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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 300x200, Credit-to-Becca-Dilley-for-the-Heavy-Table_3-300x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7044299 No.7044299 [Reply] [Original]

why is native american food not a "thing"

you'd think all these food industry hippies would be all for trying to revive a dead cuisine

>> No.7044310

Is it a cuisine? Didn't they just eat a bunch of plain staple foods and meat cooked over a fire? How do you revive that?

>> No.7044314

Hipsters will find a way. They always do.

>> No.7044317

Because native americans don't even eat native american food, they only ate it because that's all that was available to them. And it was basically just meat with very few fruits and vegetables.

Also nowadays your average "native american" is a whitewashed piece of trailer trash who couldn't cook their way outside of a paper bag.

>> No.7044320

Not a lot of the knowledge was kept I'm guessing? It's not like we didn't do a complete genocide of there culture, traditions and lively-hood or anything.

>> No.7044322

Because modern injuns are worse than white trash and niggers while the orginial injuns were savages with no culture or cuisine

>> No.7044329
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Salmon candy is pretty great, you owe it to yourself to try it if you ever get a chance. It's easy to buy up near Haida Gwaii in Canada

>> No.7044333

because acorns and missionary brains aren't in season

>> No.7044336


They will call it "organic hibachi"

>> No.7044341

Because they're not native, they came across a land bridge thousands of years ago. Calling them native is great for them though, they can suck the government for money like the parasites that they are.

>> No.7044344

It wasn't an intricate as most other cuisines in terms of tech, but there was still a lot when it came to unique techniques and flavors.

It was a cuisine of game meat, turkey, and seafood, very often smoked in some way or another, often by soaking wooden boards, pinning fish or strips of meat to it and cooking it at the edge of a bonfire. squash, beans and hominy were staple foods, but so were wild vegetation such as ramps, mushrooms, wild garlic and mustard, dandelions, nuts and seeds (such as sunflower seeds), berries, tomatoes, peppers, and more. A lot of the wild spices still exist but are no longer commonly cooked with in the US, such as rosehips an sumac. Maple sugar was a primary sweetener.

The problem is, a lot of these foods have been forgotten and replaced with garbage like frybread, which wasn't a native dish at all until they were all banished to reservations and forced to life on donated flour and corn oil

>> No.7044346

... so decadent ...

>> No.7044348


wow, seriously, fuck off to /pol/ you are literally worse than maggoty garbage. How fucking dare you attempt to reproduce

>> No.7044349

Calling people native that aren't native is shows your inability to separate politics from facts.

>> No.7044351

So you're saying that I'm wrong?
They're not native.

>> No.7044355

If you've been living on a continent for the past 7000+ years you may as well be native. Fuck off!

>> No.7044356

go back to your reservation

>> No.7044360 [DELETED] 

Doesn't work that way, might as well call your stupid ass african-american too since according to science we all originated in niggerland afreeka.

>> No.7044365

If you faggots want to use that stupid term to suck money from the government then you sure as shit should be accurate about it.

>> No.7044368

head to a place like new mexico that still has a bunch of tribes. in that particular instance, it's basically a bastardization of tex-mex.

also you could probably do that pretty easily. eat a fair amount of squash and other gourds, chestnuts, acorns, fish, poultry, small game (or bison if you're going for the plains indjins) and potatoes.

>> No.7044371

You generally need an infrastructure in order to form a cuisine. That said, there are things like mate from south america and you can just google up the whole wiki page dedicated to north american native cuisine.

Apparently Succotash, chili and cornbread originated in native north america.

As far as why don't they have a modern restaurant cuisine, you could easily attribute that to the fact that they're an impossibly small minority and have reservations in which to hide from the white man. Even if they did make NA cuisine it would be comprised entirely of 1/2 gag food and 1/2 food we assume to be whitebread american food already.

>> No.7044372

go back to /pol/ samefag. Stay in your fucking hole with the rest of the garbage

>> No.7044373

Because they were like extremely simple stone age foods that never had the chance to develop from trade and new ingredients from Yurope and were mostly just squash, beans, and corn and wild game like buffalo and rabbit which are harder to come by these days. They didn't have as many spices or salt or anything because the tribes were constantly at war with each other and didn't have enough periods of peace to establish trade routes so everything was extremely simple and boring. Nowawdays modern native american cuisine involves ripping off more successful cuisines that managed to take advantage of the ingredients from Yurope like cajun, mexican/hispanic, southern bbq/tex-mex, and spanish cuisines. If anything you can think of modern American food and fry bread as being the end result of Native American cuisine today because they never really had a time to play around with the new ingredients and spices isolated on their own.

>> No.7044376

You can get this anywhere in the PNW

>> No.7044378

Looks like I touched a chord there with you, can't deal with reality can you? You faggots that play PC games can dish it out but can't take it.

>> No.7044380
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don't you have some liquor to drink or some crimes to commit?

>> No.7044384

is the listerine wearing off? btw kek about not wanting us to reproduce. wouldn't want us going extinct like the mohicans, would you?

>> No.7044386

Are you a hillary clinton supporter?
You come across as stupid enough for it.

>> No.7044394

That's a little like asking why native African food isn't a thing.

And yeah, Ethiopia was a pretty large trading hub in the past.

>> No.7044395

Most of the produce used to make native american cuisine died out and weren't even that popular due to the amount of effort needed to farm them like preparing acorn meal vs wheat/rice/corn meals or were farmed into something superior today like corn vs maize.

>> No.7044404

So you're really stupid enough to keep calling it native when it's not? You know the people that were here in the Americas came over a land bridge thousands of years ago from what's now known as siberia to what's now known as alaska. That does not make them native you stupid fucking hoar.

>> No.7044415

Cause America stole everything worth stealing from them today and made it 'American' cuisine like cedar planked salmon and succatash. Only thing they have adopted fully is fry bread made from white devil ingredients (white wheat flour and oil/lard) which normal people didn't usually make because they had more options and food than them and that was their literal only option as they went on the trail of tears. Nowadays native american cuisine is just calling gumbo native american cause you used some hipster ingredient like sassafras leaves when it was really just gumbo file or making shit out of acorns.

>> No.7044417


what the fuck is even going on

>> No.7044418

Shut up cunt, we didn't steal anything.
Maybe you should shut up and learn another language since apparently English was stolen too and you wouldn't want to soil yourself on an American message board you hypocrite cunt.

>> No.7044422
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>> No.7044427
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>> No.7044428

Hypocrite douchebag detected

>> No.7044431

Because one of the main ways that natives ate was to hunt and kill animals.

Good luck getting hippies to do that.


>captcha asks for food
>put in grass
>it is accepted.

Good job, japanese moot.

>> No.7044432

yo yo yo that be some elegant shit

>> No.7044434

Instead of being a cheap scumbucket you could just pay $10 and be done with it for a year.

>> No.7044446

This is hilarious, keep going you worthless drunkard. How much hand sanitizer cut with mountain dew do you have left to drink?

>> No.7044449

because unsalted acorn cakes and unseasoned forest critters isn't really the kind of culinary inspiration people are looking for.

If you want, though, you could include traditional Mayan foods, which have a lot of flavor and variety.

>> No.7044478

I don't even get your argument. Sure, you might say native Americans aren't native because they didn't originate there. That also means everyone living in Europe, Asia, Australia and most parts of Africa also aren't native. Which, sure, you can define native that way. But why?

>> No.7044488

Not even the same anon, man. I just want to know how much hand sanitizer cut with mountain dew you have left. I know this might be hard for you to understand, but no one gives a shit about the natives. All they are nowadays are drunken rapists and woman beaters. Come to think of it, not that different from before, either. I will concede firewater didn't help the minds of the native though. I'm running out of my own firewater, Smallarrow Acorns lost, so how much hooch do you have left?

>> No.7044501

Truly gods own work
God Bless America

>> No.7044512

Now you're getting it, they're not native.

>> No.7044516

Why? I already told you why.

>> No.7044526

God truly loves morons otherwise he woudln't have made so many of them.

>> No.7044529

Welcome to Le Chet, today may I reccomend our Native American special?

>starter:shredded lottery ticket salad with a nice spit chewing tobacco dressing
>main: heroin and corn soufle garnished with white guilt
>desert:your sisterdaughter's 2 week old coathanger aborted fetus
And I recommend a nice listerine wine pairing for it all.

>> No.7044533

Add a bit of crocodil and a 40 and good times ensue, but blame it on the white people.

>> No.7044536
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>> No.7044549

>the only way to get anyone to care about natives is making a caricature out of them, in braided fucking pigtails.
jesus christ natives are the least missed.

>> No.7044551


A layer of chocolate, peanut, nugget, more chocolate, and salmon.

>> No.7044873


its true. the number one problem facing native americans is their loss of culture

the problem is they are losing that culture because its shit and their kids dont want to follow it because its retarded.

do you want the surname "builds-the-fire"?


didnt think so

there is a reason why alcoholism is more attractive than living on a reservation

>> No.7044880


Lol we traded those niggers a few beans for large quantities of land.

Native Americans didn't even know how to boil water to sanitize it, really.

They literally had nothing to offer.

>> No.7044885

>foods and meat cooked over a fire


>> No.7044905

Why bother? Remember what happened to the Spanish food thread, some butthurt /pol/ got triggered and started shrieking about how you're attacking white people

>> No.7044908

I am a full blooded Cherokee and I gotta admit that nothing is more gay than trying to respect my culture and convince my kids that all this Native shit is cool and fun. Gimme a handle of scotch and a burger.

>> No.7044915
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Indians (native shitpeople) can't handle liquor, you lack the genetics.

Grew up in Arizona, this drunk Indian would pass out near the playground. We stuffed cigarette butts in his nose and took turns pissing on him.

Good times.

>> No.7044929

Bullcrap. When I used to be a Native American I was drinking a shit ton everyday and handling it way better than all the white women I was titty fucking every night

>> No.7044943


>doesn't know we raped your women to shit
>tfw you realize you're not 100% Indian

We did the same to niggers, we fuck our inferiors because we can.

>you fucked a few ugly white bitches

Congratulations. I've fucked girls black, white, brown and yellow. White guys have been getting it since pre BC.

Anyway if you tested your genetics or weren't inferior brained you are not 100% Indian.

My great grandpa raped your great grandma, and you're the shitty outcome.

>> No.7044950

Two reasons.

One, it is. Navajo flatbreads are a thing in the desert SW. They're basically naan.

Two, I actually tried an authentic mutton stew on the res once. It was one of the worst things I've ever paid money for. Imagine the toughest, gamiest shit you can think of, boil it for a few hours, then add a couple turnips, onion and not nearly enough salt.

>> No.7044952

>Their lands were stolen
Implying that no native american tribe ever forced anyone else off their property. Survival of the fittest is/was a thing and the tribes lost. I have respect for their culture but bitching about how america was stolen from them is complete non-sense

>> No.7044953

I'm 110% Indian you white bread mayo sandwich. My great-grandpa was raping and sodomizing all of your women and there was nothing you could do about it. The only reason we lost all our land is because we were too busy giving the stick to your great grandmas. Ain't hard to compare to tiny white boy mongrel cock.

>> No.7044959


Well... You tried, poorly.

They should make you people take an American History class.

>> No.7044969

You're the one who needs to learn what really happened between the white man and my people. Your knowledge of Indian culture and history begins and ends with that commercial of the dude crying when some cracker litters

>> No.7044972


Americans don't have history or culture. It's just a degenerated version of European culture. The only hope you people had of retaining any unique culture that could have contributed anything of note to the world died with the natives. Congrats.

>> No.7044985

not him but yeah seriously we have no culture, that's why most of the world desperately tries to imitate us. Shit half of britian wishes they were like our fucking niggers.

>> No.7044991

> not knowing that the European accent is actually an american accent and Americans Europeans changed how they speak after losing an un loss able war.

>> No.7044992


Yeah, most of the world is extremely desperate to imitate a nation of obese, undereducated ignoramuses that would rather spend more money on defense to bomb poor desert dwellers than healthcare.

Shame it isn't working out all that well for us.

>> No.7045007

They literally are..literally. If your kids are fortunate enough to have a device to listen to music then I dare you to go and see what's on it. Let me tell you, it's either American or someone from your shithole country pretending to be a nigger.

>> No.7045021
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>> No.7045112

What a wonderful thread.

>> No.7045502

didn't you extinct their main source of meat? Pretty sure that would kill of any cultures cuisine.

>> No.7045511

>wow, seriously, fuck off to /pol/ you are literally worse than maggoty garbage. How fucking dare you attempt to reproduce
Why is it that "progressives" and those conforming to these idiotic tropes repeat the same social darwinist and eugenic ideas but in reverse?

>dare to reproduce

>> No.7045548

why are you so well versed on the subject?

>> No.7045584

>every native American lived in the American plains
You're a retard.

>> No.7045621
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You have no idea what you're talking about.

There were trade routes from Maine to Mexico, the spread of such "staple crops" was due solely to this trade route.

Humans collect around water-- water means salt, fish, and the ability to trade along the water's edge. Land routes were entirely possible given no natural obstacles (mountain ranges, namely).

By the time our Puritan ancestors got here with their families, up to 70% of the indigenous population had already died. The first few meetings were fatal-- the TRADE ROUTES carried disease much farther than where the European boats landed.

They all had regional differences in cooking and what wild vegetation could be incorporated into daily life. There's onions that grow wild everywhere near Tennessee, there's a weed here in Florida and Georgia that tastes like pepper. There may have been a few places that kept it spartan with their food, but there is no reason to assume there was overt "simplicity".

>> No.7045643

where to buy rosehips and sumac?

>> No.7045650

Reservations and Missions were pretty effective at wiping a lot of Native American food culture out. I only know of a few dishes and themes off the top of my head that survived those circumstances, though I am sure there is a lot I am ignorant of. It's not completely dead, but sorting through the histories and deciding what is traditional and what is a result of various other influences can be daunting. Succotash, which would be a variant on the three sisters theme is around here and there, but it is often more of an inspired thing than a traditional thing. Traditional soup, stew, porridge, and dumpling sorts of preparations like Tanshpashofa lead directly into contemporary Mexican and some southern traditional foods, like tamales, grits, and pozole. Along the same lines, a lot of Mexican and SW dishes share similar elements of more traditional Native American flavor profiles and techniques if you are not referring strictly to Native American cultures originating in the U.S.

>> No.7045684

What is Thanksgiving?

>> No.7045693

I had food on a reservation once. It was the blandest thing I have ever eaten. They didn't really have access to a lot of spices and salt.

Generally you need civilization to really develop food beyond "sustenance".

The Smithsonian's Injun museum has some pretty great food, though. It's def faux-redskin, but it's good. Can't go wrong with frybread and braised buffalo.

>> No.7045704

Nihon-moot is dat you? I knew you were a greedy cockgobbler

>> No.7045708

Native Americans used a lot of native herbal plants in both normal consumption and in medicinal applications. I don't mean to imply that it would fit right along modern restaurant food, but it was far from devoid of flavor. Quite a few of these plants were completely or nearly wiped out due to over harvesting and many that still grow wild are now protected.

>> No.7045717

Because anyone who has spent time around Natives gets disgusted by their terrible hygiene, stupidity, ignorance and laziness.

>> No.7045730
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>> No.7045736

>why is native american food not a "thing"

First, because most of the meats they ate aren't farmed, butchered, and processed for mass consumption today.

Second, because they never developed metal cooking utensils that would allow them to use and develop the cooking techniques found in Europe and the far east.

>> No.7045739

Actually, Native American preservation techniques were incredibly complicated. And in primitive, pre-refrigeration cultures, half of cooking is just preservation anyway.

Anyway, we don't eat Native American food for the same reason why don't eat Colonial American food. No one knows how to do it anymore, and while it probably wasn't devoid of flavor, the focus was more survival than culinary art. A talented chef might take a dish and get creative with it, but you'll never see the real thing on your plate.

>> No.7045765

$10 for a year of not dealing with stupid capchas is OK by me. Stop whining like a bitch and man up, if $10 is gonna break you then you have some serious problems.

>> No.7045766

Try actually looking for it. I've had it in a few places in Alberta and it was ok. The buffalo was really good (but I'm just a big fan of buffalo overall) and so was the deer (had it five or six different ways). The vegetables from native cooking is pretty terrible though. The meat is some of my favorite from any cuisine. If you like dried or smokey meats you will love it. It's not popular because it's not very good. The only thing that is good enough to go is the dried meats.

>> No.7045771

The funny thing about this thread is that people keep saying "native american" first off, not native, second as if all the different tribes were one. Some of them were seriously violent fuckers going around scalping each other and shit way before they could blame the "evil europeans" for their problems. Those great "natives" gave us the gift of syphilis as a thank you for civilizing them.

>> No.7045778

Because the food varies WILDLY by tribe. Great plains natives ate a ton of dried meats (like jerkies). Coastal tribes ate a lot more seafood and smoked their meat (but not quite like jerky of the plains). Southern tribes resemble more traditional mexican cuisine (when I say traditional I mean old-school like aztec level food). It varies wildly and the spices and techniques change a lot.

Also generally they are pretty bad for a dining experience due to their nature. Some of it is great travel food though.

>> No.7045786

Native American cuisine? The relevant elements have worked their way into the foods of the Americas. That's as far as it's going to go, because most food people love requires salt, and Native Americans didn't use it.

>> No.7045796

>Get a load of this guy
>He doesn't dump tons of food on his salt

>> No.7046050

Don't they just drink soda from birth?

I have no respect for them

Yeah the museum is pretty good, but according to a few indian classmates of mine they said it was the equivalent of tex-mex

>> No.7046070
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>mfw I just realized traditional american food is native american food
>mfw americans have no culture

>> No.7046086


>yfw you used an American face to denigrate American culture.

I'm confused.

>> No.7046300

>traditional american food is native american food
That's like saying traditional French food is African food.

>> No.7046323

but it is
theres a fucking west african place ran by immigrants in my podunk shit town

>> No.7046336

i tried getting into native american food a while ago. it's fairly simple but a lot of native american recipes from today are what they cook with on reservations, with rations.

it's easier just to look up a list of foods that native americans ate, and try things you haven't used before.

>> No.7046391

>disagree with objective fact
>"go back to pol"
Typical lefty cook.

>> No.7046479

>objective fact

>> No.7046568

Saying that Indians weren't/aren't native to America isn't /pol/ its just retarded.

>> No.7046680

They didn't believe in land ownership. Notice how the North American tribes got fucked over worse than anyone but they don't constantly bitch and moan about reparations n oppression n sheeeit. They don't give a fuck. They accepted their fate at the hands of a superior group. And besides, they started it by killing European explorers and settlers.

>> No.7046683

>They don't give a fuck
>They accepted their fate
These are two very different things, anon
>they started it by killing European explorers and settlers.
History is written by the victors, anon.

>> No.7046990


>> No.7047012

Why the fuck would colonists who could barely keep themselves from starving go out of their way to make war with the natives who vastly outnumbered them?

There was sporadic fighting when we first got here, obviously. Then everyone calmed down. But then the fucking timber niggers decided they would rather kill women and children and burn houses than be peaceful

People who say indians were peaceful are fucking retarded. They didn't invent scalping and war dances when the Europeans got here, you know. They killed each other all the time. I feel no remorse for my ancestors conquering shit skins playing in the dirt who hadn't even mastered the wheel

>> No.7047041

>do you want the surname "builds-the-fire"?

I absolutely want that surname.

>> No.7047061

Does popcorn count as native american or do the words "native american" just refer to the nomadic north american tribes that never progressed passed caveman technology and culture?

>> No.7047064

Some of us know things outside of Wikipedia. I'm not that poster, but I've done some research into Native American foods.

>> No.7047069

"The Indians" wasn't the name of a nation-state.

Some groups had a beef with the settlers, and some didn't. There were misunderstandings on both sides, and when you have much better weapons than the other guy, there's not much incentive to go through all the trouble of talking things through when you can just assume the worst and shoot everyone. Especially considering that in the bloodiest parts of the fight, the guys doing the negotiation were professional soldiers, not professional diplomats.

I myself benefited from the bloodshed, because a different kind of europeans settled in the area where my people ended up. A lot of horrors happened, the first wave of european newcomers fled, and my ancestors showed up and either because they were oblivious or because they didn't give a fuck, they settled there and made it their new home.

Why can't you discuss facts without involving your emotions and your struggle with your own white guilt? This conflict was already settled by the time your great grandparents were born.

There are people alive today who personally fought in wars who can discuss those same wars with a cleaner head than you have right now, talking about things that took place in the 1600s through the 1800s. Get a hold of yourself, anon. History must seem like a very boring subject to you, if everything is so clear cut as you make it out to be.

>> No.7047116 [DELETED] 

fixed that for ya, it's

>> No.7047140

then by all means contribute some of your knowledge

>> No.7047154

What the actual fuck is wrong with this thread?

>> No.7047161

I have. None have responded and most seem more interested in shitposting /pol/ style. Not that It bothers me, that's /ck/ for you.

>> No.7047165
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so we don't have janitors here anymore, then?

>> No.7047240

Neckbeards used it as a way of coming to grips with their white guilt guilt.
No better way to show you don't hate yourself than by whining about brown people.

>> No.7047768
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>Native Americans aren't native to America because they came from Asia.
>mfw everyone in this thread is African

By the way, this thread is fucking ruined. Shows how "smart" and "social" the people on this site are.

>> No.7047772


I'm in the Kawarthas, anywhere up here to buy it?

captcha is kayaks

>> No.7047798

>implying I'm not descended from the Olmecs

>> No.7047805

not much native americans in the dining industry

>> No.7047810

>there's not much incentive to go through all the trouble of talking things through when you can just assume the worst and shoot everyone.

Words to live by

>> No.7047827

mastodon ribs cooked over a chestnut fire.

>> No.7047829

you're lower than low, fucking ugly drunk

>> No.7047835

>what is potato

>> No.7047844

really dumb troll m8

>> No.7047846


hey I used to live in peterborough

what's it like around there