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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 640x480, Dorset_Blue_Vinney_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7061454 No.7061454 [Reply] [Original]

What is your least favorite kind of cheese?

I don't like the blue ones, they are basically rotten, aren't they

>> No.7061471

i dislike any kind of blue cheese too.

i'll tolerate it in a dish, but i won't enjoy it.

>> No.7061475

its deliciously rotten

>> No.7061500

Isn't cheese in general just carefully spoiled milk?

>> No.7061520


lemon cheese

>> No.7061528

i don't eat cheese, period. It's concentrated nastiness. Cheese is mostly saturated fat, and is sour tasting garbage.

>> No.7061531

>When Americans say American cheese, they mean individual slices of a bright orange rubber like product
>When Americans say Swiss cheese, they mean individual slices of a yellow rubber like product with holes in it
>When Americans say Cheddar cheese, they mean individual slices of a yellow rubber like product
>When Americans say Provolone cheese, they mean individual slices of an almost white rubber like product
>When Americans say Monteray Jack cheese, they mean individual slices of a yellow rubber like product with red speckles

Why do this mates?

>> No.7061540

>nothing in this thread about america
>some yuroshit baiter comes in here screaming his head off about america

Why do yuropoors do this? Do they have nothing better to do?

>> No.7061545

>We are both browsing 4chin
>Thinking you are doing something more worthwhile than I am

>> No.7061550

Maybe a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on white bread is more your speed, Mr NoTaste BabyMouth?

>> No.7061552
File: 4 KB, 123x125, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do this mates?

did you see his teeth?

>> No.7061559

Just admit you got called out for being a faggot and leave the thread

>> No.7061561

he doesn't like lemon cheese

>> No.7061568

Because the American palate was gang raped by plastic frankenfood cartels based in Wisconsin.

We're fixing it but as with most things, reform starts on the coasts and the primitive barbarians in the hinterland scream bloody murder as culture is literally shoved down their throats by market forces and the internet.

You won't find small batch cheeses with personality from America, outside of America, and whatever large scale manufacturing we do (chiefly in Wisconsin) is the frankenfood I described. These kinds of cartels are losing market share in a similar way to bud light and wonder bread, but they've discovered a very effective way of generating fanatical brand loyalty: question the patriotism of anyone who doesn't agree their trashfood is the best thing ever.

So until this generation of flyovers is buried, real food won't penetrate the heartland except among effete limousine liberals who hate America and have literally never even set foot here.

>> No.7061573

This reads like a more refined version of an Angie rant.

>> No.7061580

>When Americans say Swiss cheese, they mean individual slices of a yellow
Dumb faggot.

>> No.7061583

That's your vote. Mine is he doesn't have to admit shit to your bitchy ass and he stays as long as he wants.

>> No.7061584

Ok kid

>> No.7061586

Swiss cheese isn't Swiss its American

>> No.7061587

Which bit about that was dumb?

>> No.7061654

Angie did nothing wrong

>> No.7061663

I dont like Swiss. It has a real bitter taste and not very flavourful. I don't know how anyone could like it.

>> No.7061681

French here, we have have the stinkiest shit here, like maroilles or munster, it litterally smells like feet and unwashed dick.

>> No.7061692

just like the people.

>> No.7062310

>no clue how old the person you are replying to you is
>im likely older than you


>> No.7062316

The French in general smell like booze breath and unwashed ass

>> No.7062327


>has never had swiss cheese

>> No.7062328

My least favorite would be american cheese but I do keep it in the fridge for burgers and grill cheese. It just doesn't taste good on its own

>> No.7062340

American cheese is shit when it's cold, I don't think it's meant to be eaten that way though. It's in the highest tier of melting cheeses, I like how it makes things better but its so mild it doesn't overpower the other flavours.

>> No.7062361

>Incapable of responding to the actual point

Nice one desu

>> No.7062375
File: 397 KB, 1000x672, kraft-singles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your least favorite kind of cheese?

Pic related. Especially if its a knockoff brand version. Either way, it I don't know if I can really call it cheese, or if it is more suiting to call it cheese product. Doesn't matter if you melt it or not. Well, obviously if you don't melt it then it is like eating soft plastic, but for me even if you do melt it... then its just like eating melted plastic.

>> No.7062377

"Swiss cheese" isn't yellow.

>> No.7062384


Then please tell me, what colour is this "Swiss cheese" they speak of

>> No.7062396
File: 289 KB, 1500x848, Product-Image_Sliced_Deli-Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shits embarrassing, its only edible in grilled cheese. Have you ever had decent American cheese? It gets bad rep because there is so much bad American cheese but I'll fight anyone who says the deli slices aren't good. Like these, I think even wal mart will slice you some.

>> No.7062409
File: 1007 KB, 3081x1492, img_0089_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swiss cheese

>> No.7062410

None, I like every cheese provided there's nothing wrong with it. Haven't tried American brands though but I can eat and even like President and Philadelphia, those are american right? Love babybel too

>> No.7062415
File: 17 KB, 500x313, DWAYNE DIBBLEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheese product

>> No.7062416

>decent american cheese
>posts "cheese product"

May as well be cheeze wiz or whatever that velveeta garbage is.

>> No.7062427

>american cheese product
>going to walmart
this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.7062450

Americans did it with craft beer, so why cant they just do the same with cheese? Plz Murica, be great again.

>> No.7062460
File: 254 KB, 1500x1500, fresh_cypress_grove_humboldt_fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"American" cheese is definitely the worst. However, "Swiss" cheese (made in America), American deli "Muenster cheese". and American "provolone", "Parmesan", "Asiago", "Pecorino", "Havarti" and "Fontinella" are just as bad. Colby Jack is also an abomination as is a lot of American "cheddar" and goat cheese logs.

However, America does make delicious cheese such as pic related.

Ad on the opposite end of the spectrum, as in cheese that is technically artisan or a luxury/commodity but is still horrible there is legitimate French Muenster cheese which is just the absolute stinkiest, repugnant cheese there is. Even Stinking Bishop is more likable.

>> No.7062466

Good post

>> No.7062468
File: 71 KB, 736x552, c2b9bd0227050b2d25240452ecd47048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're doing it, see >>7061568

You just have to avoid the garbage from the midwest

Pic related, vulto ouleout, a raw cow's milk washed rind cheese from new york

>> No.7062479
File: 1.38 MB, 1577x986, harbison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How uninformed are you? There is A TON of amazing cheese being produced in the US that I know of.

If I wasn't drunk right now I would post a list of all the great creameries in the US right now.

Pic related is just one I have been enjoying a lot.

Also see these two posts

>> No.7062482

>criticism of something Americans do
>use MUH OBSESSION as an argument to sidestep the criticism

Literally every time. Considering Ameridumbs make up the majority of the site, is it surprising that people would want to question the orthodox position? Also, it's not like you're any less obsessed with us. Just look at the number of anit-Europe threads started on /int/ every minute by butthurt yanks

Anyway that poster is right. Any civilised American can admit that their cheese industry is utter garbage

>> No.7062491

I've never been big into cheese, but I fucking want to be as a lot of it smells delicious and from the cheeses that I have tried they all seem amazing.

Are you supposed to eat the hard crusted bit? What about that gooey layer?

>> No.7062497

I didn't sidestep shit you fucking retard. I know our cheese is shit, but it literally added fucking nothing to do the discussion and was just a thinly veiled attempt at shitposting.

Kill yourself

>> No.7062498

In which case I guess its going to take a long time to reach the UK. I dont mind too much, because although Im clearly biased, we have some of the worlds best cheese in the UK in my opinon, and also close enough to France and Italy to be able to buy what they offer.

Craft beer seems very big in US right now, yet we still have a very limited selection of US beers here. Given that cheese is probably a lot harder to transport and store, I doubt we will see much of it here for a long time.

>> No.7062512
File: 78 KB, 834x979, moot aussies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shutup you fucking aussie.

>> No.7062518

>basically rotten
>aren't they

Fun fact dipshit, all cheese is milk transformed by/to digestive byproducts. It's like you're fucking retarded.

Also, I hate Havarti. Not because it is bad, but because of all the "x" flavored varieties. It's just so damn gay.

>> No.7062519

If you are referring to Humboldt Fog you eat all of it. The "hard" part you are referring to, isn't hard, it is a bloomy mold rind like brie or camenbert, and the gooey layer is delicious. As the cheese ages/ripens more and more of the cheese will become soft/gooey like the layer closest to the rind in the picture. Eventually it can be an inch or two thick, and it is great.

>> No.7062524

If I can get my hands on some of this, how would you suggest I eat it? On it's own or with something? Also, how do you store cheese? I'd imagine the fridge, but from the little I know it also seems like a lot of cheeses don't need to be refrigerated.

>> No.7062531

Limburger or bust.

>> No.7062544

i don't really know what it's called but i had it in new york and was just straight up bland as fuck

>> No.7062582
File: 229 KB, 825x824, USA USA USA USA USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans obsessively start threads that are specific to America but when someone outside of America mentions America then they are accused of being 'obsessed'.


>> No.7062589

It is delicious on it's own, but buy some nice crackers or some nice, freshly baked bread, ideally crunchy on the outside but nice and soft on the inside (maybe like a baguette ideally) and then either some fig spread or honey. Maybe both.

These are the bare minimum entry level things to eat with cheese.

Some other super basic things are pears, apples, grapes, actual figs, and other fruit spreads/preserves.

>> No.7062595

>using all this projection
>deflecting from the point

Wow, two logical fallacies in one post. Keep going yuropoor.

>> No.7062599


>> No.7062600

How do you get past a foul smelling or looking cheese to enjoy it? Practice?

>> No.7062601

You've contributed nothing, and you sound defensive.

>> No.7062614

Become a true pervert. Once you develop a fetish for smelling/sniffing bitches or scat or futa or hairy armpits there is no going back.

You can then eat the most vile looking/smelling shit and think it's wonderful.

>> No.7062621

I used to hate Stinky Tofu as a kid.

Now I love Stinky Tofu combined with Sour Cabbage.

>> No.7062623

>somehow without ids or flags you have come to the conclusion that I haven't contributed anything to this thread

Just die

>> No.7062632

I obviously meant this line of discussion. You didn't offer an effective counter.

Now you seem to be trying to justify your existence.

>> No.7062639

Link to your valuable contributions please.

>> No.7062695
File: 47 KB, 648x486, Camembert_%28Cheese%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind blue cheese if it's served in really thin slices with some bread or something. Otherwise, camembert and gouda are probably my favourites. Kind of a funny contrast

>> No.7062878

Literally have never known ANYONE that has made that a regular item. The people that did buy it had a slice and let the rest mold. I personally first had it in 1993, and once again in 98. Fucking awful, everyone knows it isn't anything like Swiss cheese, and you can get a much better alternative for the same price 5 inches away.

>> No.7062917

Blue cheese sends a direct painful signal to my brain as if I were chewing on aluminum foil. I try to enjoy it but it is unpleasant.

>> No.7062931

Cheese is good but i prefer to eat it with something like crackers

>> No.7062971

American 'cheese' is shit but it's good for making sure your cheese sauce doesn't split on you. I found out one time when I was making some mac and cheese and ran out of fontina.

>> No.7063012

I can't stand camembert or brie. For some reason they taste like soap to me. There's a cheese shop where I work that's always doing samples, so I've definitely tried enough to know that my tastebuds cannot abide them. It's quite upsetting.

I thought that I couldn't like blue cheese though and had only tried it plain a couple times before. One day tried a sample of it with a fantastic fruit preserve, now I'm totally into it if it's covered in a sugary substance.

I'm all about smoked gouda though, in anything or by itself. That shit is amazing.

>> No.7063027


I actually recently read a book that the disgusting smell is part of the appeal. Something about "the erotics of disgust", and how smelling a really stinky piece of cheese is strangely enjoyable. It's repulsive but we want to sniff again. It's been described as "the foot odor of god".

>> No.7063030

There's a bunch of really great US-produced cheeses. One of my favorites is the BellaVitano. It's a bit expensive, but I can typically wait til close to the sell by date for cut wedges when the shop starts marking down to half off, and grab a shitload of it for cheap.

>> No.7063033
File: 36 KB, 595x380, cranberry white stilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're having a cheese thread, what do you think of this stuff? I bought a little over the weekend but I haven't had a chance to cut it open and try it.

>> No.7063039
File: 32 KB, 300x300, Dairiconcepts-body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love parmesan cheese. It is one of the greatest things on earth. even in those shitty brand plastic bottles. sometimes i just eat it by itself its so damn good. and ill often put a shitload on food from pasta or whatever.

>> No.7063040

brie is great melted, a lovely hot brie and bacon sandwich, mmm

>> No.7063046

I don't know if it's disgust, it's more that they've grown accustomed to the smell and enjoy it. There's plenty of people who are into foot or sweat odor (on an attractive person), not because they think it smells bad, but the complete opposite.

To me, a lot of smelly cheeses have a sort of sweet bit along with the mustiness. I can see the appeal, though I'm not really into the flavor of the stronger stuff.

>> No.7063055

I think I like most of the cheeses I've tried even blue cheese I'm tempted to try limburger cheese to see if id like it too.

>> No.7063071

Question about French brie. Are you supposed to just eat the inside because when I eat the part at or near the rind it tastes like I am eating a cotton ball soaked with ammonia?

>> No.7063085

Eat all of it.

And don't call it " french brie"

It's brie

do you know how cheeses are named?

>> No.7063087
File: 209 KB, 1024x680, tillamook-cheesejpg-ef2b86b9c42bb752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNW represent

>> No.7063092

It's not really a "supposed to", if it tastes like shit to you then don't eat it. You probably wasted your money though if you don't.

Also, here's a copypasta about the ammonia smell for brie:
>If the cheese is tightly wrapped in plastic and not allowed to breathe, or stored at very cold temperatures—such that the ammonia cannot escape—the ammonia build up is so great that there is a terribly strong ammonia smell and flavor.

>Often times, cheeses that you buy in the supermarket will not be able to breathe like they would in a case at a cheese shop, so it is quite common to pick up a wheel of brie from a grocery store fridge and bring it home to be welcomed by a cloud of ammonia.

>As with all cheeses, if the Brie is packaged in plastic shrink wrap you must repackage it as soon as you bring it home in something that better facilitates the exchange of gases like wax paper. The wax paper wrapped Brie should then be placed in a resealable plastic bag or container leaving an opening for air to get in.

>Also, before serving Brie, you should leave it out for at least 30 minutes so that the ammonia can dissipate and the cheese can reach room temperature.

>> No.7064357

This isn't /int/
Don't like anonymous posting, you can try facebook

>> No.7064456

OP is a manchild

>> No.7064475

How can a people famous for their ass-washing appliances smell like unwashed ass?

>> No.7064482

>they are basically rotten, aren't they

>> No.7064488

Do you have downs syndrome? He was in no way complaining about anonymous posting, he was calling out the guy on his shit.

>> No.7064512

Is that why I sniff my hands after scratching my balls/ass?

>> No.7064527

Give me one thing wrong with cheese product.

>> No.7064540

It's made by Kraft

>> No.7064552

That extra sharp provolone that's sold in plastic containers at Italian markets is just vile. Any time I've been to a cheese party, some South Philly Italian chump has to bring a container.

One cube of cheese will completely obliterate your taste buds for hours.

Italian cheese is probably the worst offender of the cheese world in general. Gorgonzola is just over salted blue cheese. Most provolone is garbage. Mozzarella has it's place but it's very boring.

>> No.7064560

It tastes bad
It's processed and unnatural
It's expensive

>> No.7064566

Strange, every provolone that I have tried has been very "weak" compared to cheese like blue and cheddar. The stuff I have eaten has been almost tasteless.

>> No.7064571

Even we don't make that mistake.

>> No.7064574

Everything is processed

Everything is natural

>> No.7064590

Store bought provolone that's already been packaged is usually really mild. The stuff that I'm referring to is only sold in a tub of cubes at an Italian market.

>> No.7064624

>tub of what
It comes in wedges where I live

That is to say, America, before you sensitive flyovers shit yourselves that a dirty furriner is in your presence. It's ok. I have even been to church
>although not for like 11 years, zomg the devil is among you!

>> No.7064651

You're drunk. Go to bed

>> No.7064727
File: 1.66 MB, 290x260, laughing asian man with headphones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every time

>> No.7064755

That filename
Are you joking or do you really not know who george takei is?

>> No.7064788

He's been doing that for years
Sometimes I can't resist autistically correcting his filenames. Never responds to my posts though.

>> No.7064871

Cottage cheese is the worst

>> No.7065310
File: 30 KB, 400x300, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw americans call chips "french fries"
>mfw americans call crisps "chips"
>mfw americans call chocolate globbernaughts "candy bars"
>mfw americans call motorized rollinghams "cars"
>mfw americans call merry fizzlebombs "fireworks"
>mfw americans call a wunderbahbox a "PC"
>mfw americans call meat water "gravy"
>mfw americans call electro-rope "power cables"
>mfw americans call beef wellington ensemble with lettuce a "burger"
>mfw americans call whimsy flimsy mark and scribblers "pens"
>mfw americans call twisting plankhandles "doorknobs"
>mfw americans call a breaddystack a "sandwich"
>mfw americans call tippy typers "keyboards"
>mfw americans call nutty-gum and fruit spleggings "peanut butter and jelly"
>mfw americans call an upsy stairsy the "escalator"
>mfw americans call forcey fun time "rape"
>mfw americans call a knittedy wittedy sheepity sleepity a "sweater"
>mfw americans call a rickedy-pop a "gear shift"
>mfw americans call a choco chip bucky wucky a "cookie"
>mfw americans call peepee friction pleasure "sex"
>mfw americans call a pip pip gollywock a "screwdriver"
>mfw americans call a rooty tooty point-n-shooty a "gun"
>mfw americans call a ceiling-bright a "lightbulb"
>mfw americans call a blimpy bounce bounce a "ball"
>mfw americans call cobblestone clippity clops "roads"

>> No.7065631

fucking Emmentaler. absolutely disgusting

>> No.7065699

Velveeta is probably Satan solidified into a block. Otherwise I'd say fake American cheeses are the worst. The local Commissary sells delicious American cheese, so I can't talk shit about all American cheese.

Feta is my shit though. I could eat it with a spoon, but I especially love stufffing it into a chicken breast and simmering in tomatoes.

>> No.7065709

nice b8

>> No.7065735

But I wasn't drunk. I will be soon though. And, just for you, I will go to bed after getting drunk.

>> No.7065770

my dad really likes velveeta and used it all the time for mac and cheese when I was a kid.