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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 186 KB, 650x433, rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7048790 No.7048790 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys, In my europoor country rice in boil-in-bags is really popular amongts students.
In my dorm we have some exchange students (Turkey, Italy, Spain, Russia) and I am guessing they don't have such things in their countries because they tear up the bags and cook the rice normally.

>tl;dr do you have rice in bags ready to boil in your country/state/whatever? is it popular?

>> No.7048820

>cooking in plastic
enjoy your xenoestrogens

>> No.7048823

fucking xenos need to get off our planet.

Yeah that's how I make it, it's pretty quick and easy. I don't know if it's popular, I'm a slav so I prefer potatoes anyways.

>> No.7048825

In Canada milk comes in bags.

>> No.7048827

We certainly HAVE boil-in-bag rice,
But anyone with half a brain just uses parboiled rice anyway so they're not that popular.

>> No.7048885
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Yeah, ok, I don't think they are great or anything, I am just wondering how popular it is in other counntries.

Yeah, I see russian guy making something with potatoes almost daily

you would need to eat few kilos a day to get sny negative effects i guess

>> No.7048900
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In America bags come in bags

>> No.7048905
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>> No.7048908
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>> No.7048910
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>> No.7048912


>> No.7048926

We have bagged rice and other things in Russia, but usually only ones who cook badly (well, like students)) use it.

>> No.7048936

Only in eastern Canada, which is filled with French idiots.

>> No.7048949

>not using your multi-cooker to cook your rice

>> No.7048958

Yeah, we like BPA rice in brazil too


>> No.7049045

white people method of cooking rice
absolutely disgusting

buy a rice cooker and save yourself the trouble

>> No.7049056


We have microwave rice bags in Murrica. But its pleb tier shit.

>> No.7049061

>not using a rice cooker

wew lad

>> No.7049066

Okay seriously what the FUCK is the point of the rice bag.

>> No.7049096

what is the fucking point hes boiling the bad in the pot he could just be using to make the rice.

>> No.7049099

We also have microwave rice in Europe

Because bisphenol a has a wonderful taste.

>> No.7049138

don't need to measure how much water

also it's not like normal rice that takes 20 minutes to cook

>> No.7049143

ITT: literal cancer

its not hard to cook rice the proper way

>> No.7049163


Boil in bag rice is the cheapest crap ever, buy no brand and you can get a kilo of rice at a price that's only beaten by buying 25 kilo bags at an Asian store.

>> No.7049200

I have $20 rice cooker that lets me program it to have rice ready at any point in the next 12 hours. Time isn't an issue. And why the fuck are you even posting on a cooking board if measuring water is a hassle for you?

>> No.7049275

>>tl;dr do you have rice in bags ready to boil in your country/state/whatever? is it popular?


Because we aren't retards, and know how to cook rice without the need for a plastic baggy.

>> No.7049341
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I am not saying it is a great way to cook rice.. I am just saying its rather normal to see someone cook rice like that to me.
And I am interested in the way people from other countries see it

>> No.7049399

As convenience / retard-proofing taken too far.

You can only screw up rice one of two ways.
1. too little or way too much water
2. too much heat

Now me, since I'm never making just plain rice, I'd need to cut the bag open.

>> No.7049444

potatoes for the win

>> No.7049477

Spain here. They started selling this this year. It's practical, but it's not our tasty tasty spanish rice

>> No.7050238

>cook rice in a pot the normal way
>mother sees it and eats some
>"wow anon this is great how did you make this not using a bag?"
>"isn't cooking it in a bag the only way to cook it?"

She's 56

>> No.7050427
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WTF is wrong with some people?

>> No.7050448

The only place I have ever seen those rice where at my grandmas house and I think they were even 2 years overdue.
Grandpa didn't want to eat rice because only niggers eat rice.

>> No.7050500

invest in a pressure cooker

>> No.7050859

Easier to clean the pot after cooking I guess?

We do have boil in bag rice here (Norway) but I utterly despise anyone who uses them on a regular basis because it's just paying a lot extra to be more of a pleb.

>> No.7050865

>really popular amongts students.

This is usually an excellent indicator that something is incredibly fucking terrible in every way.

>> No.7050890

Are people really just too retarded to buy a decent bag of rice and use the pasta method?

It's the exact same amount of effort and you're getting better quality rice that isn't cooked with fucking plastic.

>> No.7051000

retarded AND lazy. boil in a bag rice is for people like my parents, people who need food you can't fuck up. It's mostly something like "boil this amount of water, put the thing in, set a timer for so many minutes, take it out of the boiling water" food.

>> No.7051003

'murrican here, admittedly not having read the thread.

The only time I've bought, or even seen, boil in bag rice was when I spent a year in France and got sick of trying to cook rice on the electric element thing in my tiny apartment.

I honestly don't know if this exists in the States, but from my experience it's not much different than instant/microwave rice.

>> No.7051006

i normally takes the rice out too, not because i don't know how to boil them in a plastic back, i just really think it's unhealthy and i like my rice without plastic
i'm not from a country where rice bags don't exist, but they are though very very expensive compared to normal rice, so i'm very surprised that students eat that instead of saving money and boil proper rice

>> No.7051011

Rice in boil bags is very popular in germany.
It's simple and effective. Why waste money on a rice cooker when you can get your rice done this method quick and easy?

>> No.7051055

I rarely eat rice so I use those bags for maximum convenience.

>> No.7051076

My gf buys that shit all the time. I really don't get what's so hard about cooking rice without a bag. People who burns their rice shouldn't be in a kitchen in the first place.

>> No.7051092

Seems pretty lazy for an already easy dish. Honestly this reminds me of a "what does /ck/ think about frozen tv dinners?" Kinda thread.

Why people post this stuff on /ck/ I will never understand.

>> No.7051125

they're expensive as fuck in my country and wannabe "posh" students with rich parents buy them and think they're fancy lmao.

>> No.7051166

I am a student and I do indeed cook rice in the bag.
It really saves you time so you can browse more dank memes, and it doesn't clutter your kitchen like rice cooker does.

>> No.7051175
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I live in Indiana, work at a grocery store, boil in bag rice is our worst selling white/brown rice.