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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 620x387, MarcoPierreWhite_2690009b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7065555 No.7065555 [Reply] [Original]

How did he go from Michelin Stars to...

.... This?


>> No.7065561

This is now a Fazoli's thread

>> No.7065567

Go away

>> No.7065568

what is so special about this guy

>> No.7065575

Him and gordon ramsay used to blow each other
They're both notorious fags

>> No.7065595



The whole trajectory of his career is sorta tragic, or something.

He was arguably the best chef in the world in the 1980s.

Then then celebrity chef craze hit, and he started complaining about chefs being all in it for the money instead of the craft.

Then he started selling Knorr stock pots which kind of called his integrity into question.

IDK it's like he wanted to take the high road and tried to act like he did when he didn't?

>> No.7065598

he was ramsay's boss and teach him how to cook

he had 3 michelin stars, best food in UK

>> No.7065788

>best food in UK

not exactly hard

>> No.7065801

>he started selling Knorr stock pots which kind of called his integrity into question.
>kind of

You don't hold back at all.

>> No.7065827

>best food in UK
>winning the special olympics

>> No.7065834

Still better than American ""food""

>> No.7065849

>White then met 21-year-old model Lisa Butcher at a London nightclub. They were engaged within three weeks. White says today that he was so intoxicated by her looks that he forgot to think about her personality.[30] Engaged for two months, Butcher sold the wedding in a £20,000 deal to Hello! magazine. The wedding took place at the Brompton Oratory on 15 August 1992, where Albert Roux was best man, and the couple forgot to invite the groom's father and brothers to the ceremony. White says he knew the marriage was a mistake when he saw her £3,000 floor-length, backless Bruce Oldfield dress with cutaway sides. White told a reporter that she looked dressed to go down the catwalk rather than the aisle. Butcher says of their 15-week marriage: "We went to the Scilly Isles for our honeymoon. On the first day, Marco turned to me and said, 'I don't love you.' We spent two miserable days when we didn't speak and he went shark fishing. Then I left." In her one interview about the marriage, Butcher has hinted that something unspeakable happened on the honeymoon: "Something very bad did happen but I'm not going to say what it was. It really wasn't a very pleasant experience for me and my family."[31]

>> No.7065855

making best food in UK is hard because in London

In london there are many great chefs from France, Italy, Spain etc

They can cook with fresh ingredient from all over Europe

So no, best food in UK is not fish and chip

It is basically best food in the Europe

Marco was at the top but then he fell down

>> No.7065871

Damn, no wonder he needs money. He goes through marriages like tissue paper.

>> No.7065918

>In her one interview about the marriage, Butcher has hinted that something unspeakable happened on the honeymoon: "Something very bad did happen but I'm not going to say what it was. It really wasn't a very pleasant experience for me and my family."

What happened?

>> No.7065945

>Now when I lubricate, I use Knorr Fish Stock Pot instead of KY.
>Because Knorr Fish Stock Pott lubricates better than KY.
>You should try it.

>> No.7065953

Let's just say it involved using a Knorr stockpot used in a way you wouldn't have imagined.

>> No.7065957

> Butcher has hinted that something unspeakable happened on the honeymoon: "Something very bad did happen but I'm not going to say what it was. It really wasn't a very pleasant experience for me and my family

>Marco, that's a pretty big stock pot.

>for you

>What are you doing? Stop, sto-

>> No.7065962

Theres a really interesting series called 'Marco cooks for' where he cooks for Pierre Koffman, Albert Roux, Raymond Blanc and Nico Ledenis. Very interesting to see the food of the time, and see how different it is to what is available now. Unfortunately its been blocked on YouTube and only a few of them are on Dailymotion. Might be on torrent though.

Interestingly, in one of the clips, he cooks 'pigs trotter a la Pierre Koffman'. This dish was taught to Marco by Pierre, Marco trained Gordon. Gordon bought what was Pierres restaurant and turned it in to his 3 star restaurant where he trained Marcus Wareing. Marcus Wareing now has a 2 star restaurant in The Berkely hotel. Pierre is also currently at The Berkely with a smaller restuarant, where he is still serving the same pigs trotter dish.

>> No.7065965


>> No.7065972

probably just wants to get paid nugga. not a damn thing wrong with it

>> No.7065994

>In 1992, White started a relationship with Matilde "Mati" Conejero, the bartender at The Canteen.[31][32] and went on to have two sons: Luciano (born December 1993), Marco Jr. (born May 24, 1995), and a daughter, Mirabelle (born 2001), born after White retired and the couple had married at the Belvedere on 7 April 2000. At the wedding, Gordon Ramsay turned up with a TV crew (who were filming for Ramsay's Beyond Boiling Point) having told neither White nor his bride. White and Ramsay have not spoken since.

Why is Ramsay so based?

>> No.7066006

Have you watched the documentary? There are two, Boiling Point and Beyond Boiling Point. I really enjoyed them. You see Ramsay without all the acting.

>Ramsay gets paid several thousand to promote Bramley Apples
>Hates Bramley Apples
>Needs money
>Agrees to do it
>Sneaks a Granny Smith apple in to the bowl of Bramleys they use for the promotional photos

>> No.7066021


White used to be such an amazing chef

>> No.7066024

Why does everyone pity this guy?

He went to the top of the restaurant world and decided to retire and become a family man.

He still owns licensed restaurants and shills Knorr but it's not like he's making TV shows and busting his ass with fine dining anymore.

He makes bank doing almost no work and gets to relax. Not everyone is as obsessed with "craft" and "purity" as you autists are.

>> No.7066066

>You will never ride around with Marco and Mr Ishii on silly adventures.


>> No.7066234


kek Ramsay le kid in the background opening scene

>> No.7066266

That kind of attitude is what makes everything about the world get worse. And the sad, unappreciative thing about your perspective is that when he had passion and heart, he wasn't JUST trying to "get paid". The people who created, innovated and put their passion into all sorts of art, skills, crafts, whatever... were not doing it just to get paid. They did what the believed in themselves to be a righteous path for them to take.

I'm sure he could live off his name and restaurants without selling his principles away to Knorr. And that is the point you should really reconsider.

>> No.7066267

>Everyone laughs at him
>I take him at his word
>Use stockpot to season my spaghetti
>tastes amazing
>use stockpot in my bolognese
>tastes amazing
>purists here laugh while the rest of us enjoy delicious food

The best part is I saved the water and I use it as a base for soups too

>> No.7066281

i'm sure it does taste good. in fact, im going to buy some next time im at the store.

>> No.7066287

>the rest of us enjoy delicious food

Except you are the only one.

>> No.7066319


Exactly. 'Lazy' does not mean 'bad'.

They work and they taste good.

>> No.7066364


>that intro

I am so glad we no longer live in the 80s and 90s

>> No.7066365

Well, still is. He does a week or so on AU Masterchef and he's never been in better form.

Still, thanks for sharing that video.

>> No.7066375

He was such an edgy pretentious cunt holy shit

>> No.7066403

>"I was being judged by people who had less knowledge than me, so what was it truly worth? I gave Michelin inspectors too much respect, and I belittled myself. I had three options: I could be a prisoner of my world and continue to work six days a week, I could live a lie and charge high prices and not be behind the stove or I could give my stars back, spend time with my children and re-invent myself."

Sounds reasonable to me

Michelin inspectors are basically just trumped up yelp reviewers anyway

>> No.7066769

I totally agree. all the supreme autists on here think that using a knorr cube Is blasphemous. I would buy them all the time to add flavour to my rice. They work very well. I don't like how these cubes often have MSG though,

>> No.7066774

why would any mainstream food product have msg ? unless you live in india or china? ?

???? ??

>> No.7066785

Everything has some form of MSG, most 'MSG free' prodcts use yeast extract or tomato concentrate instead.

Not that there's anything wrong with MSG, china restaurant syndrome isn't real and if there were any actual health problems associated with MSG consumption half of Asia would be dead.

It has its place, I just wouldn't use it instead of salt.
There's nothing wrong with using it in a stew or a bolognese, cooking your pasta in stock doesn't work with every dish though.

>> No.7066788

>Not that there's anything wrong with MSG, china restaurant syndrome isn't real

my little brother used to pass out on the booth after every prawns w/ lobster sauce dish he ordered (regularly)

the rest of our family ate at the same place, various dishes, but never passed out. they used msg.

>> No.7066812
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>> No.7066838

congrats on your anecdotal evidence

>> No.7066859

Thanks, you too idiot.

>> No.7066865


fuckiing kill yourself

>> No.7066868



I didn't provide any anecdotal evidence for you, what are you thanking me for?

>> No.7066878

sour grapes

'he's rich, successful and respected but his life must suck because he has to sell a product for money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

>> No.7066881

Thanking you for just bullshitting. It's a great way to waste time here. Couldn't do it alone.

>> No.7066886


we shouldn't waste our time, we have a finite amount of it left

>> No.7066895

please dont try to one-up me on philosophical issues. this thing could go on for another 24 hours.

>> No.7066907


Is philosophy stating the obvious? Oh wait, if I recall my compulsory philosophy class in university, it was.

Anyways, yer gay.

>> No.7066923
File: 14 KB, 348x282, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't expect me to sell my heart. Tsk tsk tsk. Never expect that

>> No.7066974

You forgot to mention the bit where he showed up to the demo, burnt the dish, left, and walked away with the money, letting his assistant finish the demo instead.

Ramsay is scum.

>> No.7066982

I just watched Boiling Point, Ramsay seems a bit sociopathic

>> No.7067090

Jesus Christ Marco, are you a chef or are you a clown?


>> No.7067216

Are you talking about Jack?

>> No.7067259

>He was arguably the best chef in the world in the 1980s.
>He was one of the few decent chefs in the UK
There, fix'd that for you.

>> No.7067268

>3 michelin stars

wew lad

>> No.7067444


He's a stock pot m8

>> No.7067550

Looks nice

>> No.7067573

Nice to know that /ck/ is aware of the MPW and Gordon history, boiling point and marco cooks for are both great series that shed light into the early careers of both chefs.

Marco is pretty fucked up though

>His mother died when he was 6
>Talks about her constantly in multiple shows he has done
>Diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia
>Went to the top of his field at a very young age working 90 hour weeks
>Gets into bad relationships/marriages constantly
>Has a small japanese man drive him everywhere constantly

If you can, watch the UK Hells Kitchen episodes where he replaces Ramsay, its a riot

>> No.7067574

What. I like the guy on Masterchef but he doesn't show any form beyond giving weirdly sexual pep talks. The last thing I saw him cook was mac and cheese.

>> No.7067576

>tfw I just remembered that Mastechef: The Professionals is back on

Feels good mang

>> No.7067590

Is this bait or are Americans really this dumb? Modern British food is God-tier and London in particular has been one of the foremost food capitals of the world for years. Only Americans would be stupid enough to take /int/ memes at face value.

Inb4 some fatso starts spamming pictures of stargazy pie and toast sandwiches

>> No.7067591

It's not that he's giving bad advice, it's because it's like seeing a once master carpenter promoting plastic chairs. The chairs are fine, and your average person isn't going to carve their own furniture, it's just kinda a shame.

>> No.7067683

Would like to give your examples to defend yourself?

>> No.7067686



>> No.7067747




>> No.7067772

>toast sandwiches
that literally is modern british food, that thing came out like last year

>> No.7067778

But you understand it's a meme right? No one actually eats toast sandwiches

>> No.7067779

That was a scientist explaining the nutrition of bread you fucking retard, no one ever actually suggested to eat it

>> No.7068011

don't you dare sit there and tell me nobody them after hearing about it. Nobody eats jellied eels anymore but thats still british food

>> No.7068283

Yeah the mans a lunatic.

Ive eaten at that restaurant though and it is incredible.

>> No.7068285

This thread is annoying. I'm not even going to read through it.

He's been doing these commercials for a few years now. This is such old fucking news. It doesn't negate his accomplishments, either.

My autism is tingling.

>> No.7068292

He has the best voice I've ever heard. n-no homo

He still cooking at a high level at all?

>> No.7068400

How do you feel about this washed up sell out unable to drive a car?

>> No.7068417

Do Europeans even own cars? I thought they were like New Yorkers.

>> No.7068433
File: 168 KB, 984x629, 1410986180958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top chuckle m8

>> No.7068445

They're too scared to drive cars

>> No.7069155

The Michelin guide is a butthole-licking ponzi scheme anyways.

>> No.7069191

>Do Europeans even own cars?

It's hard to tell when Americans are being retarded or joking because their levels are ignorance are so high either is believable. These days I just assume all Americans really are as dumb as they seem

>> No.7069199


Yeah, kind of like how we assume that all Europeans are homosexuals.

>> No.7069224

The best part of this is that you thought that was a witty comeback.

>> No.7070367


jellied eels are far more common than toast sandwiches ever were. they made it onto the occasional tea service and that's it, they're only mentioned in like two historic cookbooks.

>> No.7070382

Jellied eels aren't even bad. I mean I prefer my eels smoked if I have the choice but jellied they're very edible.

>> No.7070394

Wow what a pretentious shit.
Is he fucking serious?

>> No.7070406

Keep in mind he had 3 michelin stars and was probably the best chef in Europe when he was in his mid 20ies.
He was a pretentious dick but he also had the skills to back up his talk.

>> No.7070482


Never heard of him until this thread (I'm Australian, we have no food culture here). I think what he says is interesting.

It doesn't matter if he's a sell out or not.

>> No.7070495

Doesn't he host Australian Masterchef?

>> No.7070505

I don't see the problem. Knorr is a reputable brand with a deep heritage and a fine lineup of products that fit your every culinary need. I use them in all my sauces and most of my dishes. You should try it.

>> No.7070513

I think he was a celebrity judge on it in a few episodes.

>> No.7070514

Bigger shocker for me is the pronunciation of Knorr

>> No.7070515


I don't watch it that much. I recognise him, however I've never really seen him, because masterchef is more drama than cooking.

>> No.7070516

It's French, that's why Knorr stock pot is so good. They invented good food over there.

>> No.7070517

>masterchef is more drama than cooking

Down under too? I imagined Clapistani version to be like that. Bong version is great, all about cooking

>> No.7070591

>a country where a chip butty is a serious dish
>good food
lol I'm just ribbing, british stuff is pretty good sometimes, I still love me some yorkshire pudding and roast beef.

>> No.7070677

More money, that's the explanation.

>> No.7071097

0:07 Rare pepe

>> No.7071713


yes, every episode someone is brought to tears or the judges somehow do something 'controversial'. It's how people like it here I guess.

>> No.7072873


well... at least he's not hawking pot noodles


>> No.7072882

Anon, /int/ shits on everyone. People know that fucking Bongs have better food than stargazy pie and toast sandwiches.

>> No.7072921


The puxxy is a force of nature that will destroy your life.

>> No.7072928
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>> No.7072946

>I never bother using olive oil to cook the pasta

>I use olive oil to cook pasta because muh mother was italian

What went wrong?

>> No.7072964
File: 64 KB, 467x456, 1286474277048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the young Marco seeing his older self promoting Knorr Stock Pot (TM).

>> No.7072975

why should it matter when Knorr is intended for the home cook?

>> No.7072979

No surprise he would think that when you consider
>americans r dumb xDD

>> No.7072981

>Bigger shocker for me is the pronunciation of Knorr
>It's French

It's German actually but know own by a Brit company.

Fun Fact: In Olde English the 'K' used to be pronounced.

>> No.7074866
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>> No.7075307


Wow, what a spoiled little baby bitch. Everything about this guy makes him seem like a complete retard.

>> No.7075318


>> No.7075360


>two entirely different recipes

No wonder you fucking dumbshit

>> No.7075367

Are you retarded or just American?

>> No.7075368

>Hello I am dumb

>> No.7075412


I have never been more inspired by anything on television more than his pep talks from season 6.

>>tfw I just remembered that Mastechef: The Professionals is back on

God, I wish I had time for that.

>> No.7075653

A world class coke habit. That's how.

>> No.7075657

I doubt he drank coke

>> No.7076985


American here, I shit feces that are arguably better cuisine than what britbongs consider fine dining. Even your Knor© Stockpots™ can't save you.