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File: 100 KB, 770x379, morningstar-spicy-black-bean-burger-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7049521 No.7049521 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about MorningStar Farms® spicy black bean burgers?

>> No.7049528

They taste like taste

>> No.7049530

They're good, but kind of overpriced.

>> No.7049533

Does anybody like them?

>> No.7049535

they're shit because they have a bunch of additives, artificial flavors, etc. there's way better companies to buy from

>> No.7049540

It would probably take 20 minutes to make your own and freeze them

>> No.7049582

I love the Mediterranean ones. Never tried spicy

I use em when sick of eating meat

>> No.7049589

Stop being a faggot and eat a burger if you want a burger. If you wanna be a vegetarian, stick with that. Don't make fake meat products that don't taste anything like the real thing.

>> No.7049590

The least time I had a bean burger it gave me the nastiest farts. Not even trying to play on the old stereotype about beans, but these were non-stop, wretched farts for 24 hours. I was afraid to fall asleep because I thought I was going to suffocate.

>> No.7049597

They're not worthy of being given to feral cats or even wandering raccoons. However the homos in Chelsea or on Christopher Street would probably devour them.

>> No.7049606

It's hardly an imitation meat product. It's just a patty made of beans

>> No.7049619

Salt is an additive, retard. You'll have to actually explain why specific things that are actually in there are bad. "Muh chemicals" doesn't cut it.
>artificial flavors
Sure there's some, but it's very far down on the ingredients list and it doesn't taste very artificial, at least to me. Again, explain to me why volatile compounds that would be in a homemade black bean burger magically become bad when derived from another source.

How pathetic do you have to be to throw a 'tism tantrum anytime a non-meat product gets labeled as a meat product it vaguely resembles? A well made black bean burger (which, admittedly, this isn't) is fucking delicious, and I love beef

>> No.7049634
File: 469 KB, 1560x1093, vegpatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not about it tasting artificial, it's about it being in there at all. it's completely uneccessary. if you want to eat shit and say "b-but it's only a little bit" then go right ahead. some people actually give a fuck about what they consume.

on another note i'd recommend these, break em' apart in a skillet and throw some organic salsa or veggies with it and it's bretty good

>> No.7049643

I used to get the giant 1/4 sized ones from costco that have chipotle flavor mixed in. I used to live for these things. I'd eat 2 a day. But then I got so tired of them it's a chore to finish and I had to give them away to a food bank. The pizza ones are better, but I can only find them at Trader Joe's now, which sucks.

>> No.7049657

>it's not about it tasting artificial, it's about it being in there at all
>some people actually give a fuck about what they consume.

>You'll have to actually explain why specific things that are actually in there are bad. "Muh chemicals" doesn't cut it.
>Again, explain to me why volatile compounds that would be in a homemade black bean burger magically become bad when derived from another source.
But sure, have fun continuing to get duped by a multimillion dollar industry built to capitalize on your ignorance because you're too lazy to look up what xantham gum is.

>> No.7049660

why are you talking about xantham gum? i literally never mentioned it

>> No.7049666

Because it's an additive that's in the very burgers you're complaining about having additives? Fine, replace xantham gum with whatever whatever harmless ingredient you've decided is super scary corporate poison

>> No.7049668
File: 3.75 MB, 3072x2304, fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only sell Yves burgers around here. They're kinda shit, so if I ever want vegan meat I usually buy Tofurkey sausages, which are at least okay I guess.

>> No.7049689

Is that Bruce Jenner being a girl?

>> No.7049690

all i'm saying is i'm gonna choose to consume something doesn't have artificial/natural flavor added to it because neither you nor i know what that actually consists of. and the laws are vague so when something says "artificial flavor" it could mean 50+ added artificial ingredients. if you like that, that's fine, i prefer to know what's in my food


>> No.7049697

What are you talking about?

>> No.7049701


This. I hate that brand so much. I wish it would be banned from stores.

>> No.7049703

There's no such thing as vegan meat unless you're deluded, deluded as the morons who think bruce jenner is a girl now.

>> No.7049707
File: 263 KB, 762x862, el.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can just look up stuff on the Internet if you ever want to know how the world works, right.

>> No.7049719 [DELETED] 

this nigga still talking bout xantham gu wtf senpai are you autistic? no one is mentioning it stfu

>> No.7049720

Maybe not, but meat has many definitions. If I said vegan animal flesh, you would have a valid point.

(While we're being pedantic, there is technically a distinction between being a girl and being female.)

>> No.7049729

Salty and greasy ie good tasting, but expensive for what they are. You can make salty and greasy black beans for cheaper.

>> No.7049730
File: 206 KB, 893x845, butts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy, pick any additive you like mate.

>> No.7049740

are you stupid? like i'm being serious right now. anon is pointing out how the natural + artificial flavors are UNKNOWN, do you understand?

>> No.7049748

you dense motherfucker

>> No.7049817

dis nigga inbred lmao

who you talkin to lil nigga?

>> No.7049914

But I have gout and need to avoid meat. That being said these morning stars suck, but I can get down on a black bean burger.

When the choice is less meat or less alcohol, I choose the latter.

>> No.7049993

We know what they are- they're various volatile organic compounds that must be given a GRAS designation to be used in food. Again, stop pretending your own ignorance is a valid argument.

>> No.7049997


Because it's a butthurt vegan that hates being called out on it's bullshit.

>> No.7050004


Why the fuck would you want to eat that shit?

Sawdust is relatively harmless too, but I wouldn't want to eat that shit either.

>> No.7050010

>hey cambells senpai what's in this can of soup

nah, they make companies print out ingredients lists, but they're allowed to list things like "flavours" which seems incredibly suspect. I want to know what I'm eating, tell me what I'm eating or fuck right the fuck off.

>> No.7050016

>Why the fuck would you want to eat that shit?
I don't know, why would you eat the solid chunks that come out of rancid cow's milk? How about rotten cabbage? Or all the many, many bits of plants we eat the plant makes specifically to keep things from eating it?

>Get's explained what's in there

>> No.7050026

What if you have allergies? Eggs and peanuts are "GRAS".

>> No.7050053

>meat has many definitions

Meat has precisely one definition you mouth breathing millennial spastic.

>> No.7050054

...And if they're in there, they have to be listed in the "May contain:" section. Christ, have you ever even looked at a food label before? How can you care so much about this and know so little?

>> No.7050060

I like bean burgers but they tend to be a little pricey

Sometimes you just want something different.

>> No.7050068

>Sometimes you just want something different.

Is that why you sometimes wear a wig and hang around at truck stops?

>> No.7050072

He's looking for glory holes.

>> No.7050416


>> No.7052067
File: 1.03 MB, 349x194, fall_off_tower.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what these patties do to me. I find the amount of gas entertaining, honestly.

>> No.7053843

it's easy to laugh at vegetarians for buying them thinking they're changing the planet, but my poor old father buys these not because he doesn't like meat, but because he's a cancer survivor. only buys them with coupons whenever possible since they're just too damn expensive. they look bad, taste bad, smell bad when cooked. just seeing this brand name makes me upset.

>> No.7054377

Yes. Costs more than the ingredients and shit is in it that no sane man would put into itself unless insane.

>> No.7054396
File: 471 KB, 500x203, tumblr_mkumknQXzh1rvt47eo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop appropiating my burger culture!