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7043628 No.7043628 [Reply] [Original]

>sprout some Carolina Reaper plants back in May
>slowly cultivate and take care of them
>only 2 plants make it and grow
>get a few peppers off them
>dehydrate a few and crush them up
>this is what it was born to do
>feel proud of a fucking plant

Chili general doe I guess

I just wanted to share, it's still simmering. It probably won't be ready to burn my ass for a little bit.

>> No.7043647

I stopped cooking with items that requires me having a chemistry suit on. But godspeed OP.

>> No.7043664

>wanting to literally pepper spray your taste buds and cause physical pain
Pepperfags confirmed for sado-mashochists.

I enjoy something with a nice heat like anyone else. But the highest I will go is Habaneros and Thai chilies. Anything about that is just being a retard for the sake of attention
no, no you're not

>> No.7043681
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I was thinking about this honesty

I also cut up a fresh one to add to it and wore gloves and goggles while doing it


I'm going to ingest it....

I've gotten ghost pepper on my face before though, it's not as fun

>> No.7043687

And oh... I've actually been sprayed with pepper spray that had close to 1 million scoville units.... (I worked at a prison for a spell)

I still remember that pain and it haunts me.

>I'm a giant bitch

>> No.7043826
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>> No.7043873

I grew some carolina reapers. I had a good turnout.

They are hot as fuck. I used about 1/4 of one chopped up into little slivers to spice up some clam chowder. It was very interesting.

Later this week I am going to dehydrate them and make a dust or pepper flakes.

I ordered some airlocks last week and I am fermenting a good amount of my habaneros in a salt, garlic, and onion brine. This is my first attempt at fermenting but hopefully it comes out good because the habaneros I grew this year were 10/10 on the delicious pepper scale.

>> No.7043887
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>being sprayed right in the face with a fogger

I was always scared a fight would break out in my house and the yard sergeant would come barreling in and accidentally spray me with his fogger

I was in the Army too. I'd rather take a nap in the gas chamber than ever get sprayed again.

>> No.7043897

I did just try some of my chili. Oh my fuck it's pretty damn hot since I added the fresh pepper.

>tfw I'm a vegetarian doe and went eat much of this batch....
>made it mostly for my dad and didn't want to deprive him of meat

Fucking good though

>> No.7043946

Unless your dad is extreme he may not like that level of heat.

My dad who is 79 picked one of my carolina reapers and took a bite out if it with his dinner. He started panting and shaking his head and making statements of disapproval. Even though he eats a lot of hot peppers himself he was panting like a dog and I don't think he understood what was going on because he had never ingested something so spicy in his entire life. He said a lot of dumb things like, "people should never make a pepper this hot."

>> No.7043952

homegrowan is the fucking best. Garden grown green onions are so damn good.

>> No.7043984
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>eating one straight

Oh god... I think he'll be fine though. It was actually his idea to grow the peppers to begin with, we grew ghost peppers last year and made ghost chili and he ate all of that, so I think he'll really like this.

Chili definetly lessens the extreme hotness. It still feels like you're putting fire in your mouth though. But it's not like when we made ghost pepper jerky and I almost died after one bite. To concentrated.

We mainly wanted to see how much better they tasted too. When I dehydrated them I left them it in my patio with the door cracked and left to go grocer shopping. When I came home it smelled like delicious Mexican food in my house. Compared to when I dehydrated ghost though.... that smelled like butt and musk

>> No.7045488

The son of a neighbor went through that gas chamber shit during his army training and told me about it, that's fucked up. Videos too. He's a cool dude.

>> No.7045658

i got brainstorm pepper juice on my hands and went to the bathroom

it lasted about twenty or twenty five minutes

never experienced something like that in my life

thought i was going to go infertile

>> No.7045665

>cop at :30 who sprays himself

>> No.7045747

>all the people with cameras getting as close as possible
goddamn fuck outside
tfw born just in time to browse dank memes

>> No.7046002

>this is why I was wearing goggles and gloves while handling it, took my gloves off the fancy medical way and washed by hands afterward too

I do like eating it but God I don't like it accidentally on any other part of my body.

>cut jalapeños once
>jerked off 30 min later
>Aw man

>> No.7046863

If you can't take cs gas/pepper spray mix you're a pussy.

When I was in prison we fucked with the guards to get pepper sprayed and tazed for lulz, once you get used to it that shit doesn't do anything.

>> No.7046952

Just be glad you didn't finger your GF after cutting one of those up. I fingered a GF after chopping up some chocolate habaneros and only washed my hands once instead of three times as I usually do. She screetched and I didn't hear the end of it until a couple months later.

Point being, make sure to wash your hands and fingers and your fingernails inside and out multiplle times after chopping any really hot peppers.

>> No.7046956

don't fuck with contact lenses either after chopping up hot peppers.