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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 237 KB, 1600x1200, big_mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7061025 No.7061025 [Reply] [Original]

Two all beef paddies, special sauce , lemon-cheese, and their all on a sesame seed bun!

what's not to like?

>> No.7061030

>lemon cheese

>> No.7061031

Needs more lemon cheese.

>> No.7061039
File: 412 KB, 800x533, paddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7061042

lemon cheese?

>> No.7061043

is this some ebin may-may that's passed me by?

>> No.7061062
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1402464453583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically eating McD

That's low, even for American standards.

>> No.7061091
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I once destroyed an entire rice paddy with a wire guided missile.

Pic related - the day it happened.

>> No.7061103
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>> No.7061106

>what's not to like?
The antibiotics in the beef.
The GMO wheat in the bun.
The sugar in the bun.
The sugar in the sauce.
The GMO lettuce and pickles.
The retards who eat these things.
OP (You)
>On the plus side, if it kills American white and black trash then it gets my vote.
You get the idea?

>> No.7061111

>The GMO wheat in the bun.
>The sugar in the bun.
>The sugar in the sauce.
>The GMO lettuce and pickles.


>> No.7061119
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>> No.7061132

So how do you ironically eat at mcdonalds?

>> No.7061144
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Ask Oreganos.

>> No.7061189
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it's easy once you know the secret

>> No.7061203

>what's not to like?

You fuckheads shilling for McDick's all the time is what's not to like

>> No.7061238

Typical europeon looking for free handouts.

>> No.7061278
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>> No.7061285

Oh, look. They swapped roles and pretended it's real.

You shit heels are the worst.

>> No.7061293
File: 238 KB, 816x1356, 1393754184536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most times, it's actually Americans who start the shit reel.

>> No.7061447
File: 110 KB, 573x792, nipponese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Soylent shill still has hurt feelings since we run him off /ck/

feels good man

>> No.7061470 [DELETED] 

>Americans who start the shit reel
Nine times out of ten it's a European like you that tries to make a thread a national pissing contest by commenting with some anti-American drivel in an unrelated thread.

I've rarely seen someone initiate conflict by calling out a European country. And the few times that I have were in "cringe" food threads after someone got mad when fish pie or all-day breakfast was posted.

>> No.7061479

>gmo as a negative
>m-mutant vegetables! someone help me!

Time to pack it in, champ.

>> No.7061504
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don't care
gonna eat that lemon-cheese like a boss

>> No.7061597
File: 47 KB, 306x306, freshmaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can't eat them because I'm 'mentose intolerant

>> No.7061980

>antibiotics in beef
Resistance is a problem, but shouldn't affect the actual product.

nigga please

I bet you eat cabbage, broccolli, kale, etc. Unless your eating straight mustard seed then those are all GMOs, faggot.

>sugar in the bun
>sugar in the sauce
Holy shit we're now past the "muh chemicals" tier. How the fuck do you make bread without sugar? White bread is basically a few weak bonds away from being straight glucose. Bread is damn near straight sugar, no matter how you slice it, and I'm so mad I'm not even apologizing for that fucking pun. And what kind of tomatoes are you using where your ketchup doesn't contain fructose?

This is why America is shit at academics. Fucking hipsters complaining about "muh standardized testing", "muh common core", and then fucking forgetting 9th grade biology and getting scared of anything that sounds vaguely science-y.

>> No.7061988

Burgers are just like Pizza, even a shitty burger is still amazin

>> No.7062002

White bread may be mostly sugar but its one of the worst breads - taste wise and nutritionally. There are plenty of healthier breads that don't use much or any sugar.

>> No.7062008

They add extra sugar to everything. Their burgers are like candy.

Also, not going to lie, it borders on being a sex thing for me. It feels dirty and humiliating to order that shit at a drive through and then stuff your face with that shit in the parking lot.

>> No.7062018

If bread is nearly sugar, why does it taste less sweet than things which are only partly sugar?

>> No.7062025

It's a fucking carbohydrate product. It's fucking sugar in complex form. You're a fucking uneducated moron.

>> No.7062036

I had thought you meant sugar in a less complex form, because as I'm sure you know american white bread has a ton of added sugar in it.

Stop being so fanny frustrated

>> No.7062056

all for 6 dollars!

>> No.7062058
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Doesn't quite top having two all beef paddies, special sauce, lemon-cheese, Pitcairn onions, bread, two all beef paddies, special sauce, lemon-cheese, Pitcairn onions all on a sesame seed bun.

>> No.7062070

stop trying to force this meme.

Just shill with some dignity and stop trying to fit in with an anonymous imageboard because you realized that mishearing things is a "fad" for shitposting.

>> No.7062071

>don't use any sugar
Then they're not bread, by definition. What you guys are trying, and failing, to complain about is ADDED sugar.

Poly saccharides aren't going to taste the same as mono saccharides for obvious reasons. Where the hell are you from where it's acceptable to not pass 9th grade biology?

Then stop sounding like an idiot.

>"i won't eat mcdonald's sugar because it has sugar in it"
>"you won't eat sugar because it has sugar in it? that's retarded"
>"oh i was talking about extra sugar that's been artificially added by the mannnnnn. chemicals and corporations amirite. why are you calling me an idiot for this"

>> No.7062087
File: 48 KB, 650x477, 593f8a1aa2d24920311783f138cbdbde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paddies are for blowing to hell, not for eating. Pic is me the day I took out 7 paddies

>> No.7062095

ok, fess up dude. nobody could possibly give this much of a fuck about Mcspicks unless they were paid too.

So what's you're overall marketing plan? to take a piece of the 711/taco bell market share of neckbeard gamer dollars? Do you call yourself a
"social marketing guru" on your business card?

>tfw you will never see the internal corporate email discussing your marketing strategy on 4chan

>> No.7062101
File: 218 KB, 1600x1200, 0928141829-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mock me so close to veterans day, you puke civilian.

>> No.7062107


It's 11am on my Equivalent Saturday, I haven't slept for 30 hours, hospitality pro. You're the fuckwit taking shitposting seriously.

>> No.7062111

I do not care about mcdonalds. Their burgers taste like pure sugar and their fries are wimpy limp shits. BK and wendy's are better. And there's a 5 guys close as hell to me so I don't ever eat at any of those places.

I do hate people who don't know basic biology complaining about the flavor of the month boogie man in their food. GMOs, gluten, "chemicals", "sugar", etc

>> No.7062123

Thank you for your service. I sleep better at night knowing lots of little brown children are dead.

>> No.7062160

Special Sauce = Bull Semen

>> No.7062167

I'd be more worried about the bovine growth hormones and HFCS in there but hey, that's just me.

>> No.7062179

When did I ever take that pseudo hippie tone? Oh wait no I didn't, you're just projecting because you're mad about something.

I admit to not knowing what you meant at first, but you didn't make yourself clear. How am I supposed to discern what you're posting about if you say something vague like 'bread is practically pure sugar'?

It doesn't matter at any rate. You're mad, that makes me laugh, and now we can all go back to sperging on our Vietnamese Yak emporium.

>> No.7062247


>> No.7062271

that's so wrong it's actually funny. thanks anon

>> No.7062389

Nigga, you gay

>> No.7062402

It always makes me chuckle when military servicemen mock civilians. Like why the fuck did you join the military if not to defend your countrymen?

>> No.7062626

because they have no qualifications

>> No.7062663

Nice knife, edgelord. Did your mommy buy it for you off Amazon?

>> No.7063463

>why the fuck did you join the military if not to defend your countrymen?
The benefits, dummy. It's a lot simpler than being a wagekek.

>> No.7063471

Muh frankenfood

Stay away from them vaccines, bro

>> No.7063499



>> No.7064074


Who gives a fuck. The only real danger from eating McDonalds is obesity. You can live your entire life not worrying about GMO/MSG/HFCS bullshit and you won't die.

>> No.7064148
File: 54 KB, 749x267, Call+a+priest+_7bcc07a0e3e267347cbb87d9eac87fee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: You know, I'm not even sure anymore. An argument no one gives a shit about, started over a slightly funny shitpost? Obligatory Amerifat/Eurokek troll posts? A whackadoodle fake army bro talking about Nam?

Just... Don't come in here. It ain't worth it.

>> No.7064301

Post a picture of your body I bet you look great

>> No.7064309


thank you for your service.

>> No.7064318


thank you for your service

>> No.7064538
File: 6 KB, 217x232, 236437253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7064543


Are we not men?

>> No.7064557


rethink eating at mcdonalds