilean Sauvignon or frosty Stellas....


>> No.7078153

Yeah but that about that banana that is just sitting there

>> No.7078189

I don't understand the servers in this thread. If you treat the kitchen with respect we'll do whatever we can to make sure your orders come out quickly and perfectly. No reason to act stuck up, all you do is take an order and give it to the kitchen.

>> No.7078198

Most of it's just trolls.

>> No.7078301

>I went to the kitchen to pick up an order and the whole staff was down there pinching each other's nipples with tongs and singing "HIGHWAY TO THE DANGERZONE".
Holy fuck, /ck/ is the only board that genuinely makes me lol.

>> No.7078336

/ck/: Most of it's just trolls.

>> No.7078366

>semi frequently
and yes, i worked in kitchens from age 16-25.
i've also worked in landscaping where you can spend your entire day humping dirt, and aircraft loading where your lifting shit all day long, in all weather conditions.

but ya, tell me how you had to move that 30 lb box from the walkin to the prep table.

>> No.7078372

Wasnt that the whole point of the thread, you fucking moron?

>> No.7079417

>People's mortages and families depend on it
maybe you should have managed your life a little better, eh? sounds like you never transitioned from your college years into actual adulthood. still waiting tables at 45 trying to convince your teenagers that you're even worth listening to... guess that BA in Theater didn't work out like you thought it would, huh?

Oh by the way, your Osso Buco died while you were socializing with the actual college kids at the waitstation, so I'm going to re-fire.

>> No.7079424

This is great pasta

>> No.7079541

When I worked at a dining hall on campus, theyd run the heaters in our tiny ass kitchens. Eat a dick.

>> No.7079733


How many rootie tooty fresh and fruities is that?

>> No.7079901

The lardasses who are mad industry threads exist have switched tactics instead of retreating to their fast food and tendies threads.

>> No.7079905
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>I went to the kitchen to pick up an order and the whole staff was down there pinching each other's nipples with tongs and singing "HIGHWAY TO THE DANGERZONE."

>> No.7079925

Lol the serves make the restaurant money? I'm pretty sure that's the alcohol and food they're consuming that reaps the profits. You on the other had are the intermediary between what a guest wants and correctly putting an order into a PoS system. If your mortgage or whatever the fuck depends on getting good tips you need to find a new job bud because I'm sure the kitchen purposely fucks up the food your table orders based on how you act.

>> No.7080158

they're also behind the scenes, so as long as the line cook does his fuckin job while on the clock i don't think it matters what else he does

>> No.7080424

I worked for DOT as a driller and we'd be hauling 50-80 lb augers every 10-15 minutes while shoveling tons of dirt and muck between. All outside in whatever weather (100+ to 20 below).

Not saying you guys don't work hard, it's just that you shouldn't think your job is physically intensive.

>> No.7081120

Demolition Labourer.

>> No.7081171

Worked in NYC roofing over the summer. 8-12 hour days on scaffolding. A lot of time was spent up a ladder laying against a metal roof (often holding 30+kg overhead for extended periods). Constantly doing extremely physical work. Drenched in sweat by 7.30am. Vomiting from exhaustion and dehydration despite the fact I was drinking 2.5 gallons of water most days.

I understand working in a kitchen is hot and somewhat physically demanding. If you think it even compares to construction however, you're fucking delusional.

>> No.7081215
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You limp-wristed little faggot. Grow the fuck up. You and these kitchen faggots.