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File: 2.06 MB, 3000x2000, Taco_Bell_Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7043308 No.7043308 [Reply] [Original]

Where did this "taco bell gives you the shits" meme come from?
I've eaten there several times and never had any problems. And I don't even eat fast food that much so its probably more likely to fuck my stomach up than people who eat FF on a regular basis
Maybe the people who say this should stop order XL nacho belle grande crunchwrap burrito supreme taco double decker chalupa shit

>> No.7043317

Curious about this as well.

Also wondering about the origin of spicy food "giving people the shits"

>> No.7043326

Seriously, I have eaten a lot of Taco Bell in my life, and I've never once had a bad digestive experience.

>> No.7043352

I ate Taco Bell once in my entire life. It was pretty good, but I shit my pants on the ride home. The stomach cramps preceding the shit explosion were so bad I almost drove off the road.

I had a nearly identical experience with Indian food. So I just don't fuck with the Bell or spicy food anymore.

I bet it's genetic, like lactose tolerance.

>> No.7043369
File: 62 KB, 500x300, popeyes-wicked-chicken[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the worst.

Taco Bell gives me heartburn, but I still eat it pretty regularly.

>> No.7043375

>on the ride home
>blatant misunderstanding of the digestive system

It wasn't from the Taco Bell then you fucking idiot.

>> No.7043379

Taco Bell has had such a horrible wrap since the E.coli issue in what, 2007?

Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't properly cook or maintain their meats

>> No.7043380

>Also wondering about the origin of spicy food "giving people the shits"

Do you eat spicy food? My shit turns liquid if I eat a bunch of habaneros or a bhut jolokia.

Not from stuff like cayenne or jalapenos though.

>> No.7043385

Of course.

Never gives me any problems.

>> No.7043392

sounds lie you have a slight case of IBS

>> No.7043410

Dude I nearly had a JFK bad day on a plane because of Popeyes

It's still fucking good

>> No.7043425

yeah i still eat it all the time, just the poops are water

>> No.7043464
File: 837 KB, 384x269, 1408804529812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok dude

ur the smart one here

>> No.7043484

Seriously, also where did the in general "Mexican food gives you the shits." come from, because if it does you have a weak stomach.

>> No.7043493

I don't know never had any problems I remember with taco bell giving me diarrhea.

>> No.7043501

i mean it has beans and grease, those make things go.

>> No.7043527

All the meat comes to the stores pre-cooked, they re-heat it in a hot water bath.

>> No.7043528

Probably the Jews.

They're known for their notoriously weak immune and digestive systems.

>> No.7043639

A food that disrupts the GI system while only in the stomach can trigger a series of signals to try to clear the system immediately. Obviously it takes many hours for something to be fully digested and shit out, but eating something disrupting can cause diarrhea very quickly of whatever else is in the large intestine. Fucking idiot

>> No.7043642

I've never gotten the shits from it either.

I got it from Chili's, I almost shit my pants on the car ride home.

>> No.7043786

Thank you.

I dont know how often I see idiots spouting off about how the food takes a day to digest and it cant give you diarrhea and its "fron bing drinkin all weeken, not ur meal you ate 10 minutes before you shat your pants in the most undignified manner possible"

>> No.7043795


I've had really hot stuff wake me up at 2 am and I have lava squirts

>> No.7043797

Probably like allergies. They're just inferior human beings.

>> No.7043812


I never got the concept of food giving you the shits.

The only time it happened was at my college dining hall, I ate a chilli cheese dog. I really had to shit right after.

>> No.7043860

alcohol inflames the GI system as well, so that would probably also have an effect on foods making you shit right away. But glad you got my point

>> No.7043868
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Source faggot

>> No.7043889

At most, it'll probably give you gas, but I've never had "the shits" unless I've been eating large quantities of hot sauce or spicy food.

>> No.7043902

google the gastrocolic reflex, it's basically an increase in the urge to shit in response to your stomach stretching from a meal, and it is further increased from a meal that upsets the stomach, usually from either something spicy, or with a lot of bacteria

>> No.7043903

I can eat taco bell, white castle, wendys, checkers with no problem. Popeyes has fucked me up, but if I eat a Whopper from BK the entire contents of my intestines comes flying out 35 minutes later. I eat FF 1-2 times a month, so maybe my tolerance is low.

>> No.7043927

No idea, I can eat an ungodly amount of Taco Bell in one sitting with no problems.

For some reason, Haagen Dazs ice cream from their shops fucks my stomach up beyond all reason, but not their ice cream you can buy at the supermarket.

>> No.7044130

Its one of those stupid social commentary memes, no different than "OMG IKEA IS HARD TO PUT TOGETHER"

>> No.7044142
File: 25 KB, 637x607, 1384739285746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did this "everything is a meme" meme come from anyway?

>> No.7044143

Binge drinking early 20s somethings blaming the food instead of their drinking habits catching up with them. See also: every yelp review where the person got sick right after!

>> No.7044441

I'm guessing this has to do with people never drinking enough water and not being acclimated to spicy foods. Spicy & salty food is probably contributing to the dehydration, making diarrhea more likely.

>> No.7044527

I don't know if you're trolling but this is actually true

>> No.7044534


>A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture".[2]

>> No.7044540

When people didn't want to come up with actual thoughts of way something was bad and be open to counter criticism. So you just call something meme to discount it and you don't need to come under fire for your opinions no matter how ill informed they are.

>> No.7044772

If anything, it should now be a Chipotle meme

>> No.7044780

It could be what was with the hot stuff.

Do you not get watery eyes and runny nose when eating hot food? Maybe it's the same for your stomach.

>> No.7044816

I can eat any other greasy fast food place, or any other Mexican food (authentic or otherwise) and feel just fine.
If I have anything from Taco Bell then I'm guaranteed to spend the night making trips to the shitter.

>> No.7044852

Going there tomorrow for bean burrito and their free AM Chrunchwrap, I'll see how it turns out

>> No.7044895

It could be. I had a catastrophic bowel purging one time from some jambalaya in New Orleans. I don't think it was food poisoning because my brother also ate it and he was fine.. I dunno, maybe I was allergic, or something, but I had the worst god damn cramps in my life, just like 30 minutes after eating it. Ran into a random bar and rushed to the toilet and nearly called an ambulance shitting my God damn bowels out. I had cold sweats and shivers it was so bad. The jambalaya passed through me in 30 fucking minutes flat. I know because there were bits of undigested rice, and the whole shit looked like puked up jambalaya.

>> No.7044898

Sounds like a gluten allergy matey.

>> No.7045149

>Also wondering about the origin of spicy food "giving people the shits"

Hello, do you literally ever eat spicy food?

>> No.7045381


Popeyes never gave me the shits. Maybe cause I only ever get the tendies.

>> No.7046691

Not likely. I can eat bread til I burst without issue. This was a one-time thing. I've even had Jambalaya other times. No idea what it was.

>> No.7046773

It probably was food poisoning. Not everyone reacts the same way to food that's gone bad.

>> No.7046828

Not him, but I've always eaten spicy food and my bowel movements aren't bad at all...unless I've had too much beer/wine the day before, then they're muddy and clingy.

>> No.7046843

Literally always.

Never makes me shit or make my stomach rumble/upset, and only rarely gives me a ring of fire.

>> No.7046878

weak white stomachs seems to me.
I eat spicy foods and greasy foods all my life and haven't got the insta shits ever in my 26 years on this God foresaken hell hole.

>> No.7046940

European/Whites can't do spicy food

>> No.7046947

what s the best restaurant in romania?

>> No.7046953

No white person in Louisiana seems to have this problem.

>> No.7046961

really? try wassabi from romania

>> No.7046993

My theory is that it just sounded funny, and the food looks more poop-like than most other foods, and so it caught on as a funny meme, before "meme" caught on as a funny meme.

Beans cause gassiness for some people, and spiciness can cause intestinal inflammation and poor digestion to a small portion of people, so it's possible it causes diarrhea more than most foods, but if that's true to even a limited extent, the lore is still greatly exaggerated.

>> No.7046997

I've been late to work on multiple occasions because I've been doing the taco bell squirts

>> No.7046999
File: 61 KB, 610x484, 1441510298044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't aware Taco Bell made these.

>> No.7047004
File: 67 KB, 570x366, 1441509976303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and these too.

>> No.7048014

I wonder about the regular diets of the people who have problems with fast food. Once, for about five months I was eating as healthy as I knew how; all lean meats, fish, veggies, nuts, etc. with no dairy or bread products. Then one day someone brought KFC to my house, and just two original recipe breasts had me running to the bathroom with vile, greasy, aching shits for the rest of the day. I speculate it's like ingesting poison once you've detoxed from everyday exposure, but if you eat that kind of garbage frequently you don't feel a thing.

I'm snow white and I love hot food. The best "study" about spicy food I saw said that those with masochistic tendencies prefer the hotter foods.

>> No.7048033


theyre not overly disgustingly sweet like the dye make it seem
I would peg a Tootsie-roll as sweeter.

>> No.7048040

mexican here

I get the shits from spicy food all the time, taco bell not at all but it tends to happen when i go to chipotle or eating pho with sri racha

as a mexican it used to be not a big deal but my family just HAD to have gallbladder stones run in the family. Now my ass feels like a levy every time 20 minutes after eating anything spicy or fatty

>> No.7048051

and rice/sushi nuke the shit out of my bowels too, go figure

>> No.7048059

taco bell's food is a lot of flour and meat, there's no fiber to promote the shits. eating a lot of taco bell will make you constipated, just like any fast food.

>> No.7048109
File: 894 KB, 244x250, 1391751292168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the niggers working in this joint gave me food poisoning. i shat myself silly the next day and felt like throwing up. my friend was fine tho.

>> No.7048146


>> No.7048203


>> No.7048224

pls src

>> No.7048232

I've never ever had taco bell. I guess that the meme comes from the following :

stoned people eat a lot of food
Taco Bell's food contains a lot of legumes
Is also loaded with sauces and shit
is pretty low quality stuff

>> No.7048410

I figured it was like dogs for a lot of people. Such as you really shouldn't suddenly switch your dog's diet, or the chances of them having digestive issues(aka volcano shitting everywhere) is very high.

A sudden increase of greasy/spicy foods(or too much) could easily case a disturbance in your weak tummies.