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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 1920x1080, FN-ShowLogo-GoodEats-1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7067878 No.7067878 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s opinion on the Television show. Good Eats?

One of my favorite past times is cozying up to a good fire and a good meal, while tuning into an episode of Good Eats.

>> No.7067889
File: 438 KB, 3200x1200, ironchef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Chef was better.

>> No.7067891

maybe the best television cooking program.

essential viewing for anyone just learning how to cook.

>> No.7067901

It's informative, and fun. His jokes are safe, but funny, and he doesn't just teach you how to make a meal, he teaches you how to make the perfect meal. And in a way that even the simplest of people can understand.

>> No.7067915

I love this show. I learned so much from it.

>> No.7067954

It's not perfect, but it's probably the best resource for the people who post "i got first apartment how i couk :(" threads. It can be understood by someone with practically no background in cooking and seeing the techniques done visually is easier than trying to absorb them from reading text.

>> No.7068075

The rudimentary food science in the show was actually really helpful to me growing up. If you think about it, to be a good cook it's essential to know stuff like why things thicken up or soften up or why things have to be done but not overdone. I have no idea how else I would have found that shit out.

That said, I was disappointed in a couple of recipes from the show that I tried out.

>> No.7068111

Which ones? The cranberry sauce one was great.

Essential viewing if you're learning to cook, or even if you know how- you always learn something new, even if it's some weird little tidbit. It generally shows how a dish progresses, with a ballpark timeframe, and more importantly, how the changes happen.

It's more important to know why a roux works than just "how do I roux"

>> No.7068120

it really is the best cooking show

>> No.7070256

I hate the overexitement, the playfulness and volumetric-measurements.

>> No.7070357

Great starter show, very informative for new people. Mindless entertainment for those who know about cooking. He always seems to set people off in one episode or another by doing something different (my father threw a fit at his BBQ episode) but I like him.

Gonna try to catch AB's show when he comes back to town

>> No.7070550

Good Show but some of his recipes are shit, like his cheese steak recipe

>> No.7070562
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>I hate the overexitement, the playfulness

>> No.7070691
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It was a good show at the time, but a lot of his pedantic opinions, over time, have been proven either ineffective or unnecessarily complex. His science is still good, but thanks to advances in the culinary field, his techniques are becoming increasingly outdated.

Also, he takes like twenty steps to cook an omelette. Julia Child took thirty seconds fifty years ago.

>> No.7070713
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liked to watch it
bought one of his cookbooks - good
though some episodes were too much

something extremely simple like making a cup of coffee or tea became fucking rocket science

>> No.7070736
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x1980, goodeatsyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7070739


Alton Brown shits me to no end, he speaks with an authority he does not have. An obvious example of failing to achieve status in his chosen field, and then desperately clawing at cuisine as a final grasp. He's the Chester Bennington of foodies.

This is not an objective opinion, he's probably an okay dabbler, but he rubs me the wrong way. Many things he suggests are not wrong, but prone to going wrong very easily. He obfuscates really simple techniques, adding steps that shouldn't be there.

Basically he's a wanker.

>> No.7070771

I put on a random episode to fall asleep to every night. Sometimes trailer park boys, but mostly AB

>> No.7070775

I've never viewed his recipes as a "how to". It's like watching a normal-guy version of Heston Blumenthal where he tries to perfect every part of a dish. Obviously, AB isn't Heston so don't all go autistic on me.

Would I make my own beef jerky by getting 4 furnace filters and a fan? No, but it's fun to watch him do it.

Anyone who believes he actually takes 45 steps to boil an egg or make coffee on a normal day is an idiot. It's a TV show, of course it's blown out of proportion.

That being said, his food science is beginner level but sorely needed since most people don't bother to sear stewing beef, nevermind understand why you should, for example.

>> No.7070780

you shits watch too much television