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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 247 KB, 500x373, 533679056788765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059246 No.7059246 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love the fatty, oversauced msg-covered chicken in Chinese takeout orders. What weakness foods does /ck/ have?

>> No.7059251
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alternatively these, pepperoni flavor

>> No.7059254
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Only eat it on rare occasions.

>> No.7059255

None because I'm not a fat American piece of shit with no self control

>> No.7059265

LMFAO this guy...
Archer likes taco bell

>> No.7059266

Same. General tso's, kung pao, sesame chicken are all my jam. I love them so much I unfortunately never try any other things on the takeout menu.

>> No.7059271


>> No.7059279

Noodles and rice? But why?

>> No.7059280

White pasta with greasy tomato sauce.

>> No.7059284

rice AND noodles? fucking disgusting. so are most chinese food in general.

>> No.7059289

I just found a pic off google images...but yes that's retarted

>> No.7059291

wish there was more variety in asian takeouts near me
all i have is either chinese or japanese.

would like to try some korean and indian

>> No.7059293

artichokes with butter and lemon.

>> No.7059296

i fucks with sushi tempura

>> No.7059304

Mozzarella sticks
I fucking know it is just shitty string cheese fried but fuck me I love the fucking little devils

>> No.7059306
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Literally just keep eating until I am about to vomit. Fuck me they're perfect. Keep 'em in the fridge

>> No.7059322

genius! genius! archer likes

>> No.7059331

I haven't found a good Chinese takeout place in town. Seriously.
I've drive around the area and didn't see any, and I've checked Yelp but there aren't any listed.

>> No.7059334
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anything made by my mommy.

>> No.7059336

m a r i n a r a

>> No.7059344

I fucking hate Jack in the box for discontinuing their mozzarella sticks and that spicy/zesty marinara sauce.

>> No.7059352
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I say to my self I'll only have a couple, but then I end up eating like 20 of them things. And I always start off with the green ones cause I don't like the color.

>> No.7059355
File: 36 KB, 334x400, .....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be pretty fit and stick to a 1600 cal a day diet
>buy pizza and instantly kill 4 slices in an hour even if I had a big breakfast or something

>> No.7059357

comfort food can do that to you. I could easily smash 1500 calories of mac in cheese if I dont instantly refrigerate my left overs

>> No.7059374

if you are eating 1600 calories a day you are not fit, you are Auschwitz mode.

>> No.7059377

Buffalo wings

>> No.7059381

It's probably a girl
It probably doesn't want to exercise because "I'll get all muscley"
It probably has cottage cheese thighs because it didn't put the lotion on its skin

>> No.7059382

>4 slices in an hour

Is that supposed to be alot? Unless you're eating some American style grease pizza then that's not unreasonable

>> No.7059387

when i c dat papa j's coupon it's all ovr boi

>> No.7059390

3500 calories a day here. I can kill 4 slices of Amerilard pizza in 10 minutes, and do when I have to eat pizza, and then some

If I have a choice about what I'm eating, pizza is rare, but a lot of people I know love pizza so sometimes compromises have to be made

They're always like
>how do you not get fat, it's genetics lol

No, it's 10 hours of cardio and 4 hours of lifting a week. I don't like to talk about it with non-exercise people though, because they take it as a personal attack. So I just go lol yeah I have good jeans XD XD im so lucky XD

>> No.7059395

True true. Didn't think about females when they say fit. Your response is both humourous and informative. Thank you.

>> No.7059399

your mommy made me cum last night

>> No.7059402
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Springies and Rangoonies!

>> No.7059409

you are both pathetic know-it-alls

>> No.7059427


Do you live in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.7059428

>lying on the internet

I bet you also make more than $100,000 a year right? Why do you feel the need to lie so much?

>> No.7059436


No it's not, rice and noodles are good together nigga

>> No.7059441


>mfw girls don't want to get muscles
>tfw no loving muscular amazon to dominate me

Feels like shit man

>> No.7059445

It's really not uncommon to earn more than $100k a year. Most people in their 30s are earning in that range. 4chan is old enough that there are a lot of 30somethings who post regularly.

>> No.7059479

Plus $100k really isn't that much in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah, it's a lot to someone who's single and making minimum wage, but for the average family with kids, car payments, mortgage, normal monthly expenses, etc. it's really not a lot.

>> No.7059489
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Pic very related.

>> No.7059490
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>> No.7059510

These negroes understand. After a night of drinking and debauchery these are the only foods that cut it. The pizza rolls, though, need to be covered in a blanket of salt.

>> No.7059538

Your post doesn't really make sense, but I eat around that much and exercise. I look normal.

>> No.7059553

>Your post doesn't really make sense,

Girls use less calories than guys. Everything else he said also made plenty of sense and can easily be observed in the wild.

>> No.7059560

Just kill me now

>> No.7059577

>salt on pizza rolls


>> No.7059581
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She doesn't even have to be muscular. I just need an Amazonian giantess to dominate and humiliate me.

>tfw 6'3
Why live?

>> No.7059592
File: 72 KB, 600x394, kendrick-lamar-reaction-meme-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weakness foods used to be cheeseburgers and fried chicken
>became vegetarian

>> No.7059595

I ate a whole spicy pizza from Pizza Hut and an order of hot wings in like am hour once and then puked it up 2 hours later

2 days later was when I went vegetarian....

I've never blamed the meat but I can't control myself with it.

>> No.7059602
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Fuck you anon! It's same for me, but I hate thinking about it. I can eat general tso and sweet and sour chicken for days(with noodles or rice of course).

>> No.7059603

The only time I've ever seen girls taller than me was when I saw a college girls basketball team all shopping at the supermarket together. Most of them were really cute too, it was awesome.

>> No.7059611

>I ate a whole spicy pizza from Pizza Hut and an order of hot wings in like am hour once and then puked it up 2 hours later

The worst thing about eating so much pizza you throw up is that your vomit is so thick you need to kind of force it out and it's like shitting out of your throat.

>> No.7059612

Oh WOW, pls sign my tits

>> No.7059615

God I hate remembering that

>> No.7059640


>> No.7059648

Wow, you're so big and strong! A better person than both fatties and skeletons because you eat more than you need and spend hours burning it off.

>> No.7059650
File: 29 KB, 450x450, k2-_e30193b1-d8ba-4aa0-9327-5ab801055817.v3.jpg-4efe78abc531dda578c9761b04e36871996ea997-optim-450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot pockets, I'm ashamed. I once ate a 12 pack in less than 2 hours.

>> No.7059665
File: 242 KB, 940x752, pho so 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pho is good for you right? because I eat it at least twice a week

>> No.7059668

jesus christ, how much sodium is that?

>> No.7059670

>I once ate a 12 pack in less than 2 hours.
Same here. I injected 2 marijuana reefers and I just couldn't stop eating them. They were also my roommates, so I felt extra ashamed afterward

>> No.7059684

A whole lot, I felt absolutely disgusting after for two days. I couldn't look my coworkers in the eyes for awhile.

>> No.7059688

i hope so senpai i'm right there with ya

>> No.7059691

These pretty much.
I don't care how disgusting, unhealthy, or overly processed they are.

>> No.7059702



>Owner knows my order by heart
>A few extra jalapenos, light on the mint.
>Pretty sure I'm the sole reason my the owner's kid is now going to college.

>> No.7059703

i don't care about myself*


>> No.7059709

kek shut yer butt lil man

>> No.7059732

The whole "smothered fries" category. Carne asada fries, disco fries, poutine, chili cheese fries, carnitas fries, fries royale, jazz fries, brutus salads. Put a six pack in me and as far as I'm concerned there is no higher expression of the culinary arts than to cover a plate of fried potatoes in something else that's also tasty.

>> No.7059765

Going with my gf to eat pho for the first time tomorrow, what should I get

>> No.7059791
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well time to never gorge myself on pizza ever again

>> No.7059822

No, I live in a city of about a million people, but there really is almost nothing good to eat here.
We have a bunch of chain places, but that's about it.
Like there's a Panda Express if I want Chinese, but there isn't much diversity in the menu.

And it's not just Chinese food, either. It's a coastal city with no decent sushi place, only one good seafood place, and no place to get a good burger.
We have a diner that was on Diner's Drive-ins, and Dives, but they close at 2PM every day so you can't go there for dinner.

>> No.7059826

Beef. If they don't have good beef pho they aren't worth it.

>> No.7059834

You don't salt your rolls? Do you add anything at all to them?

>> No.7059849
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Is it better to try and keep it down, or bring it out? Because either way, your throat is gonna be burnt by acid for a good long while afterward.

>> No.7059868

Where the fuck do you live? You said a million people so its not like !b/ is gonna come find you.

>> No.7059878

I've never tried straight salt, I will next time. Usually I do something like soy sauce or worchestershire which are pretty salty themselves.

>> No.7059884

as long as you never pay full price
t. papa john's employee

>> No.7059885

so you have no preferences of food? no favorites? what a sad life.

>> No.7059928

Diner's Drive-in's and Divas? Great!
You might consider moving up from Guy Fagiery.

>> No.7060021
File: 43 KB, 960x540, 10378533_705105379525289_4970983469725883713_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sambar Soup.

I go to my favorite Indian place and I'll fill up on it. Its odd too because it's vegetarian and soup, I usually don't like either of those things.

>> No.7060048
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I just can't stop eating them. Ate a 5 pound bag once. ;_;

>> No.7060064

Better to make your own indian desu
Just get how to make chicken/lamb/fish tikka then start making sauces

>> No.7060078
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>Decide to start going to the gym because I am 250lbs of fat
>Find a reasonably priced one close to me
>Start going to it after weeks of routine planning and dietary planning
>First few times I go I walk past an old style sweet shop on the way
>Selling old style hard candy like lemon drops or blueberry balls, soft gummies etc
>I love this shit
>Can't resist anymore
>Gradually start 'treating' myself to bags of sweets after progressively smaller workouts
>Reach the point where I buy 3 or 4 bags of sweets and just go to workout for 4 minutes
>People at the gym start making fun of me
>Start saying things like ''this fatty always has blue balls and not just because no woman will fuck him''
>Get known as ''The Meaty Sweety where every day is a Cheaty''
>Have to quit the gym as I am GAINING weight fast

Feels terrible. Food will always be my master

>> No.7060082
File: 202 KB, 334x483, cheetos-crunchy-flamin-hot-limon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fuckers. So tangy and spicy and horrible but I can't control myself. Gotta just buy mini bags when I do eat them for better self control.

>> No.7060103

get out of here meaty sweety

>> No.7060114

>not eating 650 kcal a day
Fucking whale.

>> No.7060115
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>The Meaty Sweety where every day is a Cheaty

>> No.7060118

Gtfo meaty sweaty.

>> No.7060120

You saw the thread topic and got so triggered that you had to be one of the first to comment despite having nothing to contribute.

Thanks for posting, but you missed Reddit by a fair bit.

>> No.7060136

>white rice and actual fucking spaghetti noodles

>> No.7060361

That's not spaghetti....

>> No.7060407
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>> No.7060420
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>> No.7060424
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The way the grease soaks through the shells only makes them more enticing.

The egg rolls are even more sinful.

>> No.7060426
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>> No.7060467

warm homemade bread & stick of butter

>> No.7060472
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Holy shit, another dinosours fan. Was going to post them.

These are also my crutch.

>> No.7060474

Those things are deceptively good. No one else in my house likes them and so we don't generally see them anymore.

>> No.7060477


Food was my master as well. Isolate yourself and lose the weight through caloric restriction first, then hit the gym. I was 285 last year and am now down to 135-40.

>> No.7060478
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>> No.7060481
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If you're a canuck like me, they're sold at London Drugs for 2.50 for a 300g bag.

Also, Strawberry Marshmallows.

>> No.7060483
File: 120 KB, 600x400, 1383994_10151684101376615_1789600687_n-e1383229219727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year I was on a diet so avoided Halloween like the plague. This year after slimming right down I fucking went to town on these bad boys.

Gave me a terrible case of the shits. Still have a solid desire for them

>> No.7060484

Shepherds pie, I just keep eating until its finished. No matter how big the oven tray is.

God I fucking love shepherds pie.

>> No.7060488


oohhh fuck me... same.

>> No.7060491


Yeah you totally don't sound like an attention whore. Like for realsies

>> No.7060495
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>> No.7060498
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Thinking about making some Klejner tonight.

>> No.7060501
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>> No.7060505
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My last bag of these had several Cola bottle/ Gummy Bear mutations.

>> No.7060509

Where do you find these? Closest I got to these were those new watermelon sharks

>> No.7060512


>fried dough vaginas

What's so good about this?

>> No.7060513

Here in Texas they're everywhere, don't know if it's a local thing or not. I see them more often than the regular sour patch actually.

>> No.7060520


Have you tried them? You may not like them but for me it basically my staple childhood Christmas treat.

>> No.7060528
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Whipping cream

This is happening.

>> No.7060556

Gor det'

>> No.7060557

Poutine. I haven't had it in years but that's only because I actively avoid it. If I didn't I would be dead by now.

>> No.7060566
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Does this count?

>> No.7060579
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Once i start...i cannot stop ;_;

>> No.7060584

Home made Beefaroni with lots of onions & Pecorino.

>> No.7060611
File: 3.47 MB, 2000x1339, s631245105963860138_p139_i1_w2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cinnamon Hearts are my February weakness. They distract me from my infinite loneliness.

>> No.7060614

2 spicy 4 me

>> No.7060621

Woah hold on there darkie! These here my favorite snack you understand that? But seriously, these are the greatest chips ever made. I love you darkie.

>> No.7060623
File: 32 KB, 512x403, sour-cherry-blasters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until my tongue is numb and bloodied

>> No.7060625
File: 76 KB, 954x406, hardbite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try Hard Bite for god tier Kettle Chips

>> No.7060626

I feel you famicom. Forget moderation, once that bag opens they are all going down.

>> No.7060630
File: 181 KB, 700x700, sour_keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to find a store that sells Citric Acid. I want to make the Sour sugar for general baking. Sour sugar based cookies... oh god...

>> No.7060652


Hell yeah it does

Disgustingbros ww@

>> No.7060687

You have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.7060697
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>> No.7060703


Use ascorbic acid. It's comparable.

>> No.7060759

you sound fat

>> No.7060791

Things like nachos, cheese fries, green chili fries... Basically carbs covered in cheese.

>> No.7060806

>pommes und currywurst mit einem kölsch


>> No.7060808

under 1000 club hey

>> No.7060810


>Most people in their 30s are earning in that range
That's not true though.


unfortunately the original government study's link has gone dead, but only the top 5% of individuals over 25 pulled down $100k+ in 2005 or so. If you go by household instead, it goes up to like 17%.

4chan's older posters are probably biased towards those higher salaries because nerds are more likely to work in tech.

>> No.7060980

Complete idiot. Most people in their 30s are making well under $100k. Either you are autistic or a troll or just a complete fucking idiot.

>> No.7060986
File: 12 KB, 350x423, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should make them this shape

>> No.7060995

This is what I mean by people taking it personally when their misconceptions about physiology are challenged.

Anything to find an external scapegoat for your terrible body ;_;

>> No.7061000

only thing holding me back from those is how expensive that shit is.

>> No.7061020

My friends dad makes 120k a year. He has an older sister that still mooches off them even though she's like 24 (and the sister has a kid that she doesn't pay for), the wife doesn't work, and they can afford to go out to eat every night and go to amusement parks and shit on the weekends (although amusement parks have the "pay 90 bucks for a whole year" deal). They also have a nice moderate sized house.

Maybe the cost of living in florida is just really cheap or something, idk.

>> No.7061196


>hey guys I'm fit and if u don't agree w me ur fat lol just cardio every day #nopain #nogain #dedication #swole

Nigger you sound like those people in my gym whose sole purpose for training is overcoming their insecurities, and once they do they become these insufferable fitness cunts that act like losing a few pounds of fat is on the same level as hiking the Himalaya or winning the Olympics.

I bet you're an ex fattie too, fat hate circlejerks are mostly former landwhales looking for peer approval. Kill yourself.

>> No.7061220

Never been remotely fat in my life.
I work out a lot, I eat well. I have a good social life and a girlfriend who I love.
I earn a decent wage and rely on nobody but myself.
How's your life going, anon?

>> No.7061227

If fat haters are ex fatties, I wonder what "sad, alone, piss off faggot that spends his days being pissed on an imageboard" used to be.

>> No.7061239

Its a bit high on salt but for your average bowl of beef pho is around 500 calories. You could eat worst stuff.

>> No.7061241


>being so insecure you have to write this unverifiable pile of shit.

I'm a rich thin white CEO of Nintendo and major Exxon shareholder, married to a supermodel, nothing personnel kid heh.

>> No.7061250


You tell me famicom

>> No.7061262
File: 801 KB, 1920x1080, dsc03447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a huge fag for spring rolls. There's a place right up the road from my house that makes their own spring rolls. Two for $1.50 and they come in two varieties. Minced beef and onion or chicken curry. Both are amazing. I love cheap Chinese food.

>> No.7061264

Fuck. Sorry for the huge pic.

>> No.7061276
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>> No.7061298

Not the guy, but you're honestly pathetic if you think what he wrote is abnormal/impressive/needs to be verified.

Being at a good weight, in a relationship and working is pretty fucking standard.

>> No.7061343

Never been fat. I enjoy exercise just as some people enjoy beer or cars or guns or whatever.
>kill yourself
Another example of why I don't like to discuss fitness with people who don't enjoy exercise. Even if they bring it up. Just takes their minds to dark places.

>> No.7061354

Pretty good well-done with eggs for breakfast.

>> No.7061358


Yeah pretty sure you should get off your high horse former fatass, you're still obese at heart.

>> No.7061363

the steak in the photo looks 8 times thicker than it actually is

>> No.7061385 [DELETED] 

I eat ass

>> No.7061386

>being on 4chan
>not being a cynical elitist

It's like you're trying to look like a normalfag on purpose, you fucking faggot.

>> No.7061388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7061403

The honey walnut shrimp from Panda Express. It's what I always get when I go there.

>> No.7061408
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my balls an ultrasound today to make sure I don't have cancer

Now I'm smoking weed and eating Chinese food. The town I got it from is an old mill town and the outside of the restaurant looked like shit, but the interior was pretty nice. Food is sweet, I got a dank scallion pancake

Asians are awesome

>> No.7061437
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>> No.7061442

Did you have to shave them? Did a nurse lube them up before the ultrasound?

>> No.7061445

>call this talk about eating 4 slices of pizza

W-wait. I thought it was normal to eat half the pizza in a night.

Usually with pizzas like DiGiorno I just cut them into quarters and eat two of them for dinner.

>> No.7061451

Those pizzas are small as shit. But try eating half of a 14-18in diameter pizza in one night without being starving, 16, or fat as fuck.

>> No.7061457


Hey you. Is it possible for me to lose 15 pounds in a month?

I need to lose some weight fast.

>> No.7061463

You realize the human race ends if everyone lives like you?

>> No.7061464 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7061465

Is it normal in America to have all of your Chinese food in one container? I have seen it many times where it is all put in a large container together instead of one for your rice, one for your noodles, one for your shredded crispy beef, etc.

>> No.7061476

Yeah that's normal

>> No.7061477

That's there problem, I was making well over 100k at I think 26, fuck all if I remememer I'd have to look at tax shit.

It's not that big of a deal.

>> No.7061481

It depends.

If you order a regular sized meal, you get it all in one container (which I honestly prefer since I mix up all the shit anyway). But if you order everything individually like "large serving of orange chicken, large serving of chicken fried rice, large serving of whatever, etc etc" it comes in those little boxes with the handles all separated.

Rangoon and Rolls always come in the plastic bags separate from everything, in my experience.

>> No.7061482

That's an outlier, not everyone is a scumbag.

>> No.7061486

Are you the Thin White Duke?

>> No.7061488

How does my post have anything to do with someone being a scumbag?

>> No.7061491

You write like an educated and well heeled gentleman, that's for sure.

>> No.7061492

That's not a huge pic what I think would be great would be spring rolls with crawdads. Most people wouldn't think of that.

>> No.7061498

Yer mum was eight times thicker than I thought, I thought she was a white chick but was a nigger than got otta there fast.

>> No.7061499
File: 146 KB, 500x659, 1392942726155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I live near Pick
>tfw I enjoy their delicious salami daily

>> No.7061512

No, I'm not. I just do very well at tests and shit.

>> No.7061527
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>> No.7061530
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>> No.7061536

You mispelled that


Would be more appropriate.

>> No.7061621


I googled Brutus Salad and I still don't really understand what it is.

>> No.7061698


lol I'm not the guy you're replying to but that isn't his point. He is making fun of the faggot who felt like anyone in this thread cares that he has achieved such normal goals. If anything you are affirming his point senpai.

>> No.7061703


I am >>7060477

It's entirely possible if you're willing to commit. I was losing between 20-25 pounds a month.

I cut the following out of my diet: Any liquid not water, all forms of dairy, all processed foods, most fruits but Citrus, all meats but chicken, fish and broiled pork, breads, grains and most potato food. Limit what is left to between 1000-2000 cals a day.

The first few days are going to be hell, especially if you like sugar like I did. You will absolutely have setbacks on occasions. But that weight can come off and stay off if you keep at it hard.

>> No.7062311
File: 30 KB, 320x240, tomato soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a cold, windy, rainy day like today in the north east, nothing beats campbells tomato soup with cheez its

>> No.7062324

What if there is very little wind?

>> No.7062546


I'm like this except with cream of mushroom, and regular salt crackers

>> No.7062662

Gawd, those legs.

>> No.7062855


Reminder that this is food from Europe. I'm not even American, but Christ, THIS is the shit they eat and they have the audacity to shitpost about American eating habits in virtually every thread? You can see a shitload of dry, unmixed fucking curry powder on there and an assload of shitty mayo. Fuck off Germany.

>> No.7062916

There's a Bavarian restaurant in my town in Australia where I order currywurst and pretzels everytime I'm there.

I've also made my own currywurst a number of times.

>> No.7062927

are u a girl

Pls respond

>> No.7062963
File: 40 KB, 640x427, Finished-Boneless-Buffalo-Chicken-Bites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boneless buffalo wings

>> No.7063127
File: 325 KB, 625x469, IndiaPalaceBuffetTable[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit up the local indian buffet about once every month or two.

Never eat a reasonable amount. Never feel like it was a good idea.

Always go back.

>> No.7063143
File: 1.05 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gummies. I go about once a month to a bulk candy store or the Dylan's near my work and I buy about 4 lbs of gummies, all kinds (also wax bottles but I don't mention that because I'm the only human being who likes them)

I ration my gummies out daily till I'm almost out, then after about a month of gummy rationing and a week without gummies, I go buy more

>pic related, 3.84 lbs of magic

>> No.7063182

Jalapeno cheddar chips
Old Dutch All Dressed chips
Extremely moist teriyaki beef jerky

I also rarely ever eat any of these things because not being fat is awesome. Trust me I was fat.

>> No.7063193
File: 85 KB, 800x800, twizzlers_nibs_cherry_400g_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nibs... holy shit I can go through them real fast.

>> No.7063238

They are impossble to stop eating.

>> No.7063250
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420 bro...heh heh heh

>> No.7063330

desu, the sea salt and vinegar they make is the best chips ever made

>> No.7063333

a million times, this

>> No.7063346

>The Meaty Sweety where every day is a Cheaty
Christ my sides. And seriously, why would you go to the candy shop before your work out? I'd feel fucking ashamed if I went to the gym, worked out for 4 minutes and left.

>> No.7063390

There's nothing wrong with MSG.

>> No.7063393


>> No.7063398

MSG is a bloody terrible substance.

>> No.7063400

Yeah and vaccines give you autism too.

>> No.7063404

Fuck that, unless you mean cold and rainy in the dreary UK. I'm in the USA and we got a couple showers but it was like 52F in upstate New York and it most certainly wasn't cold, or windy you fuckin panzy.

>> No.7063408
File: 57 KB, 424x282, alex_jones-lizard_people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the alex jones lizard people!

>> No.7063434

As I understand it it's tater tots covered in steak, bacon, cheddar cheese, salsa, and jalapeno aioli.

>> No.7063510
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>> No.7063516


if it's legit pho made with a consomme then it might be alright. Calories I would guess it's okay. Shit pho places will make a bro and just load msg into it because whiteys don't know shit.

>> No.7063553


>expresso to go


>> No.7063582

Oh man I fucking love these since I can eat them with a fork, normal wing dingers are fuccing rediculous

>> No.7063596

This green sour candy tubes covered with sugar. I start eating and if I don't stop myself I feel fucked for a few hours because of sugar overload

>> No.7063599


Realise that a 30-something making six figures is going to hang around a lot of 30-somethings making six figures and will assume that is the status quo. I'm a 30-something making nowhere near that amount, but I see this regularly. Funny how the people who can afford to see the world and do recreationally have an incredibly small worldview.

My advice is to travel when you can't really afford to do it comfortably.

>> No.7063604

>no one saying sushi

$40 for a meal that costs $2 to make is a scam, but it's my fav

>> No.7063609

>$40 for sushi
australian or what?

>> No.7063612

If you're eating nothing but rice and bean curd maybe. Unfrozen fresh fish costs a lot of money

>> No.7063617

>fresh fish

Come on man, if you aren't in Japan or NY that isn't true. It's all junk imported from mexico at most.

>> No.7063639

Your friends dads older sister is 24? How old are you, 4?

>> No.7063647

I always feel like the boneless taste different from the bone-in wings.

>> No.7063649

Friends older sister you fucking tard.

>> No.7063674

Nissin cup noodles and Indomie

>> No.7063678


says the obese lord of the frycook.

>> No.7063760

Sour Punch Straws?

>> No.7064461

I tried to buy a bunch of uncooked ones from a Chinese place a few blocks from where I live and they told me they can't sell them uncooked. It's probably an issue with the food license.

>> No.7064494

Usually that would be a "lunch special," otherwise everything is packaged separately.

>> No.7065093

I love it. I love everything about it, and its many forms and applications. I want to fuck it. I only buy one can at a time because nomnomnom.

>> No.7065100

Swedish fish.

>> No.7065107
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>> No.7065111

Oh fuck yea! When shitfaced drunk, few things satisfy like combo of Jack in the Box tacos, egg rolls, and jalapeño poppers.

>> No.7065117

most stores sell citric acid, anon

>> No.7065121

Raw, cold pressed, organic juice.

>> No.7065127
File: 129 KB, 622x705, AB1006-52C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic Related

Don't know why but, I can't stop eating them once I open the bag.

>> No.7065129
File: 214 KB, 600x600, twizzlers-cherry-pull-n-peel-licorice-twists-candy-126639-w[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh... Those aren't these.

>> No.7065135

MFW Asian waifu makes these homemade. Fuuuuuuck.

>> No.7065139

> Good jeans
> jeans

Fuck outta here fatso. 18+ site.

>> No.7065155

Wild uneducated guess and I want to say Portland or Washington.
Even if I'm wrong, it's the exact same scenario. All Portland restaurants are essentially just hipster bars where the food is an afterthought and is the same greasy fried bullshit you'd get anywhere else but they hype it up so high.

>> No.7065177

i can eat fucked up amount of flavored pita chips with hummus. i like it more than potato chips or really any other snack food. i ate nothing but that and beer for a day before.

>> No.7065204

lots of things really, but I'd have to put any half decent cheese-flavoured crisps/pringles/corn snacks at the top. I could eat pretty much limitless amounts of any

>> No.7065205

Feels good, man. I hate skinny women. They need sexy curves and be slightly chubby.

>> No.7065210

i do this every other Saturday but instead of the buffet i just order a ton of food. AND EAT IT ALL.

>> No.7065214

>Europe is one country
To be fair, we might as well be that soon. The European Caliphat or some shit.

>> No.7065230
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>> No.7065281

Oh god
I've eaten clean the past 2 months and browsing this thread is making my mouth water
... guess I'll go have an apple...

>> No.7065304
File: 112 KB, 770x450, Buffalo-Wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hot wings for sure. I never get sick of them.

I like to buy a container of sour cream, mix in a packet of that ranch powder shit, and feast on an unhealthy number of wings.

>> No.7065386

This shit right here. They don't even taste that good and they cover your hands in grease, but somehow I just can't quit them.

>> No.7065391

My niggas

I feel like shit the morning after eating a shitton of wings or munchos, but worth it

>> No.7065392
File: 118 KB, 600x397, lasagna-taste-test-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen shit that requires overn cooking. Lassagna, Hachis Parmentier and some other stuff like onion rings too.
My poor arteries.

>> No.7065496

What the fuck. Bruh. I fucking love that place. I never thought I'd see a picture of it here though.

>> No.7065532

Chips, fucking chips.

>> No.7065585
File: 275 KB, 764x1024, 7ada4467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap greasy Americanized Chinese food