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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 256 KB, 465x343, Screenshot_2015-07-13-22-30-01-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7053176 No.7053176 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your eggs on the morning?

>> No.7053198

In the afternoon.
Eggs are too heavy for the morning meal, IMO.
I like them most scrambled, stuffed or as quiche, though.

>> No.7053218

>quiche masterrace

>> No.7053224

Fried, salt and pepper, runny yolk that I can dip my Turkish bread into

>> No.7053232

Fried in butter over medium with loads of pepper a dash of salt and crusty toast.

>> No.7053239

Eggs are delicious and perfect any way you cook them.

>> No.7053248
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>> No.7053254

Fried lightly, yolk not completely solid.

>> No.7053255

Fried and on a toasted english muffin with cheese and bacon, ham or sausage.

>> No.7053282

definitely poached and runny, but fried is a close second

>> No.7053286


>> No.7053490

Scrambled in lots of butter. firm curds, get that gross liquid Ramsey shit away from me

>> No.7053526

>Can't be assed
Over medium with salt and pepper

Omelet with onions, red peppers, feta cheese

>> No.7053565

2 eggs sunny side up all the way. Use one piece of toast and dip in one yolk. Then eat around the other yolk until it's all that's left. Pop entire unbroken yolk into mouth and fucking love it.

>> No.7053569

Fried Spanish style on top of crusty, rustic bread with coarse salt, black pepper, cayenne, and parsley.

Four of 'em, just like that. And a Mexican Coke. Best breakfast ever.

>> No.7053586
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Salt cured and spread on toast.
>captcha is eggs

>> No.7053596

another thinly veiled gordon ramsay thread

fuck ur shit OP

>> No.7053605

Children and their sugar water.

>> No.7053661

Over easy (fuck sunny side up) eggs on toast with tabasco

>> No.7053669

What is the point of over easy? It's sunny side up with a tiny ass film of white over the yolk. Just fucking make the decision to go full sunny side up. There is no fucking reason to go over easy.

>> No.7053678

>Can't be assed
3 eggs fried over easy, salt and pepper

3 egg omelet with tomato, onion, peppers, w/e cheese I have, maybe some ham, maybe some avocado on top if I'm particularly hungry

With two pieces of buttered toast and a few pieces of fruit, cup of black coffee, lightly sweetened. This is a pretty standard first meal of the day for me

>> No.7053681

Over easy cooks the egg more evenly, so you don't end up with raw egg white on top and overcooked yolk on the bottom

>> No.7053682

Because who the fuck likes the whites snot nose runny?

>> No.7053700

Just cook sunny side up with a lid so it steams the top. Runny yolk, no snot whites

>> No.7053713

I end up with a runnier yolk when I make them over easy because you don't have to cook it as long on the first side. You don't even need utensils to flip 2-3 eggs so there is no reason not to. I've put a hot cast iron pan on top of my egg pan and achieved the same thing.

>> No.7053730

Not fried?

>> No.7053735
File: 483 KB, 640x480, songohan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl+f 'sunny side up over rice'
>0 results

>> No.7053741

I get mine the retard way, i never eat eggs any other way. basically you cook it up and near burn it to death then furiously chop at it so it doesnt look like egg anymore. fuck eggs its disgusting soldfiefeid chicken semen

>> No.7053743

chicken period

>> No.7053746

>not tamago kake gohan

>> No.7053758

Are you a woman? Man up.

I personally eat only once a day, at night, but that's to save money, not because of lack of testosterone.

I like my eggs, scrambled, slightly burnt, mixed with sausages.

>> No.7053763

>eggs too heavy for morning meal

What the fuck am i reading

>> No.7053796

Eating anything before I've been up at least 3 or 4 hours makes me sick. I usually vomit if I try to eat breakfast too early. Eggs are especially bad about this, most people probably feel the same way to a lesser extent.

I like brunch though, so it works out for me.

>> No.7053806

Are you pregnant?

>> No.7053817

no I'm a manly man

>> No.7053833

>turkish bread
fucking faggot

>> No.7053839

Scrambled, with shaved black truffles. tfw too poor to ever have even tasted white.

>> No.7053844

Here at /ck/ we get tilted over someone liking a popular type of bread.

>> No.7053845

Remove yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.7053851

>no one her has said boiled yet
shake my head to be honest f4m

>> No.7053882

fried in bacon grease, on a bacon egg and cheese sandwich

>> No.7053931

Because its fucking gross, thats why.
I quit sunny siding my eggs cuz i went to a resturaunt and got them and that white vein thing that keeps the yolk suspended was uncooked.

>> No.7053964

I like a good soft-boiled egg, poached, or even hard-boiled, but not in the morning. In the morning, I must have my eggs fried or scrambled (usually in omelette form).

Runny yolk + consistently cooked white. What's the point in sunnyside up? Are you not convinced it's an egg unless you can see a bright yellow yolk on top?

>> No.7053973
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>> No.7054008

Dad? Is that you?

>> No.7054018

Why do people think these eggs are chicken abortions or semen? It's a fucking chicken's period.

>> No.7054022
File: 158 KB, 800x534, DSC_0247-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /ck/'s take on mixing fresh cream with scrambled eggs?
I don't make it myself however I have had them for breakfast in a french cafe once and they were really nice.

>> No.7054055

go to bed, son

>> No.7054093


>> No.7054114

I don't put any dairy or water in mine. You don't need to. If you want creamier eggs, scramble them well enough that the curd is small.

>> No.7054131


>> No.7054253
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Poached in lard with asparagus and home made pancetta.

>> No.7054260

4 eggs, sunny side up with salt, pepper and paprika powder
2 pieces of bread with leverpastej and dill pickles
2 pieces of bread with butter, smoked ham, mustard and cheese
1 cup of rooibos tea

>> No.7054276

over easy, fried in butter

>> No.7054296

It's a cultural thing. My whole country considers things like eggs and meat to be too heavy for the morning. We eat fruit, yoghurt, baked goods and/or müesli in small portions for breakfast.

It has nothing to do with getting sick. It's just cultural. I find that a morning meal of eggs, meat and cheese tends to make me feel more sluggish and weighed down rather than sick, though, compared to a traditional meal of similar size.

>> No.7054299

Over medium on a sandwich
Scotch style
Scrambled with chorizo
Soft boiled with some mayo/mustard

I love eggs.

>> No.7054315

hard boiled
with black bread, butter and salt

>> No.7054558

Hard boiled with mayonnaise and fish roe on rye bread

>> No.7054682

I don't think it's cultural to be a gigantic puss.

>> No.7054690

thoroughly cooked (no thanks salmonella) sunny side up, where the egg whites begin to crisp

on toast with pepper jack cheese and ketchup

>> No.7054715

>not eating bird embryos at a specific time of day makes you a vagina

>> No.7054733
File: 347 KB, 2000x1189, 1433276421559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7054780

Softly scrambled, like in that Gordon Ramsay video.

You disgusting SWEDE

>> No.7054786

Poached. Thats how i do it. Get a pan. Put water in it. Put a few drops of lemon juice. Boil to rolling boil. Crack egg and drop it in from a low height as close to the water as you can get. Let it cook till you think its good and viola.

>> No.7055056

hardboiled, still warm as can be, mashed on to an eng muf with lots of butter salt and pepper

>> No.7055183

Ever since I put them on rice I haven't bothered making them the variety of ways I used to.

Save me.

>> No.7055202

soft cooked and hot sauce, beyond that "yes please"

i am not a picky man and eggs are great

>> No.7055206

Overeasy eggs on toast with thick bacon

>> No.7055214

Shit didn't think of that, do scotch eggs count? Christ they are good.

>> No.7055430

Lazily stirred in a pan for a couple minutes with salt and pepper.

>> No.7055451

Some days I like them scrambled and some days I like them runny.

Right now my favorite breakfast is shredded hashbrowns with peppers and onions topped with fried eggs. Then I break the yolks and it runs all over the hashbrowns.

>> No.7055454

Over easy master race.

>> No.7055945


was about to post this desu

>> No.7056603
File: 70 KB, 627x582, tamago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese style marinated soft boiled (Ajitsuke Tamago) is hands down the best way to eat an egg by itself. Fucking love these things

In a dish with other stuff probably poached

>> No.7056788


>> No.7056820

Scrambled, sunny side up and soft poached eggs

I'll only eat poached eggs on toast.

>> No.7056979

3 eggs scrambled dry, semiburnt wheat toast, black coffee, some kind of cold sweet fruit juice

>> No.7056988

I get that undercooked food is the real way to eat it, but I like a solid yolk egg. Preferably fried crispy white, then throw water in the pan and cover it until the yolk is at least not so super runny.

>> No.7057007

cracked over steaming hot japanese rice and then stirred to an even coating of the rice.

Tomgago Bukkakae

>> No.7057022

Cream is just the shit you add when you can't cook the eggs properly, you don't need that crap in anything that uses eggs.

>> No.7057132

fried hard in bacon grease that has just been cooked with salt

>> No.7057433


Like in your pic but with basil instead of chives

>> No.7057447

I just throw 2-3 in a pan with butter, add salt and slide the egg circle in my plate

>> No.7057449


>you don't need that crap

since when was cream 'crap' and since when did not *needing* to put something in a dish make it haram?

>> No.7057452

>not knowing the difference between menses and ovulation

Ladies and gentlemen, the US public school system at work.

>> No.7057479
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Am I the only one who likes Pickled Eggs for breakfast?
Eggs in Salt, Pepper, Vinegar, Onions, Dill and Mustard seed mixture for couple of months.

Cut them into slices on bread with butter, smoked/cured fish (usually salmon), cucumber, tomato and cloudberry jam

>> No.7057613


Did you make popcorn?

>> No.7057615

>cloudberry jam
you can't make jam out of clouds anon

>> No.7057834

in a carbonara with cream

>> No.7057877

Hardboiled then mashed up with mayo and tossed on some bread or eaten out of bowl

>> No.7059971

I like them with boiled veggies

>> No.7059979

Depends on my mood.
Creamy scrambled eggs are for mornings when I want to feel comfy as fuck.
Soft boiled for when I want a light breakfast.
Poached on toast with creamed spinach when I'm starving and have the time.
Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict for special occasions and my kid's birthday because it's his favorite breakfast.
Fried over easy or soft sunny side up when I'm in a hurry.
Quiche for lazy Sunday mornings, easy dinners, and Christmas breakfast.

>> No.7059988
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>cloudberry jam


>> No.7059996

Over medium

>> No.7060591

no cream, no milk, no pre-whisking. i like slight variation thoughout.

>> No.7060593

Poached atop some buttery toast.

>> No.7060596

Hard boiled and sliced up in a roll with butter, lox and lettuce.

>> No.7060608

Scrambled, cooked with butter, salt, pepper and garlic powder.

>> No.7060756

Sunny side up with some rice porridge

>> No.7060896

Don't worry bro I'm the same way. I have absolutely no appetite in the morning which is why I never eat breakfast.
Normally I wake up have a coffee or something then go to work for a few hours until lunch break.
These faggots on here act like you need a 3 full course meal plan a day or some shit.

>> No.7060994

I like to use a little bit of olive oil and coat my eggs with it, and then gently glide about 3 up my ass.

My boypussy isn't lose enough for all three yet, but when they break it reminds me of my black boyfriend's love anyways. I really love London.

>> No.7061105

Yeah, I have to agree. I love eggs cooked all sorts of ways, But Ajitsuke Tamago is definitely the best way to eat just an egg, followed by deviled eggs.

>> No.7061124

well done

>> No.7061128

Scrambled > Soft Boiled = Poached > Hard Boiled > Fried

Don't eat hard boiled in the morning doe haha

>> No.7061130

baka desu senpai

>> No.7061142
File: 170 KB, 500x375, shakshouka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl +F, Shakshouka
>No results
I am disappointed in you, /ck/.

>> No.7061145

try ctrl+f 'meme' instead.

>> No.7061152


>> No.7061167

Are you somehow implying that shakshouka is a meme?

>> No.7061433

Scrambled/omelet because I like to mix in meats and veggies.

>> No.7062386

mini-omelette with bacon and sandwhiched in an English muffin. Essentially a "McMuffin" without cheese.

>> No.7063268
File: 12 KB, 236x354, 80e9bfa37575c82dd918b916fd76663b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what you do. Wrap an egg in some cloth. Stuff this into an egg beater from your mixer. Now put it into your power drill where the drill bit would usually go. Now start and stop your drill a bunch of times. This will scramble the egg inside the shell. Now boil it.

Hard boiled scrambled eggs.

Yes I'm completely serious.

>> No.7063406

shakshouka is a meme

>> No.7063412

>Stuff this into an egg beater from your mixer.
this is where you lost me i must be retarded

>> No.7063431
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The part hanging out of the bottom of a mixer. I'm kinda drunk and didn't explain clearly sorry.

>> No.7063443

I tried this, and the eggs and whatever the fuck else was in there stuck to my pot and has been soaking in water for a few days and the shit still won't come out. Eggs were meh as fuck and honestly disgusting compared to how I make them; the tomatos and mushrooms though are on point.

I was stirring that bitch like crazy just like in his vid and all it did was produce pretty bland eggs since the butter was in there.

pro tip, salt doesn't "BREAK AN EGG DOWN" while it's cooking, what the fuck does that even mean. this videio mfw.

>> No.7063446

enjoy your burnt as fuck eggs, I'd like to see what that looks like on the bottom you cunt.

>> No.7063579


why do you think that looks particularly susceptible to getting burnt? the eggs are resting atop a tomato sauce.

>> No.7063583


> all it did was produce pretty bland eggs since the butter was in there.

what the fuck are you talking about

eggs stick to pots if you have shit pots or shit technique anon this is nothing new.

i'm bored of the video as well but shut the fuck up

>> No.7063597

75 degrees celsius for 14 minutes

>> No.7063601

Shakshouka is not very tasty. Also a meme food

>> No.7063683

fuck off gordon

>> No.7063694

Salt denatures the protein in the eggs when added before or at the start of cooking, making them tough. Lrn2chemistry.

>> No.7063695

>I know better than a Michelin Starred chef.
>I can't cook scrambled eggs
Never change /ck/.

>> No.7063698

Scrambled with ham :3

And maybe with some tabasco

>> No.7063704

>Salt denatures the protein in the eggs

So why even bother frying them in a pan then?

>> No.7063716


>denatures proteins
>thereby making them tough

i think you should learn to chemistry buddy.


guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.7063721


Why denature proteins with salt if you're going to denature them with heat afterwards?

>> No.7063722

You do realize salt and heat are two different things, right? And with most egg applications you use very controlled heat, and very quick cooking, particularly with scrambled eggs. Not to mention that different types of heat applied yield different results.

>> No.7063724

Why would you denature them with salt first, which you have no control over once it's been added, instead of using your one control method (heat) to produce your desired results?

>> No.7063725


the better question is: why not?


does any of that speak to his post? you need to prove that the effect of the salt on the proteins has an adverse effect on the final cooked result. 'denaturing' is very vague and could in fact be beneficial to a tender result.

>> No.7063727


So where does the salt come in? The heat is doing the denaturing that the salt is apparently supposed to do.

>> No.7063735


>very controlled heat

lol no

>and very quick cooking

is anyone suggesting you salt your eggs for 12 hours

what does any of this shit even mean

>> No.7063739

>beneficial to a tender result

All of my laughter. You don't know much about cooking eggs, do you?

>> No.7063743

So, you just slop your eggs in a pan on whatever level of heat you yanked your nob to ( pun intended ) and think the results are fine? Don't be stupid.

>> No.7063746

The salt comes in at the end of cooking, where it should be. As a seasoning.

>> No.7063748


very few people actually know what temperature their pan is

>just slop your eggs

what a laughable attempt at using evocative language to make the undertaking of adding eggs to a pan seem more haphazard. yes, i 'slop my eggs' in a pan.


>You don't know much about cooking eggs, do you?

much more than you, evidently.

you know what else involves denatured protein? stock. braised pork belly. gummi bears.

>> No.7063818

And in what way on fucking earth are properly cooked eggs ANYTHING like rendered gelatin, you fucking moron. Just stop, you're an idiot.

>> No.7063822

>a breakfast food is too heavy for breakfast


>> No.7063829


in the sense that they involve denatured proteins.

salting your eggs just before cooking them will have a negligible effect in any case, but with something like scrambled eggs they will actually prevent the egg proteins from forming as tightly coagulated a structure, because they inhibit the repulsion of charged regions of the protein prior to fully denaturing. this results in a looser, more tender texture.

>> No.7063870

Nice copy pasting, faglord. Enjoy your watery eggs, dumbass.

>> No.7063872


>you got your information from an authoritative source
>that makes it less reliable for some reason

>> No.7063885
File: 49 KB, 960x574, 1433730979845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck? if you are getting 'tough' eggs by adding salt to them before you cook you are just bad at cooking m8; perfect eggs breakfast is this:

crack 2 whole eggs and 1 egg white into a cup or wtvr the fuck u want as long as you can whisk it, if you are too poor to own a wisker use a fork or your finger.

add very small amount of salt.
add black pepper
add turmeric
add little bit of cinnamon

stir that shit up, put it in a pan, scramble it up, in no way do my eggs become 'tough' as you say.

toast some 15 grain pep farm bread, put eggs on it

put some ice cubes in a glass, pour OJ in there.

your fuccin welcome /ck/

>> No.7063886

no oil
onion, mushrooms and tomato mixed

>> No.7063893
File: 966 KB, 259x216, Kirk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pop entire unbroken yolk into mouth and fucking love it.

>> No.7063897


>crack egg into saucer with 1 tsp walter
>beat well
>put in nuker for 20 secs
>push toaster switch down
>put thin slice ham and slice of cheese on egg
>nuke another 25 seconds
>toasts pops
>put egg concoction on toast
>eat sandwich

>> No.7063898

What authoritative source? Also, you cherry picked. As I said, enjoy your watery eggs, faggot.

>> No.7063902


are you me? when the yolk bursts in your mouth its heaven.

>> No.7063909

>Not adding drop of bleach to denature proteins.
Not very chemistry, are you?

>> No.7063912

I made an omelet today with spinach, mushrooms, ham, and cheddar.

>> No.7063926


harold mcgee, on food and cooking. i didn't 'cherry pick', i provided counter-reasoning.


>hurr durr denaturing is bad because bleach is bad

lye is evil too, never eat pretzels

>> No.7063948

>Shakshouka is not very tasty.
Then you're obviously not making it correctly.

>> No.7063949

Btw isn't eating things acidic like yogurt or fruit in the morning bad for your stomach?

>> No.7063954

This is pure anecdotal bs
But I feel eating a yogurt with breakfast helps with my stomach problems

>> No.7063956

Tried an omelette with ramen noodels this morning.

Filling but bland as hell, even with veggies and the flavour packets.

Just stick to adding eggs to your generic ramen soup, it's much better this way.

>> No.7063964

I don't like ramen. It's too soupy for me to enjoy and if it isn't soupy it might as well just be a big pile of pasta.

>> No.7063966


ever heard of taste dude

>> No.7063991

I like mine either in an omelette or scrambled.

With an omelette I use basil, shallot, spinach, cheese, mushrooms, garlic salt and pepper.

For scrambled I use ham, pepper, bit of salt, a bit of butter, tomato and mushrooms.

Rarely I eat them sunny side up in between a sandwich with ham and a bit of ketchup.

>> No.7064045

looks tasty, is it good?

>> No.7064054

>quoting the top meme glorified food blogger

You're hilarious. Enjoy your watery eggs, faggot.

>> No.7064062


harold mcgee is not the 'top meme food blogger'

>> No.7064063

It's called IN, faggot. IN the morning.

>> No.7064069

Harold mcgee is also not an expert chef. He is a scientist with opinions on food. Plenty of chefs don't agree with him, and many of his proclamations are considered controversial.
So, enjoy your watery eggs, neckbeard hipster faggot. Go tip your fedora somewhere else.

>> No.7064073

Do you not understand the word "glorified "? Does someone need to explain it to you?

>> No.7064107


he's not even a scientist. he's just done his research, unlike you.


writing extensively referenced books is 'glorified blogging' now?

>> No.7064130

Meme tier bullshit.
There's a reason revered chefs dont salt their eggs before cooking, but you go ahead and stubbornly stick to your misguided beliefs and mediocre eggs.

>> No.7064135


>There's a reason revered chefs dont salt their eggs before cooking,

because they're stupid and don't understand what 'denaturing proteins' means

> but you go ahead and stubbornly stick to your misguided beliefs

pot kettle black m8

>> No.7064146

Well, you're obviously no chef, so they are certainly smarter than you when it comes to proper cooking. Tell me, how many Michelin stars do you have, spergy? Did you remember to take your medicine this morning?

>> No.7064177

So close to perfection, and then
> lightly sweetened

>> No.7064201

scrambled or as an omelette

>> No.7064249

I'm almost exactly this.

Chop up a potato, microwave it for 3 minutes to cook it. While in the microwave, sautee onions, peppers, and shallots in light coating of olive oil. Take cooked chopped potato and throw in skillet. Cook until potatoes brown. Eggs over-medium ish, throw on top of the pile of hashbrowns, then season with salt, pepper, and maybe paprika.

Jesus I'm hungry, gonna go make my breakfast.

>> No.7064262
File: 1.93 MB, 2592x1936, shakshuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that poster, but it's really good. For some reason people think the bottom of it will be completely burnt and ruin the cast iron.... Not the case. It's wildly easy to make and pretty healthy. I make it at least twice a week. Really good for any time of day and the leftovers are good as well.

Protip: Chop up some green olives and toss them in. Delish. Slightly blurry OC incoming.

>> No.7064291


i don't see this line of questioning going anywhere. if i said i was a chef you wouldn't believe me so what's the point. i don't think it's 'obvious' that i am or am not though. just because i disagree with gordon fucking ramsay. he isn't right about everything and to say something 'denatures the proteins' as if that's inherently destructive shows a clear lack of knowledge.

>> No.7064315

Gordon Ramsay isn't the only chef who says not to salt the eggs. I personally hate him. But not salting eggs before cooking is common knowledge among MANY great chefs (and many unknown chefs as well). And the fact that you can't understand why or differentiate between the effects of denaturing proteins in different foods isn't anyone else's problem but YOURS. So, you know, fuck off.

>> No.7064320

Usually three or four creamy scrambled eggs on toast. Sometimes one fried egg in a breakfast sandwich with ham and whatever cheese is around

>> No.7064374

Over hard, break the yolk. I prefer my yolk cooked all the way through.

>> No.7064384


>you can't understand why or differentiate between the effects of denaturing proteins in different foods

the fact that you think this is the case shows that you don't want to read my posts you dumb nigger. denaturing proteins isn't inherently bad. why isn't it bad in eggs? for the provided reasons. yes salt can leach moisture out of systems. yes it can cause proteins to tighten. but in eggs, all it will do is help coagulation at lower temperatures, which is only a problem if YOU fuck up by overcooking them. the fact that they coagulate at these lower temperatures can yield a more tender egg. it doesn't matter how many chefs say otherwise if they don't understand the nuances of the subject.

>> No.7064388
File: 402 KB, 1600x1176, Sucuklu Yumurta 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /sucuklu yumurta/ here?

>> No.7064392

Pretty much everything you have stated in this post is incorrect.

>> No.7064411
File: 63 KB, 640x480, 1259910842286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denaturing proteins isn't inherently bad
No one ever said it was
> but in eggs, all it will do is help coagulation at lower temperatures, which is only a problem if YOU fuck up by overcooking them. the fact that they coagulate at these lower temperatures can yield a more tender egg.
NO. The fact that they coagulate at a lower temperature means the eggs will be tougher, not more tender. You're an idiot. And if you put them over higher heat, they will leach water. Eggs like gentle, slow cooking, even when you are simply boiling them. Adding salt is for impatient people who don't give a shit about texture, "you dumb nigger".

>> No.7064628
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>> No.7065870
File: 33 KB, 640x360, Scrambled-Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them hard boiled or scarmbled with some bacon.
A typical breakfast

>> No.7066198


>NO. The fact that they coagulate at a lower temperature means the eggs will be tougher, not more tender.

no, if you form the gel at a lower temperature with the addition of salt, you will avoid syneresis and make for a less brittle gel, nigger.

>Adding salt is for impatient people who don't give a shit about texture,

it's for people who know how this shit works, you dumb nigggergeggegrgere

>> No.7066262

Over easy with the yolks still runny but the whites completely cooked through.

>> No.7066421

nonstick skillet on heat
little bit of butter, tilt until covered
crack 2 eggs and drop them on opposite sides
cook until whites are no longer runny
when cooked add salt and pepper

obtain plate and transfer eggs onto it
craft toast
piece runny yolks and soak with toast

>> No.7066523

Half the people here took basic chemistry, you fucking moron. But that still doesn't change the fact that eggs are always better when seasoned at the end of cooking. You can take your textbook and cram it straight up your ass, if you can make room around your head for it.

>> No.7066557

Eggs and meat are too heavy but baked goods aren't?

>> No.7066559

scrambled english style on toast

>> No.7066561

My brothers

>> No.7066836

Sunny side up until the yolk begins to firm. Then I throw it on lightly toasted sourdough bread with some garlic powser, cheese, and ranch.

I don't understand the concept of a heavy meal. I'll eat thanksgiving day leftovers for breakfast and not feel a thing.

>> No.7066933

I tried video related, end product was really good however the pot took about a week to clean.

>> No.7067191

Poached eggs worth trying for a first timer?

>> No.7067199

I like mine with a kiss

>> No.7067233

Lol wtf? Why ask us? Just do it, you only live once lad

>> No.7067266


Worth for what? Hint: They taste exactly the same as soft boiled eggs. If you think it helps getting some girls panties off go for it, but we're talking breakfast here..

>> No.7067313

over easy with a dash of salt and pepper. I like things simple

>> No.7067815


Obviously if you want to be an n+1th timer you have to start as a first timer. They are really easy once you get comfortable with them and quicker/more convenient than boiling.

>> No.7069739

Amerifat here. Up at 0600, 3 - 4 cups black coffee until 1100ish, then I eat. I feel nauseated and sluggish too if I eat too early. I do like breakfast for dinner :-)

>> No.7069757
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Balut master race, bitches!

>> No.7069832

I poached mine and had them on toast with Hummus and Avocado, topped of with some dukkah

pic is here >>7068868

>> No.7069846

4 eggs, 1/2 tsp granulated garlic, 1/2 tbsp Cholula, scrambled, high heat, off heat when large curds are forming, back on heat as necessary until just underdone, out of pan, wait for resisidual heat to finish, serve.

>> No.7069890
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This is the best way to eat eggs

>> No.7069891


>> No.7070005

What is that type of sausage called?

>> No.7070085

>one whole egg
are you a woman or on a diet?

>> No.7070102


It's fucking burnt.


Are you fat or blind?

>> No.7070108

Cooked for 6 minutes with the lid on the pan at the lowest heat my stove will allow

>> No.7070118

>Are you fat or blind?
I'm not the one counting calories you fat fuck LOL

>> No.7070123


So fat?

>> No.7070126

Where'd you get that idea fatty mcfatfuck? If you lift and do cardio and you're a male that's not a midget you're going to need more than that to make any gains dumbfuck.

>> No.7070131


So you're trying to get fat?

I've heard about this. Sounds like some /fit/ trash.

>> No.7070138

Were you bullied in high school by a jock or something? Or are you just retarded?

>> No.7070145


I was one of the smart kids in high school, but was on friendly terms with pretty much everyone.

I'm guessing you were/are a skinny kid and are now trying to get fat so you'll feel better about yourself, somehow?

>> No.7070157


>> No.7070166


Dude, why are you even replying at this point?

Go do some roids and squats, and chime in on the chicken breast threads with your wisdom on how to make a weeks worth of unseasoned rubber patties over rice.

>> No.7070169

You're still here with your baseless assumptions? The thread is empty fuccboi, now fuck off

>> No.7070174


>there's only room for one of us on this here image board, in cyber space

Could you be any fatter?

>> No.7070176

Yea because you're still here apparently LOL

>> No.7070200


Go eat another bowl of eggs and oats, Santa.

Gotta make those reindeer work for those other 364 days of the year they lie around sharing their trough with you.

>> No.7070331

Jesus Christ, go suck each other's cocks somewhere else. I hope that you faggots are under 16 or this could be one of the more pathetic things I've seen in a while on /ck/.

>> No.7070366

Other side of the Adriatic, pham.

Yeah. Most people in the west eat baked goods for breakfast most of the time. If you regularly consume cold, boxed cereals such as Coco Pops or Corn Flakes, congratulations: you eat baked goods for breakfast, too.
My country eats toast with butter and jam or a small pastry, like a croissant or a bit of brioche, but breakfast cereal is also common nowadays. American-style breakfast cereal wasn't on the scene when I was a kid, though it's eaten a bunch today.

Sorry to tell ya, sport, but around 90% of the world isn't from a country where eggs are a breakfast food.

Half of those people who consider eggs a breakfast food are from the US.

>> No.7071034

>bird embryo
It's not even fucking fertilized.

>> No.7071043
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>that pic

Stop making shills of gordon ramsay

>> No.7071079

over easy, on a toast, with bacon and hollandaise.
Like a eggs benedict, but without the fag tier poached eggs.
>working in a restaraunt kitchen, making breakfast for snobs, eating eggs so much I almost cant taste them anymore.

>> No.7071087

>nigga doesn't like balut

Desu core at desu

>> No.7071100

My boy why did you get omega baited

>> No.7071200

Am I the only one who bakes their eggs

>> No.7071203

> ctr + f this
> find it
and now i leave the thread

>> No.7071218

i love me a good poached egg, But do any of you have some tips for keeping the whites together while its in the water? I've heard that a little vinegar in the water helps, but i haven't had any luck.

>> No.7071226

Oeuf cocotte is a legendary breakfast.

>> No.7071228

What's scotch style?

>> No.7071230


Mine this morning looked like a soggy hardboiled egg

>> No.7071448


>> No.7071651

>hard boiled with caviar
>scrambled on bread
>omelette with tuna and cheese
>fried so much that a little less than half of the yolk is still runny with ketchup

>> No.7072098


this nig knows

>> No.7072421

Hey it's me ur dad

>> No.7072471

how gordon ramsay makes them

>> No.7072671

egg butter on toast.

I add dill to mine

>> No.7073027

shut the fuck up and eat your eggs you pussy

fuck you

>> No.7073074



fucking genius

>> No.7073075

Almost every morning I cook an egg over easy, put it on toast with basic seasoning, cook a little ham, and a thin layer of mayo on the toast.

>> No.7073088
File: 86 KB, 960x540, cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gordon ramsay
>14 restaurants
>7 michelin stars
>countless tv shows ranging from documentary to over the top reality garbage
>/ck/ hive mind only agrees on a four minute video of his about how to make fucking scrambled eggs

Every single time, all I think about is all the face palms chefs will be giving themselves for the next decade when they ask a young chef to cook eggs as a bench test and they all ask where they can find the creme fraiche.

>> No.7073101

Every good kitchen should stock creme fraiche.

>> No.7073130

If the "you are what you eat" adage is true and I'm a pussy, does that make you a dick or an asshole?

>> No.7074355

Either over easy, scrambled or hard boiled