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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 992x558, ht_chipotle_vegan_sofritas_burrito_ll_130729_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7046087 No.7046087 [Reply] [Original]

Poor fag here,

I heard a rumor that if you call and complain about the service you received at Chipotle they will give you a free burrito no questions asked...

Does anyone know any free food tips and tricks?

>> No.7046105
File: 110 KB, 960x720, dumpster_diving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumpster diving

>> No.7046113

If you are a safeway member, you can get a free donut today.

>> No.7046120

If you kill yourself, your family will get free mourning cakes.

>> No.7046122

"Get a fucking job"

>> No.7046132

Another Obama supporter looking for handouts.

>> No.7046133

I have a job, I work 60 hours a week. fuck you.

>> No.7046147

if you complain enough towards any chain restaurant
you'll get free food

>> No.7046150

Cake in the morning?

>> No.7046154

Become a chili contest judge

>> No.7046158

Stop being a fucking nigger

>> No.7046159

If you work 60 hours a week and can't afford food, then you are doing it wrong

>> No.7046163

Best answer

>> No.7046181

Maybe if you moved out of your mothers basement and had a life you might come up a bit short too every once in a while... fag

>> No.7046183

That's a disgusting remark. They're called Sanders/Clinton supporters, DREAMers and African-Americans now.

>> No.7046193

If you go to taco bell, order a bunch of stuff in the drive thru, then add up the cost of all the items and calculate tax, then give the cashier the appropriate amount of money, they will give you all the stuff you order in the drive thru no questions asked (except what kind of hot sauce you want).

Bonus: smile and say "thank you, have a great day" to the cashier. It will make their day marginally better and they may not kill themselves that night because you were polite.

>> No.7046204

You should probably stop spending your money on drugs and alcohol

>> No.7046209

kek. typical poorfag response. Let me guess, you dicked around in school, never acquired any skills other than smoking pot and fucking beat whores, and now the only job you're suited for is being a clerk or busboy?

Fuck off, faggot. I'm not even saying you need to go to college or some shit, in many cases that's even worse. But you should have got off your ass and learned a trade, like welding or being an electrician.

Poor people are poor because it's their own fault. You get so much government assistance, and you practically get to go to college for free. you've got nobody to blame but yourself

>> No.7046229

I had some unexpected medical bills. Seriously, go live life outside your parents house, shit is harder than you think.

I went to college, I was on the deans list every semester and had academic achievement awards out the ass.

I'm just wanting some free food, you cock sucking /pol/ pieces of shit...

>> No.7046250

Halloj min ven

>> No.7046255


>> No.7046257

Who's up for a chinese buffet?

>> No.7046258

Go to Costco or supermarkets that have lots of free samples.

>> No.7046260

>mourning cakes
not a real thing

>> No.7046261

>I went to college, I was on the deans list every semester and had academic achievement awards out the ass
hahahahaha look at this fucking delusion. Lie to strangers on the internet all you want anon, but you can't lie to yourself

>> No.7046262

You're a lazy bum, looking for hand outs. Go live in the gutter where you belong.

>> No.7046275

I feel like I'm the only person who actually responds when they ask "Hi how are you?" when ordering in the drive thru.
Everyone I've been with just starts ordering.

>> No.7046286

>they will give you all the stuff you order
Bullshit! They always fuck my order and don't add sour cream. Also they always forget the napkins

>> No.7046288

you're the delusional one. It's funny cause one day mommy and daddy will be dead and you will be cast out into the cold world to fend for yourself, and since you are such a meek and cowardly fuck no woman will be willing to pickup where your shit parents left off.

You will have to microwave your own hot pockets and after a few months it will become clear that you were living a lie and without any loved ones morally responsible to take care of your candy ass you will kill your self.

Fuck you Ebenezer Scrooge. Go suck the ghost of Christmas past's dick in hell.

>> No.7046291

call your local mcdonalds and demand them to give out head offices number so you can file a complaint. they get fucking scared shitless and will offer you coupons for free food

>> No.7046296

>I went to college, I was on the deans list every semester and had academic achievement awards out the ass.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You actually thought those meant shit? Man, I was on the dean's list every semester and had all the accolades to boot. Don't mean shit. College doesn't make you somebody. You were either somebody before you enrolled and will be after, or you'll delude yourself for 4+ years and leave a complete loser.

I know because I'm a loser.

>> No.7046298

lol look at this butthurt loser. Unlike you, I learned skills in high school. I'm a mechanic and a welder, I make plenty of money. I'm not rich by any means but I can at least comfortably afford my food without having to beg for handouts.

You're a very nice projector, you should get a job at a movie theater

>> No.7046310

Half the time my double decker supreme IS NOT SUPREME

>> No.7046315

You are the butt hurt loser bitching about the thread. I don't give a single fuck about your shit mechanic career.

Go lube your ass up for your grease monkey coworkers so they can fuck you, and make sure to lie and rip off every single honest person that comes to your piece of shit muffler joint you scumbag fuck.

>> No.7046319
File: 214 KB, 325x395, 1443745672908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it coming, I can use your loser tears to lube up engine parts

>> No.7046331

The butthurt is strong with this one.

>> No.7046341

Do your mechanic co workers make you put on a little dress, call you Rosie the Riveter, and make you give them all hand jobs?

I bet you give the best blow job out of all the toothless fucks that work at MIDAS Muffler

>> No.7046361

>Making fun of someone for having a job
>Begging for food

>> No.7046371

I work 24 hours a week and live just fine. Quit being a turbokek.

>> No.7046403
File: 448 KB, 1680x1050, 15815-grass-material[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always eat grass.

>> No.7046411
File: 34 KB, 493x533, 1446158545479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. OP nuked his own thread by being a little whiny butthurt loser

OP is, as always, a fag

>> No.7046433


thread got hijacked by whiny /pol/ fags wanting to spread anti Obama shit cause their girlfriends/sisters/mothers get fucked by black men at the club every night

>> No.7046443
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 10464368_800971929943710_4796590506837167812_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you got keked my good freind

>> No.7046448

You're just proving my point, faggot. Everyone told you what you are, a loser begging for handouts. And in true loser fashion, you sperged out like a little kid and started insulting people who HAVE jobs and aren't begging for food.

You have the mentality of a 14 year old.
>hurrr anybody that tells me I'm a faggot is just a little queer who bullies people and they have tiny penises are I fucked their moms!
Protip: any job worth a damn doesn't want to hire a little petulant child

>> No.7046458

Steal. Seriously go in any Walmart, go to the Deli, stuff a half sandwich in the waist of your jeans. When I was homeless, this fed me for a good while. Never got caught because lolwalmart.

>> No.7046464

Go fuck your sister you toothless grease monkey redneck sack of shit Your job is a joke.

No one is begging for a handout. Wanting free food is normal. I don't need it or anything. I just want free shit...

Quit using this thread as a forum to talk about how you hate that a black man is in the white house and the best you can accomplish career wise is turning a wrench in some shit hole muffler shop kek

>> No.7046470

Spoken like a true leech

>> No.7046490

Well, I think you need a reasonable story. It's not hard to make them fuck up. Just order online and leave more than 2 specific requests in the additional instructions field. For example, ask for lettuce and tomatoes on the side or something. They'll probably fuck it up somehow. I don't think they're ever gotten my online orders correct because I like to get many things in containers to prevent soggy leftovers. I've never taken advantage of it because I would feel guilty, but I was very impressed the first time I called and complained.

>> No.7046513

Fuck you Archie Bunker, no one cares what you think.

>> No.7046549

Keked desu

>> No.7046577

>can afford a tablet
>has to go dumpster diving
This is why I live in a first world country.

>> No.7046857

Same with pizza joints. Tell them you got the wrong topping.

>> No.7047033

If you work one hour a week and can't afford food then you're doing it wrong. Work smart.

>> No.7047052

> he pays for his own advertising delivery device
> he doesn't get the company he's working for to pay for his shit tablet

>> No.7047059

someone confirm what is this

>> No.7047084

Holy shit OP you are a whiny little tittybaby who indirectly supports all the criticism against you by continuing to bitch and project.

Can we forget about OP's ludicrous faggotry and get back to discussing places where free food can be acquired?

Its national donut day in the USA and as >>7046113 mentioned you can get a free donut at Safeway (grocery store chain on the east coast) if you're a card member. Dunkin donuts and Krispy Kreme give out free ones too. What else do other anons have to say?

>> No.7047102

Being a mechanic is a good profession. Working on cars is a very practical and handy skill. Don't be mad because whatever crap career you picked sucks or the fact that your health is shit. You reap what you sow, boyfucker.

>> No.7047111

>get mcdonalds app
>free sanfchich
>make new account
>another free sandwich
>mix up the mcdonalds you go to to not get called out

>> No.7047174

no you cant. The hairs on the grass damages our organs and throat and we dont have the right enzymen to digest grass.

>> No.7047199

It's easy to afford a tablet as a poorfag when one good haul nets you 200 usd worth of food.

And no, the stuff they throw out isn't even expired.

>> No.7047390

Why are the /pol/tards here